We hear the same thing every four years. This is the most important election of our lifetime. The call to action is usually accompanied by a recounting of the dire consequences of the vote going the wrong way.

We’re not sure if this is the most important election of this or any other lifetime, but in terms of your gun rights, the choice couldn’t be any more clear. While the current occupant of the oval office hasn’t been everything gun owners had wanted or hoped for, his opponent says that if he’s elected, he will . . .

  • Ban the manufacture of “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines
  • Mandate NFA registration of all currently owned “assault weapons”
  • Hold a national “buyback” of “assault weapons” for those who don’t want to register their ARs and AKs
  • A national one gun a month purchase limit
  • National universal background checks
  • Reinstate the Obama gun ban for Social Security recipients who seek mental health treatment
  • Ban gun sales to anyone convicted of a “hate crime”
  • Increase the time period the FBI has to make a determination on a NICS check from 3 to 10 days
  • End all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts
  • A national confiscation program for those who become prohibited persons
  • Incentivize all states to enact “red flag” laws by doling out federal funds
  • Incentivize all states to require that individuals obtain a permit to own firearms before being able to purchase one
  • Prohibit anyone under a temporary restraining order or convicted of assault, battery, or stalking from purchasing or possessing firearms, misdemeanor or felon
  • “Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns”
  • Enact a national safe storage law
  • Enact a national stolen gun reporting requirement law
  • Ban “ghost guns” by requiring that “purchasers of gun kits or 3D printing code pass a federal background check”
  • Ban the use of federal dollars used to train teachers to carry in the classroom

Again, in terms of Second Amendment freedoms, the choice couldn’t be clearer. Which is why the National Shooting Sports Foundation runs their #GUNVOTE campaign to educate and register pro-gun rights voters. And Smith & Wesson has just kicked in half a million dollars for the election stretch run.

Polling Place Vote Here gunvote

Here’s the NSSF’s press release announcing the contribution:

NSSF, the trade association for the firearm industry, is pleased to announce that firearm manufacturer Smith & Wesson contributed $500,000 to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE voter registration and education campaign. This is the largest donation the #GUNVOTE campaign has received to date.

“This election cycle marks a crossroads in the future of the firearms industry and of our very freedom to bear arms,” said Mark Smith, President and CEO of Smith & Wesson. “We must ensure the Second Amendment is protected at every level. It is critical that hunters, recreational target shooters, and all those seeking to exercise their constitutional right to protect themselves and their families be educated and vote in November. We’re extremely proud to make this contribution to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE campaign and for what it represents in educating voters how their choices at the polls will impact the future of all Americans’ free exercise of their constitutional rights.”

“The firearm industry is fortunate to have numerous partners who are dedicated to the growth and success of the whole and Smith & Wesson is right at the top,” stated Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “With this generous contribution to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE campaign, Smith & Wesson is going above and beyond to assist NSSF in educating and activating voters ahead of November’s election. Smith & Wesson’s substantial contribution is vital now more than ever and is to be commended.”

Election Day is less than 70 days away and millions of voters will head to the polls on November 3rd. Nearly 5 million of those are first-time gun buyers. Current events across the United States demonstrate why the Founding Fathers 230 years ago had the foresight to recognize why the right to keep and bear arms would still be vital today.

#GUNVOTE is a campaign by the NSSF to encourage America’s gun owners to register to vote, to become educated on where the candidates stand on the Second Amendment and, on election day not to risk their rights and #GUNVOTE. The campaign’s website provides links to help voters register and find their polling place. NSSF strongly encourages all industry members to download the #GUNVOTE button to use on their websites and social media platforms and order #GUNVOTE decals for distribution to family, friends and customers.


About NSSF
NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers nationwide. For more information, log on to www.nssf.org.


    • From a manufacturing standpoint, it makes sense to get rid of the Hillary Hole – less machining, fewer parts, one less feature to test/inspect. They could reduce cost, keep the same price, and increase profit margins. The downside is that any accident or unauthorized access with a model that formerly had a hole can be charged as being a defective design, which isn’t covered by PLCAA protection. Frankly, I’m pleasantly surprised that Ruger took the hated safety features off of the Mk IV, but it could be considered a new model.

      • Colt made Single Action Armys for a couple of years with firing pin blocks and then discontinued them. S&W already makes some new 442s and 642s without the ILS. Plenty of companies make thumb-safety and non-thumb-safety models of their guns. They could phase new revolvers in as dash-whatevers, and then reduce production of the ILS versions.

  1. it is a damn shame that we have to donate to some political to get them to FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION…. but unfortunately we have the communist left to deal with. this should be the job of the justice department to deal with. INDITEMENTS FOR TREASON/SEDITION AND MAL-FEASONSE OF OFFICE

    • It is a shame indeed. I propose we the tail, start wagging the dog.

      Tell every politician you want to vote for that they don’t get your vote unless they pose with an AR15 and post it online. With a statement saying they support the 2A.
      Demand National Reciprocity get passed before the election. Make every one of them running tell their state party officials to get it done. Make them tell Trump we want it NOW, not after the election.
      Same with putting Hillary in jail. Along with every other DNC official involved with trying to rig an election. Make Shit Roll Up Hill. All the way to Trump.

      I mean this, make it clear that if they want the votes they better start doing what the people want. And if they don’t, stay home. Let the shit hit the fan. There are enough Patriots in this country to clean it up if necessary.

  2. Now who’s to say Trump won’t dump once he gets elected. With everyone buying gunms and the shootzing in the streets it only a matter of time before the hammer(hah) falls. That bumpstock ban was pur d bullshit. As and old Cock fighter once told me, be careful who you bet with. He just might be a government agent.

  3. All this crying.
    I think there are more persons then ever before that will stand up for the right to bare arms.

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