The current process to buy a silencer is a pain in the ass. It takes weeks before you can even see your silencer and then months before you can take it home, with a government bureaucracy having the final say about you and your equipment. Its a process that no one really wants to do more than once, and thankfully with AAC’s 762-SDN-6 you might only have to do it once for all of your rifles…
I’m giving you guys fair warning right up front: I own this silencer. I paid for it, paid the tax, and have the stamp to prove it. And while I’m going to try and give this an impartial review, I want you to take my feelings on this with a grain of salt.
Most people think that when you buy a silencer, its only good for that caliber. Not true. Any silencer designed for a specific caliber can handle smaller, less powerful calibers as well. Which means that while this silencer was designed to handle 7.62 NATO ammunition, it can also suppress any caliber with a smaller diameter and volume of gas. The volume of gas is important — .300 Win Mag is the same diameter, but not such a good idea to try through the can.
I had previously tested AAC’s M4-2000 silencer and loved it for 5.56x45mm NATO ammo, but the issue with that silencer is that you’re restricted to .223″ or smaller rounds. With the .308″ diameter silencer it should be able to help quiet the round down, but it may not be as good as a dedicated can as more gasses would escape around the bullet as it flew (like a hotdog down a hallway) through the baffles. I decided to try it out myself and see how well a .30 cal can works on .223 ammo.
So, what’s the verdict? The sound is just SLIGHTLY on the other side of the “comfortable” line. Not something I would want to shoot all the time without hearing protection, but it does a fantastic job of removing that concussive “POP” from the muzzle and making the experience much more enjoyable.
For .300 Blackout, the round it was really intended to be used for, it is absolutely perfect.
Even out of a SBR, the subsonic ammunition is (relatively) quiet as a field mouse. Supersonic is only slightly more obnoxious thanks to the supersonic crack.
Its nice that it can suppress the sound from a number of different guns, but that’s not the reason that its the perfect silencer for those who only want one can. That reason is the mount.
AAC has standardized their “standard caliber” silencers around the 51-tooth adapter, including 5.56 and 7.62 NATO. The adapter comes either with a .223 hole in the middle or a .308 hole, but also has the most popular thread pitches available for each. This means that no matter the dimensions of the barrel or the thread pitch of the threading, if you can cram a 51-tooth adapter on that puppy then your silencer WILL fit. What’s even better is that the mount is a “fast attach” mount, meaning that it screws on pretty quickly and easily — no worrying about cross-threading.
Since I got my stamp back I’ve popped a 51-tooth adapter on all of my AR-15 rifles, and anytime I want to shoot one I simply crank the silencer onto the chosen upper and walk out the door. 5.56, 300 BLK… no matter the caliber it all works. And when I eventually buy that bolt action .308 I want, the mount will thread onto that barrel just as well and let me use my precious silencer on it just as well as something that threads directly to the barrel.
That is really the benefit of the 762-SDN-6. Its a kickass .30 cal silencer all by itself, but the ability to be quickly swapped and used on a wide number of host rifles really makes it shine.
[UPDATE: January 2015]
In less than three years, the silencer has gone from awesome to useless.
The ratchet system that makes this silencer so appealing has also become its downfall. After mounting and removing it a couple times a week for a few years, the ratchet has completely worn away and the silencer will no longer firmly mount to the gun. In short, the silencer is useless.
The silencer is still under warranty with AAC, and I have contacted them to repair the latch. We’ll see how long that takes.
[UPDATE: March 2015]
AAC has repaired the silencer, and it works again. But given how quickly the first latch wore out, I’m a little gun shy to go use it again. I’m afraid I will wear it out again and it will need to go back for repairs… again. Although I’m sure that if those repairs are ever needed, AAC will be there to help me out.
Honestly, the 762-SDN-6 was the best option when it came out for those who wanted one can they could put on anything and be happy. In some respects, it still is. But with the modern competitors like Gemtech and SilencerCo and even SIG SAUER putting out fast attach and multi-thread cans there isn’t much to recommend this silencer over the competition. It works, and it looks great, but its heavy and has parts that wear out rapidly. Let me elaborate:
- The SilencerCo Omega weighs 6 ounces less, costs just as much, and has interchangeable mounts for direct thread or fast attach that is user replaceable. And it can go up to .300 WM, where the 762-SDN-6 is capped out at .308 Win.
- The Gemtech ONE weighs four ounces less, costs $25 less, and also has interchangeable mounting options for quick attach or direct thread that is user replaceable. It also goes up to .300 WM.
- The Liberty Mystic-X weighs half as much, costs almost half as much, and also has interchangeable mounting options for quick attach or direct thread that is user replaceable. It doesn’t quite do the same range of calibers on the upper end, but it is easy to take apart and clean.
Compared to the modern options, the 762-SDN-6 is dated. The ratchet system was cool like five years ago, but better options have emerged. And the can is just far too heavy by modern standards. The world of silencers has evolved, and the 762-SDN-6 has gone from “state of the art” to nearly a museum piece. There are better options for those looking to buy.
762-SDN-6 7.62 NATO Silencer
Length: 7.66″
Weight: 20 oz
Diameter: 1.5″
Sound Reduction: 39 dB (300 BLK)
MSRP: $1050
Ratings (out of 5):Â
Sound Suppression: Â * * * * *
Yes. Just… yes.
Build Quality: * * *
After thousands of rounds through it, the most that I’ve done is scratch up the finish a little bit. And melt a little bit of a picnic table to it. But it sounds just as quiet as the first day I tried it out. [UPDATE] The ratchet can and will wear out, and when it does you might be screwed.
Ease of Use: * * * * *
There’s nothing to take apart, nothing to clean, and nothing to lube. It’s easy as pie to maintain. And swapping it on and off different guns is an absolute breeze.
Overall Rating: * *
[UPDATED] Times have changed, but the 762-SDN-6 has stayed the same. Its a great can that works, but there are better options available on the market. For those looking for their first silencer, try a Mystic-X. Looking for a .30 caliber can to stick everywhere? SilencerCo Omega. As for the 762-SDN-6, or at least for my 762-SDN-6, she’s going to be sitting in the safe from now on.
I wish…not in KALIFORNIA.
or Minnesota….
Though we may see change on that front soon enough.
Really? I haven’t heard anything about any new law…
All I see is this:
Nor Delaware it seems.
Or Illinois.
Bwahahahahaha! Sorry, but Illinois? As if.
Move across the river. We’ll be glad to have you.
You only had to wait weeks? I’m 2 months into my wait for it to arrive to my Class III, and then still have 5+ months on top of it for the Form 4 to get approved…
Glad to see you like yours and had good luck with multiple calibers, as mine will be filling the same role (.308, 300BLK, .223)
Took 3 months (in Missouri) for my last form 3 transfer. I’m a few weeks in on the form 4….so I should actually complete the transfer in another 6 months or so.
I could make yet another comment about the inefficiency of the federal government, but I can’t own a silencer anyways because my state governmemt will not allow it.
Great review. Got any more close-up pics of the silencer itself and the 51 tooth adapters you used?
Great Job with the review as usual, Nick.
Is it safe to assume you can also use it to sufficiently silence .22 lr rifles and pistols with it?
You could, but it would add a lot of weight, would likely block your sights (depending on the host firearm), and the suppressor would fill up with crud making it heavier and less effective. 22lr is a very dirty round and you really want a can that you can take apart for cleaning. The sdn-6 isn’t user serviceable. Cans designed primarily for 22lr are relatively cheap (starting around $200) and you’ll save a lot in terms of size and weight.
Thanks a lot, Eric. Those are some great points. I really appreciate it!!
I have one of these awaiting approval from the ATF NFA office. According to it should be another month or so before I can pick it up. In the mean time I’m getting guns threaded and all manner of muzzle devices attached.
Also, you forgot to mention that the mounts aren’t simple mounts–they are also excellent flash hiders. I intend to try the brakes out as well.
Now I just need to figure out what threading my one AK uses…
Your AK is probably 14×1 lh. I’m also waiting on an SDN-6 stamp and considered suppressing my AK. AAC does not offer a mount in that thread pitch due to the poor threading on AK’s (rough and often not concentric to the bore). Last I discussed this with the guy that threads my barrels, it would require the barrel to be threaded 1/2×28 (which would be a PITA to strip the gas block and put back together). Also, gas port venting on the AK would lead to a fair amount of noise escaping. So based off the fact it would be a PITA and it wouldn’t suppress all too well, I nixed the idea. However, I’ve read of other people doing it and being happy with the results. I couldn’t say if it’s hearing safe.
I know YHM makes a 14×1 lh thread qd mount for their YHM 762 Phantom cans, but I spoke with one of their reps at the NRA convention and they really recommend sending the host firearm in to them to make sure the mount lines up properly.
Love your reviews, BTW. If this unit is not serviceable does it have a maximum round count? Did it affect the guns accuracy at all?
Halfway paid off….considering the politics of the day, I’m prepared for a looooong wait. If the feds don’t poo on my parade it’ll be worth it.
I believe that the sdn 6 is a sound suppressor and not a silencer. Big difference. The AAC site says that for the 300 BLK it supresses sound to 126db measured in SPL which is sound pressure level. If you look up sound dB level charts it lists 126db as being in the high pain threshold area. DBs are hard to understand. Maybe a sound engineer can enlighten us as to the degree of “quietness the sdn 6 really offers.
I know i am bumping this old thread but had to respond when I seen this.
A suppressor and a silencer is EXACTLY the same thing dude.
So, after dropping over a grand on it, you’ve given up on it because the ratche broke and the company has transferred ownership… Um, how about instead of being whiney and pessimistic about the suppressor, you send it in for warranty repair and report to us how it goes. The SDN-6 was no doubt one of the most widely sold suppressors for it’s day as it really was the first to corner the “multi-caliber” suppressor niche. Short and light enough to be wielded on a 5.56, yet strong enough to be used on a bolt gun. Yes, I’m an SDN-6 owner and think your attitude is of a guy that has to much money to be just shelling out $200 to a corrupt entity like the ATF as if it were nothing.
Given that you’ve been talking about your worn latch for the better part of a year and never bothered to send it in for repair, I can’t help but think this is just another instance of your bias against AAC. You have as much right as any customer to the lifetime warranty on your silencer. We are still operating in Lawrenceville, and will be for some time to come. If you want to have your latch replaced by Lwarenceville personnel, send it in. It’s that simple. If you want to hang onto a silencer with a worn latch and use it as a prop for your hit pieces, that’s simple too. All you have to do is call or send an e-mail. If you want to wait until after the move, that is fine as well. The personnel in Huntsville will be more than capable of, and happy to, replace your latch.
As a new owner or TBO (to be owner) of an AAC can, I’m also happy as a possum eatin’ molasses at the above post.
I bought my AAC 762 SDN6 because a close friend of mine/Brother in Arms is an 18D (SF Medic) and he used this can in numerous deployments to Western Africa, Central Africa, Iraq, ‘Stan, and as he also almost jokingly add, “Atlanta”. (LOL f’real) Anyway, when I asked my friend what can to get, I kinda already knew, but I threw some other new models out there – popular brand names – but Doc brought me right back to the AAC. See he didn’t use it to write a review, he used it in the $hitstorm called combat. I personally think when Doc recommends something it isn’t because he’s on the payroll, it’s because it’s performed under the worst conditions and as someone he cares about, he wants his friend to have kit/equipment that I can count on. I’m perfectly happy with my purchase even though I’ve never fired it on my own weapon yet, but I know it’s solid, and going to work as advertised. And if that ratchet latch breaks, I will send it in for warranty repair, because unlike many who do reviews, (Not assuming this is you) but like many veterans, I cannot just go buy a multiple cans or whatever willynilly.
^^^^ As an owner of multiple SDN-6s, I’m very happy to see the above post.
I am new to the world of silencers, and in fact am currently waiting for the government paperwork to clear on a Ti-Rant 45 (that I plan to use on my G21SF and P226) and another 22 can. How do you mount the Ti-Rant can to the 300 model 7 barrel, as I do not find any piston converters that are that thread size?
It’s a good idea to depress the button as the suppressor is attached to or removed from the mount. This will DRASTICALLY improve the longevity of the system.
An overall rating of 2 stars when the average was over 4 stars. Guys, don’t listen to this crap. Its a great can and with lots of mounting and un-mounting any reasonable person would expect something with ‘teeth’ to slowly wear down. Of course AAC will replace it! Should they replace the part free of charge? I personally don’t think so, but I bet they did. If anyone thinks these things don’t experience wear and tear, they live in a dream world. But to not even give it the average rating at the end of the article, based on his own ‘stars’, shows just how disconnected this guy is.
Nicely put, Thank you!
This is very interesting, You are an excessively skilled blogger. I have joined your feed and stay up for in search of extra of your wonderful post.
I agree w/last few comments great can take care of her she’ll
Last.Zero problems so far thousand or so rounds down range 556,300Blk mostly subs, still doing it’s job.4 different rifles 3AR’s and 1 bolt gun (700) great tool for hoggin at night (they hate it).Great blog site enjoy the info.
Just bought one today 6/19/2016 (TN) and I have to say that I’m looking forward to using it after the feds are finished holding on to it for no damn reason at all.
I don’t feel this article really gave it the review that it deserves. I didn’t see any equipment used to measure sound or pressure. I have friends in the service who have used these and they reported nothing but thumbs up. Most things eventually wear and tear over time as such it is your responsibility to fix it.
AAC is a quality manufacturer from the majority of articles I’ve read, as such I look forward to using their products for the foreseeable future.
bought a new evo9 aac 2 years ago shoot it a little bit and one day it blew apart. tube broke in half with factory 147 grn. loads. I sent it back for there LIFETIME ! warrantee and they said it was unfixable and they could destroy it for me. really big of them. I said put a new tube on it under warrantee, but they would not help me at all. there customer service is a joke.there suppressors are crap. I am out over $400.00 avoid there crap products
One other issue is that if you are in a predicament where you would not have a cosigner then you may genuinely wish to try to wear out all of your federal funding options. You can get many awards and other grants that will supply you with finances to support with institution expenses. Thanks for the post.
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