SIG SAUER Expands its Cross Hunting Rifle Line With the New Cross Magnum

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SIG SAUER hit it out of the park with its bolt action CROSS hunting rifle. See our full review here and JWT’s post chronicling a year of hunting with the rifle here. Now SIG’s announced a new magnum version of the CROSS chambered in 300 Win Mag.

Here’s their press release . . .

After years of testing and feedback from the field, the new CROSS Magnum Bolt-Action Rifle is finally here.


Featuring a new quick change barrel receiver design, newly designed intuitive folding stock hinge, full length Arca handguard and a receiver capable for lengths up to 300 PRC, the CROSS Magnum not only delivers a new family of cartridges but also a whole new set of features.

At a lightweight 8lbs in 300 Win Mag with a 24” barrel and folding capabilities, the CROSS Magnum is both compact, lightweight and designed to deliver unmatched accuracy with its one piece receiver.

The next generation of CROSS has arrived, the new CROSS Magnum Bolt-Action Rifle is here.



CALIBER: 300 Win Mag
MAGS INCLUDED: 1 6-round
TRIGGER TYPE: 2-stage match
OVERALL LENGTH: 45.2 inches
OVERALL WIDTH 3.25 inches
HEIGHT 7.25 inches
THREADS 5.8×24
WEIGHT: 8.9 lbs with magazine
PRICE: $2,499.99

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  1. Too many holes. One slip in the mud and you’d be spending the rest of the week cleaning mud out of the holes

    Sand Man, dirt and crud, best keep these Holey gunms in a case until you carefully set it on your bench rest

    • You know what you do if sand or mud gets in one of those holes? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just keep hunting, it won’t matter.

  2. So they took the regular Sig Cross, jacked up the price by an additional $900 from $1,599 to $2,499 so no hunters can afford it, added 2.1 pounds in weight and 6.7 inches in length to ensure that it’s too big and heavy to be useful for hunters, and called it a “hunting rifle”?
    Maybe for wealthy elite going on an African safari “hunt” for a trophy to hang on their wall, but not for ordinary hunters. It looks more like a range toy for the rich than a hunting rifle, so why are they calling it a hunting rifle?

  3. Not thrilled about the obsolete caliber but very thrilled about the plus sized action and rifle. Can’t wait to review it. If it is anything like the original version I will certainly get one and hunt with it, alot. The Cross has turned out to be one of the best hunting rifles I’ve ever owned.

    • Can’t imagine 300 win mag is going anywhere too soon but it did sound like 300prc could be an option later on. Will have to see if they have one at their Epping center next time I am in NH

      • My girlfiends Doctor took an Elk @550 yards with a 300PRC. He certainly likes it, and he has a bunch of niche calibers.

      • That’s what I thought. Good thing I wasn’t drinking something, it would have been a mess when I spit it out laughing. Definitely not written by an actual hunter.

        • Written by a guy that hunts more days out of the year than he doesn’t, and all types of hunting, all over.

          The day the 300PRC was invented, the 300WM became obsolete. It was never a well-designed cartridge, it was just all folks had to fill that niche for a long time, and that time is over.

      • There are all kinds of rounds some consider obsolete.
        The 6.5×55 has been around for over a hundred years.
        The 30-06.
        The 30-30.
        Sure, there are all kinds of new, round of the month wunder rounds. I dont have the time or more importantly the money to keep up.
        I stick with what works for me at a reasonable price.

        • 35 Remington, works great from everything I can tell especially in my region just slowly phasing out as the rifles fall out of use as people age out of hunting and the kids don’t get into it or use newer rifle calibers. Obsolescent wouldn’t really be the right word either as the capabilities are similar unlike black powder cartridges to smokeless. No longer popular I guess?

        • I wouldn’t consider any of those rounds obsolete, with the exception of the 6.5X55, a round I admire for its ballistics and its history. But it doesn’t do anything several other rounds that are more than 20 years old will do, and the reverse is not true.
          The .30-06 will likely never be unseated as the king of all hunting rounds purely because of its versatility.
          The .30-30’s ballistics are unimpressive, but it’s not obsolete purely because of the large number of lever action rifles that need a 30 caliber of its design and pressure to run well while hunting common game.
          The 35 Remington isn’t obsolete, but it is very niche. It’s also a great old caliber.

        • May argue over degrees but would be splitting hairs when overall you are correct with newer options are getting to be better in ways that are relevant such as similar performance and capacity in short action vs long action, easier more modular setups, optimized for distance/powder burn, able to be used in ubiquitous magazines etc.

  4. Truth: This is not a hunting rifle its a sniper rifle. If the average hunter showed up at a deer camp with this monstrosity he would be laughed right out of camp. Picture yourself stalking through the woods (real hunting) because you cannot snap this gun to the shoulder quickly because of its awkward pistol grip stock. If you ever noticed soldiers who carry such pistol gripped weapons are taught to carry the rifle muzzle down and the butt flat against the shoulder, it’s awkward at best for a quick snapshot.

    The .300 magnum is one of the most worthless calibers ever invented for hunting. It’s way too “overpowered” for thin skinned game like deer and way “underpowered” for truly big dangerous game, like the kind that will eat you instead.

    As Jack O’Conner (the dean of gun writers) once said “The Magnum without a 26 inch barrel is all fire and brimstone and gains a person only a small amount more of velocity while giving one way more recoil and muzzle blast and the average hunter shoots such calibers with way less accuracy because of this. Most hunters in the field are lucky if they can hit much over 100 yards under the awkward and unsteady positions they are often forced to shoot from in the field so why the magnum anyway at such short ranges, not to mention the fact that the average hunters shooting skills are sadly lacking as well. Anyone who has competed in NRA “across the course” shooting knows how long it takes and how much money it takes to become a good shot under field conditions which include sitting, standing or even shooting at running game.

    Most yahoo’s who buy this rifle have more money than brains and are usually rich old retired doddering overweight men that can barely hobble from the car to the shooting bench at the range.

    Men like O’Connor hunted all over the world with nothing more than a standard hunting rifle in .270 or 30-06 with a traditional wood old fashioned stock and with a scope power of 2 1/2 to 4 and shot some of the best trophies under the most adverse conditions on the planet. One can still find such rifles used at gun shows for the price of only a song and a dance. My FN .270 rifle was bought for only $300, not thousands, and it will nail a deer out to 300 yards with ease and much further away if you are a skilled rifleman. With its traditional stock it can be snapped to the shoulder with lightning speed and fired before the modern pistol gripped assault rifle style stock is even up to eye level.

    I still recall a humorous article in the Gun Digest in 1973 that was titled 1903A6 Gun Nut which had a hilariously line in it which read “I never shoot my wild game at less than 1,000 yards because it saves that “sneaking up bit” some people all hunting”. In other words how many skilled hunters are really still alive today? Not many. What we do have is the modern day “slob hunter” who is unskilled, overweight, and shoots everything and anything at long ranges beyond his skill level and leaves many wounded animals to die a lingering death.

    Buy this ridiculously overpriced rifle if you are a well healed old retired man who does not want to leave his money to his uncaring, greedy, and selfish relatives and have a fun time at the range pretending to be Sergeant York, Annie Oakley, and John Taylor all rolled into one. Then flip away your cigarette after day dreaming about being captured by wild cannibalistic natives after you fought a rearguard action so the rest of your comrades could escape and then fantasize “Walter Mitty” a gallant hero to the last.

        • True but in what income bracket is 2.5k destruction of legacy level of expenditure? More that a Ruger precision rifle yes but we have all kinds of options that start with an extra zero that more fit your description.

      • Dude, you have too much intelligence and class to debase yourself with that nutjob. Remember, this is a dude that posts under multiple personalities.

        • Oh I know, it’s more to get the previews on what reasoning I will see next in my home state for various restriction justifications. While no where near the level of articulation dacian often gets the reasoning and motivation pretty close to spot on and only requires a minimal prodding to go full Holodomor in the rants.

  5. I’m just putting this here for JWT. The latest Ron Spomer video shows off what could be your new Africa grail rifle.

  6. It’s too heavy for me, but the price isn’t bad if you consider inflation. It sucks, but $2600 ain’t what it used to be. B When I go to Africa, it’s with a 300 WM Rem 700 and a 458 Lott Montana. Both are easily fed overseas if something happens with baggage or customs. I’ve taken a couple of elk at 450yds- one with 300WM, one with 6.5PRC. Pretty sure they couldn’t tell the difference.

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