Shannon Watts (courtesy

Nick predicts that Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America jefe Shannon Watts’ time in the media spotlight is drawing to a close. I’m not so sure. As long as there are left-leaning media outlets ready, willing and able to put the anti-pistol polemicist on a pedestal, a platform she shall have. In fact, they’re happy to let Watts stand there completely alone, preaching to the masses without context or criticism. To wit: the essay A common-sense conversation about guns and kids. Unfortunately for Ms. Watts, well, what was that someone said about give ’em enough rope? Check this out . . .

It is crystal clear we can’t trust the gun lobby to engage in this important conversation about the responsibility of adults to keep kids safe.

Got that? Watts states clearly and unequivocally that the “gun lobby” can’t be trusted to have a “conversation” about guns and safety – despite the fact that they spends millions of dollars every year educating the public about firearms safety (e.g., Eddy Eagle Gunsafe and Project ChildSafe). And then, in the very next paragraph . . .

We can start by educating parents about the dangers of leaving guns unlocked and passing laws that hold parents responsible if they do and tragedy results. It’s a conversation we need to have – but it’s also a conversation in which the gun lobby refuses to participate.

So the untrustworthy “gun lobby” isn’t invited to an important conversation on gun safety. In which they refuse to participate. Wait. What? If the “gun lobby” wasn’t invited to this gun safety pow-wow, when did they refuse to participate?

In her crusade for gun control, the MDA momma sweeps aside inconvenient facts and dismisses logical consistency. Freed from rational thought, insulated from criticism, venerated and coddled by unquestioning followers, she bends language until it snaps. Simplistic, deeply-flawed reasoning becomes “common sense.” Anti-gun agitprop becomes a “call for conversation.” Fascism becomes “discussion.”

In short, Shannon Watts is the nanny state. Listen to me and do what I say – for your own good. Nanny knows best. If I don’t make sense, you’re thinking too much. Look at this baby! It’s a comforting message for the weak-minded. Thankfully, our country was founded by another breed of man (and woman), who thought to insulate our gun rights from mob rule. And maniacs. [h/t Jon Y.]


  1. Dirk, I think she’s giving you a “come hither” look. There’s probably a stenographic message in that photo for you.

  2. “Shannon Watts Stops Making Sense”

    She’s never made ANY sense, probably never will. Not that she cares as long as Bloomies money keeps feeding her bank account.

  3. The problem is you assume that readers parse her essay the way the PotG would. MSNBC caters to the liberal mindset and thus very little if no though at all will be put into its reading. Once again we are fighting emotions with facts, which does not work in circle that she is talking to.

    Your response would be a great rebuttal to the essay if they would actually post a common sense rebuttal

  4. The liberal MSM is continuously propagating her message to help brainwash the low information voters, pure and simple. The great anti-gun advertising campaign sponsored by socialist utopian progressive anti’s in broadcasting. No truth in advertising required.

  5. Why do people who hate guns and have very likely never fired or seen one in real life suddenly think they are the experts on gun safety?
    It boggles the mind…

    • Not to open a can of worms here, but probably for the same reason a lot of people who have never talked to a gay person about being gay in their life believe 100% that all gay people can just choose to become straight.

      Ain’t happening.

      • Mrs. DeBlasio apparently “chose to become straight”, seeing as she calls herself a “former lesbian”. Wonder how that worked?

      • who never talked to a gay person about being gay in their life believe 100% that all gay people can just choose to become straight.

        What idiot would say ALL gay people can choose to be straight…and if they did I’m sure the newspapers would write a story about the one in a 10M freakish outlier so you can’t write a stupid strawman comment about it.

        What I will ask… a straight-to-gay transition some kind of gravity well phenomena that can only move in one direction? Are you denying the possibility that some people may have slipped into homosexuality due to some kind of emotional,physical, or psychological trauma in which they may need help to revert back to standard heterosexuality?

        • The “all” I put in there above was intentional.

          And yes, I have met many people (unfortunately) who believe /all/ gay people can just pray the gay away. I am not kidding.

  6. They ban people from their FB page who actually want to participate in a reasonable and rational conversation.

  7. Shannon should look into having private photos hacked from the icloud, I hear it’s the latest way to stay relevant and in the news.

      • Here ya go:

        Don’t read the article and don’t get EPPB (Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker) to download victims’ data from iCloud backups.

        “That software is sold by Moscow-based forensics firm Elcomsoft and intended for government agency customers. In combination with iCloud credentials obtained with iBrute, the password-cracking software for iCloud released on Github over the weekend, EPPB lets anyone impersonate a victim’s iPhone and download its full backup rather than the more limited data accessible on And as of Tuesday, it was still being used to steal revealing photos and post them on Anon-IB’s forum.”

        For entertainment and educational purposes only. Be warned.

  8. “We can start by educating parents about the dangers of leaving guns unlocked and passing laws that hold parents responsible if they do and tragedy results”

    This was the first draft: We can start by educating parents about the dangers of owning guns and knowing those who do.

    • Guess she doesn’t know the law – this is Florida’s:

      790.174 Safe storage of firearms required.—
      (1) A person who stores or leaves, on a premise under his or her control, a loaded firearm, as defined in s. 790.001, and who knows or reasonably should know that a minor is likely to gain access to the firearm without the lawful permission of the minor’s parent or the person having charge of the minor, or without the supervision required by law, shall keep the firearm in a securely locked box or container or in a location which a reasonable person would believe to be secure or shall secure it with a trigger lock, except when the person is carrying the firearm on his or her body or within such close proximity thereto that he or she can retrieve and use it as easily and quickly as if he or she carried it on his or her body.

  9. Shannon: And the gun lobby supports laws that prohibit doctors from having life-saving conversations with patients about the risks of gun injury and how to avoid them.
    Translation: Gun owners don’t support laws attempting to turn doctors into reporters for the nanny state. (And since when did they teach the 4 rules in medical school?)
    Shannon: We can only hope that out of these unfortunate circumstances comes a dialogue about children and guns.
    Translation: I can only hope the big news networks continue to hype this tragedy so I can keep harping on about it.

    • It’s not even that doctors want to report gun owners. It’s that the ACA health care fill in forms included check boxes for gun owners to effectively register themselves.

      • Well if she can “edit reality” when talking to reporters, you can when talking to your doctor. “Guns? No they’re icky.”

  10. It should have been “A commonsense conversation about using the strategies of Edward Bernays ” to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it” (quote from Edward Bernays) while quashing any and all conversation except for those that agree with her and even then not so much.

  11. “Freed from rational thought, insulated from criticism, venerated and coddled by unquestioning followers, she bends language until it snaps.”

    One of the greatest movie lines of all time, with slight alterations and apologies to Jack Nicholson:

    “How do you write gun-grabbers so well?”

    “I think of a normal person, and I take away reason and accountability.”

    • You can shit on all us women if you want, but it’s men like Bloomberg, Gates, Broad and other male billionaires who are running this op. Talk about missing the target.

      • You seem to be on to something there. How many of these feminist icons are being kept afloat by a rich male sugar daddy?

      • So, women who project an image of success and strength are ACTUALLY just the “flying monkeys” of wealthy/powerful/corrupt men. 🤔 Got it.

        Thanks for clearing that up for everyone. 👍

  12. “We can start by … passing laws that hold parents responsible if they do and tragedy results.”

    Shannon, those laws already exist.

    See, for example, NC GS-14-315.1.

    • And similar laws exist in several other states.

      This is one of the more infuriating things about these groups: They don’t know gun law as it exists right now. When you tell them that the laws they want exist, right now, they ignore you and keep yammering on about their agenda.

  13. “Since the gun nuts don’t want to have this conversation with us, we’ll have this reasonable debate with an empty chair. Hey, chair? Whacha gonna do when momz run wild on YOU? Nothing? Awwww, whatsa matter, you scared? Bawwwk! Bawwwk! That’s what I thought!”


  14. Conversations and dialogues about ” reasonable and sensible” gun control ” for the children” usually involve only gun grabbers. Nothing new here. Shannon is just a paid shill for her International Bolshevik master. For Shannon, it is just another day at Monsanto.

  15. The pro gun side isn’t the one deleting every comment that doesn’t tow the party line. So who’s the one refusing to have conversation?

    • No, the pro-gun side viciously attacks any comments from the other side, until that troll has been driven away. We use logical, well-reasoned arguments, but we also are very abusive in our tone. There are several examples of this on TTAG.

      • Idiotic trolls should be ridiculed.

        IF someone wants to come here and engage in reasoned discussion with an open mind, I doubt they are treated as you describe.

        Sycophants and dogmatic closed minded sheep, on the other hand, deserve whatever is heaped upon them.

      • The tone may be occasionally less than civil (though normally I would say that the tone remains quite civil) here at TTAG; but even at its worst, it pales in comparison to the normal tone coming from the other side. The difference is measured in orders of magnitude.

  16. Nick and his crystal ball are correct. The Hysterical Mother receives media attention because Shannon’s Sugar Daddy has money and influence. He will not continue to fund her if she does not produce results, and her record is one of dismal failure. Besides, Geppeto wants his puppet back.

  17. This is like Obama’s vilification of bitter clingers, and Biden’s allusion to TeaPartiers as terrorists. At some point MDA and MSNBC simply jump the shark, and if the drop off the cliff in eyeballs and ratings is proof, it was awhile back for the MSNBC. Bloomie and Shannon can spin all they like. Everytown is just propaganda, as it is. It remains to be seen how many Real Moms and voters catch on, in the meantime. At some point, they will come to be viewed with same scorn as Al Jhazzera TV, Democratic Underground, or Daily Kos, where the moonbattery is epic and the echo chamber is small but weird, indeed.

    Keep pointing out the lies, and Mock Them™, and if they engage in media slander towards TTAG, Punch Back Twice As Hard™ with the Truth.

    And dont descend to their level of discourse, ad hominems, lies, etc. Not saying commenters must follow some speech nanny code, just that RF, and Staff have a higher standard, and btw, it drives Progtards nutty, when you wont go in the sewer with them. Give them enough rope…and all that, and it works, is what I sense Nick is getting at, as to trends.

    ™ for the memes to Instapundit.

  18. Great, Shannon Watts leading a “conversation” about gun policy by writing on In other words, “conversation”=”monologue in an empty room”. BTW, the WNBA is still around too. It’s just that no one pays any attention to them except the sportswriters. Same with Shannon.

    • It’s quite clear there is absolutely no interest in them having a conversation with us. If they were serious, they’d offer to bring the boxed wine.

  19. the day that MDA and Everytown starts passing out free gun locks will be the day i acknowledge them as a real gun safety organization. but they never will, becuase they do not want guns to exist at all so gun locks would be useless

  20. “We can start by educating parents about the dangers of guns…”

    Isn’t a HUGE portion of what the NRA and NSSF do just that? Education and training? Providing (cheap) trigger locks with every gun purchase? I seem to call the NSSF being a big part of that.

    But I suppose that all of that doesn’t count as “conversation” when the only conversation they are willing to have is about disarmament.

  21. I give MDA another year or two of existence and it will go the way of Million Mom Marchers. It would have already been defunct were it not for Bloomberg money. I am willing to bet that some of the former members of Million Moms are now MDA members.

  22. MDA and the entire gun control movement make as much sense as religion does. If I piss in someones Corn Flakes….well too bad, but religion is for the weak minded who are easily lead by unprovable idiocy. Most of it makes no sense, which by the way is the same for the gun control movement. They say it’s common sense, except for one big problem, it won’t work, which they know, but won’t admit. And all the while, the good sheep are supposed to wipe the drool off their face, watch mainstream media and obey. Don’t question, OBEY.
    OH MY ASS!

  23. Outright deception and intellectual arrogance…..but then, there’s a lot of that going around.

    “Yours is a war of arrogance, that makes it evil……….that’s mine. (Satan) Viggo Mortensen

  24. One thing Shannon reminds us all of: you don’t have to be rich like Gates or Bloomberg to be a narcissist (but it does help).

  25. I hate the term “common sense” now thanks to zealots like these. It instantly suggests that anyone who disagrees with their narrative lacks intelligence and good judgement.

    Captain Obvious strikes again…

  26. If MDA and other gun control groups were interested in conversation, they wouldn’t disable comments on their Youtube videos.

  27. I am a laborer. It is not what I do, it is who I am. I go to work every day to put food on the table, make the mortgage and maybe help our child through college. I wonder if Watts has even a small inkling how offensive that photo is to common folk like me.

  28. Oh, Shannon. You’re always Shannon. She makes me want to don a ribbon, wear a rubber wristband, perhaps even run a fun run, all in the effort to aid science’s search for a cure for the common scold. Get well soon, Shannon!

  29. [s] Let’s have a conversation about gun control! That’s a great idea, I think I’ll go to MDA’s Facebook page and share my ideas, perhaps we can come to an understanding!!![/s]
    I tried that once, foolishly believing that some of Shannon’s sheep would be amenable to reason, and was almost instantly banned. I’m pretty happy with that, and shame on anybody who hasn’t been banned from MDA’s Facebook by now.

  30. If you want to have a conversation/debate, Shannon, perhaps you could stop deleting any post that disagrees with your position?

    Maybe you could go on Dana Loesch’s show, even?

    A conversation involves more than one person’s ideas.

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