San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, sheriff of San Francisco, is under a cloud after being booked on a domestic violence beef. Mikarimi’s a former San Francisco board of supervisors member who was known for his anti-gun views. After being accused of tuning up his spouse he was hauled to the hoosegow and given the full treatment from San Franciso’s finest. Mikarami has plead not-guilty, and plans to fight the charges and is not stepping down. But it gets better. As part of the standard domestic violence prosecution process, Mirkarimi has been stripped of his right to keep and bear arms. And that means the anti-gun rights Sheriff has to give up the three guns he owns . . .

Choking down a huge wad of tasty schadenfreude, it seems that in his capacity as supervisor and now sheriff, Mirkarimi must have made at least a few dedicated enemies along the way. And while I’ll have to try to wipe this persistent grin off my mug, for some people not packing heat can be a serious problem.  For a sheriff, having the word out that your person and your home is suddenly a gun-free zone can be downright dangerous.

In the mind of the “reasonable gun-control” crowd, taking firearms away from an angry, beer-swilling slob in a wife beater for slapping the little woman around is an easy layup. Reality can be more complicated. That awful stereotype certainly exists, in losing his means of defense on an accusation, people like San Francisco’s sheriff can be left vulnerable and at the mercy of a domestic partner’s whim.

Mikarami is a liberal gun-grabbing tool. But he doesn’t deserve to be hurt or killed because he’s been stripped of his means of self defense – even if he was cool with it for the rest of his fellow citizens.


    • A person is innocent until proven guilty. His own wife has said that the whole thing has been blown out of proportion by the feminist neighbor she spoke with, the mass media, the City government, and the values and attitude of American society which she has said are attacking her family. The wife has said she stands with her husband in his defense.

      • And how many cases of women all of a sudden regretting having reported their man to the cops? All of a sudden it was “no big deal”.

        I think reality hits that they stand to lose their cushion and lovely monetary items in the soon to be divorce. So it comes down to a “deal with it so I can live comfortably” situation.

        I have no idea if this applies in this situation – my comment was more of a “if he did it, screw him and the horse he rode in on”.

        I can tolerate a lot of things, but abuse of women or children is not one of them. Now if a woman wants to act like a man and get physical, then pile drive her and then give hi-fives to your buddies. You ain’t a woman if you don’t act like one. Wanna be tough like a man? Get treated like a man. 😛

    • you clearly don’t understand due process. charged doesn’t equal guilty.
      in a lot of jurisdictions yelling is considered a form of ” domestic Violence”. I wouldn’t pass judgement untill I had the details and the
      jury had spoken on the charges.

      • Neither did the people who wrote these laws. The feminists and anti-gun cabals decided that where “violence against women” is concerned, little issues like facts, due process, etc were secondary to the allegation of violence against a woman.

        The fact is, the anti-gun crowd wrote these laws. Now one of their own is being hoisted upon his own petard.

    • LLArms….do you not know that false allegations are stand, every day divorce tactics. Do you know about the VAWA laws passed in 1994 that makes any domestic call to the police something the police must act upon. TOday, your domestic partner (female)easily has the power to remove you from your abode and slap a restraining order on you for a mere phone call false allegation.

  1. Who needs drugs? Schadenfreude is coursing through my veins. It won’t last, but boy does it feel good. Another “I’m elite, you’re untrustworthy” finds his face in the mud. I take it back… it’s freude, no schade necessary.

  2. too bad …so sad…just like if any of us with a ccw if we were to do the same thing our ccw would be revolked for good…i don’t feel sorry for him at all…

  3. He doesn’t deserve to be a victim of criminal violence.

    He should be subject to every bit of bad that would result from a world that he would inflict on everyone else.

  4. “For a sheriff, having the word out that your person and your home is suddenly a gun-free zone can be downright dangerous.”

    Who gives a $hit if he’s a sheriff? That does not make him any more special than the citizens he has unarmed in order to “protect” them. NOT ONE BIT! Instead he breaks his oath and wipes his ass with the constitution. I don’t feel sorry for anything that happens to that treasonous fool or any others like him. It’s his bed… He should sleep well knowing that all California’s anti gun laws and police are protecting him.

    • Any LEO is going to have more opportunities to create lethal enemies than you and I likely will (well, at least me – maybe you are a jerk).

      Most of us who are or are not living in a gun free zone do not have our defensive stance, or lack thereof broadcast to the public.

      • Again, unintended consequences. Because he screwed up royally, he now faces the same rules he imposed. He made the bed and now he must lie in it

  5. The female prosecutor from SF who charged him has now been arrested on DV charges herself.

    “Assistant District Attorney Sanaz Nikaein, 34, of San Francisco was booked at County Jail on Saturday. She was released after making bail, authorities said.”

    Who’s involved in this soap opera? Let’s see: the wife who is a former South American beauty queen pageant winner, complaining feminist neighbor, feminist judge, feminist prosecutor, feminist ms.- information spokeswoman for local DA office, feminist state attorney general. If that energy could be transformed into a bullet there would be enough estrogen in it to kill a male elephant.

  6. Further evidence that those who are anti-gun are really simply projecting their own subconscious violence.

    • Absolutely. Half the anti-gun people I’ve known well express that obliquely from time to time, including one brother. They figure “if I often think I’d like to shoot so-and-so, well, these guys that actually have guns will probably do it.” Add to these the SOB’s who know half the world would like, with good reason, to do them, and you have the anti-gun world.

  7. I wonder IF/WHEN he is not charged, will he have to jump through the same hoops as the rest of us to get his firearms back? I had charges dropped and STILL had to pay fees, wait 3 months to clear a background check and not get my ammo back that was taken!

    Who knows if he is guilty… but at least he now knows how it feels to be stripped of your 2nd Amendment.

  8. Schadenfreude.

    It’s temporarily even more satisfying than this overpriced Starbucks coffee that I’m enjoying…

  9. In the mind of the “reasonable gun-control” crowd, taking firearms away from an angry, beer-swilling slob in a wife beater for slapping the little woman around is an easy layup.

    Well, can you really blame them? If someone calls the cops to report DV and when the Police show up they find enough evidence to arrest you and book you then it seems plenty reasonable to me to take your guns away.

    If you dont like that, then DONT HIT YOUR WIFE.

    I understand that in some circumstances, the man is not actually guilty of roughing up his wife and she is trying to play the cops in order to F with her husband. If that is the case you should divorce the B&^%h and go to court to get your heater back.

    There are too many times that women are beaten, raped and murdered by abusive men to take a chance on leaving weapons around for them. In fact, even better than securing their guns would be to deny them bail until they can go before a judge.

    Don’t believe me? Ask Amy Lake…oh, wait you cant because her Piece-of-dogshit-husband murdered her…because he was out on bail. This guy had threatened his wife (with a gun) and had been arrested for it. He had violated the restraining order against him at least five times, and been arrested for that too.

    The cops took his guns and gave them to Amy Lake’s family. Apparently they didnt feel comforatble “with that many firearms in the house” so they handed them over to Mr. Lake’s family (WTF?). He either got them back from his family by sneaking in and taking them or by simply asking. He also might have had them stashed away and the cops missed them.

    Apparently Amy Lake slept with her cell-phone under her pillow in case Steven showed up. Too bad she didnt swap that phone for a pistol.

    • Steve,

      In anywhere from 50-70% of the cases, women start the initial violence against men. If the cops don’t find ‘evidence’ guess who still gets taken away? The cops take away the bigger of the two people and that is almost always the male. Women also do lie frequently to the police and courts about DV and rape though they seldom get punished if/when they get busted for filing false allegations unless they file a false rape charge against a police officer. Quite a few women planning on filing divorce papers first file a bogus DV charge knowing it will help their case to possibly include lifetime alimony.

      • One of the detectives at my very nice local PD told me this: “The latest thing in divorce advice for women is ‘slap yourself in the face really hard, call the cops.’ ” The mandatory procedure is to remove the husband from the house in handcuffs. The locks on the house get quickly changed, and it’s off to court. I can’t attest to the truth of the comment, but the source was very reliable. Wow.

    • “Well, can you really blame them? If someone calls the cops to report DV and when the Police show up they find enough evidence to arrest you and book you then it seems plenty reasonable to me to take your guns away.”

      I am not unsympathetic to this sentiment, but what other enumerated rights can they take a way if you are accused of beating your partner.

      Try replacing “take your guns away” with “freedom of speech away” or “right to a trial by a jury of your peers away”.

      I think I might rather see the state issue the abused spouse a shotgun and a couple hours at the range than get into the habit of taking constitutional rights away before a trial.

  10. First: I do hope that he and his family do not suffer a violent attack in consequence of this event.

    Second: I note that he knows how to play the system – he closed his eyes for the mugshot…

    Third: I hope he realizes “hey, this ain’t right” and changes his attitudes.

    Like the old saying goes: “a conservative is a former liberal who got mugged.”

  11. He deserves this action EXACTLY as any average citizen deserves it. He is being treated equal under the law. The position he is in doesn’t deserve consideration. I would get no consideration, why should he?

  12. “But he doesn’t deserve to be hurt or killed because he’s been stripped of his means of self defense – even if he was cool with it for the rest of his fellow citizens.”

    Maybe he doesn’t deserve what he may have caused others to suffer. Maybe it’s just karma. Either way, you have to admit that Shakespeare was right. It is the sport to have the engineer hoist by his own petard.

    • He doesn’t need to defend himself because he only needs to dial 911 and the cops will arrive about ten minutes to late. This is what he expects the regular citizens to do, so paybacks a bitch.

    • He deserves whatever negative consequences might befall him. If he wants to inflict misery and suffering on others, then he rightfully deserves it if the same befalls him.

  13. Whining about a liberal being affected by his own policies is like decrying Rod Blagojevich for being jailed because he is a corrupt politician in Illinois. Sometimes things work out as they should, and now perhaps this Sheriff knows what life is like for the less privileged serfs in California who are similarly denied their right to bear arms.

    • “Whining about a liberal being affected by his own policies is like decrying Rod Blagojevich for being jailed because he is a corrupt politician in Illinois. “

      I don’t think I was whining about it. My point is that feel-good policies can have very bad repercussions that folks do not think about. I hardly feel sorry for the guy – I feel sorry for the guy who is stripped of his right to self-defense who didn’t work to hose gun owners.

  14. Actually, he should be happy about one thing – gun grabbers like him maintain that the average citizen does not need a gun to protect himself – the law enforcement community is more than up to the task. Now he has the chance to put his money where his mouth it. If he survives, then he gets a very effective point that he can refer to when arguing his gun grabbing point of view. On the other hand, if someone punches his ticket, then maybe people like him get a real world example of the folly of their position.

    That said, depending on what the Sheriff’s actual duties are, he may or may not really be much of a target, guns or no guns. In some jurisdictions, Sheriffs are simply officers of the court and thus not likely to have really bad people gunning for them. Not sure what the Sheriff’s role in CA is.

  15. Well, to those who contend he’s not guilty until convicted, I note that the photographic evidence and 3rd-party witness is pretty compelling. The abused wife does not deny the bruises, but dismisses them as nothing. Then add this “man” bullying the witness, under color of authority, and it gets more compelling still.

    I live in this jurisdiction. He does not issue CCW’s, period.

    Does this “man” deserve due process? Of course, and he shall get it. But I have no problem disqualifying myself from the jury pool on this one. He’s guilty.

    Any “man” that would jerk his wife around to the point of bruising has almost certainly done it before. He is unfit for office, and unfit to judge me. In abusing his wife, his office, and his authority, he invites judgment. He sought office. He invited public evaluation.

    I’ve evaluated him. For this and for his prior egregious behavior as a Supervisor, I condemn him. I will use every opportunity available to see his sinecure destroyed and his future dismantled. He is repulsive.

    • “Any “man” that would jerk his wife around to the point of bruising has almost certainly done it before.”

      And what if she hits him? I’m sure THAT’S OK because we don’t REALLY believe in that “equal rights” crap, right?

      • Well, as to whether this “man” abused his wife before, let’s review what she candidly told a neighbor following the latest rage:

        “…the footage shot by a neighbor, Ivory Madison, Lopez is crying and visibly upset about the couple’s run-in the day before.

        Lopez points to a bruise on her right bicep where she said Mirkarimi grabbed her, according to the affidavit. “This happened yesterday,” Lopez tells the camera, according to the affidavit. “Two times in 2011, and this is the second time this is happening.”

        “I told Ross I want to work on the marriage — we need help,” Lopez continues, according to the document.

        “I (have) been telling him we need help, and I’m going to use this just in case he wants to take Theo [their son] away from me because he … said that he is very powerful and he can do it.”

        And this:

        SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) – An ex-girlfriend of San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, who has been accused of abusing his wife by bruising her arm in an incident on New Year’s Eve, has told police Mirkarimi was also allegedly abusive toward her when they were dating.

        Just as I suspected.

        And now he’s the only Sheriff in the nation prohibited from carrying a gun. The Lee Paige (“I’m the only one professional enough to”–bang!) of judicial authority. And he gets to judge me?

        That road runs both ways.

        • “…the footage shot by a neighbor, Ivory Madison, Lopez is crying and visibly upset about the couple’s run-in the day before.

          — Ivory is a member of NOW the national organization of witches err womyn. Her credibility is zero or rather negative. As for Lopez crying, women unlike men can turn on their tears at will or didn’t you know that about women?

          “I (have) been telling him we need help, and I’m going to use this just in case he wants to take Theo [their son] away from me because he … said that he is very powerful and he can do it.”
          — There it is. Women are devious as hell and they support each other. She could be using this ‘bruising’ and video in a potential future divorce she is considering.

          ‘Highly intelligent and manipulative’ prison (female) psychologist who pretended to be sexually assaulted is given non-custodial sentence’

          • As for Lopez crying, women unlike men can turn on their tears at will or didn’t you know that about women?

            As Tommy Manville said after a divorce, “she cried, and the judge wiped her tears with my checkbook.”

      • Exactly. What if she hit/slapped him first and he was trying to stop her from striking again? Most men would grab the hand or arm to stop the woman. On one of the men’s rights sites that I go to one of the men commented that culturally it is often common and acceptable for many South American women to slap men. Personally, I do not know to give my take on it.

        • You’re really reaching here. You may be right, who knows, but you’re trying awfully hard to explain how this guy is the victim, in spite of substantial evidence to the contrary. Given that he is a very powerful LEO, the fact that he got busted at all speaks volumes.

          • No, I am not. He may well be the instigator. Maybe he is not. I am trying to express an unconventional approach here with how it is common to automatically perceive women as innocent as sheep victims. Whether in a case of an allegation of rape or DV, men are treated in modern society as guilty until proven innocent. Women are treated by the police and mass media as victims from the moment the cry victim.

            If a woman made a false rape allegation against you, you would find yourself arrested and handcuffed, your name and mug shot would be in the newspapers. You might be fired from your job, some neighbors would consider you guilty right off, some friends would no longer be your friends. You would find little to no support in society to consider you innocent until proven guilty. By contrast the accuser would get victim status and lots of support to include government programs rushing to her aid.

            • All evidence points to “guilty.” sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

              And sometimes a tyrant who abuses his authority gets what he deserves.

              Wife beater, abuser of office, gun-grabbing tool: I’ll see him scorned and hounded from office.

              • The same level of evidence that pointed to the Duke University LAX players guilty of raping the stripper? Later, the truth came out that the players were innocent. Even later, the stripper who was not sentenced to any punishment for filing a false rape claim murdered her boyfriend.

                Let the Court hear the evidence and decide. Hopefully the hearing will be fair and just.

            • I get that you have issues with women. And it’s totally true that women are sometimes dishonest, as are men. Nonetheless, women are far more likely to be seriously hurt or killed in DV situations. The majority of rape accusations are valid. For every woman who says she was raped, what percentage do you think is false (and most rapes are not reported)? For every man accused of rape, how many denials are lies?

              There is a culture of rape in the military.


              Maybe some of the stories aren’t true, but I think they mostly are true.

              Same for DV. Women get the short end of the stick.

              As for men being treated as guilty until proven innocent, that goes for everybody now, sadly.

  16. “liberal gun grabber tool,…” Why? Why does “liberal” have to be thrown around like a pejorative? Pretty clear from the survey posted here that 44% of “liberals” don’t want further gun control at all, and that more than a few “conservatives” do. Why not just leave it at “gun grabbing tool?”
    Why alienate potential allies? Seems counterproductive.
    If somebody says they don’t like guns, or people with guns, I let ’em know that I’m a shooter, and offer to take ’em to the range.

    • “Why? Why does “liberal” have to be thrown around like a pejorative? “

      Sorry cousin – in my mind liberal is a pejorative. Maybe less than half of you are OK with the second amendment, but that cuts very little ice with me.

      • Just curious, where’s your cutoff on the political spectrum past which you stop accepting support on the 2nd Amendment?

        • We’ll just have to keep banging our heads against this wall. It’s not a rational thing, so a reasoned argument goes nowhere.

    • He has only been a sworn in sheriff for about two weeks or less so the odds are that he had them before hand.

  17. Sure seems like the Sheriff and his deputies like to beat up their wives. We just had a case of the Commander of the Jail doing this in Ripley County.

  18. Di Fi was another armed gungrabber (even had one of the very very few CCWs issued by the SF Sheriff). Gungrabbers with guns–it must be a San Francisco tradition. (P.S.: Feinstein gave up her gun and her permit–but her hubby kept his gun!)

  19. My son did some digging a few years ago, and claimed studies show cops are like 4 times more likely to commit DV than others. I have not verified this. But, it makes sense.

    What do cops do for a living? They run around and tell people what to do, and if they do not obey, they beat the crap out of them and drag them away.

    So, why would it surprise you if a cop hits a disobedient wife?

  20. Is he still sheriff? Let’s see that job taken away, just like ordinary folk if they get arrested. Plenty of companies turn around and fire anyone arrested who doesn’t show up for work. Some suspend without pay pending the outcome. And if you have a security clearance you are on the bench until it is adjudicated.
    These penalties keep people in line, part of the master plan to keep civilization civil.

  21. I find it funny that most homes in Montana own more guns than a Sheriff of a major western city.

  22. “…people like San Francisco’s sheriff can be left vulnerable and at the mercy of a domestic partner’s whim.”

    Yeah, my heart bleeds for the poor “guns are only for the police” advocate.

    What makes you think he doesn’t already have round-the-clock taxpayer funded armed deputies as bodyguards? And if he doesn’t now, he will soon. Sort of like the anti-guns-for-the-peasants mayors of Chicago, NYC, and Wash DC.

  23. Records show Mirkarimi is a trained law enforcement officer since 1996 when he graduated first in his class from SFPD Police Academy. The D.A. don’t like this guy ‘cuz the D.A.’s buddy buddy police crony lost the election for Sheriff that this guy won.

  24. So much for innocent until proven guilty. What I don’t agree with is losing rights before being convicted, but, the liberals want it that way so they get to play too.

  25. I disagree. He deserves anything and everything that happens t him while he’s unarmed. Him, and those like him, are determined to make anyone who’s not a government offical defenseless. Well, welcome to party, asshole.

  26. Yeah this guy is a POS that has a karma return in still bothers me ( retired Police Sgt.) that your weapons can be taken prior to any due process, based on nothing more than an accusation.

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