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Senator Diane Feinstein (courtesy

The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

During your State of the Union address, you stated that you want to make 2014 a “year of action.” We write to urge you to take immediate action to address the significant number of assault weapons that are being imported into the United States in contravention of federal law. We respectfully request that you take steps to ensure that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) fully enforces the ban on the importation of these military-style firearms . . .

A provision of the Gun Control Act of 1968, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 925(d)(3), prohibits the importation of firearms that are not “generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes.” In recent years, however, importers of firearms have taken advantage of ATF’s interpretation of the “sporting purposes” test to evade the import ban. In 1998, the Department of the Treasury — which then housed ATF — issued guidance that interpreted the import ban to prohibit only semiautomatic rifles that use magazines originally designed for a military rifle. Many semiautomatic firearms on the market today do not have a military origin but are modeled closely after military firearms. These military-style firearms are not prohibited under the current import ban, even though they are functionally equivalent to prohibited rifles with a military origin. In addition, the Treasury Department’s 1998 guidance allows foreign-made firearms to be imported into the United States without military features, even though these firearms have the capacity to fire multiple times in quick succession without the need to reload and can easily have military features attached.

As a result of the Treasury Department’s unnecessarily restrictive interpretation of the sporting purposes test, imports of military-style weapons have increased dramatically in recent years, helping to fuel deadly gun violence along the Southwest border and in neighboring Mexico. According to data obtained from the Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission and analyzed by The Center for Public Integrity, 2.96 million rifles and handguns were imported into the United States in 2009, more than double the 1.32 million firearms imported in 2005. In January of this year, Russia’s Kalashnikov gun maker announced that it plans to sell in the United States up to 200,000 rifles and shotguns, many of which are designed after the Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle. An analysis by the Violence Policy Center found that more than 700 Romanian AK-47 variant rifles were identified in 134 federal gun trafficking prosecutions involving illegal smuggling from the United States to Mexico and other Latin American countries.

For example, one imported Romanian AK firearm, the WASR-10, was carefully designed to exploit the sporting purposes test and has become a favorite of the gun traffickers that profit by arming Mexican drug trafficking organizations. The importer of the WASR-10, Century International Arms, circumvents the import ban by taking the following steps: First, the company imports the inexpensive weapon without any military features, to avoid contravening the ban. Next, the weapon is disassembled, and American-made parts are added, to make the weapon “American-made,” not “foreign-made.” The magazine well is also modified to accept higher capacity ammunition magazines. Finally, assault features — which would be illegal if added to a foreign-made weapon — are added to the now-American-made weapon, rendering the weapon an assault rifle for all practical purposes. The resulting firearm is then sold on the civilian market, either to be used in violent acts here at home or smuggled across the border into Mexico.

WASR-10s have repeatedly been found in the arsenals of top drug kingpins and their associates. For example, at least one WASR-10 was used in May 2008 to kill eight police officers in Culiacan, Mexico, a city in the northwestern part of the country. An analysis conducted by The Center for Public Integrity found that, over the last four years, WASR-10 rifles comprised more than 17% of the firearms recovered at Mexican crime scenes and successfully traced back to the United States. In all, according to a memorandum by the Council on Foreign Relations published in July 2013, over 70% of the 99,000 weapons recovered by Mexican law enforcement since 2007 were traced to U.S. manufacturers and importers.

We urge ATF to close the loopholes that allow the importation of military-style weapons into the United States. Such an approach should, at a minimum:

– Prohibit importation of all semiautomatic rifles that can accept, or be readily converted to accept, a large capacity ammunition magazine of more than 10 rounds, regardless of the military pedigree of the firearm or the configuration of the firearm’s magazine well;

– Prohibit semiautomatic rifles with fixed magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds;

– Prohibit the importation of the frame or receiver of any prohibited rifle, regardless of whether it is incorporated into a fully manufactured firearm;

– Prohibit the practice of importing assault rifles in parts and then constructing the rifles once they are in the United States by adding the requisite number of American-made parts;

– Prohibit the use of a “thumbhole” stock as a means to avoid classification of a rifle as an assault rifle; and

– Prohibit the importation of assault pistols, in addition to assault rifles.

We urge you to review enforcement of the sporting purposes test and take the necessary regulatory steps to stop the importation of all military-style, non-sporting firearms, and the assembly of those firearms from imported parts. We have endured too many funerals and mourned the loss of too many innocent lives to accept less than full enforcement of the import ban. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.  [h/t]

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      • Do not insult the Emperor in such a manner. He shall be arriving soon, and he is not as forgiving as I am.

      • Remember the old poster, two Vultures sitting on a branch and one Vulture says to the other Vulture “patience my ass, I’m going to kill something”

      • If the saying, “The good, they die young.” has any validity then we know where DiFi belongs on that scale.

      • don’t ya mean karma? hell most of the politicians bout get more than they can chew with A) Putin, B) Civvies/citizens with guns who are doing the right thing-ish and last but not least C) Jacking the military hard which is unneeded and saying let China/Russia invade us while we unarm our people in the process

    • Never forget; a gun grabbing harridan such as Feinstein is a symptom of a disease; once she moves on to her just rewards; there will be others to step into the cesspool of twisted thought and mad visions these wanna be tyrants have that consumes every waking thought.

      To be treated as a god; with the absolute power of life and death; and the ability to crush any attempt at independent thought and action by the masses.

    • Has anyone worked on the law side against the sporting clause restriction of the GCA? We’ve got several rulings now that the second amendment has nothing to do with sports and is individual and protected both in and outside the home. Its the very definition of arbitrary that they have continued to try to ban these imports with an ever growing list of banned features.

    • Believe it or not her daughter who is also a politician here in Komiefornia is WORSE than she is! I know its hard to believe but its true. Im right tthere with you though.

  1. One has to wonder if those WASR-10s got into the kingpin’s hands via Fast and Furious.

    • Well, notice they say “17% of weapons successfully traced back the the United States“. Do you think they submit weapons marked “property of the Mexican Army” to the ATF for tracing?

      • Yeah I saw that too. I remembered from a news article somewhere that even though a large majority of traceable weapons in Mexico can be linked back to the U.S., the far majority of the weapons (I forgot the %, but it was clear majority) recovered are actually untraceable, with serial numbers scratched off and the such. And of course there is a significant smuggling ring of personnel and material coming not from us, but from Mexico’s southern border. It is probable far easier to get fully automatic assualt rifles from war-torn countries to the south than try to convert the legal, semi-automatic ones from the North. Context, again, is everything.

        • “The resulting firearm is then sold on the civilian market, either to be used in violent acts here at home or smuggled across the border into Mexico.”

          That’s odd. I thought there were legal ways to use rifles also. Weird. Must be my mistake.

        • To be fair, Jeremy (much as I hate to when it concerns DiFi), every use of a firearm is by its nature a violent act. The error here was that if she had phrased it properly, “…violent criminal acts…” it would have been a lie so blatant even Obama would have recoiled from it.

        • The 2nd Amendment protects violent legal acts, it has nothing to do with shooting clay birds or steel except as training for said violent legal acts.

      • Cliff H I shoot at paper targets. This is not a violent act, and I am not preparing myself for the event of a violent act. This is nothing more then a sport of accuracy. Its merely a sport of competing with yourself. I have no imaginary thoughts in my head that the targets are people. Its a sport very similar to golf or shooting hoops at the foul line, Although that is not why bearing arms is protected under the Constitution. I’m not making a statement on the Constitutional rights of gun owners, I’m refuting that all shooting is a violent act by its nature. Competitive Shooting and long distance shooting is a sport like any other sport. Its a skill test.

    • Dont forget that for the arms to have made it to Mexico, they had to go one of two ways-

      State, for military approved donations of old M16s to the Mexican Army, that everyone knows are sold off to the narcos,

      (and dont forget Hillarys repeat bleats about the discredited ‘90% of guns from gun stores’ meme, just two weeks before Brian Terry was killed, was simply lies and misdirection, in support of Obama’s campaign promise to the Brady bunch to do more “under the radar” after he was elected).


      CIA, for all the rest, as outside the US is their AOR.
      The idea that ATF was alone in doing this is just silly. Federal LEOs regard them as bumbling cowboys for good reason, and keep them in the dark on anything important, and thats why ATF didnt know their key straw-man purchaser was an FBI snitch.

      So lets all be clear-
      FandF didnt just happen because some over-active nitwit manager in Arizona got a wild idea.

      DiFi and her senior staff would have been read in, by DOJ, as she was and is the Chair of the Intel Committee, overseeing CIA and NSA.

      So this is not just more state managed theater, but morally reprehensible mis-direction and lying about the facts, again, and likely again, as more PR to feed the StateRunMedia noise generator to cover for something more to come.

      • Your remark concerning the CIA makes me wonder if:
        – The letter was a forgery by the CIA as revenge, and/or
        – The letter was her way of slamming the CIA some more.

  2. She calls a ban that only bans specific things “unnessecarily restrictive”. I don’t think that means what she thinks it means.

    • No, she called the interpretation of the regulation as “unnecessarily restrictive”, not the ban itself. I had to read it a couple of times myself to be sure of what I was reading.

  3. So NOW she wants to talk about functionally equality in rifles. Ruger Mini-14 anyone?

  4. Want to stop WARS’s from heading south? Tell the BATFE to stop selling to them. Oh by the way a$$hat you think a DRUG CARTEL gives a hot sh!t about a law!?!?

  5. 3-gun is a sport, a pretty huge sport at that. I doubt the Feinsteininator has seen 3-gun guns, otherwise she would be in the hospital after a stroke.

    I also like how she is appalled importers follow “the ATF’s interpretation”. The ATF is regulating the importation, of course they should follow the ATF’s interpretation. Who does she think she is that her interpretation supersedes that of the actual regulatory authority? Seems there is some in-fighting.

    • it’s not a politically correct sport, therefore it’s not valid.

      to Feinstein, “sport” is shooting clays, birds, and big animals – and even those are on the chopping block in CA thanks to things like the awful plight of the lead-eating condor.

  6. “Prohibit semiautomatic rifles with fixed magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds”

    Does this even exist or is she referring to an SKS with TAPCO mods?

    • This condition would ban Marlin (and others) .22s with tubular magazines. Two thumbs down for her. Or, if you’re Roman, one thumb in (iugula!).

  7. Yes, those drug kingpins wouldn’t be murdering people if they didn’t have access to the WASR-10. Because after having kidnapped, bound, beaten, and had thrown on the ground in front of you some poor citizen or police offiver, the “ability to fire rapid rounds in quick succession without reloading” is necessary to execute them. You’ve found the solution to the problem!

    On that note, I’m going to start a campaign to ban the import and sale of the Toyota Avalon because it is the most common vehicle driven through flea markets and grocery store windows by the elderly.

    • Too bad the Avalon is made in Georgetown Kentucky… So yeah sorry about that one.

      On an unrelated note I’m pretty sure she is talking about the Saigas.
      Good thing I already picked mine up a while ago.

      • Yeah, I should have known better since my company makes parts for that one, and I spent a good chunk of time working for that account.

  8. I’m sick and freaking tired of this harpy. Please, just go back to Hell and take your statism with you. Also, I bet those WASR-10’s came from Holder.

    • Her district is so far left they will re-elect her as long as she still runs. She’s not going away because she represents idiots who adore her.

      • Her district is so far left they will re-elect her as long as she still LIVES. There, fixed that for you.

  9. Senator Feinstein,

    I outright reject your assumed authority to define what firearms I may or may not own. Now I have a question for you. How many of those firearms allegedly trace back to the United States were authorized for transfer to Mexico by the U.S. State Department?

    CPO USN(Ret)

      • Whatever guns the ATF has smuggled across the border under this admin or previous admins is a drop in the bucket compared to the State Department. Tens of thousands of arms and material has been authorized for export to a corrupt Mexican gov’t. for years if not decades. Then the guns are stolen by or sold to the cartels.

        So how many of the guns confiscated can be traced back to an importer or manufacturer as part of a direct gov’t sale?

        • So how many of the guns confiscated can be traced back to an importer or manufacturer as part of a direct gov’t sale?

          I don’t know how many could be, but I can tell you how many will be: zero.

          Both the U.S. and Mexican governments go to great pains to ignore the flow of police and military weapons to the cartels, even when those weapons include machine guns, hand grenades, and anti-tank weapons. At least when it comes to what they tell the public.

  10. Is 922r and the like law or regulation?

    Also, I know it’s Feinstein, but using the phrase “assault pistol” just seems like a particularly special brand of stupid.

    • You have DiFi, the Red Queen, confused with Pelosi, the walking Botox commercial.
      Along with Box-A-Rocks, these three represent progressive lunacy at the pre-Alzheimers stage.

  11. Oh my, I can tell that the readers of this site are especially fed up with Difi. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

    I think it will be moderated, but I find “insufferable bitch” to be the most accurate of the posts above. She just won’t go away or bury the dead horse she’s been beating since Glenda kicked her out of Oz. I suppose she would ban wands and ruby slippers too…

    • DF can……………………. comment moderated…..because I find her 100%…….comment moderated

  12. I once was going to buy a WASR-10. But the tag said it can only be used in violent acts here at home or to be smuggled across the border to Mexico. As I am not an ATF agent, I have no plans to smuggle anything to Mexico. Also, I had other plans for my WASR-10 then using it to commit violent acts here at home. I wanted to look at it and take it to the range. But those were not options for it. So I got an AR-15 instead.

  13. Ban thumb hole stocks?! NOOOOOO!!!!!

    Thank you for your irrelevant propaganda and purposefully manipulated and incomplete statistics.

  14. >Prohibit the importation of assault pistols

    Are those the ghost ones with the 30 rd/s high-capacity clipazines and the shoulder thing that goes up? You are a dinosaur left over from an bygone era of civilian disarmament. COMMENT MODERATED

    • I noticed that too, but wouldn’t be surprised if it was a “Freudian slip”, or an intentional attempt try to deftly expand the breadth of the restrictions as you suggest.

      What this grabber truly wants is a total ban on ALL citizens’ firearms, no exceptions.

  15. Great. Now I want a WASR-10.

    I have no idea what a WASR-10,is, but I know DF hates it, so that’s good enough for me.

  16. Good ol’ Feinkenstein specifying rhetorical talking points to justify more ‘phone and pen’ activity by POTUS, including an attempt to again redefine sport rifles and carbines and assert THEY are the problem causing violent crime.

    Comment Moderated, of course.

  17. “As a result of the Treasury Department’s unnecessarily restrictive interpretation of the sporting purposes test, imports of military-style weapons have increased dramatically in recent years, helping to fuel deadly gun violence along the Southwest border and in neighboring Mexico.”

    Two questions: (1) What violence along the Southwest border that involves semiautomatic weapons? I don’t recall reading about this in the news. and if there is, why should law-abiding citizens be precluded from arming up to the same level as the bad guys? (2) What the frick do we care about violence in Mexico? WE ARE NOT TO BLAME FOR THEIR VIOLENT SOCIETY.

    • It’s cutting into her husband’s pension payments from the cartels. Wait until she finds out about his hot girlfriend…

  18. lol ban, did she say ban?

    i understand that we have a freedom of speech in this country but this bitch is pushing it!

    how about this….

    how about we come to your office and arrest you for the breaking your oath of office, you treasonous bitch!

  19. Senator Feinstein doing this type of tactic doesn’t surprise me. But her tactics as of recent have failed. Lets make sure this one fails as well.

    • I wouldn’t call it a tactic but more of an act of desperation, at least it appears that way.

  20. And here I was all hopeful that this letter from Feinstein to the President would be to excoriate him for domestic spying by various minions of the executive branch against the legislative branch and the populace……

  21. Dear Mr. President,

    We need to ban guns from responsible citizens. Whenever possible, we must use the actions of criminals, and imply that all gun owners are potential criminals. We will use fancy buzzwords like “assault weapons” and “military-style” to convince ignorant voters that we have their safety in mind. It’s for the children.

    First, we will go after those “evil” AR-15s and AKs. They are for our protection, not for the tax-paying peons who pay our salaries. Next we will declare our generosity, and subsequently push for 7 round and 5 round clips like New York has done. Soon, we can target hunting rifles as being functionally equivalent to sniper rifles. Clearly no civilian should have those.

    I’ve got some really good stuff here. As soon as a madmen shoots up another gun free zone and incurs mass casualties, we will go after as much gun control as possible. Don’t worry about the lackluster response to hosting Sandy Hook anniversary parties. We have plenty more tax dollars to waste.

    I know its tough that voters can’t stand you because of your constant bungling of Obamacare, and that fact that you have proven to be an incompetent leader. Fortunately, many voters in CA are dumb enough to elect me time and time again. Not to worry, most voters are more into feelings than facts, and your speech writers are top notch. Mr. President, you are still an excellent spin doctor, and your can – do “let me be clear” attitude still resonates with ignorant Americans everywhere.

    Let’s stay the course, and diminish freedom and independent thought wherever and whenever possible.


  22. We should really just ban Assault Letters that contain Assault Words. Diane Feinstein seems to love assaulting our Constitution with those blasted letters and their words.

  23. Obummer isn’t going to do that. He has already alienated the democratic party and there is little chance he would do this before an election. DF is still butt hurt about her grand vision get washed out to sea like a dead fish.
    The SOTU was a bunch of lip service, that’s it.

  24. Everyone needs to write both of their state senators and all of the state congressional representatives and tell them that they need to act against the current president’s overuse of executive power to enact laws, change laws and the same for policies. Remind them that they are letting Obama set a bad precedent that weakens Congress, and specifically mention to the Democrats in our states that there will be a time when there is a Republican in the White House and he will do the exact same thing as Obama and enact laws and policies that they are vehemently against. Get these people thinking selfishly about their own futures.

  25. This is hysterical, coming form the same Senator DiFi who is annoyed at the CIA for their “unconstitutional violation of the separation of powers doctrine” (her words), for secretly monitoring the proceedings of her intelligence agencies oversight committee. Hey, the Constitution protects HER powers, not our rights!

    Unintended Consequences: If The Feckless One approves of this import ban, American gunmakers will be gearing up to build even more AKs and other import-ban guns. Think of this as an “on-shoring” move for US gunmakers.

    • This would really improve out manufacturing capability of AK variants. It may also spark some real improvements too. That would really piss her off.

  26. Her wish list reads like the old expired “Assault Weapon” law. Since this has expired, she is really referring to items that don’t exist even in the law. What is a prohibited rifle????

    • It’s the same tired laundry list she’s been waving for the last twenty-plus years.

      Every so often, she changes the date and inserts the latest outrage that happened in a gun-free zone.

  27. >assault features

    Well. That’s new.

    Excuse me gentlemen, my forehead has a date with a concrete wall.

  28. Ol’ Diane sure has a way of causing a lot of moderated comments. I couldn’t read her entire screed. Horrible writer. Maybe Farago could give her a tip or two. Or maybe she could just retire, already, and shut the hell up.

  29. What I think is interesting is her statement:
    “Finally, assault features — which would be illegal if added to a foreign-made weapon — are added to the now-American-made weapon, rendering the weapon an assault rifle for all practical purposes.”

    Where she seems to have mistakenly used “assault rifle” (which has specific meaning) instead of “assault weapon”. Normally DiFi is careful about that slip-up, at least in written press, in keeping with the strategy of conflating the two in the minds of the uninformed (like “automatic” with no qualifiers)

    Perhaps the small parasitic alien in her brain (the only possible explanation I can think of for her and Queen Nancy) has finally eaten too many brain cells? (Or they are the lizard aliens from V…can’t you just see Pelosi ripping off the mask one day?)

  30. The import provisions of the GCA are probably some of the stupidest parts of the whole thing, and should be first in line for repeal. To ban the importation of a consumer item that is perfectly legal when manufactured in the US is straight-up industry protectionism and cannot be rationally related to public safety. Things get even more ridiculous when you start having to make up rules about how many foreign parts it takes to count as “assembling” a firearm from imported components, etc.

  31. “As a result of the Treasury Department’s unnecessarily restrictive interpretation of the sporting purposes test, imports of military-style weapons have increased dramatically in recent years, helping to fuel deadly gun violence along the Southwest border and in neighboring Mexico.” — Senator Feinstein’s letter to our President

    It’s a good thing I didn’t have a mouth full of food or drink when I read that line because I would have sprayed it all over my monitor. I cannot believe Feinstein would write something like that.

    In case the insanity escapes anyone, the federal government’s very own Department of the Treasury — the agency charged with regulating the importation of firearms through their ATF arm — was actively exporting those very same firearms to Mexican Cartels via their Fast And Furious “operation” and directly contributing to the “gun violence” of which Senator Feinstein speaks!!!!!

  32. Ok I have had a little to much BS from this POS Feinstein!! Lets go back in time say 1939 to be exact! Adolf Hitler started gun confiscation to, in all amazement for “SAFTY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE” sound familiar This was done because the German people were in an economic depression, much like we are in today, NO MATTER WHAT LIES THE OBAMA ADMIN TRY AND FEED US!! The Polish Jews were taking a lot of the German peoples jobs. Hitler used this as a scare tactic to get his admin to power. This brings me to my next issue with Feinstein.
    We the United States of America said to our self’s, this isn’t right! You cant put human beings in ovens and begin ethnic cleansing! So after Pearl Harbor, we marched into this big war! And let me remind you Ms. Feinstein, it wasn’t HARSH LANGAUGE the US GI’s were using to pull your people out of those ovens, IT WAS AMERICAN FIREARMS. Wake UP PEOPLE!! So now we know where this ends, an oven for us and our guns! If you don’t learn from history, your doomed to repeat it!!!! So Ms. Feinstein, WHAT OVENS DO YOU HAVE PLANNED FOR US, THE U.S. PEOPLE THAT PULLED YOUR PEOPLE OUT THE FIRE TO BEGIN WITH???? She has the balls to say “IVE SEEN THE BODIES”, so did my grandfather, 20 to 30 deep, half an football field worth of dead Jewish people who didn’t even make it to the ovens, they starved to death waiting for there turn to be killed. He told me he was 17 years old and his platoon full of young boys, the roughest, toughest soldiers on this earth at that time, looked on in HORROR at what the Nazis had done to these people. He told me there wasn’t one dry eye from anyone, and these were boys that had seen it all, friends dying in there arms, or blown to pieces all over them. So don’t BULLSHIT ME FEINSTEIN!! There are still some Americans that remember how we saved your ass’s!! But yet here you go again, wanting to disarm America just as the Nazis did…..Hmmmm what OVENS do you have in mind for the American Gun Owner ADOLF, sorry FEINSTEIN?????? Reality Check Time!!!

  33. “The resulting firearm is then sold on the civilian market, either to be used in violent acts here at home or smuggled across the border into Mexico.”

    Yep. Those are the only two possible options…

  34. She is the poster child for term limits and age restrictions for sitting politicians.

    For god sake the hag is 80 years old and when you exceed the average age of your constituents by 40 years, how exactly are you in touch with current society?

    She probably shouldn’t be driving, let alone helping to run a country…into the ground.

  35. My Mac, made in China, has military-grade encryption in it’s hardware and operating system. Should we ban the importation of Macs as well because Macs can be used in the commission of a crime?

    Assault Laptops!

    • heh, you joke, but historically, high-strength encryption WAS considered by the US government to be a weapon, and was banned for exportation.

      if you were into IT in the 1990s, you’d remember that “high-strength encryption” versions of software with built-in 128-bit encryption capabilities could only legally be downloaded by US users. there were export versions of software that had only 48-bit or 64-bit encryption built-in.

      obviously about as effective as the average gun control scheme.

      • Yes, and the funny thing is with regards to the encryption, half the time you just had to “e-sign” that you weren’t a terrorist or foreign national.

        • back in the mid 90s, most of that stuff I would download from FTP servers. they usually had a ASCII banner with a big warning that said you weren’t supposed to download the high-encryption versions if you lived outside of the US. with the technology at the time, it was just completely unenforceable.

          specifically, 128-bit PGP was around since the early 1990s, and the guy that wrote PGP was even targeted by the US government since he made 128-bit PGP freely available everywhere.

      • The tee shirts – don’t forget them. That’s how one PGP update was smuggled out, remember?

        Embargos never really work well.

  36. Assault Features???

    because adding a pistol grip makes any gun “assault” worthy.

    Assault: (noun),
    law : the crime of trying or threatening to hurt someone physically
    : a violent physical attack
    : a military attack

    So adding a pistol grip… to any firearm magically transforms it from a regular firearm to an… “ASSAULT! firearm.” …and now we have “assault” pistols.

    “For example, at least one WASR-10 was used in May 2008 to kill eight police officers in Culiacan, Mexico, a city in the northwestern part of the country…We urge ATF to close the loopholes that allow the importation of military-style weapons into the United States.”

    !!?? How about you guys tell Eric Holder to stop selling them to Mexican cartel. Start with that.

    “Prohibit the practice of importing assault rifles in parts and then constructing the rifles once they are in the United States by adding the requisite number of American-made parts”

    ??!! We are just following the law. The law requires a requisite number of american made parts (922R) in order to classify the firearm as American made so we can modify simple things like the wood buttstock. Seriously?

  37. Prepare to be moderated!

    I believe Riley Freeman said it best…

    Look. F**k you. F**k the plane you flew in on. F**k them shoes. F**k those socks with the belt on it. F**k your gay ass fairy faggot accent. F**k them cheap ass cigars. F**k your yuckmouth teeth. F**k your hairpiece. F**k your chocolate. F**k Guy Ritchie. F**k Prince William. F**k the Queen. This is America. My president is black and my Lambo is blue, nigg*. Now get the f**k out my hotel room, and if I see you on the street, I’m slapping the shit out of you.

  38. “- Prohibit the importation of the frame or receiver of any prohibited rifle, regardless of whether it is incorporated into a fully manufactured firearm;

    – Prohibit the practice of importing assault rifles in parts and then constructing the rifles once they are in the United States by adding the requisite number of American-made parts;”

    Going after imported ghost guns now?

  39. “Functionally identical?” Learn the difference between semi-automatic and fully automatic (which burst fire is legally classified as). And “military features”? What, does she think that adding a red dot sight or flip up iron sights will turn my rifle from an inanimate object to a sentient, bloodthirsty being that will go on a rampage?

    Her request regarding thumb-hike stocks is telling though. Somehow, banning collapsible stocks or whatever didn’t reduce crime at all. So, naturally, the next step is to ban more arbitrary features. I’m fully aware that her goal is disarmament, just pointing out the logical fallacy of the argument. Not that logical fallacies have ever bothered the idiots of CA (where I had the misfortune of living for 14 years).

  40. As a result of the Treasury Department’s unnecessarily restrictive interpretation of the sporting purposes test, imports of military-style weapons have increased dramatically in recent years, helping to fuel deadly gun violence along the Southwest border and in neighboring Mexico.

    I don’t think the words “unnecessarily restrictive” means what she thinks it means.

  41. On a side note, i love that when I wikipedia the WASR-10 you see this quote in the description: “Factory-original rifles only support single-stack, low-capacity magazines (10 rounds)” From watching the news i was under the impression that anything above 7 rounds was a super-high capacity assault magazine?

  42. “An analysis by the Violence Policy Center found that more than 700 Romanian AK-47 variant rifles were identified in 134 federal gun trafficking prosecutions involving illegal smuggling from the United States to Mexico and other Latin American countries.”

    weren’t those the guns the ATF ran across the border?….

  43. – Prohibit the importation of assault pistols, in addition to assault rifles.

    “Assault pistols.”

    Oh, look. A new, made-up-on-the-spot buzzword.

    I’ll bet she just happens to have the definition for this new “drug kingpin’s weapon of choice.”

    Like ready, fire, aim said, “just die already.”

  44. Well death is batting 1.000. She’s going to be 81…tick tock tick tock. Soon my friends, soon.

  45. We tried all this shit already. It didn’t do a very good job at stopping anything.
    I think we should repeal the import laws regarding the 1968GCA. Funny thing is Kennedy was against all that shit and then he dies and it passes.

  46. Comment SELF-Moderated.

    Oh, and keep it up, Feinkenstein. Mid terms are coming and your anti-american zealotry is just the thing we need to send you hoplophobe Dems packing. You tried this crap last year and failed – for a reason. We happen to like our Freedoms, despite the fact that you hate us Proles having them. So keep yapping until you DIE, which is hopefully very soon. You outlived whatever usefulness you may have ever once had. Time to go back to Hell from which you were spawned.

  47. The WASR-10 isn’t the problem.
    The Mexican criminals who obtain them are the problem. The people who smuggle them across the border are the problem. The porous southern border is the problem.

    As usual, blame the rifle.
    Of course, if WASR-10’s weren’t available in the U.S., Mexican criminals would just give up.

    • obviously all those full-auto AK rifles you see in news photos from Mexico, the ones with dimpled receivers and third axis pins, started out life as a US-legal WASR-10. there’s no way they could get full-auto AKs from anywhere but over the US border.


  48. This bitch had the nuts to go on TV saying “evil gun owners had deployed a spy drone to invade her privacy”, I bet those 2 or 3 neighborhood kids had a stroke when they saw that old ass nasty women with their RC drone!!! The kids probably came running home crying! Daddy,daddy my eyes are on fire!! Feels like pepper spray, now you have 2 or 3 scarred children for life!! Like gun owners give 2 shits on what this Nazis up to, we already know, TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR FREEDOMS PERIORD!!

  49. Well, as a CA resident I sent her an email indicating what an embarassment she is, and the fact the FBI’s analysis confirmed there was no benefit from the last AWB.

    Also pointed out gun control is a Civil Rights/Liberties issue and should be included in that category vice being separated out. Particularly given the racist history to gun control in the US. Won’t be read by anyone other than a flunky, maybe not even that, but …

  50. Thanks for the photo of the lovely lady at the beginning, I was running low on target material for the range.

  51. I think that the AK sales weren’t up to par for DiFi. Nothing works best for boosting sales than talk about banning something. Great! Now more price hikes. She must really own CenturyArms stock. 🙂

  52. Boy you mods made a lot of work for yourself posting this one 😀

    It’s definitely ironic that she wants the BATFE, responsible for fast and furious, to change import laws to reduce the amount of weapons sent over the mexico, after they allegedly sent weapons to mexico that ended up killing many, many people.

  53. Are there any statistics as to the number of “comment moderated” actions for posts concerning DiFi vs. any other category of post? She does inspire a bunch of unacceptable comments, doesn’t she?

    • Before the treason even, she should be in prison for betraying the public trust, with her insider trading.

  54. Mrs. Feinstein, you are an enemy of this country. Please do us a favor and either leave or drop dead. That is all.


  55. Aren’t the “gun traffickers that profit by arming Mexican drug trafficking organizations” the US Government?

  56. “Prohibit importation of all semiautomatic rifles that can accept, or be readily converted to accept, a large capacity ammunition magazine of more than 10 rounds, regardless of the military pedigree of the firearm or the configuration of the firearm’s magazine well;”

    Is’nt that the same as banning every semiautomatic rifle that take a detachable magazine? Magazines can vary in size and one can always make a +10 after market magazine.

  57. She is a hypocrite on this issue, and also the NSA spying on her – how dare they!

    The new American revolution is coming soon.

  58. Senator Feinstein,

    The Second Amendment is not, nor has it ever been, about hunting or sport. These activities are byproducts of firearms ownership. No, the Second Amendment is about killing people, specifically the tyrants, oppressors and traitors. If you need help figuring out who these people are, you need not do more than look in a mirror.

  59. Why would the cartels deal with semi-auto jokes when they can buy the real deals from the Mexican military or our own ATF treasonous scumbags.

  60. “military-style.” I know HER definition of this term but, in truth, the military has spent more time with muzzle-loading and bolt-action weapons than anything else.

  61. The resulting firearm is then sold on the civilian market, either to be used in violent acts here at home or smuggled across the border into Mexico.

    Wait, what? No other options, like resting peacefully in an owner’s safe until range time? Do they install the evil in Eastern Europe or is that American made?

  62. WTF is an “assault weapon”?!?

    “For example, one imported Romanian AK firearm, the WASR-10, was carefully designed to exploit the sporting purposes test…”

    No kidding, because your stupid ‘test’ is meaningless.

    • The bigger point is, they wrote a law, this rifle complies with it so now they want to change the law. The obvious intent is they want to ban all firearms.

  63. I get a real kick out of when she talks about adding assault features. Let’s see, if I add a flash suppressor to my AR-15, no one will know that I am assaulting them. If I have a pistol type grip on my rifle, it is more deadly due the grip being different than other rifles. I would love to see someone publically debate her to expose her ignorance. She is a politician who will trample the rights of a least a third of our population, to save a few hundred lives each year. If she is really interested in saving lives, she should try banning alcoholic drinks.

    Alcohol is not a necessity for anyone. It is often used by people committing crimes. It results in a lot of drunk driving deaths. With the ban of just this one unnecessary product, a lot of lives will be saved. But we all know what happened the last time they banned alcohol. It would ruin a politician these days, despite the great number of lives that would be saved. This is something I tell anti gun people who tell me that guns should be banned because they are unnecessary. I ask them if they are willing to give up their daily happy hours because their drinks are unnecessary. Usually they say something along the lines that it helps to alleviate stress and promotes more social interaction. I tell them that shooting relieves my stress and both items can kill people each year so why are they so eager to ban what I like but not what they like?

  64. I would add one caveat, ban guns as soon as you ban all criminals from have guns and all guns are removed from all government buildings.

  65. So since when do we force laws on American citizens because of crimes being committed by crimanals in foreign countries

  66. Why does this crazy lady insist on trying to take our right to personal protection. She should ashamed to call herself American, we the people will not be giving anymore of our guaranteed freedoms. Not to anyone. You don’t represent me, or the many who would gladly fight again to ensure such freedoms. United we stand, or together we hang

  67. Sounds like we have to work to repeal the Gun Control Act of 1968. This seems to be where the problem lies. I don’t hunt. I have guns to protect myself, not from buglers but from government tyranny. Forget allowing guns only for sporting purposes. That’s the last reason I’d personally own a gun.

  68. What seems to have been forgotten, if Federal Laws were enforced,our Southern Border would be sealed, traffic between US and Mexico would be controlled, we wouldnt have criminals freely traveling back and forth across the border.

  69. I thought she spoke on behalf of just California? IS this crazyness really supposed to be followed by every other state. I sure as hell don’t think so !! Leave every other “SANE” state the hell alone !!! Friggin Freak !!!

  70. This crazy hypocrite needs to go away far far away, and leave her armed security here along with her concelled carry permit.

  71. [Section moderated – keep it civil]

    We The People still is, and always will be, the core of our beliefs. Our Constitutional rights are just that – rights, not privileges. No supposed ban or law that violates The Constitution will ever be valid. I think it is time to exercise our civic duty to remove the tyrants and oppressors from their seats in government and return control of this great nation to THE PEOPLE! And that is not inciting a riot, that is exercising my freedom of speech. Afterall, that’s what free Americans do.

  72. “Against all enemies – foreign and domestic” Diane, you are a domestic terrorist. If you, or anyone, attempts to deny me my RIGHTS as an American, you will be dealt with according to the law. The law established by our founding fathers in The Declaration of Independence.
    To wit and verbatim…
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

  73. I understand 134 convictions of how many millions of guns? If we were limited by this law, to only firearms made in the USA, would be very restrictive to those who want to have a choice. There are more deaths from hammers, rocks and screwdrivers than this. I am not callous to the loss of life that has happened, but there is more death and destruction in countries that do not allow any kind of gun to be sold, imported or manufactured. Just like Chicago, with all of it’s laws, should be the safest lace in America, but it just does not happen. We must remain free or we will be like the other countries.

  74. I think there is a day coming, when the Internet will all of a sudden be gone. They will just shut it down because of the talk in America. We are tired of the government trying to take away whatever rights we have left. And there will either be change for the better, or for the worse. So I can see it coming. That is something I can see happening in the not-to-distant-future. It may well be the sign of the end. I ask, do you know Yahweh and His Son Yeshua?

  75. Every single ONE of them needs to go and make sure that their children do not get in either…this woman’s daughter has the same mental dysfunction as the mother

  76. TsHas anyone else noticed that an awful lot of post have been erased or modified to say only what the provider will allow? I have, and I feel that the right of free speech is being stomped on. I also feel its time to stop talking about this crap and stand up and do something about it. As another person posted had posted earlier the constitution states that is not only our right but our duty to stand up against a treasonous government.It’s time to exercise our rights.AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE!

  77. Has anyone else noticed that an awful lot of post have been erased or modified to say only what the provider will allow? I have, and I feel that the right of free speech is being stomped on. I also feel its time to stop talking about this crap and stand up and do something about it. As another person posted had posted earlier the constitution states that is not only our right but our duty to stand up against a treasonous government.It’s time to exercise our rights.AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE!

  78. “has become a favorite of the gun traffickers that profit by arming Mexican drug trafficking organizations”

    Wait…I thought this was the ATF’s job.

  79. The 2nd commandment did not say the right to keep and bear arms was for “sporting” purposes.

  80. The longer I live, the better I realize, that the WHOLE Government needs to be ousted from the lowest politician to the highest one. Then reestablish a new government who does have their heads up their asses!!! Our Constitution Stands!!! They are NOT allowed to change it!!! We ALL need to stand up and get what the USA was built for, OUR FREEDOMS!!! Why keep politicians who refuse to do the job We pay them for?? I don’t know of any other job that you get paid for, and you don’t have to do anything but behave like IDIOTS!!! That is is called an I D 10 T error.

  81. There will always be those who are too idiotic when attempting to control the state. Fine, so, your PO’d cause your old man is importing this weapons and won’t back your campaign. GET OVER IT LADY. WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR TYRANNY MUCH LONGER.

  82. I love how people are hating on guns so much. Guns kill people, guns are bad. I can list five things that kill more people then guns. Knives, cars, other people, bleach and cows. Shall we start preparing the laws to ban those as well? Take away our right to arm ourselves and you will live in a country of people that will feel unsafe in their own house.

  83. She still dont get it…….its not a weapon problem, its a PEOPLE PROBLEM! We will still have funerals and injuries from weapons with a lesser sustainable rate of fire because there are idiots out there that wont STOP PULLING THE TRIGGER!!

    As every generation passes, we as a society ALLOW more and more of the inherent freedoms our forefathers faught for to be diminished by an ever growing and more intrusive government. WE’RE LETTING THIS SHIT HAPPEN! We’ve turned our back on our neighbors in our own towns and communities and have gotten so caught up our own private little world and whats happening on tv and facebook that we cant see whats happening in our own backyard.

    Its time to wake up and stand up, people……before its too late….

  84. End the war on drugs and that will end the violence. The only reason cartels can afford these weapons and use them is because the war on drugs causes drug prices to go up creating a profitable black market business.

    The far right makes drugs illegal (removing personal rights) and then the far left exploits the violence created by said drug laws to take away our guns (more lost freedom) the two party system is a scam, there are lies and both sides

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