broward sheriff scott israel fired desantis
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“I am accountable to the citizens of Broward County. My job is to continue to do the job I was elected to do, which is to ensure the safety of Broward County’s 1.9 million residents.

“I will not be distracted from my duties by this inconsequential IUPA union vote, which was designed to extort a 6.5 percent pay raise from this agency. Those who purportedly voted in this straw ballot reflect only a small number of the 5,400 BSO employees. The unions representing the vast majority of our employees solidly support the leadership of this agency.” – Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel in Deputies have no confidence in Broward County sheriff, deputies union says [via]

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      • the hardest i will laugh today.
        maybe i’m old school; being an ineffective leader that lies and costs the public, and especially children, their safety (at a minimum, obvs) should be a strong candidate for immediate termination.
        why isn’t the entire u.s. populace aware of the games that were (are being) played in these counties?

        • ” . . . being an ineffective leader that lies and costs the public, and especially children, their safety (at a minimum, obvs) should be a strong candidate for immediate termination.”

          Pretty much sums up the entirety of Broward County’s officialdom. Used to be a pretty nice place to live. No more.

        • As an elected official, he cannot be fired, although in Florida I have read that governor may have the authority to do so (but will not likely exercise any such power).

        • Florida Gov does not have guts to do his job and fire this idiot, but there is this little thing called a recall election. The people could fire him.
          He won his reelection in 2016 with 72% of the cast votes, so it would probably be an uphill battle. If the people want him gone it would be worth the effort.

        • If this POS ever had even the smallest shred of dignity, humility, or shame he’d step down and crawl into a hole

      • Here in Quartzsite, Arizona, pop. <4000 full time residents, the police chief wears five stars, like Generals Patton and MacArthur! All 18 members of the police force are identified as "Detective" on their business cards.

    • From the mind-numbingly corrupt and incompetent Sheriff, we get a defiant “I won’t quit; I was elected!”

      From a classless and ghoulish Fresno State professor we get “You can’t fire me; I have tenure!”

      From the Sunshine State to the Golden State, it sounds like liberal, America-hating, blood suckers are basically saying that you’ll get them off the government teat when you pry it from their cold, dead lips. Amiright, as RF would ask?

      • To get rid of liberals, shaming etc. will not work. The villagers will have to get their torches and pitchforks and remove him. Maybe these victims families should sue him personally.

        • Or, better yet, pay him a visit at his home and do some old time justice with a tree limb and a rope. Remember to pull the rope slowly….

      • Yet among all the liberal screeching the day after the election were MANY calls for Trump to step down, before he was even inaugurated. Only works one way, I guess.

      • “You’ll get them off the government teat when you pry it from their cold, dead lips.”

        We could arrange it — but whether fortunately or unfortunately, we value human life too much. Israel and his ilk make us out to be some kind of monsters in waiting…he’s damn lucky that his “monsters” are nicer than he is.

        • “You’ll get them off the government teat when you pry it from their cold, dead lips.”

          Damn, that’s priceless. And with your kind permission I would like to spread it far and wide!

  1. Well a democrat lost his support of the unions. He can stomp his feet all he wants, but that’s a death blow to a democrat.

  2. I personally love how this clown decided to slap four stars on his own collar. Sorry kiddies. A chief of police or sheriff rates an O-4 at most.

      • I’d love to see one of these clowns walk around with a rank previously reserved for George Washington.

      • He could find five star insignia.

        he couldn’t find five star collars for his pencil neck shirts.

      • I’m trying to remember where I saw it yesterday, but a Chief of Police of some larger city was on tv wearing a 5-star insignia in the shape of a pentagon. There have only been 9 5-star generals/admirals in our entire history, not sure why a COP should wear something like those gentlemen.

    • If only he had more stars…
      Then the plebs could see how import he thinks he is.

      If I failed at my job in such a monumental way, I’m fairly certain I would be drummed out of town.

      • If I failed at my job that hard I’d fire myself. The fact that this ass-clown still thinks he deserves his job says a lot about him.

        • He and the school resource officers who hid behind their cars (probably while using their trousers as a field latrine) while Cruz massacred other students should either hang their heads in shame or hang themselves for their shame. But being Democrats, they have no shame.

          As for the stars. Delusions of grandeur.

    • David Clarke liked to wear four stars too.

      My local sheriff seems to wear colonel’s eagles.

      I can’t understand why a civilian official needs to wear military rank. Cops are civilians no matter how much they want to be operational operators.

    • It must be a Florida thing. My sheriff, Wayne Ivey of Brevard Cty., has 4 stars on his collar; as does Grady Judd of Polk Cty. As far as I’m concerned, they are the two finest sheriffs in the state. If Israel can wear 4 stars, these two deserve ten.

    • He needs at least 5 rows of ribbons and medals to complete the “South American Dictator” look!

  3. Don’t worry, the Democratic Party and the Cowards of Broward will elivate an equally ineffective and equally politically reliable person to the position of Sheriff (probably a New Jersey or Massachusetts state trooper) if Israel is actually removed.

  4. ” I will not be distracted from advancing the Anti – Second Amendment agenda for my Handlers , just like the Las Vegas Sheriffs Office ”

    ———- Fixed.

  5. You gotta’ love an open revolt…ordinarily I’m not fond of union’s but THAT union rocks😄

  6. Ok, if the union can’t fire this bozo, who can? Someone needs to handle him if he is unwilling to take responsibility for his leadership failures and resign.

    • The state governor can suspend him, not fire him. The state senate can remove him from office. The voters can fire him during the next election cycle.

    • Other than the voters, Scott, but he is all in with Demtards and his political calculation is that it is safer for his attempt to run for the US Senate to ignore this guy.

  7. When are these guys gonna realize most veterans take one look at those stars, roll their eyes and snicker behind their back? And we see it over and over again. How can they be so numb?

    • Not just veterans. Whenever I see those I’m reminded of Bowman’s line from 2001

      “…my God…it’s full of stars…”

  8. I am accountable to the citizens of Broward County. My job is to continue to do the job I was elected to do, which is to ensure the safety of Broward County’s 1.9 million residents..”

    Said Scott Isreal as Brothers Osborne “It ain’t my fault” plays in the background.

  9. These Communists are unbelievable. They value the union/Party stance above the actual voting constituents.

    Keep it up Izzy, your cops may just bail on the unions altogether, and it’ll be the best thing that ever happened to that locale. Hopefully the next one is a no-confidence vote on the union that’s protecting this piece of crap sheriff.

  10. Just…..Damn. None are so blind that refuse to see. How does a person like this actually live with themselves?

    • The school knew the guy was crazy and did nothing. The FBI was notified several times and did nothing. This excuse for the LEO knew and …did nothing. Do I see a pattern here?

      Something here is similar to most of the mass murders with rifle, which gun grabbers need so badly to push civilian disarmament.
      Almost as if someone meant for them to happen and before the bodies cool, this someone pulls out prepared gun control bills and starts organization of “Take away our rights now!” movements.

      No, I don’t have any proof. If I did, I would not sit here musing about it. It just seems suspicious and very convenient for gun grabbers to have all these – known to police – nutjobs going around shooting people with exactly the kind of rifle that’s most useful for militias.

      (Takes off his tin foil hat and folds it neatly.)

      • Well, Cruz did say he was going to be a “professional school shooter” on one of the social media platforms. Definition of professional is being paid to do a job.

  11. “My job is to continue to do the job I was elected to do, which is to ensure the safety of Broward County’s 1.9 million residents. Well, except for those school kids, screw them.”

    • He is running 1 SD employee per 374 people in Broward Cty and 4 SD employees per square mile.

      Our local, mostly rural department runs 1 SD employee per 1000 people in the county and 1/4 employee per square mile.

      • Wilcommen to Stasiland.

        In the former East Germany, by the time you count the actual Stasi and their informants, you had a third of the population spying on the rest.

  12. Why don’t police and sheriff’s departments have whoever dresses them pick something historical, or limit themselves to a single star? It’s ridiculous to see 4 stars on any law enforcement personnel. They need to stop trying to cosplay as something their they are not and that is a military general officer. Most of these guys couldn’t even come close to general officer potential, and lack the necessary intelligence and skills to run their departments in an effective manner.

    • Personally, I consider an 0-6’s eagles much more distinguished looking, as well as appropriate. When is some jackwad going to commission a 6-star insignia?

      • It may be appropriate for someone like the chief of the NYPD or the CPD. (40,000 sworn officers and 12,000 sworn officers respectively) Both are division size (aka a flag officer’s command), but most departments don’t muster the manpower to equate to a battalion, much less a regiment.

  13. If his name was Scott Ireland he’d already be out on his @ss.

    Forget it, Jake. It’s Broward.

  14. No, what really distracts him is his incandescent hatred for the Bill of Rights and the citizens of this nation.

  15. missed it by THAT MUCH

    im not sure what hes more of a narcissist or a sociopath

    israel f-ed up the fort lauderdale airport shooting too

    the governor should fire him

    he has the power and now the duty to do so

  16. This guy is why so many more (white) people now understand they can’t trust law enforcement. I’m sorry it took the deaths of 17 kids, in a wealthy mostly white high school, to show the majority they can’t rely on the police.

    It seems the deaths of poor (white) kids in a Kentucky HS shooting back in January 2018 didn’t have the same wake up call effect.

  17. Interesting. A police officer complaining about extortion.

    Extortion: Any minor traffic violation resulting in any sort of fine.

    Quite simply, you should get a warning (not a fine) for minor “violations” and jail time or license suspension for major violations.

    Anything inbetween is extortion. Period.

  18. This is a tough one for me. I am against both Sheriff Scott Israel and the union. OTOH, Sheriff is an idiot and I would vote no confidence. OTOH, it probably is an attempt by the union to buy off support and extort money from taxpayers.

    Any chance we can fire both the Sheriff and the union?

  19. Sheriff-lyin does not seem to understand that you want *small* numbers in a “no confidence vote.”

    Well, just add that to the list.

  20. Sheriff-lyin does not seem to understand that the first thing a leader has is engaged followers.

    Just another brick in the list…

  21. Sheriff-lyin seems unclear that he maintains the support of his constituency by *not getting them killed.* Oh, well. They couldn’t vote yet, anyway.

    We’re gonna need a bigger list…

  22. Sheriff-lyin does not understand that the value of rank comes from who awarded it. Spelling that out — this is for Sheriff-lyin, after all — rank he awarded himself is worth, well, what he is.

    Star that one on the list.

  23. Sheriff-lyin does not seem to understand that when people call you and say: “This guy is dangerous, doing dangerous things.” your job is to do something about the dangerousness.

    This list is becoming dangerous.

  24. Sheriff-lyin does not seem to understand that if an “incident” happens in a school, and it isn’t reported, somebody still gets hurt.

    Perhaps he should list bear-poop he stepped in, from bears he did not see?

  25. Sheriff-lyin does not understand that interrogating a kid for a pic at a gun range … is abuse of the kid … shows that his minions *could have* followed up with the shooter if they wanted to … demonstrates that it ain’t the gun, it’s who’s holding it … and settles any questions about his own imperiousness and over-reach .

    That’s a whole list of wrong, from one (more) stupid thing he did.

  26. Sheriff-lyin does not understand that banning assault backbacks is as misguided as blaming guns.

    One more item for the list of things that don’t work.

  27. Sheriff-lyin does not understand that a hunting ban does not stop him from going after “known wolfe” would-be school shooters. Different kind of “wolfe.”

    Packin another item on the list.

  28. Sheriff-lyin does not understand that failing to protect kids at school, holding that MMA / Thunderdome mobbing, dissing the deputies who did run toward the problem, having his jackboots roust the inconvenient kid, and declaring his “excellent leadership” is obvious given how the people he leads voted, maybe all demonstrate the obvious.

    (Also spittle-flecking speeches, by white guys shouting slogans with one arm raised … not a good look. Sheriff-lyin might want to consider a different uniform color for his enforcers, I mean officers. Unless its an homage.)

    More for the list of “Sherrif-lyin lives in opposite-world.”

  29. Sheriff-lyin seems unclear that law enforcement is not political advocacy; he’s permitted to enforce the law only so far as he doesn’t become the thug arm of one agenda or another.

    Listing to the left…

  30. Sheriff-lyin seems unclear that the unfortunate history in the South of “law enforcement” used to drive politics is a cautionary tale, not a how-to manual.

    The voting rolls were a kind of list, right?

  31. Sheriff-lyin does not understand that he has no authoritah. We give him some of ours, to look after our safety for us. When he screws that up, well…

    HR says this list is enough to fire him.

  32. …..Just your standard, arrogant demo-putz. Wake up people. Vote this schmuck out of office. Get yourselves a REAL sheriff.

  33. Unfortunately, next election, he will be elected again overwhelmingly! Broward County is full of liberals that fled their northern blue state crapholes, only to create a new craphole here in Florida. I don’t understand why they they left there to create the same conditions they fled from here.

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