Q honey badger sb tactical
Q Honey Badger pistol with SB Tactical pistol stabilizing brace (Jeremy S. for TTAG)

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

As the Sept. 8 deadline looms for public comment on the proposed rule change regarding handgun stabilizing arm braces, the Second Amendment Foundation has launched an ambitious effort to encourage and guide gun owners to submit comments to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Read SAF’s comments here.

“Time is running out and we want to provide millions of targeted gun owners the means to weigh in on this alarming proposal,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “ATF wants to reclassify millions of stabilizing brace-equipped pistols by making them subject to the National Firearms Act. If that happens, current owners of such pistols would need to register their guns and pay a $200 tax on each one, or turn it in to the ATF, or take one of several other undesirable options.”

SAF has produced a video message about this proposal, and offers these suggestions on how gun owners should submit their comments:

  • You can submit your comments to ATF via the Federal eRulemaking portal at: www.regulations.gov here on or before September 8, 2021.
  • Your comment must reference docket number “ATF 2021R–08
  • Your comments should be original. ATF will not consider duplicate comments. See Commenter’s Checklist here if you want more information about commenting.
  • Your comments should be professional in tone. ATF will not consider comments with profanity or other inappropriate content.
  • Better comments describe how the proposed rule would impact the commenter.

You can also mail written comments to:

Denise Brown, Mail Stop 6N– 518
Office of Regulatory Affairs
Enforcement Programs and Services
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
99 New York Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20226
ATTN: ATF 2021R-08

Mailed comments should be in 12-point font size (.17 inches) or larger, include the commenter’s first and last name and full mailing address, be signed, and may be of any length. ATF will treat comments postmarked on or before September 8, 2021 as timely.

“We cannot overemphasize the urgency here,” Gottlieb said. “Gun owners need to submit their comments now. This is just one more manifestation of the Biden administration’s effort to crack down on gun owners and the Second Amendment.”


The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 700,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.


  1. It is a done deal the ATF does not pay any attention to letters. The comment period is just all political smoke and mirrors in regards to a decision made by Biden. Biden gave them the order and they carried it out. End of story.

    I am really surprised the ATF themselves allowed short barrel rifle braces from the very beginning as they know they are a law unto themselves. They even got away with banning a piece of leather called the wallet holster which is not a weapon in any way shape or form.

    In the past when crime was low and a pistol with a shoulder stock fired a pistol round one could have probably accepted such a weapon. Today its a far different story as we have 330 million people and millions of criminals and maniacs and the guns being bought today are not pistols in any sense of the word rather they are short barrel concealable rifles firing high velocity rounds that do a tremendous amount of damage compared to the anemic pistol rounds.

    The Far Right fanatics have no sane argument for them not being regulated to the max as ordinary people going about their everyday business are not about to lug around a heavy assault weapon and one that is way less concealable in hot weather if it is indeed concealable at all.

    Home defense is not a good argument either as a legal short barrel rifle is more deadly and a short barreled shotgun cheaper and often way more deadly firing buckshot as was proven over 121 years ago in the Capitalvanian rape and conquest of the Philippian Islands by U.S. Storm Troopers who stated it was far more deadly than the rifles they were using at the time when executing women they had tortured and raped. Three million civilian deaths were a lot of proof.

    Sixty Minutes did a special showing the damage these high velocity rifle rounds did on real meat and also ballistic gel. The results were shocking and dramatic and millions of none gun owning Americans were horrified that the criminals and drug gangs were now flocking to buy them. They have become the weapon of choice for drug gangs.

    Public opinion often plays a big role in gun control laws just as it did during the Saint Valentines day Massacre in Chicago that forced the Government to stop the sale of over the counter machine guns and then ban them altogether under the great gun hating Satan President Reagan and of course the corrupt gun hating Supreme Court then blessed the Reagan Machine gun ban by reversing itself on its former decision claiming only military weapons were protected under 2A. What hypocrites. But hey that is exactly why 2A was written in the vaguest of terms by the criminal founding fathers as they wanted an option to disarm the people and 2A enables them to do it.

    So in conclusion if you still want one pay the bucks and do the paperwork because this is how civilized countries operate. They do not sell deadly second hand weapons to criminals and nut cases and not new ones either with the new Biden gun ban.

    In the long run the new law is helping gun owners not hurting them because when only law abiding citizens are permitted to own one there is way less calls to ban them altogether but that is way over the head of the Far Right Fanatics who are always their own worst enemies.

    • You should move to one of those more civilized countries then and get the F out of America. The amount of stupid in your comments is pathetic.

    • Uhm actually no it is not a done deal.

      The ATF actually has to review each submission. That is actually the law.
      Many of us actually put together a thoughtful response after reading the proposed rule, sighting questions or concerns.

      Stabilized firearms are actually a thing. My friend is disabled, and has enjoyed shooting because of such innovation and design.

      The laws will actually negatively effect those who are disabled and use braced firearms, and also the poor.

      Additionally the rule change which carries the weight of a law, will cause many to lose their firearms, as it sets up a direct conflict with state law.

      There are unintended consequences, and also a large amount of interpretation based on bias of individuals not elected but the people. As such this is a bad rule and should be withdrawn.
      If they want to change NFA, they should do it through congress the right way.

    • Dacian always seems to have such verbose and lengthy comments handy. Makes me wonder if he has many of them pre-written and on speed dial, just waiting for a conversation to come along that matches them.

      MarkPA writes lengthy comments as well, but you can tell he writes them on the spot, in response to whichever user he’s replying to. And they’re coherent and relevant. Same with a few other people here.

      But Dacian…not so much.

      • What hard hitting, relevant analysis by the incomparable ‘I Haz A Question’. Stand in awe of his greatness.

        As it was, is and ever shall be.

        All Hail.

    • dacian. Your association with Mad Magazine is revealing. I stopped reading Mad when I was 13 and replaced it with National Rifleman. It appears you remain in fantasy land with Alfred E. Neuman and Joe Fonebone.

    • It is a done deal the ATF does not pay any attention to letters. The comment period is just all political smoke and mirrors in regards to a decision made by Biden. Biden gave them the order and they carried it out. End of story.

      Zero evidence supplied it is a done deal. Just assert shit pulled out of his ass. End of story.

      I am really surprised the ATF themselves allowed short barrel rifle braces from the very beginning as they know they are a law unto themselves.

      The law explicitly states… EXPLICITLY states, “fired from the shoulder.” Mkay. You can take a pistol and take the handle and fire it from your shoulder, does that make it a rifle? Does it make it a short barrelled rifle? No. You are delusional, and insane. A brace is intended to be fired from the arm, as a pistol. It is technically a pistol. Just because you can push the brace into your shoulder, uncomfortably, doesn’t a short barreled rifle make. The ATF has historically ALWAYS approved the design, the physical design of a firearm, not how you hold it. As a result, the ATF attempting to ban arm braces, which have been around many years now, then suddenly repealing such a decision will be struck down by the supreme court in a 6-3 decision. Let that soak in, and then choke on it.

      They even got away with banning a piece of leather called the wallet holster which is not a weapon in any way shape or form.

      Most of them are perfectly legal, even in the eyes of the ATF. For those that aren’t, it’s doubtful in a red state, the local law enforcement would pursue the matter, because that law is a federal law, not a state/local law.


      In the past when crime was low and a pistol with a shoulder stock fired a pistol round one could have probably accepted such a weapon. Today its a far different story as we have 330 million people and millions of criminals and maniacs and the guns being bought today are not pistols in any sense of the word rather they are short barrel concealable rifles firing high velocity rounds that do a tremendous amount of damage compared to the anemic pistol rounds.

      ROFLOLOLOL. Show me the statistics where crimes are being used with SBR’s or AR15’s with pistol braces. Get ready for laughter folks.

      The Far Right fanatics have no sane argument for them not being regulated to the max as ordinary people going about their everyday business are not about to lug around a heavy assault weapon and one that is way less concealable in hot weather if it is indeed concealable at all.

      Anyone intent on using an SBR, can readily make one ILLEGALLY. The law does not stop them. If they are going to kill someone with their SBR, or AR15 pistol with brace, or pistol, or rifle, the last thing they are going to care about is a law that says their rifle is too short.
      No – ordinary people don’t lug around a heavy 6.5lb assault weapon. And ordinary people don’t lug around an AR15 pistol with brace either. Where are the statistics showing AR15’s with braces a problem???? Hint: There are none.

      Home defense is not a good argument either as a legal short barrel rifle is more deadly and a short barreled shotgun cheaper and often way more deadly firing buckshot as was proven over 121 years ago in the Capitalvanian rape and conquest of the Philippian Islands by U.S. Storm Troopers who stated it was far more deadly than the rifles they were using at the time when executing women they had tortured and raped. Three million civilian deaths were a lot of proof.

      I don’t even know where to begin with this nonsense. Except that AR15’s didn’t exist 121 years ago. I see nothing wrong with an SBR used for home defense. Since it is for home defense, and no criminal activity, I don’t even understand why you are talking about it. Home defense is a good thing. Whatever they want to use, or deem appropriate for using that best suits them for home defense, is what they should be using. You appear anti-home defense with this argument.

      Sixty Minutes did a special showing the damage these high velocity rifle rounds did on real meat and also ballistic gel. The results were shocking and dramatic and millions of none gun owning Americans were horrified that the criminals and drug gangs were now flocking to buy them. They have become the weapon of choice for drug gangs.

      And i’m sure… drug gangs are going to turn their rifles in the second you pass this legislation. Totally delusional. The AR15 is the most popular rifle in America. The AR15 arm brace is also very very popular. You are going to meet extreme resistance, and nonconformance trying to enforce a ban. And the supreme court will strike any assault rifle ban on AR15’s down. Because they meet the heller decision criteria of “in common use.” Same as with pistol braces. Kiss your utopia goodbye.

      Public opinion often plays a big role in gun control laws just as it did during the Saint Valentines day Massacre in Chicago that forced the Government to stop the sale of over the counter machine guns and then ban them altogether under the great gun hating Satan President Reagan and of course the corrupt gun hating Supreme Court then blessed the Reagan Machine gun ban by reversing itself on its former decision claiming only military weapons were protected under 2A. What hypocrites. But hey that is exactly why 2A was written in the vaguest of terms by the criminal founding fathers as they wanted an option to disarm the people and 2A enables them to do it.

      The days of zero pushback against gun regulations are over. They’re done. If anything, there is more push to deregulate them, rather than regulate them. Concealed carry licensing, open carry, and constitutional carry have been sweeping the nation. You’ll have to use your vote to tyrant some other subject matter buddy.

      So in conclusion if you still want one pay the bucks and do the paperwork because this is how civilized countries operate. They do not sell deadly second hand weapons to criminals and nut cases and not new ones either with the new Biden gun ban.

      Any executive order Biden delivers, will likely be struck down. He can’t even repeal Trump’s “remain in mexico” policy without a nationwide injunction by the courts. Expect the same with your hoplophobic policy ideas.

      In the long run the new law is helping gun owners not hurting them because when only law abiding citizens are permitted to own one there is way less calls to ban them altogether but that is way over the head of the Far Right Fanatics who are always their own worst enemies.

      LOL! Right. This is going to help gun owners, by making them instant felons and require them to turn in their guns that they paid good money for, and those that don’t get arrested, their money taken from them, and put in a cage. But! wait! This is going to help gun owners! Wait! These regulations are good for gun owners and going to help! Come back! Let’s talk! Don’t go!

      • To Anono Brain

        quote————-I don’t even know where to begin with this nonsense. Except that AR15’s didn’t exist 121 years ago.————quote

        Your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level. Go back and read the sentence again and you will see genius boy that if you had read and comprehended the entire sentence the 121 years was in direct reference to the use of shotguns in combat in the Philippian Islands. Is this getting to complicated for you?????

        quote————-The days of zero pushback against gun regulations are over.————quote

        The delusional ranting’s of a person who is totally ignorant of history even recent history. Your statement is totally laughable. Trumps hand picked radical far right Supreme Court in the year 2020 refused to hear 12 important 2A cases letting all the anti-gun laws stand. The lower courts had previously blessed them all. Really Anono Brain what planet do you live on????

        quote————–LOL! Right. This is going to help gun owners, by making them instant felons ————-quote

        Look low I.Q. boy if the law is passed all gun owners have to do is follow the law and it will then make them legal not felons as they will have plenty of time to register them and it will weed out the people who should not have had them to begin with. Yes some of them but not all of them (the ones who bought second hand) went through the Brady Bill Background check but the vetting done for Machine guns is much more in depth and undoubtedly will catch a few who should not of ever had bought them when new and will also catch the guys that bought them second hand and never were vetted and therefore should never have had them, they will be the much bigger group caught and weeded out.

        quote————–And i’m sure… drug gangs are going to turn their rifles in the second you pass this legislation.——-quote

        Oh brilliant statement. Since we made the mistake of selling them to the public the first time now we should not correct the mistake and sell more of them to drug gangs. Really do you have your head screwed on straight today. Do you realize the same Moronic babbling was said when they banned Thompson machine guns in the 30’s and down through time they cleaned up a lot of illegal machine guns and since it was now very tough to get a new one the machine gun problem practically disappeared since then proving the gun ban law worked and worked very well. When was the last time a drug gang shot up down town Chicago with a row of cars with 25 Thompson Machine Guns sticking out the windows. Duhhh you say!!!!

        quote———-Where are the statistics showing AR15’s with braces a problem???? Hint: There are none.———-quote

        Look dim wit the majority of mass murders were committed with assault rifles and letting nut cases buy even smaller ones across the counter will only make concealing them even easier for mass murder. And the special 60 minutes documented crimes committed with the short barreled rifles with braces. Now lie your way out of this one.

        • Your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level. Go back and read the sentence again and you will see genius boy that if you had read and comprehended the entire sentence the 121 years was in direct reference to the use of shotguns in combat in the Philippian Islands. Is this getting to complicated for you?????

          You hear that? That’s the sound of a losing argument. “as was proven over 121 years ago” is what YOU said. So fix your own mistakes.
          I see nothing wrong with an SBR used for home defense. Since it is for home defense, and not criminal activity, I don’t even understand why you are talking about it. Home defense is a good thing. Whatever they want to use, or deem appropriate for using that best suit them for home defense, is what they should be using. You appear anti-home defense with this argument. End of story. QED. F**k off.

          The delusional ranting’s of a person who is totally ignorant of history even recent history. Your statement is totally laughable. Trumps hand picked radical far right Supreme Court in the year 2020 refused to hear 12 important 2A cases letting all the anti-gun laws stand. The lower courts had previously blessed them all. Really Anono Brain what planet do you live on????

          I live on the planet during an age that the days of zero pushback against gun regulations are over. That is what planet we are living on. The planet where concealed carry licensing, open carry, and constitutional carry have been sweeping the nation. The only gun laws imposed at a national level in recent years has been Trump’s bumpstock ban, which was struck down by the courts:
          The ATF can change their rules all they like. Those will be struck down too. Watch and see!
          Like I said – You’ll have to use your vote to tyrant some other subject matter.

          Look low I.Q. boy if the law is passed all gun owners have to do is follow the law and it will then make them legal not felons.

          Really??? Jesus Christ, that didn’t occur to me! When I thought about it, and said it would make them instant felons, it just didn’t occur to me that by turning in their guns, or following whatever law the bigoted left and their useful idiots dreamed up, they could avoid being felons. All this time, my beef was obviously about the instant felon part, and not about the hideous bigoted anti-gun and anti-gun people part. Wow. Thanks bro.

          …as they will have plenty of time to register them and it will weed out the people who should not have had them to begin with.

          Right! Government is my friend. They are here to help. They are going to keep me safe. You are going to keep me safe with your votes. And I’m just going to follow those gun laws and do what I’m told.

          Yes some of them but not all of them (the ones who bought second hand) went through the Brady Bill Background check but the vetting done for Machine guns is much more in depth…

          Machine guns, rifles, AR15’s, AR15s with braces are statistical nothingburgers. Piss off. Go get background checks, fingerprinting, waiting periods, storage regulations, usage regulations, carrying regulations, transportation regulations on your hobby, you POS tyrant.

          Oh brilliant statement. Since we made the mistake of selling [guns] to the public the first time…

          Piss off, antigun zealot.

          Do you realize the same Moronic babbling was said when they banned Thompson machine guns in the 30’s and down through time they cleaned up a lot of illegal machine guns…

          People stopped machinegunning the government when they repealed prohibition. The problem is tyrants. Not freedom, you little turd. Why do you think they bought the machine guns in the first place? The change isn’t the inability to acquire guns, the change has been more tolerance of people different from you. But it seems we are going back to a place of intolerance again. So soon, we might be back to a place of machineguns again. And once again, gun control is going to stop zero of it.

          and since it was now very tough to get a new one the machine gun problem practically disappeared since then proving the gun ban law worked and worked very well. When was the last time a drug gang shot up down town Chicago with a row of cars with 25 Thompson Machine Guns sticking out the windows. Duhhh you say!!!!

          There were several drive by’s last weekend. Drive by today actually:
          Machine gun crime back then was extremely rare, even during the organized crime days. And even rarer today. And I disagree with you, that is because of gun control. See prohibition comments above. You social engineering government worshiping tyrants need to find something else to do.

          Look dim wit the majority of mass murders were committed with assault rifles and letting nut cases buy even smaller ones across the counter will only make concealing them even easier for mass murder.

          So what you are saying is they are a statistical blip. Still waiting on those statistics! You are more likely to be struck by lightening than be a victim in a mass shooting.


          Go here, and soak up the number of people killed with a rifle, and the f**k off back where you came from.

          And the special 60 minutes documented crimes committed with the short barreled rifles with braces. Now lie your way out of this one.

          Don’t care what 60 minutes, CNN, or MSNBC, or the small voices coming out of the tears streaming down obama’s face, have a say about our gun rights. You must be straight out of a mom’s demand action meeting. Who told you, any of us would believe anything in these days said by these media companies?
          Again…. Show me the statistics where crimes are being used with SBR’s or AR15’s with pistol braces. Yeah that’s right! You know what that means? It means go f**k off. Then keep f**king off. Keep F**king off until you get to a gate with a sign saying “You can’t f**k off past here.” Climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep f**king off until you’ve f**ked off all the way back here, to this place. Then start all over again, f**king off.

  2. darcydodo…You failed miserably at your wordy attempt to dress up and sugarcoat Gun Control poop with “civilized society” and attach it to the “new biden gun plan.”

    Clowns like you sit around all nice and comfy trying to sell an agenda that history confirms is rooted in racism and genocide. What an incompetent spoon fed twit like you thinks is great is what millions throughout history who were imprisoned, tortured and murdered call Gun Control. Get yourself a bag of Twizzlers and chew on the following until you get it…If that does not work go play in the freeway.

    1) The Second Amendment is one thing.
    2) The criminal misuse of firearms, etc. is another thing.
    3) History confirms Gun Control in any shape or form is a racist and nazi based Thing.

  3. I sent in my comment today.
    A think this would have a direct effect on ADA, as well as discriminatory actions against financially challenged.
    I also went through and noticed a section where the ATF seems to be allowed to deny a sample based on their interpretation of the manufacturers intent. This is very wrong and there is a lot where bias, and interpretation can creep into the final decision.
    There are also other areas where the restrictions would stifle innovation and safety because manufacturers are unable to improve their designs as they might creep outside arbitrary scope of the ATF.

  4. LOL , the pistol brace will be regulated and everyone commenting on why you need to have your pistol brace just narked themselves out.

    • Sometimes Possum you do amaze me with your level headed down to earth, and logical comments. This time you do see reality. Neither you or I caused this reality but we both see it and understand it. This time no rebuttal from me I give you a gold star.

        • Since you were civil with me I will be civil with you. I can sum it up in one word, “Education” that is all. I did not create the gun problem in the U.S. but I am willing to find solutions to it.

          I know you will not believe this but I was one of the few guys at our gun club that not so long ago was dead set against Universal Background Checks but I was willing to research and learn so I changed my mind because the facts were so overwhelming. Would I like them, no honestly I would not but I would support them because they are needed.

        • I got a covid shot even though I hate getting vaccinations because there was a worldwide problem pandemic and when we have a problem we do not sit back stay ignorant and do nothing because we might be inconvenienced or frightened about it. We get educated and then go out and do something whether it is a gun problem or a pandemic.

          Universal Background Checks do not take a persons guns and a covid shot does cause you to grow horns and pointed ears either. Millions of people have taken the shots and that is proof enough for anyone.

        • Since you were civil with me I will be civil with you. I can sum it up in one word, “Education” that is all. I did not create the gun problem in the U.S. but I am willing to find solutions to it.

          By weaponizing the government against you, and simultaneously claiming it will help you! LOLOLOL Also while keeping a straight face claiming AR15’s, AR15’s with braces, and AR15 SBR’s are a statistical problem in the US.

          I know you will not believe this but I was one of the few guys at our gun club that not so long ago was dead set against Universal Background Checks but I was willing to research and learn so I changed my mind because the facts were so overwhelming. Would I like them, no honestly I would not but I would support them because they are needed.

          You’re not going to believe this! I am one of you! LOL, And I found out that these regulations that regular gun owners would perform, but criminals would not, is going to help, and are needed! The precise record keeping of all legal gun owners in a registry, which is the ONLY way to enforce universal background checks, is going to help ALL GUN OWNERS! – dacian.

        • dacian- education is indeed a noble goal. But one must take into account that it takes two for education to occur- a student and a teacher. A student should welcome being educated, right? Is not the reason for education to better oneself? If so, the student not only seeks greater knowledge- they actively seek an educator to provide it to them.

          An educator seeks a student willing to receive their instruction. If their education is valuable, it will be sought after, right?. A teacher/student relationship isn’t based on force, is it? Speaking of force- does a student have a say in what they’re being taught? Does a teacher have a choice in the curriculum they are teaching?

          I don’t believe anyone here would argue that you don’t have a point of view, an opinion, and suppositions you feel strongly about. Those perceptions, opinions, and advocacy are all valid- from your point of view. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I believe the maelstrom you foment here is due to your misapprehension of the essential nature of the very bedrock of what our country is founded on- freedom.

          Freedom means students can choose when, where, and what their education will be. Teachers can choose what and to whom they wish to provide an education. No where n this arrangement is the use of force acceptable. Do you believe force should play a role in education?

          If so- who decides on the curriculum? Who decides who gets educated. What happens if your “education” runs wholly counter to all of your perceptions, opinions, and experience? And if you support using force to “educate” others- to whom do you grant the power of enforcement?

          I’m sincerely interested in your estimation on these minutiae, dacian.

        • Peter Gunn

          Your long diatribe is the typical Politicians speech, you said much but avoided totally the subject I brought up like the far right avoids vaccinations against covid. Nice end run around the subject but you avoided it like the plague when I mentioned Universal Background Checks.

          The Far Right have proven to me one thing they are not interested in facts, not interested in becoming educated , not interested in critical thinking and not interested to looking at both sides of an problem as they only listen to their own radical people and demonize anyone who bothers to try and reason with them.

          Lets discuss right now Universal Background checks and speak of something of substance not some long winded political right wing speech that says much and means nothing.

        • dacian, thank you for conclusively answering my question- I now understand your vagary. You have, in your own words, skillfully detailed the exact aberration you personally exemplify:

          “[dacian has] proven to me one thing [he is] not interested in facts, not interested in becoming educated , not interested in critical thinking and not interested to looking at both sides of an problem as [he] only listen[s] to [his] own radical people and demonize[s] anyone who bothers to try and reason with [him].”

          I honestly and sincerely wish this was not the case, but I gave you the opportunity to asseverate logically on your own behalf… and you foundered miserably.

          The good news is- I now know not to waste any more time attempting to engage in any form of logical discourse with you. I would also suggest that it would be a waste of useful time and energy for anyone here to respond to any future comments dacian makes- he serves no constructive purpose whatsoever.

          It’s a shame, really- but such is life. It really does take all kinds. And in this world- there truly is an ass for every seat.

          Carry on

        • to Peter Gun

          quote—————If so- who decides on the curriculum?————–quote

          I will answer this one I could not resist this one. Certainly not the Far Right who through past actions lied like hell about the truth of American History. I ask you in all candor and honestly do you really think the Vietnam War would have happened if young men had been taught the truth about American History and its mass murderous Colonial and Imperialist past. Few would have been naïve enough to believe such outright nonsense as the domino theory the government used as an excuse to invade Vietnam. That is just one example of how lying to students, sanitizing history and covering the atrocities up leads to horrible consequences further down the road.

          I ask you why is it that only the truth about history is even attempted at the University Level and depending on how liberal the college is how much truth is let out and discussed.

        • to Anano Brain

          quote—————The precise record keeping of all legal gun owners in a registry, which is the ONLY way to enforce universal background checks,————quote

          Universal Background checks would only be an extension of the already existing Brady Bill. Your gun is not registered with either system and records can be destroyed by the dealer after 20 years and many are. No serial number or make or model goes to the government when calling in for a check. Your diatribe only made you out to be what you are a complete yapping fool who does not even know how the Brady Bill has worked now for well over 20 years and taken no ones guns.

          quote———–Also while keeping a straight face claiming AR15’s, AR15’s with braces, and AR15 SBR’s are a statistical problem in the US.———-quote

          I wish you would open the big smirking mouth of yours in front of the hundreds of parents who have lost children to mass murder by assault rifle and I could name many places. I guarantee you they would make sure you never uttered such nonsense again.

        • Universal Background Checks do not take a persons guns and a covid shot does cause you to grow horns and pointed ears either. Millions of people have taken the shots and that is proof enough for anyone.

          The shots are NOT mandatory. How about we keep Universal background checks NOT mandatory too, you little tyrant.

          Not following your UBC’s now or ever. I’ll get vaccinated if I want to (and I did), and I’ll buy or sell a gun to whoever I want to.

          Look up the definition of freedom you little turd, and then f**k yourself with it, and then f**k off! Go back to worshipping your political party or local city council or whatever the f**k you do.

        • Your long diatribe is the typical Politicians speech, you said much but avoided totally the subject I brought up like the far right avoids vaccinations against covid. Nice end run around the subject but you avoided it like the plague when I mentioned Universal Background Checks.

          I’ve figured out what the problem is. Dacian is retarded. Maybe not fully, maybe just borderline. Dacian, you avoided his subject. You are anti-freedom. You are a conqueror. Pro-colonialism – with your leftist culture. We don’t want it. F**k off. If you want to push the matter, we can fight about it. But it won’t end well (for you). You are a bully. Leave people alone.

          The Far Right have proven to me one thing they are not interested in facts…

          Facts like AR15’s with braces are a statistical nothing burger??? Facts like there is a faction in the United States that wants freedom, and freedom from control that you want to impose.

          …not interested in becoming educated

          You are not interested in educating yourself on how not to be a tyrant. Other people’s lives are not yours to engineer. Your intolerance, your bigotry towards people different than you, you don’t want to educate yourself on.

          …not interested in critical thinking and not interested to looking at both sides of an problem as they only listen to their own radical people and demonize anyone who bothers to try and reason with them.

          Gunn’s response was very reasonable. Instead you demonized it and you refuse to look at both sides of the problem and only listen to your own radical agenda and are being unreasonable.

          Lets discuss right now Universal Background checks and speak of something of substance not some long winded political right wing speech that says much and means nothing.

          Yeah we don’t want them. Discussion over. Are you going to accept that or not?

        • I will answer this one I could not resist this one. Certainly not the Far Right who through past actions lied like hell about the truth of American History.

          Leave us alone. We don’t want what you are selling. No means no, you psycho.

          I ask you in all candor and honestly do you really think the Vietnam War would have happened if young men had been taught the truth about American History and its mass murderous Colonial and Imperialist past.

          Yes. Very much like you are here, trying to force ideas on us. You are an imperialist here. If your vote could subjugate us and control us to do things you will (like UBCs) you would. The lesson learned in Vietnam, you didn’t learn.

          Vietnam was an extension of the cold war. It was not about subjugating vietnamese. It was about repelling communism is the the philosophy of worshiping government, putting all your faith in government, and people enslaving themselves under that government. In fact, it is very similar to what you are here trying to sell. We don’t want it. The government is not here to help you. They are not your friend either. They are here to simply tell you what to do, or not do, (demand it really, by means of people carrying guns under threat of arrest and imprisonment) because people like you “voted” for that demand. That’s what votes do. They put people in prison. Now go away, you freak.

          Few would have been naïve enough to believe such outright nonsense as the domino theory the government used as an excuse to invade Vietnam. That is just one example of how lying to students, sanitizing history and covering the atrocities up leads to horrible consequences further down the road.

          F**koff weirdo. My wife is vietnamese. She moved to the USA to get away from the horrible vietnam government. She wished the US would have done to South Korea, to Vietnam. You don’t know anything. We don’t want what you are selling. F**k off!

          I ask you why is it that only the truth about history is even attempted at the University Level and depending on how liberal the college is how much truth is let out and discussed.

          Right. Leftism is always right. Leftists history professors should not be questioned, at all. Everything they say is fact, not an interpretation. Keep believing that. Leave us alone. No means no. F**k off. We are not going to buy it. f**k off. (Door closing in your face).

        • Universal Background checks would only be an extension of the already existing Brady Bill.

          No it wouldn’t. Because we are never going to buy what you are trying to sell. You are not fooling anyone. You are not convincing anyone. F**k off.

          Your gun is not registered with either system and records can be destroyed by the dealer after 20 years and many are. No serial number or make or model goes to the government when calling in for a check. Your diatribe only made you out to be what you are a complete yapping fool who does not even know how the Brady Bill has worked now for well over 20 years and taken no one’s guns.

          ROFL! We have a dunning kruger right here. Leftist, probably straight out of a mom’s demand action meeting, going to go to a gun blog and tell us how the ATF form 4473 and gun regulations work. LOL!

          Let’s say, a non gun dealer, wants to sell a gun. He doesn’t own a gun business, lives in the burbs, has 7 guns, and wants to sell one. He posts it on facebook marketplace, or craigslist, or armslist. He gets a call – someone wants to buy it. He meets another individual, behind a parking lot of a convenience store for the transaction. Without a registry, how is a UBC enforced? (Whisper: It’s not…)

          I wish you would open the big smirking mouth of yours in front of the hundreds of parents who have lost children to mass murder by….

          LOL! Bloody shirt time! Look at this baby! Look at me waving this bloody shirt! A quick diversion away from logic or statistics or reason… and straight to the feelz. Look at this bloody shirt!!!


          Again… that which you ignored, and didn’t address:
          You are claiming AR15’s, AR15’s with braces, and AR15 SBR’s are a statistical problem in the US. Show me the statistics. Lightening stike deaths are about on par with mass murder in the US. And even the mass murder numbers are skewed in my opinion, because they count “three” as “mass” in “mass murder.”

          I think you should stop what you are doing, and focus on cancer or heart disease. AR15’s with braces are all the way at the bottom of the list. Furthermore, your solution for them is unpalatable, and unacceptable. You should use your vote to go tyrant some other subject. We won’t tolerate it. Sorry. We don’t want what you are selling. No means no. F**k off, weirdo. (Door closes on lame salesman).

        • Lastly…

          I would like to add, Dacian, that many of my firearms (AR15s) were manufactured by myself, in my garage. I didn’t buy them. I didn’t go through a background check. If a criminal wanted to acquire a firearm, they could easily do so by building their own from an 80% lower or 0% lower with a cnc machine, or jig. They won’t go through a background check, UBC, or any of your crap. Like I said elsewhere to you, criminals aren’t going to go through a UBC. So the laws you want to impose, are going to do nothing, but bother and harass gun owners not intent on harming others. And what are you going to do about it? Nothing. You can’t do anything about it. Technology will increase, and become greater and more sophisticated. We will reach a place where an individual doesn’t need a factory to build a gun. They can completely manufacture the entire thing in their own home. There is nothing, at all, you can do to stop that. There is something you can do though.

          You can accept it. You can leave us alone. No means no. We don’t want what you are selling. We don’t care that you think we are not “thinking critically” or are not “educated” or don’t watch “60 minutes” like you, simply because we disagree with you. No means no. f**k off.

    • possum, your marsupialness, I have to disagree. If the tyrants want to put you in jail they will and will then find worry about what they are going to charge you with later.

      Anyway, I pointed out to them that this attack on pistol braces is a violation of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). Let the b@stards unwoke that!

      • Yes indeed, the disabled do have a leg to stand on .
        I’m still confused on what the big deal is about SBR’s, sawed off shotgunms , shoulder stocked pistols.
        As was mentioned earlier, laws have no relevance to a criminal. Some laws have a way of making criminals out of the law abiding though. The permission slip to carry concealed is one such law.

  5. Since all members of the HOR and Senate are home on break/vacation. Hunt them down and make your point of view on the ATF up close and personal….In a nice way of course. Having already got a confirmation that one of my senators is against Chipman. I attended an event with the other yesterday at which time i got a dissenting vote also. Get off the Interweb and meet them mono y mono.

  6. Here’s a comment: This comment is in reference to ATF 2021R–08.

    The proposed reclassification is a bad idea on many fronts but I will only cover three here:
    1) The American people, especially the 100+ million gun owners, are already low in trust and faith in the US government. ANOTHER flipflopping redefinition of an established firearms rule will only make that situation worse.
    2) ANOTHER unlawful taking, such as was done with bump stocks will only serve to fuel the rhetoric and swell the ranks of anti-government types. End users, retailers, and manufactures will all be the victims of government theft.
    3) Banning items that contribute to firearms safety is counterproductive. I have been the owner on a stabilizing brace on a large-format pistol. The brace made it significantly easier to make accurate shot placement one-handed. As a family man with several children and a wife, there are many scenarios in which I may need to defend my family with one hand while keeping them corralled with the other. Removing my ability to mount an effective one-armed defense of my family would be a perverse misuse of government authority. The family is the fundamental unit of society and government’s job is to protect it.

    Thank you for considering my comment. I beg you to leave me and your other countrymen in lawful possession of our property and to allow us to protect our own in whatever means it’s most effective for is.

    • The family is the fundamental unit of society and governments job to protect it.”
      Could have fooled me, I thought the governments job was to make as much money under the table as possible

  7. It is enough that the people know there was a commenting period. When faced with a pre-determined outcome; their opinions matter not.

  8. a nice tight bowlers wrist support will work as well
    but hurry get yours before they become illegal

  9. I recently became disabled and I would not be able to use my pistol without the brace. I could only imagine the soliders returning from services with disabilities, and lost limbs. Even officers, agents that experience a life changing disability from injury or service rely on this tool. The brace is essential for disabled veterans, service agents, and all others facing challenges due to disabilities.

    The brace is a revolutionary device that allows the disabled the capability to protect, enjoy sports, activities that they may have been limited from. The arm brace is an equal opportunity tool designed to help the disabled.

    Removing arm braces is equivalent to removing handicap ramps, and forcing all disabled people to climb the stairs. As if, you were removing elevators and asking elderly and disabled people to climb several flights of stairs. The arm brace device is a tool that allows handicapped and disabled of all backgrounds to utilize their tools for activities and defense. The arm brace device is solely beneficial to the handicapped and disabled. It’s removal is prejudice towards the disabled. Removing the device may cause handicapped and disabled people to search for less safe alterations to their weapons which can create a great harm in society.

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