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According to Viva La Dirt League’s Facebook page, “We are a bunch of actors, singers, directors and designers and we love making gaming stuff :)” Which tells me not a lot. As for the video production above, I’m not sure if this is supposed to be weird or funny or what. My main takeaway: firearms-related special effects must be pretty cheap these days. As are, I assume, Australian actors. In every sense of the word. But especially financial; their webpage says they’ve been making videos for five years without recompense. Here’s for five more!

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  1. They probably have a government arts grant.

    My taxes at work. Makes me want to demand a refund.

    • If spreading the message that even finger guns can be deadly saves even one life, isn’t it worth it?

  2. Fucking Aussies. A couple centuries ago, they were the toughest criminals in the British Empire in one of the harshest environments known to man. Now, they’re as pathetic as the Brits.

  3. This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Besides, if he’s dead, he’s obviously not doing the dishes.

    • Unfortunately, Tom, I believe (without real evidence) that images like these just reinforce the “dangers” of fingers, I mean guns, to the low info people.

  4. I agree with Southern amazing some of the junk that gets grants if it’s “trendy” in Australia. His and my taxes being wasted.

    The only government grant I ever got was my army salary and that was pretty low in the 70 & 80’s.

  5. Can you imagine the carnage that would have ensued if that man had a Pop Tart gun and not just a finger gun?

  6. If spreading the message that even finger guns can be deadly saves even one life, isn’t it worth it?

  7. Send it to a democrat and they’ll call for finger licensing and universal background checks on handshakes.

  8. That was painfully stupid. I looked at a couple of their gaming-related videos, and they actually weren’t bad. Kinda funny, sort of entertaining. But this… What is it about anything gun-related that makes actors and liberal/progressive types’ brains fall out?

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