“When the Second Amendment was created, we were a nation of far-flung farmers. There weren’t any police departments, sheriffs or National Guard. The head of the family was all of those. He had to have a gun. But today, we have law enforcement. Hunters use rifles, not guns. Now, no one is safe. And more people having them doesn’t increase our safety. All guns should be outlawed, except for those belonging to police — and it would be nice if they didn’t shoot unless they saw a gun first.” – Susan M. Kloepfer


      • My theory is that gun grabbers are generally people like her who can’t be trusted with anything more dangerous than a butter knife. People generally have a high opinion of themselves, and as a result people like her believe that since she can’t be trusted with possibly dangerous tools and she is the top echelon of the human race, then clearly no one can handle something like a gun.

        I saw one actress saying her aversion to guns was because SHE had a really bad temper. So because she never grew up and became emotionally mature enough to communicate her anger, she doesn’t think anyone has that ability. People can’t be trusted to honestly evaluate themselves and say “you know what, I have anger problems, maybe a gun isn’t for me until I sort those out.” So she’s going to save us by helping outlaw anything that could possibly kill someone if they mishandle it.

    • “more people having them doesn’t increase our safety. All guns should be outlawed, except for those belonging to police.” This woman hit a cop with her car her and is probably a senile acid casualty still reliving her Woodstock days. Her argument is invalid.

      I swear it’s always the NJ antis who sound the most brainwashed into believing that everyone who does back flips through the flaming legal hoops to own a firearm here is still a potential mass murderer. There must be something in the public water system because it ain’t in the well under my parents house.

      There’s only one gun and militaria show that remains here and it’s for antique firearms only. NJ also has its own definition of an “antique firearm” that’s a lot more restrictive than the pre-1898 manufacture rule of thumb we know and love. As quoted from their entry on a website “we operate under a severe constraint. Absolutely no transfers of modern firearms are permitted at our shows, by order of the NJ State Police.” I don’t understand how this is possible, because private sales of long guns and handguns are both perfectly legal as long as both parties are in state residents, have their licenses, permits, etc. Looks like the Waffen Staatspolizei doesn’t trust their subjects, I mean citizens, to do their own bookkeeping.

      Sure IL has their FOID system, and in CA you just have to wait ten days for long guns. But you don’t have to go to your local Comissar’s office, I mean police department, multiple times and wait five months to over a year to be handed your heavily restricted Second Amendment rights over a glass separated counter top. But only after you finger print the FID card yourself under police supervision because, you know, if you don’t wear the badge and the uniform you’re as law-abiding as the drug dealer on the corner at 3 a.m. As if having your name, address, and distinguishing characteristics printed on it wasn’t enough. Thank God everyone at my police department is as pro-gun as can be in this Hell hole. Having a C&R license here is illegal. Slide Fire stocks are illegal because some fuck-wit in office said so just a few months ago.

      Residents have gotten pulled over with an NJ compliant AR type rifle locked in their trunk and subsequently arrested, sent to jail, and forced to spend thousands on a lawyer because “Officer Joe Blow said it was an illegal assault weapon and acted accordingly” even though it obviously wasn’t. A general rule of thumb here is that even if you shoot and STFU in a justifiable and clear cut DGU within your home (the only place that they’re “legal”), there’s still a pretty good chance of going to prison no thanks to brainwashed juries and demonic prosecutors.

      A lot of my Texan friends ask me why I bitch so much about NJ gun laws to them. You’d bitch too if you lived in a copy of Stalin’s Soviet Union. Sorry for the rant, and God bless America.

  1. yea, right thats just we need only the Government have all the weapons! Are you NUTS? Show me a country where the people don/t have guns and I will show you the country where the Government murders in mass it’s own people!

  2. I’m moving to Switzerland. I bet they have a no anti-gunners sign hanging in the airport reception area.

  3. Wow, an idiot in NJ. What are the odds.

    The most important lesson to take from Switzerland is that they have their freedom and firearms mentality due to that interest and ability of shooting being deeply ingrained into their culture. Pretty much all of it, not just select demographics. Something to consider when the next silly shooting reality show pops up.

  4. “Now, guns are being brought up from Mexico and, it would seem everyone should have one.”
    — Read that line from the link LMAO.

    One of the comments that followed the story stated the following incidents (are they true?):

    “Especially as past experience with gun control leaders such as Annette “Flirty” Stevens (Illinois Million Mom March president caught with drugs and a de-serialized handgun), Sheila Eccleston (Mothers Against Violence, imprisoned for possessing a sawed-off shotgun), James Kelly (Seattle Urban League anti-gunner caught brandishing a handgun during an argument), Bart Stupak (champion of mandatory federal trigger locks whose son later committed suicide with dad’s unlocked gun), and Barbara Graham (DC Million Mom March activist convicted of a revenge shooting of an innocent person who HADN’T killed her son) suggests that frustrated gun control activists tend to go out with a bang rather than a whimper”.

    • My google-fu is weak, but several of those appear to be overstating the case. I saw articles where Sheila Eccleston had been briefly detained for possessing a shotgun (under admittedly suspicious circumstances), but nothing about prison. I saw a few articles about James Kelly carrying concealed on school grounds (a misdemeanor in this state; he wasn’t charged with “brandishing” and hypocrisy is not illegal). I could wish my own representatives were as pro-2A as Bart Stupak. The reference to Barbara Graham was easily verified.

      Mixed bag. If your arguments are strong, you shouldn’t have to fabricate your own facts.

  5. “more people having them doesn’t increase our safety. All guns should be outlawed, except for those belonging to police.” This woman hit a cop with her car her and is probably a senile acid casualty still reliving her Woodstock days. Her argument is invalid.

    I swear it’s always the NJ antis who sound the most brainwashed into believing that everyone who does back flips through the flaming legal hoops to own a firearm here is still a potential mass murderer. There must be something in the public water system because it ain’t in the well under my parents house.

    There’s only one gun and militaria show that remains and it’s for antique firearms only. The pre-1898 rule we all know and love doesn’t exactly apply here, as we have a more restrictive version of said law unique to the state. As quoted from their entry on a website “we operate under a severe constraint. Absolutely no transfers of modern firearms are permitted at our shows, by order of the NJ State Police.” I don’t understand how this is possible, because private sales of long guns and handguns are both perfectly legal (thank god) as long as both parties are in state residents, have their licenses, permits, etc. Looks like the Waffen Staatspolizei doesn’t trust its subjects, I mean citizens, to do their own bookkeeping.

    Sure IL has their FOID system, and in CA you just have to wait ten days for long guns. But you don’t have to go to your local Comissar’s office, I mean police department, multiple times and wait over five months to be handed your heavily watered down second amendment rights over a glass separated counter top, only after you finger print the FID card yourself under police supervision. Because, you know, if you don’t wear the badge and drive the squad car you’re as law-abiding as the 3 a.m corner drug dealer in Camden.

    State Residents and foreigners alike have gotten pulled over with an NJ compliant AR, AK, whatever semi auto type rifle locked in their trunk, and subsequently arrested, sent to jail, and forced to spend thousands on a lawyer because “Officer Joe Blow said it was an illegal assault weapon and acted accordingly” even though it obviously wasn’t. A general rule of thumb here is that even if you shoot and STFU in a justifiable and clear cut DGU within your home (the only place it’s “legal”, we have no castle doctrine, stand your ground , etc), there’s still a pretty good chance of going to prison no thanks to brainwashed juries and demonic prosecutors. So you’re better off kissing your ass goodbye and hoping the cops get there in time.

    Having a C&R license is illegal, Slide Fire stocks were made illegal just recently, and concealed carry is gone with the Roman Empire, unless of course you’re a higher up government or police entity, because corrupt embezzling politicians can be trusted more than the hard-working law-abiding citizen. Hell, I’m surprised I wasn’t hauled out of my high school and sent to a gulag for building a solid American walnut ten gun cabinet in woodworking class. Having a teacher who’s also an avid target shooter really made my day.

    A lot of Texans ask me why I bitch so much about NJ gun laws to them. You’d bitch too if you lived in a copy of Stalin’s Soviet Union with winters only half as bad. Sorry for the rant, and God bless America.

  6. “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”

    H. L. Mencken

    Case in point: Susan Kloepfer.

    “You can’t fix stupid.”

    Ron White.

  7. Just another example of “manufacturing” an anti-gun argument in the absence of any valid argument.
    I’m trying to figure what distinction she makes between “guns” and “rifles”, as she specifically says “Hunters use rifles, not guns.” then goes on to specify “All guns should be outlawed…” and previously stated that at the origin of the Country when we were “far-flung farmers” the head of the household “had to have a gun”.
    Her ignorance is so colossal she can’t even get the “facts” she is twisting halfway straight. What’s even more disgusting is that a bunch of other people apparently have “Recommended” this article to others.
    Finally, her obvious subscription to the folly that Law Enforcement protects the public from all crime is just citing another baseless anti-gun myth.
    I wonder what tune she would sing if she was the victim of a violent home-invasion crime? Not to forget she might find the Police response less than timely and enthusiastic since she tried to run-down an LEO.

    • I wonder what tune she would sing if she was the victim of a violent home-invasion crime?

      I vote for “I Hear You Knocking (But You Can’t Come In), followed immediately by a rousing chorus of “Who’s Sorry Now.” Later on, “Ding-Dong, the Witch is Dead” would be a comfort to all of us.

  8. The great thing about the morons on the gun control side of the fence is that they’re often so vocal. Before long, they expose their own ignorance and inability to make a coherent, rational argument. Thanks, Susan!

  9. “When the Second Amendment was created, we were a nation of far-flung farmers.”

    Sounds like she has never been out of NJ or NY city. There are plenty of places where your neihbor won’t even hear gunshots from your yard and police, or even your neighbor, are nowhere near you. She doesn’t even have to go to the middle of the county to see that, just head to upstate NY.

  10. Well the swiss model tells the truth. They have the lowest crime rate of any country. Why can’t the gun Nazi’s here realize the truth?

  11. I’m actually in agreement with part of her statement. Hunters don’t use ‘guns,’ and we should ban them from the general public! Do you know how many lives are taken each year with antique 75mm Howitzers? I’m sure there’s plenty of data regarding how many lives are saved by licensed owners concealing Parrot Rifled Guns, but let’s be honest. Should the average american be able to purchase weapons that can launch a bullet 35 miles, and shoot down helicopters? I think not!

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