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“If we don’t call stunts like parading around Newtown’s Starbucks with pistols ‘shameless,’ then what is shamefulness? And, whatever our views about Starbucks or responsible gun ownership, if we don’t call sadism sadism, then the behavior the Newtown Alliance calls ‘reprehensible’ will just keep happening.” – Sheila Weller in Guns at Starbucks in…Newtown, Conn. [at]

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  1. The true act of shame is being a hoplophobe in a state which was built by The Gun.Connecticut is hallowed ground-but for us,and not for their bankrupt agenda.Perhaps someone can remind them of that over a latte sometime.

    • That would require me to be able to drink coffee with them an not punch them in the throat. A difficult task to be sure.

  2. How about waiving a bloody shirt to advance your political agenda?

    Is that shameless, or just tacky?

      • Then why not take a t shirt, soak it in pig, cow, chicken, etc… blood to let them wave that around… I think it would be more effective… Oh, it must be wet still when they are given a real blood shirt to wave…

  3. Its a two edged sword. If people don’t see guns, they are shocked when they do. If we shove them into dark corners then they can be villanised. I think displays of firearms can be over the top but if they are not common then they get banned.
    Where I grew up it was common to see guys carrying shotguns, rifles, or pistols in the open in our rural community not neccessarily in hip holsters but behind the seat, or in a gun rack or on the front seat or you would see it as you entered their home. One time while hunting I walked into a McDonald’s with my shoulder rig on over my bibs (accidentally, no open carry of pistols in town) during a deer hunt with gun in the holster. The guy at the counter paid no mind and rang up my mcmuffin and the guy behind me asked if I got anything yet that day.
    Cars used to be feared when horses were the norm, but then the fear went away as they became more commonly seen on the roads.

    • It’s a bit like the war on drugs and prohibition. They crusaders don’t care if people don’t actually need government intervention, or about human rights. They don’t even care that firearms have legit uses. They will do what they can to demonize both the owners, supporters, and the items themselves.

      They like all other immoral “morality” police distort facts. Is why we see so many benign titles for them and insidiously innocuous names on the laws they try to pass.

      They want people to be shocked & ignorant. Much like that Occupy Wall Street and other insane movements, people who push bullshit NEED (yes this warrants caps), again, NEED ignorant but passionate participants.

      You don’t know it’s wrong for Uncle Sam to touch you there if you’re taught all your life that your a$$ belongs to him.

    • I left a comment about this “Its a two edged sword. If people don’t see guns, they are shocked when they do. If we shove them into dark corners then they can be villanised. I think displays of firearms can be over the top but if they are not common then they get banned.” on another post the other day.

      Here’s my example: I live in a rural, very small farm town. Really small! Back in the day I am sure there was plenty of horse traffic mixed in with the auto traffic.

      Nowadays though you don’t see horses in town. So what do you think happens when me a few girlfriends ride into town to go to the ice cream store? That’s right, we are stopped, questioned, warned and advised that we will be given tickets next time we do it.

      Why? I submit to you it’s for the basic reason that if you don’t Exercise a Right, you Lose that Right quietly and surrepticiously without anyone even noticing.

      Except you of course when you try to exercise it after a long period when no one else did.

  4. Open carry in a Connecticut coffee shop? OH THE HUMANITY!

    You know how I approach this problem? Don’t drink coffee, it gives you kidney stones.

    • So does excessive consumption of red meat. See, that’s as untrue as your statement. Certain people are susceptible to kidney stones genetically, and coffee and red meat are two of many triggers. Alcohol could be another trigger. But most of us know, at most, 1-2 kidney stone sufferers. That’s because it’s a relatively rare condition.

      What are kidney stones made of? Calcium, primarily.

  5. Shameful indeed. How dare those evil gun owners openly display their willingness to defend themselves, their loved ones (not to mention community) from deranged maniacs. Is there no end to their depravity.

  6. what an absolute drama queen… not giving up a single letter of my constitutional rights to make anyone feel better.

    • I was told I should give up my rights for someones “right” to feel safe. What about my “right” to feel safe?

  7. “Acts of aggressive sadism toward parents of murdered children, trotted out as legitimate protests for constitutional rights.”

    Well there you go again!

    • And what does their side do?
      “Acts of aggressive sadism toward parents of murdered children, trotted out as legitimate protests AGAINST constitutional rights.”

      Only had to change one word. The projection is high in this one.

      What those normal people are doing by carrying is continuing on with their lives, exercising their Constitutional rights as they did before. How dare they continue to live their lives! They should be in their locked, dark homes cowering in fear like the rest of the state!

  8. Hmmm… I’m going to put a Gun Free Zone sign on my door. Should a cop ever enter there, I’ll expect them to leave their gun in the car.


  9. Sheila Weller is absolutely right in that there are those who are shameless, starting with her. Grandstanding on these things and using victims to push political goals is shameless. Her loose use of events to support her biased view while ignoring facts (already there is a correction to the article on her more blatant and demonstrable misrepresentations.) and showing her intolerance to viewpoints differing from hers is a plain attempt to demonize anyone who would disagree with her is shameless.

    Her attempt to label anyone who would question her viewpoint as “Acts of aggressive sadism” is gratuitous self righteousness.

    Shame on Sheila. Shame.

  10. The link didn’t point to anything about Newtown, firearms or sadism, although there was a picture of Sheila Weller well down on the left side of the page. Such being the case, I’ll have to make a guess or two.

    Am I to infer that exposing the tender eyes of Newtown residents to an icky, nasty firearm is to be construed as an act of the deliberate infliction of pain upon those gentle souls for the pleasure of the gun-toting meany — perhaps even having, dare I say, sexual overtones?

    Please, say ’tisn’t so!

    Mayhap a li’l badge, worn by each and everyone who carries and emblazoned with an unambiguously bad guy, circle/slash and the words “Never Again.”

    NOTE: Never mind that my business logo is a burglar and circle/slash; I’m nowhere near New England.

    • EDIT: Having found and read the article, I find her heart to be in the right place but that regrettably someone installed her intellect backwards.

      In physical allegory, were she to assume a perfect weaver stance and pull the trigger, she should shoot her own nose.

      Quoth Batman: “Poor, deluded child.”

      • “Having found and read the article, I find her heart to be in the right place but that regrettably someone installed her intellect backwards.” You have just described most of the so called “moderate” voting public.

  11. “If we don’t call stunts like parading around Newtown’s Starbucks with pistols ‘shameless,’ then what is shamefulness? And, whatever our views about Starbucks or responsible gun ownership, if we don’t call sadism sadism, then the behavior the Newtown Alliance calls ‘reprehensible’ will just keep happening.”

    So who got hurt? Oh, nobody? You just got upset that people were flaunting the fact they have freedoms you don’t think they should have? That’s neither shameful nor sadistic. It just means you aren’t their master. Get over it, Muffin.

  12. Perhaps someone should demand she not talk or write while in Starbucks. Then I’ll feel safer.
    Her First Amendment rights hurt my feelings.

  13. After reading this manifesto to delusion, denial and an irrational fear of an inanimate object and those that carry it; it is obvious that there is no compromise possible with such a twisted and distorted view of reality.

    • That’s the first important realization (not trying to be patronizing, just describing how it worked for me). The second important realization is that the issue is never the issue. Oh, the gun control shill before you quivering with righteous indignation might care very much, but the people pushing the shill’s buttons care only about power. Facts and logic are important, but more is needed. Withering public ridicule is also important to help drive these cockroaches back into the shadows for another 40 years or so. “Progressive” has been a pejorative periodically throughout our recent history. Time to make it a dirty word again.

  14. I didn’t know California Pizza Kitchen prohibited guns. If that’s true, then they won’t get any more business from me.

  15. They just don’t get that their disarming ways are more to blame for these tragedies than our arming ways.

  16. I am a citizen of Sandy Hook. I live within two miles of the school and drive by it everyday.A day does not go by where I don’t stifle a sob over what happened. Many people here are like this.

    I am a gun owner. My smith is always within reach no matter where I am. No one has to know that but me. I dont think the event was sadistic. Tone deaf maybe. Many here are still too traumatized to think rationally about what to do. We will have armed guards in our schools this year. One year too late.


    • *22 LIVES* too late. And the same parties responsible for that are still the responsible parties today.

  17. There is a real danger in being professionally indignant. You clutch your pearls so often, you end up with tennis elbow.

  18. The person featured in the photo at the top seems to know about as much about firearms as the woman who wrote this.

    Also, while WaPo’s core readership is almost exclusively liberal, the number of comments on this article showing people standing up to her ridiculous assertions is fairly high.

  19. Guess we had better stop driving our cars to Starbucks. Think of all the fragile people who have been affected by automobile tragedies. When you think about it, driving your car to Starbucks is just shamefulness,…shameless,…er, shameful,…. It’s mean!

  20. What is shamefulness? Sheila Weller soiling her panties at the thought of man with a gun near her grande latte.

  21. Open, or concealed, carry anywhere, Starbucks in Newtown or not, is NOT “shameless” or “sadistic”. Another waste of oxygen heard from.

  22. She is not my mother so why would she think she can shame me into anything? Why would I care what she thinks about my caring a gun, legally, anywhere including the Starbucks in Newton?

  23. As a former Newtown resident and a gun owner I think this is an awful idea. You have a town full of fearful people and jumpy cops. Assembling carrying guns in the open seems like a good way to upset people for no foreseeable gain. When I carry in Newtown I do pocket carry to avoid upsetting people and out of concern for my own safety given the likely reaction of a police officer around here. It also seems like something that could convince Starbuck’s to ban guns simply to avoid press and potential boycotts. The company wants to avoid controversy by following the law, not attract protests.

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