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Robert Teodorczy (courtesy

“Because New Jersey makes it harder for you to get a gun, it makes people more determined to get a gun.” – Garden State gun dealer Robert Teodorczy, quoted in The gun store next door: Residential firearms businesses booming in N.J. [via]

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  1. Well, duh. Virtually everything I enjoy and/or like in life I got involved with because somebody somewhere told me not to.
    The stereotypical left seems to get this regarding sex, drugs and used to get it regarding speech but for some reason wont make the connection with guns?

    • More than that. Most non-gun owners, who are not anti-gun, just think “Well, I really don’t need a gun.”

      Until the government says, or at least implies, you can’t have a gun. Then they’re all like “Okay, now I need a gun.”

  2. ” Ricigliano — a member of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group — said: “Oh, my. Well. … My God. No, I don’t know anything about that. I can’t even imagine”
    This made me smile.

  3. I remember a (probably apocryphal) story of a little old Lady just after Obama was elected, goes into a gun store and asks to buy an Ar-15; The salesman looks at her in disbelief and asks why she wants the gun? What do you intend to use it for – maybe something else would’ve better suited?”

    The old lady responds with: “oh, I’m not going to use it for anything – I just want it because he doesn’t want me to have it!”

  4. Reading the ignorant hoplophobic comments to that article from New Jersey’s finest will make your blood boil or set your hair on fire.

    • I just finished reading some of those comments. I didn’t think people with internet access were even capable of such ignorance.

  5. You have got to read the comments on that article. New Jersey has a lot of bull headed ignorant fools spouting off on things they know nothing of. Outside of watching a movie that is. Scary and they vote

    • I have to disagree out of concern for the well being of my fellow man. DO NOT read the comments. I now have a wicked headache….

      • I should have added, do not read more than a few of the comments or your faith in humanity may never recover.

      • As a life long resident of nj I’ve learned, NEVER READ THE COMMENTS. Also south jersey is a completely different state than north jersey.

        • Very true. Moving here from NYC over a decade ago, I first had to learn what the real geography of America looks like, and then learn about her people. I still believe in the freedoms championed by the Left, but now the only freedom issue that affects me is gun rights. I’m still searching for a political moniker that says I fight for “leaving the citizens the fuck alone”.

        • The next governor of NJ, NJ Senate President Steven Sweeney, is from South Jersey, is a sell-out, anti-gun,
          ex-pro-gun, azzhole Democrat…from South Jersey. As are many anti-gun state and federal representatives…from South Jersey…the north west part of the state elects all pro-gun reps…to no avail.

  6. It’s a good article by the way if anyone hadn’t read it, it was actually pretty fair and portrayed the home FFLs in a neutral or even dare I say good light. The comments at the bottom of the different story.

  7. From the article: “Smyczek asked how long Soletsz had been in business and was told about nine years. Smyczek did some quick math. His daughter is now 20. So when she was 11 years old, playing in this neighborhood, that was going on next door? he asked. “Are you kidding me?” Smyczek said.”
    His daughter was not affected and grew up with the gun shop next door operating. She is evidently OK. So, what is his issue? Sounds like he is just afraid of guns. Another irrational Hoplophobe. His irrational stupidity is very evident from his comments. I grew up in a neighborhood with a gun and hunting enthusiast living across the street from my home. He bought and sold guns, hunted and reloaded his own ammo. I or my family never thought much about it. Seemed pretty normal at the time. Went hunting and to target practice at the local gravel pit with him several times. Visited his home often as his son was a friend and hunted also. This was also back when you could mail order guns and I did. Ordered a 30-06 Enfield, got it, shot it and had a lot of fun. Nobody was hurt or killed and there were no mass shootings that I ever heard of in those days.

  8. Damn, people, if you want to own guns stop voting for the guys who are trying to make it more difficult to own them. [yeah, I know, doesn’t do much good as long as most of your neighbors don’t want you to own one]

    • We ARE voting for pro-2nd Amendment candidates at least here in NW N..J. but when it comes to statewide office illiterate “urban” voters and Voter Fraud negates our votes. In the 2012 Presidential Election Paterson City Councilman and anti-2nd Amendment Democrat, Rigo Rodriguez (who was running for reelection), his wife, and campaign staff submitted OVER 1200 fraudulent Absentee Ballots ALL of which WERE counted and you know as well as I do that he didn’t leave the positions other than his blank. Rodriguez and his wife pleaded “guilty” to ONE count and got probation, of course his prosecutor in Democrat-controlled Passaic County was a Democrat.

      As for other parts of the state South Jersey is pro-gun as are areas outside Trenton and Camden, along the Delaware River. Recently State Assemblyman Parker Space, of the family that owns the animal park “Space Farms”, said at a candidate forum just before the election (which he won) “There is nothing better than an unregistered gun, believe me.” and “I’m saying is that when the liberals take over everything they are not going to be able to track you down and take your weapons away from you,” which as you might imagine drove “the Left” and noted hoplophobic N.J. State Senator Loretta Whine-BOIG, a longtme anti-gunner and Michael Bloom-BOIG stooge and who lost her entire pension savings to Bernie Madoff, N-U-T-S, NUTS! The 80+ year old Liberal Jewess and traitor to her heritage, the USA, and citizens of N.J. Loretta Whine-BOIG was the one caught on a “hot mic” at a “gun-hearing” saying “we wanted a bill that would CONFISCATE! CONFISCATE! CONFISCATE!”

      Read about Parker Space here:

      See the anti-gun Democrats hysteria here:

    • We ARE voting for pro-2nd Amendment candidates at least here in NW N..J. but when it comes to statewide office illiterate “urban” voters and Voter Fraud negates our votes. In the 2012 Presidential Election Paterson City Councilman and anti-2nd Amendment Democrat, Rigo Rodriguez (who was running for reelection), his wife, and campaign staff submitted OVER 1200 fraudulent Absentee Ballots ALL of which WERE counted and you know as well as I do that he didn’t leave the positions other than his blank. Rodriguez and his wife pleaded “guilty” to ONE count and got probation, of course his prosecutor in Democrat-controlled Passaic County was a Democrat.

      As for other parts of the state South Jersey is pro-gun as are areas outside Trenton and Camden, along the Delaware River. Recently State Assemblyman Parker Space, of the family that owns the animal park “Space Farms”, said at a candidate forum just before the election (which he won) “There is nothing better than an unregistered gun, believe me.” and “I’m saying is that when the liberals take over everything they are not going to be able to track you down and take your weapons away from you,” which as you might imagine drove “the Left” and noted hoplophobic N.J. State Senator Loretta Whine-BOIG, a longtime anti-gunner and Michael Bloom-BOIG stooge and who lost her entire pension savings to Bernie Madoff, N-U-T-S, NUTS! The 80+ year old Liberal and traitor to her Jewish heritage, Israel, the USA, and citizens of N.J. Loretta Whine-BOIG was the one caught on a “hot mic” at a “gun-hearing” saying “we wanted a bill that would CONFISCATE! CONFISCATE! CONFISCATE!”

      Read about Parker Space here:

      See the anti-gun Democrats hysteria here:

  9. The article overall was crap.
    However I can personally attest to, I’ve bought MORE guns than I thought simply because if I’m going to go through the hassles I’m going to get more stuff when I can. I file for 3 permits at least once a year, and I hate it when one doesn’t get used… which as it turns out is pretty rare now.

    So in the end, annoying permitting processes encourage me to buy more of the things they’re trying to prevent me from owning.

  10. In Australia the process of getting a firearms licence was deliberately made convoluted and difficult as a deterrent. The aim being the sport would die out as people either quit or died.

    But to the shock and dismay of the anti-gun groups there are now more licensed gun owners owning more guns. Who woulda thought it?

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