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‘‘The thought that some representative with a weapon would return fire to the gallery where we have fourth graders frightens me.” New Hampshire State Rep. Gary Richardson, NH House bans guns in chamber, gallery [via]

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  1. Because as we all learned after Mrs Giffords was nearly assassinated, the assassin usually just shoots their desired politician and leaves everyone be. (/sarc)

    Seriously, though, you might as well shoot back because the fourth grader to the right and left will probably die anyway. May as well try to save the kid three bodies away.

  2. While it is a great state motto, the entire statement is better,
    “Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.”
    General John Stark, July 31, 1809

    too bad their electeds believe otherwise.

  3. Lots of non-native invaders from the People’s Republic of Massachusetts have moved up here and corrupted the election process. Eventually they will destroy the state and seek other venues to invade.

    It goes without saying that Richardson is a Democrat.

    BTW, several legislators have already announced that they will not adhere to the prohibition. I’m waiting to see how that works out.

    • Libertadus Antus is the most invasive species in the Wild Kingdom. With it’s voracious appetite, it devours individual liberties and defecates state sponsored servitude wherever it goes.

    • I’m a former masshole, and I moved here to be part of the solution. It’s actually the Northern (read: Native) country that’s largely democrat.

  4. Translation: I’d rather children have no chance than take the risk my employee might hit one returning fire, because that would ruin my reelection chances.

  5. Just to be clear, this is a politician who will disarm politicians in the same manner that they disarm the genal population… Seems ok to me. Aren’t we always carping on the fact that they disarm us but have their own guns and security?

      • How can that be? Aren’t they worried the security people will kill innocent fourth-graders in the gallery?

        I will admit, however, that LEOs in NH train more intensely, and are far better at using their weapons, than those in the Greatest City In The World ™.

  6. I guess his point is he’d rather have the murderer run his course killing any innocent people he could than having security potentially injure a bystander in an attempt stop the killer? I thought they have more faith in LEO’s training than they do in armed civilians…

  7. What bothers me is that this jack hole is not only in office buy believes te bullshit he is spouting.
    Luckily I live waaaay farther South but damn, what an ass he is!!! I guess since he is so old and decrepit kids aren’t his main concern anymore!!

  8. ‘‘If we become a gun free zone, we are telling every nut in the state we are a gun free zone,’’ he said. ‘‘I will not be a victim in this House, and I want all the crazy nuts out there in this state to understand that.’’

    Sounds like at least one politician is admitting that gun free zones are victim rich environments. And here we’ve been told all these years that gun free zones are the penultimate paradise of safety, ala schools, churces, and the like.

  9. “The Granite State” is becoming increasingly Massticated. We all knew it was going to happen once the Old Man slid off the Mountain. It’s a tossup as to what the NH Democrats will outlaw first — the guns or the license plates. I suggest a new state motto: Surrender!

  10. They CAN be trusted to author laws, but CANNOT be trusted to not shoot at 4th graders.

    Maybe it’s time for lawmakers who can be trusted to do both?

  11. I’m not going to be a happy camper if this means anything worse for my beloved state. I’m not a fan of mass’ state government and how most of the youth seem to be thug wannabes. My cousin being one. They need to stay in their state if they don’t like the way it’s done here. There’s a few imposing their wills on many all over the country, and I want them to stop and think “how is this any of my business”. Though they’d do mental gymnastics around the fact that they are douche bags and justify it someway anyway. Bummer.

  12. Like your title for the post. Guss its me but Live free or die says it about liberty for us in America.

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