“Why do black lives seem to matter most when they are taken by white police officers? Is a death at the hands of a gangbanger with bad aim any more acceptable? Why do we explain such shootings away, like an embarrassing stain on our living room carpet?” – Farah Stockman in My friend is dead. Why isn’t gun control part of Black Lives Matter [via bostonglobe.com]


    • Dog bites man isn’t news. Man bites dog is.
      Similarly black teen kills black teen over drug turf is far too common to be news. Cop kills black teen is still rare enough to be news.

  1. Because you can’t scream “Racist!” when it’s black-on-black violence. What you should do instead is explain why lax gun control is an insidious plot by white people to arm black gang bangers so that they will kill black people. #SaulAlinsky #tinfoilhat

    Then Black Lives Matter can scream “Racist!” Like any progressive cause, it just needs to be massaged to fit the preferred narrative.

  2. Gun control does not work. It doesn’t work in black communities it doesn’t work in white communities it doesn’t work in any ethnicity. The reason for it not working is simple, they’re going after law abiding citizens instead of the criminals who are committing these crimes. These criminals have link the link the police history records multiple multiple arrest since they were a young men and women from the age of usually around 12 to 13 all the way until there an adult at 18 multiple slaps on the wrist no real time no real punishment for the crimes they have committed up until this time. They use the revolving door of the justice system Because DA’s and States Attorneys want high conviction rates so they plea bargain these kind of people down and tell they finally commit such a violent crime that it hits front page news and then and only then do they actually throw the book at them! This is the problem in the United States our justice system is horrible it’s overloaded we have too many criminals because the economy is absolutely horrible. No one has jobs so they’re out committing crimes And get back to the other subject of gun control it just doesn’t happen when you penalize law-abiding citizens for the acts of a few. It’s really outrageous that you think that gun control would actually work when it targets law abiding citizens Since when do we go after law abiding citizens for the crimes of criminals It just doesn’t make sense no matter how you word it.

  3. Can’t fix stupid, he was shot in Brooklyn, part of the gun control Mecca of NY City, and her solution for black on black gun violence? increase onerous laws on gun owners who will follow them (you know, non criminals).

    How about getting people to develop more self respect by making sure they get a proper education, teach them that a hard day’s work is worth more than government handouts, and stop creating a false market where they can profit from illegal trade by changing drug laws?

    Oh sorry, you want solutions that will look like you are fixing the problem, but don’t actually do it? I get it. #blackmindsmatter ?

  4. The entire issue boils down to this: LEOs do not value the lives of violent criminals who try to kill police officers. Gangbangers, of whatever ethnicity, do value the lives of violent criminals, at least the lives of their fellow gangmembers.

  5. It just goes to show you the hypocrisy of blacks and the left.When the cops stop policing ghetto hoods,the only thing that will change is that instead of cops killing black criminals,other black criminals will kill them.I personally don’t care how many criminals kill each other,they just need to keep it in their own hoods,Whites have already shown them what happens when they bring it to the White hoods,Whites will shoot them when they are climbing through a window or are in the process of kicking in a door,people don’t like it when someone says what the truth actually is but I don’t care.This country could stand a little less BS and a lot more truth.

    • At first they came for the black gang members, and I said nothing because I am not a black gang member?

      If we let them go after each other in a vague hope that it will not affect us, sooner or later it will, or do you believe that the violence in Mexico has not had any effect on the border states here? That’s the selfish answer, the non-selfish answer is that these are human beings and we should try to help if we can, but with effective solutions that fix the problem, not with feel good legislation that does nothing. Get rid of legislation that creates a false drug market, allow the law-abiding to arm and defend themselves, teach them to be self-sufficient and not permanently attached to the government teat… that would be a nice start. Didn’t someone once say teach a man to fish?

  6. Guns don’t kill people….bullets kill people. Only some bullets are more politically useful than others.

  7. “Police officers have a duty to protect us. We pay them. We have every reason in the world to hold them to a higher standards than a Crip or a Blood.” (From the linked article.) I agree with this point. I regard it a far greater tragedy when an innocent person is killed by an agent of the state vs. by a criminal. We establish governments to secure the right to life from criminals. When government’s agents imperil innocent lives, deliberately or inadvertently, then they are – in those instances – inimical to the purpose we intend. On this point, most of us PotG will find common cause with minority group advocates.

    As to gun-control, we likewise share a concern for minimizing gun violence. We part company as to the solutions. For the sake of discussion, let us PotG conceded that minority advocates are the experts on the relevant culture: i.e., inner-city black youths. I invite these advocates to consider each existing and proposed gun-control in turn as to its efficacy in reducing the inventory of guns available to young black males. Consider all these gun-controls collectively.

    By way of illustration, let’s take laws against straw-buying. A criminal induces his girlfriend to lie on a 4473 form to buy him a gun. We PotG advocate rigorous enforcement of the existing law against making a false statement of buying for one’s own use as well as the law against transferring a gun to a known, or believed-to-be, felon. Will these minority advocates join with us in prosecuting and imprisoning this girlfriend? Will they accept putting her children into foster care for the duration of her time served? Will they estimate the reduction in availability to felons likely to result from such enforcement?

    Take all such gun-controls collectively. Do minority advocates conclude that criminals lack the competence to smuggle guns from abroad or fabricate guns in clandestine factories to meet most of their demands?

    Take the proposition to its logical conclusion. The only effective gun control would be to restrict civilian guns as tightly as is done in Japan or Singapore. To constrain smuggling and clandestine manufacture, possession would have to be punished severely; e.g., capital punishment, life-without-hope, long sentences served. Together with the civil war that would ensure (this is America) are the minority advocates willing to accept these consequences?

    Let’s concede that know their communities – including their young male sons and brothers – far better than we do. Will any – even all – the existing plus proposed gun controls effectively constrain the gun supply to Crips and Bloods? If so, how? What is this mechanism? We inquiring minds want to know.

    If gun-control won’t work, then what could we do to help? We could offer gun safety classes in the inner-city. Mothers could insist that their visitors practice safe gun storage. We could offer marksmanship classes in the inner-city; the gangs might have fewer errant shots that miss their intended targets. Tragically, we probably wouldn’t have the influence in these precincts to reduce the tendency toward violence. If minority advocates want to reduce this tendency they probably have to turn their attention to ways of doing so.

      • @Ralph: I think the people that live in the crime ridden inner city communities know them very well. Probably too well because the people in the gangs are their neighbors, their children and their relatives. They keep hoping that those they know will not end up dead. Which, of course, is an unrealistic hope if those people are involved in gangs. These same people, living in these areas, seem to associate the gang violence with guns and therefore see all guns as evil objects. Possibly because someone they know was killed with a gun or because one of their kids is in a gang and carries a gun. Or, because if they had a gun for protection someone they know who is in a gang might take it and use it to kill someone in another gang or commit a crime with it. This is also the real reason, I think, why these same people go along with soft or no sentences for the gang members. Partly due to fear and partly because one of the gang members may also be one of their family members.

      • I can’t claim any great insight here. It seems to me that cops whose beat is the inner-city probably experience pretty consistent resistance and abuse from young male suspects. After a 90% abuse rate from people who are just trying to escape a pot possession charge, they develop a deep-seated prejudice based on personal experience.

        The next choir-boy they meet they habitually treat as-if he were a run-of-the-mill ass-hole. The cop is wrong; but, it’s really hard to blame him for his bad attitude that he has earned.

        So, what’s the consequence? The choir-boy tells his friends and neighbors. They believe his accurate rendition of the events. They are horrified. They blame the cops. They tell their sons that the cops are all ass-holes.

        Rince, repeat.

  8. In every jurisdiction with strict gun control, it is used as a ready excuse for harassing young black men under the pretense of finding guns, and yet the gang wars rage on. Do you really think the people you accuse of not valuing your life would suddenly see the light if they would just devalue your liberty a little further?

  9. We all know that strict gun control has worked well in saving lives in the inner cities of america where it’s implemented. Perhaps we should try gang banger control instead?

  10. I believe it was 1979 when murder became the number one cause of the death for black males 18 to 45. That has not changed. Black males murdering each other is the number one cause of death for black males. Racist white progressives have been telling racist black people it is the white man’s fault. They say if drugs where legal the world be a utopia. These same white people say if guns were made illegal the world would be a utopia.
    The pot head cares only about getting intoxicated. They don’t work. They steal to get their dope money.

    White and black progressives hate the police more than a black thug who shoots a black baby on purpose. The loss of a black child’s life is not worth the same as a black death row inmate. They do value the black baby when its body is chopped up into pieces and sold making anti gun pro abortion people a fat pay check. They will protest in the hundreds for an evil black convicted first degree murderer. They will fight to get that murderer released and when he rapes a woman they blame white society.

    You can’t reason with them. They will take your gun civil rights away to make themselves feel better, while they keep their private armed security.

  11. THis sums up nicely the racial tensions the TPB are causing to keep this country angry, divided and split so the people at the top don’t have to worry about the masses ever holding them accountable for anything.

  12. Why isn’t gun control part of #blacklivesmatter? I’ve got a better question: Why isn’t gang control/crime control/behavior control–ok, let’s just say it, self control, part of #blacklivesmatter? And I expect the answer can be found in this thread right here.

  13. I never thought I would support UBC, but after this article, I do. This woman has convinced me that we should immediately pass and enforce Universal Black Checks. It will be ineffective until we follow with Black firearm registration, but after that it should be effective almost immediately. If or some reason it is not, it would be reasonably simple to institute Black firearm confiscation, complete with Black door-to-door teams armed to the teeth and in armored personnel carriers, with 007-style license to kill. Some will complain that the Blacks shouldn’t be the only ones benefitting from this delightful government intervention, but they are clearly the only ones whose lives matter, and who government is ignoring while they kill each other. As soon as we prove the effectiveness of the program, like a thousand years from now, we’ll know just how to institute it for the civilized portions of the country.

    In case you missed it, /sarc.

  14. Would this be a good place to remind her/them that the gun control originated as a means to disarm free black men? Or would the cognitive dissonance cause ‘splodey heads?

  15. For someone asking some of the right questions (in the quote, anyway…didn’t read the full article), she sure seems to be jumping to the pre-decided conclusion that it’s all the gun’s fault.

    Like quite a few of these types of articles lately…so close, yet so far.

    Who knows; maybe the cognitive dissonance is just starting to kick in, but old dogmas are just that hard to let go.

  16. aThis is how many people simply prefer to live: in constant crisis, perpetual revolution, self-indulgent, self-defeat and endless misery, all at the subsistence level……so long as……they can still slake that hate thirst with a steady stream of anti-(white)-establishment rhetoric. Mmmm….mmm…it’s just that delicious! That just makes it all worthwhile. Well.

    Never mind that it’s illusory. Never mind that they’re exploited by their own self-appointed black leaders. Never mind that they advance nothing. These inexplicably defiant and misguided hordes are willing to burn down their own neighborhoods, destroy their own cities, for what valuable purpose?

    Their fiery freedom only further enslaves them as businesses flee, crime flourishes, opportunity evaporates, and a fresh Hell of new hopelessness settles in.

  17. “Why do black lives seem to matter most when they are taken by white police officers? Is a death at the hands of a gangbanger with bad aim any more acceptable?”

    Um… because police officers are agents of the state, charged with serving and protecting the public?

    • Wanna have some fun? Next time someone uses the old “highly civilized Europe has no gun crime and a better welfare state” canard, ask them if they think the average poor person in the US would ever trade their American way of life for theirs. The lack of BLM socialists drowning in banana boats in the Atlantic suggests they would not. America is so sweet, and Europe so lame, that not even our most oppressed people would go there to escape gunfire. If only Syria was that awesome…

  18. Because Black_Lives_Matter is not about black lives. It is about:

    increasing racial tensions,
    making black people feel like victims of their “white oppressors” and everything that goes along with that victim mentality,
    giving thugs an excuse to riot and loot neighborhood businesses,
    giving Democrat more political power over black voters,
    giving black racists a reason to shoot white people and cops,

  19. Good questions. Probably because people believe it’s the guns’ fault. Guns are “easy” to get rid of, fvcked up culture isn’t.

  20. Boston has the strictest gun control in one of the strictest gun control states. Yet every couple days, some gangbaner shoots another over getting thrown out of a party, getting “disrespected”, or some other petty crap. Gun control does not work. Note this bi-weekly killing only happens in Dorchester and Roxbury. 75% of all Boston murders are in these two areas.

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