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“If Ohio had regulations on how many guns someone can buy in a year and kept track of firearm sales, gun traffickers who don’t have misdemeanors might get caught a bit earlier.” – Laura Cutilletta in Criminals us Ohio as conduit for guns [at]

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  1. Unless, like in MD where we already have this, prosecutors routinely don’t prosecute for gun crimes or plea them away.

  2. Whaassat????

    Maybe I don’t understand because I’m a little younger than most people my age.

  3. Those darn people without criminal records! They keep slipping through the cracks and we can’t catch ’em!

    • If they would only consent to becoming gun criminals, we have this thing licked six ways from Sunday!

      Of course… if we can make guns illegal, no exceptions, except for cops and the military, and the Obamacorps, well, that’d about do ‘er!

  4. HA HA HA HA HA!
    We already HAVE that in NJ lady! Come visit Camden, Newark, Elizabeth or Trenton one night. So quiet and peaceful.

  5. Has anyone else read :

    Kleck, Wang, The Myth of Big-Time Gun Trafficking and the Overinterpretation of Gun Tracing Data, UCLA Law Review, 15 July 2009?

    The reason you can’t catch more of these high-volume gun traffickers isn’t because you lack special laws. It’s because they aren’t there.

    • I read the paper. It does support what I witnessed living in Chicago in the early ’90’s. In high school, any gun could be purchased(from the kid that sat in front of me in History class) for less than $150. Most handguns were under $50, shotguns were $75, rifles were $125-$150. All of the guns were stolen and/or had been previously used in a crime. None came from a licensed dealer. If you wanted a specific caliber/make/model, you would have to wait until one “came in”. Might never happen. I don’t know if he ever actually sold any guns, as I never bought any from him, but I know that he offered to sell to several classmates.

      My conversations with local PD indicated the same sort of “gun trafficking” scenario: thief steals a gun, sells it to someone who uses it or trades/sells it for drugs etc. It may go through several hands before it is even fired. But the same gun may be used in a dozen or more robberies before it is recovered. The guns are rarely, if ever, sold for more than $100 or sold by the same person; indicating that they were never legally purchased.

      • ” I don’t know if he ever actually sold any guns”

        That’s a toughie; my guess would be….

  6. Register foreign exchange students , imbed them with an I.D.chip and on graduation day send them back to the glorious land from whence they came .
    Dennis .

      • Right, because these newly educated immigrants with science and engineering degrees really want to suck off the govt teat.

        Yes yes, it is much better to kick ’em out so they can’t contribute to our society.

        • Much better to not let them in the country in the first place. Diversity kills.

          The Stem graduates are just taking jobs from Americans, we don’t need them.

        • STEM grads tend to vote the wrong way (for the party the begins with an ‘R’).
          There’s solid voting demographic data behind the Dems wanting the parents, grand-parents, cousins, and great-uncles of every illiterate farm worker here. ..

    • “imbed them with an I.D.chip”

      Which would be… I’m guessing here… of no use ever again once they left the Constipated States of America. I mean, WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT?

      Or do you have stock in an imbedded ID chip company? That would be my guess.

  7. I felt compelled to correct Laurie’s spelling:

    “If Obama had regulations on how many guns someone can buy in a year and kept track of firearm sales, Holders who don’t have misdemeanors might get caught a bit earlier.”

  8. Is it just me or are all the anti’s truly ugly? It seems like everyone of these antis need some serious cosmetic help.

    • You can’t spruce up fundamental moral corruption. It tends to leak out. Just look at Feinstein.

    • Actually, I think she’s kind of cute, but that’s not the point I wanted to make… a person’s appearance isn’t relevant to the issues, and bringing it up makes it seem like you lack confidence in the strength of our side’s position.

      I feel your comments do us a disservice.

      • Who is us? You and me aren’t us. Making some juvenile comments about her appearance is just having a little fun. We never asked for your permission to do so.

    • Nancy Pelosi was a juicy number, it saddens me to say. She was “Miss Lube Rack” of… some year or another. She was a CALENDAR GIRL!

      I will supply Robert with the photo to prove it!

      It’s a regular stereotype-buster.

  9. If Ohio had regulations on how many stupid things someone can say in a year and kept track of them, morons who don’t have anything smart to say might STFU.

  10. This woman has never really thought about anything her whole life. She doesn’t know how. She simply reacts to what ever she FEELS about an issue. So, of course her opinions are usually wrong.

    Just another product of our failing education system…

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