“Starbucks has said it is good business to provide a safe environment for all its partners (employees). Banning guns is, indeed, good business. There are 14 million people in the United States – victims of gun violence and their families and friends – who are looking forward to saying, ‘Thanks, Starbucks, I’d like a latte please!’ Until that great day dawns, a lot of us will be saying “no thanks” to Starbucks stores and products.” – from an open letter to Starbucks from the Fellowship of Reconciliation.


  1. Starbucks doesn’t have a “gun policy”, as the letter states. They do have an “obey the law” policy.

    Why can’t gun haters get their facts straight?

  2. I sent Starbuck this message and was sent back the reply you see below. While I am sure most of this is boilerplate, it appears that this was indeed a personal reply. My estimation of the corporation has improved.

    Subject: corporate social responsibility
    Just a short note to thank you for not restricting second amendment rights in places where concealed carry is allowed. Thank you for resisting the demands of those who would have deny the rights of law abiding citizens who choose to discreetly carry a firearm for self defense. I intend on making a special point of making a purchase in one of your stores on Feb 14 to help make up for those who would boycott your business on that day.Thanks again. Pat Carver

    Dear Pat,
    Thank you for contacting Starbucks.

    Thank you for your feedback regarding Starbucks’ policy on open carry laws. I am truly happy to hear that you support and appreciate our gun policy!
    At Starbucks, we deeply respect the views of our customers and recognize that there is significant and genuine passion surrounding the issue of open carry weapons laws. We comply with local laws and statutes in the communities we serve. Our long-standing approach to this issue remains unchanged and we abide by the laws that permit open carry in 43 U.S. states. Where these laws don’t exist, openly carrying weapons in our stores is prohibited.

    As the public debate around this issue continues, we encourage customers and advocacy groups from both sides to share their input with their public officials. We are extremely sensitive to the issue of gun violence in our society and believe that supporting local laws is the right way for us to ensure a safe environment for both partners and customers.

    Hope to see you in our stores on February 14th! Thanks again for your support and have a beautiful day!
    If you have any further questions or concerns that I was unable to address, please feel free to let me know.
    Warm Regards,
    Christina M
    Customer Relations
    Starbucks Coffee Company
    800 STARBUC (782-7282)

  3. “banning guns is good for business”

    yet another ultimatum with no real proof, just a few feel-good assumptions that make these people feel a little bit better about themselves.

    I say, its terrible business. I don’t like Gun-free zones. a lot of other people don’t. VT and Coulmbine were Gun-Free zones, weren’t they? and look how well THAT turned out.

    I say, unless you have a metal detector and a private security force to uphold this “gun free zone”, then its useless. it’s a sign, really. hell, just to prove a point, you could walk in concealed-carrying to a gun free zone, sit down, wait around a few minutes, and when you find yourself un-apprehended, then you’d prove that this system of “protection by sign” very wrong.

    litrally, all that the “gun free” sign does is make the weak-
    minded people with reason and knowledge juuuust out of their grasp feel better about themselves. you know, the people who like thinking with emotion. like Gun-control proponents.

  4. Sitting at Starbucks right now. Spent $8, paid in $2 bills. Left a tip of $2 in the jar for all to see. Hope the message is well received.

    • Half-decent is as good as you’ll ever get at a Starbucks. Bleah. Why can’t a coffee shop with good coffee attract this attention?

  5. “There are 14 million people in the United States – victims of gun violence and their families and friends – who are looking forward to saying, ‘Thanks, Starbucks, I’d like a latte please!’”

    And there’s anywhere from 120 to 150 million gun owners in the United States who say the same thing. So, which policy is actually better for business?

  6. I think i was the first to post a rely on the poorly reasoned article. It stayed for about 3 hours before it was seen and removed. They aren’t very keen on dissenting opinions apparently.

  7. Just finished my grande cappuccino. Thanked the staff, who had evidently heard it a few times this morning already. In suburban NY. Yeah, I think we’re winning.

  8. Just back from Starbucks. It turns out that the new Veranda “blonde roast” is quite good, and much more to my taste than their usual blend.

    So thank-you anti-2a folks. Without your impetus I’d never have known this.

    BTW, asking for a “tall blonde” is a pretty funny thing for this much married man to be do on 14 Feb.

  9. I would be interested to see an estimation, from Starbucks corporate, on the business of this Valentine’s day versus the last two or three. Would there be an uptick? Or a rough estimate of how many stores saw Jefferson activity today, that’d be interesting too.

    Not likely to find out, but it’d be neat.

  10. Got my usual this morning, paid with Jeffersons.

    The barista commented on the $2. I wonder how many he’s going to see today.

  11. Venti White Chocolate Mocha here. Paid $5 for the coffee, left a $2 bill for a tip and told the lady behind the counter that I appreciated their firearms policy.

    There isn’t usually a spot in the drawer for $2 bills, so leave it as a tip. I was able to get two $2 bills at the bank this morning, so I’ll be back tomorrow, and again after I manage to find more Jeffersons.

  12. I bought my team a round, $34. And engaged the young ladies behind the counter. Only one of the 3 knew about the boycott. The one that knew stated categorically she didn’t understand the big deal when open carry is allowed in PA, and concealed permitted. So thanks to the SB crew in Bloomfield (in Pgh.)

  13. Two Grandes: $8
    Saying that I like SB’s gun policy: Free
    Watching the girl try and figure out where in the till to put $2 bills: Priceless

  14. I spent a Jefferson (and a Washington, and two Lincolns) in Harrisburg, PA today for a Tall iced latte. A lot of money for a small bitter drink (needed more sweetener, and I think they over-roast their beans), but I enjoyed handing over the 2. It was at a drive-through, and the cashier didn’t bat an eye or make any comment or question. Based on that, I’m guessing mine wasn’t the first she’d seen in the last day or two.

  15. I did my part on the Downtown Chattanooga location….which is located less than 2 miles from one of the most violent areas in the USA. You are insane if you actually don’t carry around those parts.

  16. Spent 2 $2 bills in Starbucks, was asked by the clerk why I’m paying in $2s. I told him about Starbuck’s policy and the bills were to show support. He had no idea any of this was going on, but appreciated the support. Said he’d seen no other $2s lately.

  17. Legal concealed carry in Orange County, CA with a venti low carb
    iced white chocolate mocha and a ham sandwich. CA is not completely
    lost. Mostly, but not completely…

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