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Texas Senator Ted Cruz hunting for votes in Iowa (courtesy

“There are a lot of people who would like to shoot me and you, I’ve noticed. That would be a fundraiser to end them all, wouldn’t it?” Iowa Representative Steve King to Texas Senator Ted Cruz, quoted in Ted Cruz in Iowa: Has he sown the seeds of a 2016 GOP presidential candidacy? [via]

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    • They obviously don’t think guns are icky, what with them calling for the murder of NRA members children. Gonna be a rude awakening if they ever realize the full extent of what they are calling for.

    • He is the real deal on the Second amendment BUT, he’s a Tea Party Conservative Wacko Nutjob who wants to set our ovaries’ rights back 50 years, dictate who we can love, punish the poor for being poor and worse yet, no one in the media class or GOP upper management likes him very much ………… and that’s why I idolize him.

  1. He’s a very impressive and smart guy and big threat to the Party of Government, the GOP. The Republican Establishment will now have to try to destroy him. Which is why big government/big crony business advocate Jeb Bush has been taking swings at Sen. Cruz.

  2. Ted Cruz is the last hope of the republican party. He’s also the only republican I voted for in the last election. The .Gov Of the People needs a rebirth by fire.

    • I agree completely. It’s too bad the GOP with burn him to the ground and run Chris Christie for president in 2016……..

      • Ha! Oh, that’s rich… You know, if that did happen, I wouldn’t be surprised. And of course, the GOP would get their asses whooped. Everyone knows this would happen if Christie ran.

        So, it begs the question… What back-room deal was hatched between the parties? “I’ll trade you the presidency, in exchange for _______.” Hmmmm?

        What a joke. Well, I wish it was a joke. But I really don’t think it’s funny, anymore…

      • Unfortunately I think Chris Christie has a better chance of being elected president than Cruz. I understand that people on this blog like Cruz better but I fear the large mass of independent voters are more likely to pick someone like Hillary over Cruz but might actually relate to Christie. I’d love to be proven wrong. My thought is that if the Repubs really want to get back in office to they need to toss some of the the social issues overboard since they really drive away a lot of voters who appreciate the second amendment and smaller government.

        • Wow! The first: “He’s more electable” of the 2016 cycle.

          Romney was more electable too.

        • Romney was more electable than the rest of the bunch. The fact that he still lost just goes to show the sorry shape GOP is in these days.

          That said, if Cruz ends up being the runner for R in 2016, Democrats will win in a landslide.

      • The blimp from NJ will be the DEM nominee for pres. There only hope to bring 2016 flaming moderate into the neomarxist progressive coven

  3. Of all out there so far if he does run.
    Ill vote for him.
    As I am a one issue voter.
    When it comes to the President.
    Although maybe for that reason I should just stay home election day.

    • If you believe that Hillary should be president then yes you should stay home. This way when she wins you have someone to complain about for the next 8 years. That is pretty much what your moral non-vote will do.

      If there is any chance of change first the R’s must be in office to rule even if they are not as conservative as you like them to be. If you keep the democrats in office you get more of the same of what you have today.

      • I used to – well, still for the most part – think that way. Staying home, or voting 3rd party, is just a vote for a Liberal. But then the Republicans caved at the end of the shutdown and were like, “Oops, my bad, here’s EVERYTHING that you want, Mr. President.”

        I was dumfounded. For the first time, I understood the logic of not voting for someone who you were not 100% (or even mostly) behind. Because, for the first time, I really saw how utterly corrupted both parties had become. Really, what’s the difference?

        Ted Cruz manages to piss off both Democrats AND elitist Republicans, who all love their power more than this country or its citizens. Good. I’ll vote for that.

        • You can’t go wrong voting for a strong Second Amendment supporter who pisses off both Democrats AND elitist Republicans AND the mainstream media.

        • “Ted Cruz manages to piss off both Democrats AND elitist Republicans, who all love their power more than this country or its citizens.” Which makes him OK in my book.

  4. Unfortunately most of the people who would like to shoot Steve King and Ted Cruz are Republicans.

  5. Not if he’s smart. It’s exceedingly rare for anyone to go from Congress to the White House without a stint at a governor’s mansion in between — and for good reason. Our current president was elected right out of the Senate.

    I have no doubt Cruz is a great guy with a lot of potential, but just like anyone else, he can’t be President without solid executive experience.

    • I used to believe the same, then I thought Carter, Clinton. Now I’m not so committed to that theory.

      • Carter was governor of Georgia. Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

        I don’t say that a person with ‘governor’ on their resume will always make a good president, just that anyone without it almost certainly won’t.

        • I’d prefer Governor on the Resume but it’s not an absolute for me. The results in the modern era are so mixed I can’t use it as an absolute.

        • Going back to Carter, the count is 4-2 of presidents who had been governors before; but that’s not the strong advantage it might seem to be. The next six presidents before Carter were 6-0 non-governors, including 5 who made their careers in the Senate who claim is not a great launching platform. The recent governor angle is interesting, but hardly dispositive, as many governors have failed even to win the nomination and those who have own have had other driving factors.

          For example, Carter and Clinton were chosen by their party not so much because of their executive level experience, as they were for their Southern base. After all, Georgia in those days and Arkansas even in these days aren’t exactly economic and political powerhouses. In their cases, what propelled them was their ability to win Southern states in that GOP stronghold, or at least to force the GOP to expend precious resources to defend what should be sure-win territory.

          Moreover, both parties have had many other governors to choose from before (Dean, Wilder, Hollings, Babbitt on Dems; Connally, duPont, Alexander and Romney-2008 among GOP) who have gone nowhere in their respective primaries. Some of those former governors lost to also former governors, but the competitions weren’t even close, suggesting that governor experience isn’t the major factor. In general elections, too, former governors have gone down in defeat against non-governors (Dukakis, Romney-2012.) The case for governor-as-executive fades even further when considering actual executives’ records in the races: Perot, Forbes, Hermann…..

          Overall, the nations governors have been more or less on a roll in recent races; but there are no guarantees. One final note: The Republican Party itself came into being in 1854 as a breakaway party triggered by an internal revolt over slavery within the Democratic-Republican Party. Just six years later, the young GOP party put Lincoln in the White House (also a non-governor.) Think about that next time someone says Cruz is *just* a neophyte non-governor of the GOP-sabotaging, splinter group Tea Party.

    • Its the exact same “problem” McCain had, born abroad to an American mother. Its a non-issue, just like it would be even if Obama was somehow born in Kenya with his non-American father. His mother is still an American.

  6. I’ll vote Cruz or Paul. I damn sure won’t vote for fat a$$ Christie, remedial Romney, or bat sh1t crazy Newt. The GOP should know running any of those is political suicide, somehow I think they would rather run those three than they would Paul or Cruz.

    • A Ted Cruz / Rand Paul ticket would be awesome. In fact, I think I’ll write them in by hand if the GOP is dumb enough to weed them out.

  7. Forget the president, vote out every incumbent in the senate and house the next two election cycles, change the game by changing all the players!

  8. Shame he blew his career during the shutdown debacle. You have to question if the people advising him have substance abuse issues.

  9. As much as I love Ted Cruz, our biggest hope would be for Dr Ben Carson. A Conservative that is charismatic and is able to get people to cross the party lines and agree with him? Win.

    My parents, who state they are registered Republicans, who identify with the moderates, yet tend to vote for Democrats, have actually said they agree with Dr Carson and would vote for him. Yes, that’s just one small anecdote, but one of many.

    • From Dr. Ben Carson’s Wikipedia page, under “political affiliation and views”:

      “Carson has also expressed some views at odds with conservatives, such as supporting banning semi-automatic weapons in large cities”

      I’m gonna have to give a big ol’ NOPE to Dr. Ben Carson.

      • While I hadn’t seen that before, just looked it up and while yes he did say it, he also said it was a local decision and not a federal one, which is typically the conservative view (aside from the whole no govt intrusion thing). Chances are as the President he would veto legislation calling for such (if it ever came to it).

        But still something to chew on… Ted, who I love but would stand no chance nationally due to being a lot more in your face, or Ben, who stands a chance yet has a view that I disagree with, even if realistically it would never have do be done.

      • Just sayin’…

        Your source is Wikipedia: A source not known for being 100% factual. A source that within its own leadership will kill an entry/page or ignore it at their own whim. A source that is not recognized as a valid source for research papers and such because anybody can edit and have it say whatever they want, even if it is pure garbage,

        If you got more reputable sources, let’s hear them.

  10. You guys who say you won’t vote for any incumbent, just keep in mind that the worst and by far the most numerous incumbents in DC are the unelected bureaucrats. To some extent term limits empower those people, because a neophyte representative coming in isn’t going to know how to get things done, and the bureaucracy can and does just work around ‘leaders’ who don’t know how to play ball.

  11. Ted Cruz is a delusional twatwaffle whose approach to governance is destroying the fabric of our republic. He needs to go back to kindergarten and learn how to play well with others.

    I’m sure my opinion will be very unpopular, but the man is a danger to this country. Not because of his opinions or the way he votes on issues, but because of the way he is trying to tear down our government.

    • Yeah, you’re right. Getting our government back to what it is actually supposed to be would be a terrible thing…so much less intrusion…less taxes…less public debt…more freedom…it makes me sick just to think about it

      • The horror! We could have an out of control balanced budget, support for the 2A, de-funding Obamacare, re-importation of American guns, etc. None of that would be worth it if gay marriage became 1% more difficult or if people had to pay for abortions instead of taxpayers.


      • He’s not condemning Cruz’s desire to scale back the government, but rather the means he and his allies used to do so. They have, effectively, shut down the proper functioning of the republican system of government (which relies on securing the majority in both houses of Congress) by procedural tricks and rewriting of the rules to prevent the majority from actually voting on the bill that they would have passed, but which the Cruz minority didn’t want to pass. It sets a dangerous political precedent – that if you don’t like the decisions that are reached through the existing government system, it’s okay to just break the system.

    • Think of it this way Alpha. if you’ve ever worked on a car, you sometimes have to break a bolt, scratch the paint, or break something to fix it. And then there are the folks from the forestry dept. saying forest fires actually help the woods stay healthy. The flooding of the nile making the land there arable or my personal favorite. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson. Point being, sometimes you must destroy a broken system to bring it back to what it should have been in the first place. want a gun related example? Pick up a Kimber 1911.

    • Ok, where’s AlphaGeek and what have you done with his body.
      I suspect a sock puppet.

      Cites please, with facts and reasoned argument, rather than name calling. Thats Alpha’s style.

  12. I’d vote for Cruz or Rand Paul in a heartbeat.
    Just watch Cruz’s speech at the NRA convention!!!

    “Some of my fellow elected men and women have come to me in anger saying ‘why Cruz? Now i have to actually listen to my constituents or lose my office!'”

  13. He looks promising, but I still want to know more about him. For like many voters in recent elections, the more Constitutional candidate turned out to be a flash in the pan. A flash that later burned down the house along with most of the Constitution with it.

  14. I think Cruz struck a chord with a lot of Americans who feel disenfranchised by the current generation of leaders in DC. If nothing else, the frantic pantie-twisting and hyperventilation of the MSM is proof he scares the crap out of them. That gets my vote all by itself…

    VP Cheney was on Stephanopolis’ show today- link at Drudge. He said the GOP got whipped in 2012, and we need a new generation of leaders. His daughter is running for the Senate in WY, and he pointed out how her opponent got most of his campaign money from DC, and it would be WY voters who decide who represents them, not DC. I found Cheney to be the most adult voice in the Bush admin, and history has proven him right on most of it.

    Tea Party is part of the Republican Party, the best part as I see it. An independent party exists, but splitting the fiscal conservative smaller govt voters off the Repubs takes away from whats needed to reform the RINOs and would do the same thing that H.Ross Perot did to the US, allowing Clinton to win.

    I hope we all remember that, and dont allow history to repeat – if we split the Republican vote, then we get Hillary- and that would be a disaster to gun rights, and the US economy and foreign policy, based on her own immoral and incompetent performance so far- but hey “What does it matter anyway?”.

    • Hilary will not be the dem nom. That was spiked by the dem establishment in 2008. Not going to happen.

      • Not that the dems will win anyway. Obama’s “I can do what i want since its my last term” attitude has pretty much killed the dems hope for 2016. You know its bad when your own party wants you out of office.

  15. It WONT be Cruz in ’16. You NEED the masses of casual and middle of the road voters. You NEED more Hispanic and female voters. The libtard (democrat) media will burn Cruz in effigy while at the same time sing the praises of ‘Earth Mother’ Hillary. The shutdown was a poorly executed tactic.

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