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Home Carry (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

“I guess one take-away is that the victims of this crime should have had loaded guns on their laps, while they played cards, watched TV, or had a heart-to-heart with their friends. Yeah, and maybe they should just forget about doing anything with friends and just keep their eyes peeled and their fingers on triggers, waiting for an attacker. I think this response comes from feeling powerless in this world, and personally, this desperate way of living does not sound empowering to me.” – Brandon Jaeger, More Guns Don’t Make Us More Powerful Citizens [via]

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  1. Nothing wrong with having a loaded gun on your lap while playing cards at home. Never know when the JBTs are going to bust down the door. I personally don’t play cards or keep a pistol on my lap, but I won’t knock the practice.

    • I have the habit of playing Call of Duty with old High School friends once a week or so into the wee hours. I always have a handgun in my lap or by my side while doing so. No reason not to and many reasons to do so.

      • I took a training class with a guy that said something close to what you said. When he gets home be takes his gun off and puts it in the safe because he has small kids. When he plays CoD, he does it after to kids have gone to sleep and because of that he wears headphones for audio. He told us how one night while doing that a branch fell off a tree and made a noise against the house that sounded like a person trying to break in. It scared the crap out of him. He realized if someone chose such a moment to break in, he’d be fucked. Reinforces the case for home carry.

  2. I keep a pistol on my waist in my house just like I keep a fire extinguisher near the stove….just in case!!

    • Why do you keep a fire extinguisher in your house? Don’t we have professionals to fight fires? Why would you take matters into your own hands when the fire department will be there in 10 or 15 minutes? Really, some people should know their limitations. Trying to fight fires (or crime) without special training, you’re just going to get yourself or someone else killed!

      …Well, if your (their) logic is consistent.

  3. I guess no one noticed the author’s absolute paranoia:

    “As a gun owner who has had my house broken into, and who knows the experience of picking up that shotgun and laying my hand on the box of slugs while watching an unfamiliar vehicle pass very slowly or stop completely in front of my house ”

    I can only speak for myself, but I have never grabbed a gun just because a car drove by my house. Jesus H Christ, this guy needs to be checked in somewhere and get on some meds.

    • Yeah, I don’t even necessarily always answer the door with a gun in my hand (or within reach). If I’m already carrying it, well, then yeah, I’ve got it on me. But I’ve never done anything like what the author describes, overreacting to a car driving by or whatever… He needs therapy.

    • Maybe, but do you know his living situation?

      I live in a rural area down a secluded dirt road. Burglary rates here are higher than surrounding areas as a result – my neighbor across the road was robbed bare several years back.

      When I first moved in, I had a random car come down the road, stop in front of the house, and then briefly pull into the driveway and sit there. When I opened the garage door to go and talk to the driver (and yep, I was carrying), he took off, and I’ve never seen that car again.

      I’ve had a handful of shady vehicles with shady occupants wander down the road in the middle of a weekday. In a place like this, you get to know every car of every neighbor and their friends & family. I work from home a lot so I’m often here. It IS something to take notice of when an unfamiliar car comes down the road and is spending too much time looking at each house.

      It’s just not the same as living on a residential street.

      • Yep! My exact thought was “I wonder how long his driveway is, and how far away the closest neighbor is.”

        • I’m not going to doxx him, because I don’t believe in it, and even if I did, because he didn’t do anything to deserve it, but it took me about 30 seconds to find him, and what is most likely his house. It’s a 2500 square foot 4/2 on 0.4 acres, right in the middle of a couple thousand other houses just like it. His driveway is about three cars long.

        • Like any good writer he paints a scenario which reinforces his position. The truth is a casualty. Obama did the same thing with composite character in his book. Corey booker as well. I wonder if he even has said shotgun or slugs.

    • I laugh while thinking of just how fast he couldve loaded those slugs in a state of extreme panic as he seems to be writing about.

      • The laying of a hand on the box of slugs made me think of his trick defense – hold and pump the shotgun menacingly, and then throw the slugs really fast.
        It’s hard to shoot with slugs unless they are first loaded into the barrel.

    • Exactly. I home carry, most of the time, but it depends on if I’ve been out of the house yet. Basically, I tool up when I leave the house, and then I don’t bother to take it off until I undress at the end of the day. It doesn’t get in my way, so why should I take it off just because I’m home?

      This guy makes it sound like I’m sitting on the couch fondling my gun (no, the other one), just hoping and praying someone bursts through the door so I can cap him.

      • That about describes my modus operandi (no, not the couch part, not even the *printable* interpretation); I “tool up” (hmm, maybe that’s not such a good choice of words) in the morning, as I get dressed to go to work, then don’t bother removing the weapon when I get home.

        On weekends where I don’t bother to dress (other than the pajamas I woke up with) I probably won’t be carrying. I suppose I could use a pajama friendly rig of some sort.

        Given the number of sudden, violent home invasions, it simply doesn’t make sense not to have a gun readily available (as in within three seconds), wherever you are.

        • ..what number is that? It may be a regional thing, but in my area the number is approximately 0 a year unless you’re a drug dealer.

        • Hannibal, it used to be about zero in my area, too. But apparently the criminal types on the urban west side of the state have realized that college towns offer easy pickings for burglary.

          They don’t just go in hot — they knock first and ask for directions to some fictional person’s house if someone answers. If no one answers, they go about breaking in. In a three-week span they forced their way into two houses that were occupied and robbed people at gunpoint (in addition to robbing at least 5 other places I’ve heard of, two of them in my general neighborhood). They chose the Thanksgiving holiday weekend as the centerpiece of their crime spree, knowing that an unusually large number of people would be leaving town.

          So unless my wife is hanging out in the craft room next to the gun safe, I’m carrying. I have IWB and OWB options, and it’s comfortable enough. And if we both have to be gone, we leave a .22 rifle with the kids, ready to rock. They’re teens now, and I’ve taught them how to shoot. Even with the recent crime wave, it’s still unlikely anyone would be trying to break in while we’re in the house…but it can happen, even in sleepy college towns with super low crime rates. If anyone faces disastrous consequences for a home invasion attempt, it’s going to be the invader, not my family.

        • @Hannibal I understand what you are saying, but sometimes the folks who get sent to the dealers house to enforce on the first attempt aren’t always that bright. I remember a story from the peak of the crack epidemic where a couple of thugs got the wrong address and murdered a woman with an M1 carbine (which is the answer to another question that comes up here often).

          In my neighborhood, across the street from the folks behind me, there is a known drug house. The sherrif’s office has said there’s not much they can do based on casual suspicion. Also there was a place being rented down the block by a bunch of lowlifes and (we suspect) one of said lowlifes opened the front door of a house nearby while they had a cleaning lady and grabbed the set of keys sitting in the entryway, presumably to rob the house later. All of this was came to my attention (the local stuff, not the M1 carbine murder) within the span of about a month, before that it was a neighborhood where “nothing ever happened.”

          Anyway, this isn’t intended as a diatribe or rant, just to say I really understand both positions on the home invasion concern. Sometimes all it takes is for them to think you’re away when you’re not.

  4. To believe that the human organism, by itself, is powerful in this world is incredibly egotistical. Our intellect, and the defensive tools devised therein, are the only things that gives us a physical advatage over nature.

    Addtitionally, it always seemed to me that people who focus on being “empowered” just come off as psychologically weak and ineffectual.

    • It happened, sadly in my proud state of Arizona too.

      Cartel goon took a woman by surprise in her house; husbands guns were in a safe. She wasnt armed.

  5. Just read the article, writer comes off like a fudd idiot with all the maturity and thought processes of a 4 year old.

    “The real tyrannical powers of this world don’t give a damn about our guns.”- Have you been living under a F**king rock for the last 2 years? Or did you not see Bloomberg, Biden, Feinstien, and Obama openly ask for restrictions on firearms.

    “It’s compete paranoid fantasy to think that the government wants to come and take our guns away,”- Feinstien; amongst others, is on camera saying it, (a simple youtube search, or any meager attempt at research would have showed you this is incorrect.)

    “Fellow gun owners, let’s not be so blind as to think our freedom and power depend on just one amendment, one right.” I’m not your friend, dont try to talk to me like you are, just B/C your a gun owner does not mean you and I share opinions/morals/beliefs/ideals (I think your an idiot) The 2nd amendment protects helps us protect the rest of them.

    I could go on, but it’d just be a waste of my time.

    • It seems as though he hits every talking point of the “I support the 2nd Amendment, but…” crowd.

      1) Starts by introducing himself as the owner of a shotgun, that he keeps unloaded.

      2) Carrying a gun is for those who feel powerless and are paranoid

      3) Nobody wants to take your guns away

      4) It’s a fantasy to think you and your little guns can win against the US Military

      And I stopped reading, but you get the point. There are too many of these articles these days, written by men and women with some deeper psychological problem that they struggle to face, so they project their difficulties onto us. They’re just jumping on the bandwagon at this point, all these “authors” say the same thing.

      • Exactly the same template followed in that idiotic article by that FUDD runner in Jogger’s World, or whatever it’s called.

  6. I would home carry more often if I had a better holster for my snubbie, and I’m looking for a decent one now. But I do keep a pistol loaded and ready upstairs in the master bedroom, out of reach of the kids but not locked up. I also keep the snubbie loaded and locked in the bedside safe.

    I’ve made the conscious decision to risk not carrying at home with my own personal comfort of not lugging around a full frame double-stack 9mm on my hip or at the small of my back. Every now and then I don’t bother to disarm after coming home from work, and I find myself annoyed by the gun strapped to me when I’m trying to play with the kids, help with dinner, cleanup, etc. I always keep the doors locked and we have good lines of sight to all entryways, so I should have decent warning of an intrusion.

    So yeah, once I get a decent concealed holster for the snubbie I will carry 24/7, until then I guess I’ve just got to be good at bounding up the stairs for the gun while my wife throws wet Pull-Ups at any intruders.

    • A fanny-pack may look geeky, but it’s ideal home carry for many reasons, one is not freaking out Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come calling!

    • +1 on home carry of the snubbie. A good (leather or something close) pocket holster makes home carry no big deal. I would also recommend getting that other pistol loaded but out of reach into a bedside safe. Your kids may know better and you may be comfortable with that, but you are not there all the time and most kids have friends.

    • home carry is a lot safer than a gun that is unlocked but supposedly out of the reach of kids…

      kids are good at being in the reach of everything.

      • NO firearm is EVER out of reach of children unless it is disabled with a lock or placed in a locked cabinet or safe. In California, a CHP officer put his loaded service weapon on a shelf in the master bedroom, believing that it was out of reach of his twin 5 year old boys. It wasn’t. They knew it was there, and stacked boxes to get high enough to “see” it. One died as a result.
        If you have children (1) guns must be kept on your person or locked up, (2) children’s natural curiosity must be satisfied along with firm instruction of gun safety rules. Not only will you prevent a tragedy that will tear your family apart, in some states, California being one, the owner of a firearm may face criminal charges if a minor accesses the firearm and someone is injured or killed.

        • I started teaching my son about firearms safety and handling from the beginning using toy guns and taught him the rules as soon as he was old enough to understand. By the time he was in preschool he was handling any object that looked like a gun in a consistently proper and safe manner. By 10 years old he could teach proper firearm safety and was an excellent shot.

          This idea that children must be shielded from guns is ludicrous and is one of the primary tactics anti-s have been using for decades. Indoctrinating children to be terrified of guns actually just instills a sense of contempt for guns, which leads to kids doing stupid sh*t with guns, which in turn gives anti-s more talking points against guns. A self perpetuating cycle they use quite adroitly against American citizens.

    • S&W Bodyguard. It sits in my pocket and noone knows it’s there (I often forget it’s there). An IWB holster is annoying. I have tried many brands, all are obtrusive and hard to hide in my experience. The pocket pistols of recent years have completely changed my view of carry. To have 6+1 .380 easily hidden and very accurate makes more sense than any “sub-compact” on the market.

  7. In 1992, the president of our gun club in MA, a good friend of mine, was sitting at his kitchen table on a Saturday morning. A demented homeless person, whom he occasionally helped out, showed up at his door, came in and shot my friend to death for no reason. My friend was 6 ft. away from the nearest gun, in a kitchen drawer. Since then, I have always carried, everywhere, all the time.

  8. One time I was over at my in laws for dinner. They live in a fairly nice neighborhood, but do (sensibly) keep the doors locked. That night, as we were walking towards the door to leave, my MIL noticed she forgot to lock the door. With a tinge of worry in her voice, she said “Oh, someone could have walked right in!” To which my wife said “How many people in this room are armed?” Three hands went up: hers, mine, and my FIL’s. To which my MIL replied “I need a carry holster for my Walther.” I married into a good family.

  9. The article is a classic example of (not sure of the argument type) where they propose a false choice. In this case, self-reliance and skepticism about the government, to the point of what he characterizes as paranoia (clinging to our guns and religion, anyone?) vs. becoming involved and helping fix the community, nation, etc.

    We don’t need to choose, and I would submit that a great many of us do just that. We petition the government, we volunteer our time and resources to the benefit of our communities, we seek to educate ourselves on the issues we face, etc. At the same time, we take steps to secure our personal liberty and safety through the use of training and tools, because like it or not, a certain degree of self-reliance is a hallmark of being an adult, and required to function properly in society. We are not independent nor dependent on society, instead we are interdependent with society. I’m sick of the false choices that are constantly presented to us.

    • No, straw man is where you make an argument of some sort, and I then proceed to argue against you, as if you had made a totally different argument. I defeat the argument you didn’t even make, then proclaim victory. Example: You: “We should be allowed to carry in public” Them: “Tom believes he should be able to shoot people who cut him off in traffic. This is wrong because…” (and they give reasons why it would be wrong to shoot people over traffic altercations). The fallacy is that you never said any such thing.

      The one mentioned is a false dilemma. You are offered two choices, as if there are no other alternatives.

      • I’m under the impression that straw men can be fake or real. By that I mean that the object of the straw man attack may or may not have made the argument.

        Your example would be a straw man argument, but it’s easy to disprove. Sometimes arguments that are actually made by one side are chosen by the other because the argument is weak, or is seen as weak to the audience.

        If there is a group of people who have known someone who was shot and killed, and the audience has little knowledge/care/respect for the Constitution, using the “Second Amendment is enough” argument will not do much. This is why it’s sometimes chosen by opposition, since it is a common argument but will not convince the audience. I consider this a straw man argument even though it has validity. A better argument would be to show the usefulness of defensive weapons and the inability of the state to actually control guns.

  10. Sigh; another so called gun owner saying how useless having guns are for self-defense. .

    He actually made some good points about working together as a community to stop powerful business interests from picking our politicians for us: but then he lost me when he starts saying those same politicians really don’t want to take our guns away.

    And then at the end of his article, he asks the question if his ideas make him a socialist; yep; he is, socialists/communists are known for having the guiding principle “the end justifies the means”, when mass murder is a given to achieve their “end”, being a poser as a gun owner is a minor subterfuge to move their agenda forward.

    • “Ends justifying the means” is the clarion call of all dictators and authoritarian leaders, irrespective of political affiliation.

  11. This is one I those articles where I agree with his premise but not his conclusion. Guns give me a much greater advantage in a fight than a can opener. Yes the US military is a force to be reckoned with, but I don’t have to defeat the US military, just keep my family safe. You can, and should, home carry because your gun is of no use to you in a safe when you’re unconscious. An AR-15 is better than a 12ga for a hostage situation, even I the HT is a raccoon.

  12. Accept your powerlessness. There is nothing you can do. The government knows best. Sleep America. SLEEEEEEEEEEEEP.

  13. Home carry is absolutely paranoia, unless you live in a high crime area. Its just as silly as carrying a fire extinguisher on your hip at all times because you are “prepared” for a fire.

    • So, ROL, “absolutely paranoia”? strong words. You show a classic gun grabber disconnect between being prepared for the exigencies of life like fire, flood, car wreck heart attack, pedophile strangers and being prepared for predators. whether animal or human.

      Wearing a seat belt at all times while in the car and keeping driver awareness at all times, Check; check fire extinguishers and smoke alarms twice a year; check; teach my child stop drop and roll and to never talk to strangers. check: recertify in CPR, check: work out at the gym to protect against heart attack, check, flood insurance, fire insurance, health insurance life insurance, check; clear brush from around the house to protect against b rush fires, check; wear a gun while in the house in the country, OMG, PARANOIA! ( Did you hear about the guy that took hostage the Amish children in the school house with the intent to rape and kill them all)? Kind of low crime area those Amish communities.

      Something to think about ROL.

    • Fires usually don’t randomly bust down my door. Nor do they have intent, like harming me. Now that I think about it, fires are actually rather stupid in comparison to an armed attacker.

    • What Tom says. Especially about kids.

      Also, look upstream. Putting on your firearm when you first get dressed is the most natural thing in the world. Who puts on their belt just to take it of again to lace it through a holster? If your gun and holster are too uncomfortable to carry all day, you won’t carry anyway.

    • This couple; both with CCL’s, were driving through NM. While at a rest stop; they were kidnapped by escaped convicts; taken out to the desert and murdered. I’m sure they thought that being armed while at a rest stop in the middle of the desert miles from any city was just being paranoid. (You know, a low crime area)

  14. I just keep a weapon handy in the rooms I spend 90% of my time in at home. ::shrug::

    The whole self defense thing is a lot easier when you don’t have kids or nosey relatives to worry about.

    • Hear, hear. My P238 is sitting 18″ to my right, laying on the desk in a Remora. When I get dressed, it’ll go on my hip, and it’ll stay there ’til I’m undressed, at which point it’ll go back into the Remora. It’s nice not having to worry about other people (other than those I trust implicitly).

      The bug spray guy is coming today, and there’s an exploded AR on the dining room table, but I’m just gonna throw a sheet over that.

      • I hope “exploded” as in “looks like those parts diagrams” not exploded as in KB!

        I tend to have a handgun in reach when it’s not actually on my hip. I also have a dedicated 10mm Glock 20 “bump in the night” gun, with flashlight, etc., something a bit blockier than I’d want to try to carry day-to-day (though it does go with me on hikes).

        • Correct in the first part. “Under assembly” or “in process” would probably have been a better phrase.

        • My bump in the night gun is a .357 revolver.

          I don’t want to be fiddling with safeties or switches if I am half asleep.

        • Safeties while still semi-comatose? Glock addressed that issue. As for the switch on the flashlight, well if that goobers up, I am no worse off than someone with no “switch” at all.

          Oh, yeah, tritium night sights too.

          This gun resides in the nightstand, only because with no manual safety it probably shouldn’t be under the pillow.

          Demos available at 3AM. No appointment necessary, walk-ins (not) welcome.

  15. The author sort of lifted his skirt a little too high with the phrase, “…and that it’s OK to ruin the air, soil and water that all life has depended on for eons…” — as soon as it was plain which brand of koolaid the guy has been drinking, I dismissed the whole of the article without stressing over what points made sense or not.

  16. The odds of being involved in a car crash relative to miles driven are fairly low, yet many of us still put on a seatbelt.

    Why should carrying a firearm be any different? It’s cheap insurance.

    • The law compels me to wear a seat belt (not that it matters, I feel uncomfortable without one). When is the law going to compel me to carry a gun?

    • I’ve been making this comparison for ages.

      “But a seatbelt isn’t a weapon, it’s not the same!” Some idiot will invariably retort.

      “They are the same in one aspect. Both only come in useful in rare circumstances and both have to be equipped before the need arises. Once you need either, it’s too late to get it.”

      “Oh come ON!” !hey are usually reduced to at this point.

      • ““But a seatbelt isn’t a weapon, it’s not the same!” Some idiot will invariably retort.”

        Putting a seat belt on a negligent driver turns the whole car into a weapon. The seat belt saves the wrong person, the crappy driver, who goes on to kill innocent bystanders. Here’s what they should do if they’re really interested in traffic safety:

  17. Bob is an anti gun idiot and someone should take his shotgun away from him he’s clueless. You sound like an idiot. He wants to give up our guns to keep from adding to the level of violence? They are going to kill you and your family for Gods sakes and thats alright with Bob. One or two less people killed that way. At least with a gun to even the odds you stand a chance at surviving.

    And what idiot told him to load your shotgun with a slug for home defense? The first round in the pipe should be a #6 birdshot because you’re probably going to point and pull the trigger anyway even if the perp has moved and the spread shat at the range in your house can incapacitate or kill. Some of the shot will hit them. Next 00 or even better 000. No magnum rounds either. To much recoil and no added benefit at this range.

    The F’n idiot doesnt even make a negative comment about the perps who murdered his neighbors. Many more problems with this idiots line of thought.

  18. I like the part where he bashes the guy with the bumper sticker that says guns are the difference between citizens and subjects. He’s obviously not a student of Greek philosophy – Socrates said that when you see two men walking you can always tell which one is the free man and which one is the slave – the free man is armed. Then he goes on to display his disinterest in history with “the government doesn’t want to take your guns”. OK, sure, there’s only one political party in this country intent on doing away with the second amendment, but country after country around the world has disarmed their citizens (subjects) and in many cases have then proceeded to slaughter them.

    Total Fudd. In fact I think he’s and elitist Fudd, if that’s even possible.

    • Oh there are a LOT of elitist Fudds. The folks with five-figure-expensive shotguns who can’t imagine a use for them other than at the trap range, but want you separated from your crappy gat. (Never mind that many of them aren’t in fact crappy, they just didn’t cost four or five figures.) Can’t have shoddy lowbrow products out there.

      • My father is an elitist fudd. Gun safe full of ARs, AKs, etc but mine are all “assault weapons” and his are not. Even my knife. “Get rid of the knife” he says…

        • care to elaborate on what makes your dad think that you’re lower than him even though you own the same “toys?” what does he think makes his better than yours?

        • It’s Fuddthink, it doesn’t have to make sense.

          In fact it’s probably better to say it’s not Fuddthink *unless* it makes no sense.

    • Only one political party? That would be the Republican Party, then. Richard Nixon hated guns, handguns in particular, and Ronald Reagan outlawed the open carrying of guns in California, among other nefarious limitations on rights. Then there is Manchin. The House, with its Republican majority, overwhelmingly approved the extension of the invisible weapons law (conveniently hiding their votes so they could avoid the blow back). Need I go on? It is BOTH parties–i.e., Big Brother, Big Government, whatever you want to call it, that wants to eliminate your right to keep and bear.

      • Huh. And all this time I thought Feinstein and Bloomberg were Democrats. Shows what I know.

        Seriously, though: between lawmakers in New York, California, Illinois and other deep blue states, I’d have to say that if we were forced to pick only one party to deem strongly in favor of “Turn ’em all in, John Q. Public,” it sure as hell wouldn’t be the GOP.

        • Nixon was a closet socialist. He was a big proponent of socialized medicine and had planned to initiate it during his last two years in office. Watergate stopped him thank God.

  19. Thanks! Comments dissuaded me from wasting my time reading the referenced article. I prefer to remain armed in my home because I would rather risk any eventuality than doing nothing to protect myself and my family.

  20. It’s not always on my person at home, but it’s always close. I’ve never felt even remotely prisoner to being concerned about safety, in fact I feel quite the opposite. Kinda like when I’m at my folk’s house, I can completely relax because I know mine’s not the only gun in the room, and there’s plenty of bigger and meaner ones in the safe that we can fight our way to if needed.
    When I hear a loud noise at night that shoots me out of bed, I listen for a minute for anything sounding like glass or footsteps where there shouldn’t be, then I go back to bed. I have reached that point in competency through training, mindset, and good old practice that I feel good and confident that I can handle trouble if it comes crashing in my door.

    And if you’re playing cards with friends with a gun in your lap, you might need new friends.

  21. I wish I had stopped reading after the first paragraph, but I didn’t. Near the end of the article he said, “The modern gun-rights movement as we know it was inspired by the Black Panther Party.” He then goes on to describe them as a hero organization that Mother Theresa should have joined. This guy is a true mental case, totally delusional. To say something this idiotic is just incredible. He lost credibility with me after the second sentence, but then kept going and confirmed that he is a fool many times over. Certifiable nut-job. Reading this article was a complete waste of time.

  22. I just read the article: pure campfire kumbaya crap.

    The author faults us for denial, whike denying that successful imsurgencies have indeed bested modern militaries, including our own. He’s the one denying there’s any substantial civilian use if firearms outside of the extremes of indulging in plinking or launching tragedy, as though countlesd DGU’s every day do not exist.

    His rant is replete with strawmen and stereotypes in roughly equal measure.

  23. I once saw a bumper sticker on a truck that said something like, “Gun Ownership… The difference between a subject and a citizen.” It made me laugh, but it also made me sad. We’re living in a dangerous state of denial, if we think that the power we feel with a stock against our shoulder and a trigger behind our finger is anything more than the power to fill a tin can with holes, or to bring home some meat for our families, or to be a danger to self and others.”

    The usual delusional garbage.

    “When it comes to the question of citizenry versus being a subject, our hope lies in the power to be well-educated about the issues of our day, to be engaged in our communities, to speak and hear each other’s differences, to figure out how to work with one another productively on the issues that really affect our lives and our children’s lives, and for the good of all.”

    Yeah I thought that was what we were focusing on here. Rights and the good of all. I do agree with his statement on education. I definitely think he should get better educated on the issues of our day.

  24. Mini 14 and handgun handy but hidden in garage,hand guns and shotguns handy but hidden in other areas of my home.J frame or Glock in my pocket at ALL times except fed buildings and airports.What am I scared of? Neither man nor beast.

  25. Also in reply to the premise of the article: None of us have ever claimed that a gun is a guarantee. We have always acknowledged that it only gives us a fighting chance. A single incident where an armed person succumbs anyway is meaningless.

  26. Guys, you been duped. This idiot clearly has never had a firearm in his hand in his entire life. Just read the sh*t he writes. I am amazed he can reach the keyboard through all those frilly pink petticoats he is wrapped in.

  27. Oh, and “brandon”? Yes, I have a firearm on my person or within easy reach at all times. Hope that scares the hell out of you, leftard.

  28. Mr Farago? I don’t want to be spamming, hate spammers, I would like to recommend a company to y’all since many in this thread are decrying the choices they find for concealed carry.

    This is a nice startup run by a young man in Texas, makes custom kydex gear. First saw him mentioned over at the Trigger Jerk’s blog.

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