“I cannot imagine what this is doing to your employee morale.” – Former Woodbury County supervisor Jackie Smith in Iowa County Lets Employees Carry Guns in Parts of Courthouse [via usnews.com]


  1. I’m guessing it’s boosted morale for those who may now carry without fear of losing their job.

    • Spot on. Even the most stringent anti gunners who don’t see the guns will quickly forget about it. No one’s really going to live their life in fear of a person who isn’t a felon, has no history of domestic violence, and is willing to pay the state money to prove it which is what you have to do to get a conceal carry permit. For those that carry, morale improves. For those that don’t, they’re as oblivious to who’s carrying as when they visit Walmart.

      • “Even the most stringent anti gunners who don’t see the guns will quickly forget about it.”

        A lot of times I even forget about it. I can walk around all day with 2lbs of steel and plastic strapped to my waist and total forget it’s there.

  2. I bet there’s a lot of law enforcement that carry, at the office and the court house and NOBODY has a problem with that. why is law enforcement SO darn PERFECT that they NEVER have to actually obey the laws, on or off duty? why do LEO’s get all the carve outs? we are all people …

    • Because LEOs are “heroes” and they get to be more safe than the rest of us, because of their career choices.

    • Because they are the ones chosen by the state to be the enforcers and thus need special rights to prey upon anyone they decide not to like? But let the good little sheeple go, so long as they pay the required bribes to the state?
      You know, the same SOP that always goes with worship of the state? At least since the days of ancient Rome.

  3. Probably the same for pretty much everyone. I’ve never been to a courthouse where citizens weren’t openly carrying guns (albeit in uniforms but that doesn’t make a difference)

    Seems that morale is really only dropping for one person

  4. From the source article,

    Jackie Smith … believes courthouse employees don’t want guns in their workplace.

    Some years ago many people said the same thing about racial minorities in various settings.

    Apparently, discrimination is fine as long as your local, state, and/or federal government says that it is okay.

    The root problem is that so many people elevate government to “Almighty God” status … deferring to government to define right and wrong and provide everything. The sooner that goes away, the better.

    • I agree, the sooner statism dies out, the better off humanity will be. But I’ve been waiting for that for a very long time. Before this the ‘worshiped authorities’ were religious figures. And before that it was the tribal chieftains or local warlords.
      The root of the problem is mankind’s sheep-like nature that follows without regard for reason or morals.
      I just call however ‘The Man’, is at any given moment the grand poobah. It points out the infantile nature of the entire idea.

    • I was going to quote the same section, but I was going to comment that if employees don’t want guns there then they won’t carry. Simple enough.

    • The sheep like their fences to contain them and the shepherd to guide them. As long as the sheep are getting regular grass to eat, that’s about all they care about.

    • “The root problem is that so many people elevate government to “Almighty God” status … deferring to government to define right and wrong and provide everything. The sooner that goes away, the better.” – I agree completely. I can’t count the times I’ve seen someone on a news channel who can’t tell the difference between legality and morality.

      I also can’t count the times someone on this board has taken a statement of the law to be a statement of what the law should be. When the chips are down, who cares that the law being enforced should be considered unconstitutional? You’re still going to be convicted of a felony.

  5. A current County Supervisor is quoted in the original article as saying that “allowing employees to openly carry guns would send the wrong message to courthouse patrons.”

    What message would that be? Bailiffs open carry. Officers testifying openly carry. These are county employees, too.

  6. Seems to me that “open carry” is going through the same normalization perion that concealed carry went through. A couple of years from now everyone will wonder what all of the fuss was about. The anti’s know this also and hate it.

    • “Seems to me that “open carry” is going through the same normalization perion that concealed carry went through. A couple of years from now everyone will wonder what all of the fuss was about. The anti’s know this also and hate it.”


      Much like the title to a TTAG post earlier today:

      The Trace: ‘The NRA’s Campaign of Cultural Warfare is Working’

      Gun rights are ascendant.

      This is what *winning* looks like.

      The bigoted firearm rights intolerant will get some much needed practice working on their coping skills…


  7. If you get low morale from guns, then you better strap on an Valium drip. Because your day is awash in guns.

    You likely come across dozens of guns all day, everyday, you just don’t know it.

    • RockOnHellChild,

      Everything that you said is true … and you forgot to account for FEELINGS. When a hoplophobe cannot see any firearms, the feel safe. Whether or not they actually are safe — in other words truth and reality — doesn’t matter. All that matters is what they FEEL.

      • Don’t I know it.

        I have a few anti friends and some of them, not all, get really tense when I’m around, because they know I carry.

        I walk into the room and you can hear the sucking sounds of buttholes puckering. Never mind, that I could stab them or beat them to death with wrench. It’s the gun which is scary. When in reality, they should be more scared of people, rather than objects.

  8. The company I worked for did not allow guns in the work place. The security guys were not allowed to carry neither did they have arms secured on sight. Several thousand people worked in that building including many women. The security guys had to deal with drugged/crazy boyfriends who came into the building confronting their girlfriends. Luckily, none were armed. I asked the security guys, what would you have done had one of the nuts been armed. “The same thing you would have done – run and hide.”

  9. Morale problems can generally be traced to leadership, or a lack thereof.

    I am a department head in local government with a staff of people who work for me. If armed employees in my office lead to a morale problem, then I’m not doing my job.

  10. There was a case several years ago when I lived in Missouri. The court house banned the carrying of firearms. They set up a metal detector and posted a sheriffs deputy at it. Now as Paul Harvey used to say… here’s the rest of the story. A divorce trail was to take place. Everyone was there except the husband who was late. As he arrived he shot a deputy that just happened to be in the parking lot. Walked calmly in the front door and shot the deputy at the metal detector. Proceeded to the court room shot his wife, her lawyer and then himself. No matter the law when someone decides to do evil. They Will. I now live in Iowa and I carry everywhere. Court house,bank,post office, sheriff’s office and police station. No one says a thing because they don’t know. Hell I got my permit at a class given by the sheriff’s office. You can make your own choice. I choose to carry and fight not die cowering on the floor.

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