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“Because I’m 18, I’m not allowed to gamble and I’m not allowed to drink, but I am allowed to go to strip clubs and shoot machine guns, so that’s why I’m here.” – Eagle Scout John Kovacs, Machine gun tourism in Sin City [at]


      • Took my youngest son – also becoming an Eagle Scout – deer hunting last year. He’ll continue to shoot with me, and is in serious danger of becoming a serious enthusiast of firearms and freedom. The future is bleak, but not completely lost.

  1. Legally old enough to die in some foreign shithole at the behest of some fat pervert of a pol but not old enough to buy a drink or a handgun. Sounds real familiar to me. I guess there really isn’t anything new under the sun.

  2. A strip club machine gun store? Although I reject reducing women to sexual objects, it does sound like fun.

  3. Boobs and bullets?
    Hooters and shooters?
    Strips and clips?
    Trying to think of a pun off the word “bang”…

  4. My son is getting 10 rounds of.50bmg for his 18th birthday next month and he is going to launch them through a borrowed M107A1. He doesn’t know it yet but he did ask to shoot the .50 at the local range which is only 25yds. I arranged to have him shoot on a farm near us. I think he will be thrilled.

  5. Boy, stay of away from strip clubs, you’ll only end up with empty pockets and a hard… you know.

    And, even if you get to one home, they’re all crazy as sh*t house rats, don’t let that crazy into your life, it’s not worth it.

    Buy the guns and shoot the ammo, it’s a way better investment

    • Yep. Mad Magazine. Two kids sitting on the stairs watching their parents and friends act like complete idiots at a party.

      One says to the other “I can’t wait to grow up…so I can act like a kid.”

  6. If The Gun Store would start selling Ammunition-brand ammunition it would officially be my favorite place on the planet….

  7. If there’s one thing that rivals the stupidity of the unconstitutional assault on gun rights it’s the efforts to eradicate underage drinking. A few years ago around here they passed a law that in order to purchase a keg you had to wait 20 minutes for someone to copy your DL# and personal information in a log book and slap a bar code on the keg. So now they can track a keg but they can’t track 6 cases of beer or a few bottles of Jack Daniels, so what’s the point – to inconvenience law abiding citizens?

    The other day, after standing in line for 40 minutes to check out at Walmart, they wouldn’t let me buy beer because my 42 year old wife left her purse in the car and didn’t have her ID with her. If there’s two people in line you have to have two IDs now, even if they’ve been legal to drink for longer than they weren’t. I just left my shit there and left. So what if instead of my 42 year old wife I had my 10 year old daughter? What if I left my 42 year old wife in the car and went in without her? Do you have to leave your children in the car now when you go shopping? It’s easier now for a teenager to score a bag of pot or even meth than it is to get beer. I don’t personally view that as an improvement.

    This man is 18. He can vote, he can die for his country, if he misbehaves he’ll be tried as an adult – give this man a beer and a gun and leave him the hell alone.

    • ^This.

      Personally, I don’t drink hardly at all, but the laws reguarding alcohol are stupid. Drinking (as with gun ownership) should be about personal preference and personal responsiblity, not an overbearing government holding your hand in a death grip.

      • I dont drink at all (bad drinking community, expensive + religion) but I find many of the alcohol laws stupid.

        Instead of trying to solv ethe problem through brute force you should rather focus on educating youth (no one likes waking up in a ditch while asking themselves why their rectum hurts).

    • Well, you know how this state of affairs happened, right?

      We let a bunch of braying nags dictate public policy. The “Mothers Against Drunk Driving” crowd are now set on prohibition, and their next move is to try to reduce the DUI limit to 0.05 BAC. Even a 200 lbs. man like me would need to chill out for an hour or more after drinking one 6% ABV beer to be certain of blowing under 0.05%, and that’s what they want.

      The surest way to regain our freedom these days is to tell these busybody females to shut up and cease trying to hoodwink the public into believing that because they’ve given birth that they have any particularly clueful insight into public policy. If we had dissected and refuted MADD’s nonsense in the 80’s, we wouldn’t be dealing with MAIG today. The whole “I have a uterus, hear me roar!” trope would be be null and void.

      • And these same perfectly sober MADD hags are the ones that wander all over the road while driving or step in front of busses because they can’t put their iSh!t down and concentrate on what they’re supposed to be doing. I’m guessing they’re all in for legalizing pot, too…

      • Add in the typical slavish progressive Eurocentric idol worship. Their BAC is this they we must copy.

    • Apparently you’re wearing your old fart button. Tell us about the progressives lowering the Constitution establish voting age from 21 to 18. Think thru the intent and result of giving the moronic babyboomer potheads the vote.

      Sending 18-21 old young men (forget about the troopettes) off to war may or may not be smart but what they think of it has no relevance.

      • It’s nice to know you think I’d be capable of winning over the affections of a woman half my age, but I am in fact a middle aged fart. Irregardless, you’re either a man or a boy. A hundred years ago, by the age of 18 you’d held down a job for 4 years since you graduated the 8th grade and were a man capable of supporting a wife and family. Today we breed beta male pajama boys who’s biggest concern is staying on their momma’s insurance until their 26. Our kids will live up to our expectations. Sometimes less, but never more. We infantilize them, then bitch about them living in our basement when they’re 30.

  8. If I had a son, he’d look like . . . okay, he wouldn’t look like that kid, but you get the point. I’d be proud of my Eagle Scout. POTUS would be proud of his street thug.

  9. ” . . . .but I am allowed to go to strip clubs and shoot machine guns, so that’s why I’m here.”

    Strip clubs & machine guns . . . where Shooters & Hooters meet.

  10. He’s not allowed too buy machine guns so what’s the issue? I mean it’s an awsome quote, but i don’t get pearl clutching.

  11. Remember seeing an interview with a British couple who were on vacation in America and had just come out of a gun range were they rented guns. Typical British response “loved it”, “great fun”, “can’t do this back home”, “not shot a gun before”.
    Then they were asked what they do for a living, “We are Police Officers”

  12. Good job, guy. Brand new Eagle scout just defecates all over the Scout Law with his remark about strip clubs. You are the face of Scouting, and this is how you represent yourself? Like a common frat boy? If I ever saw you in uniform I’d rip your Eagle patch right off.

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