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That, my friends, is the plot of Spike Lee’s movie Chiraq. So how ’bout it? Would Chicago’s gang bangers cease carrying firearms or stop shooting each other if the women in their community refused to have sex with them until they “put down their guns”? Assuming, of course, that a gang banger would never rape a woman, exploit her drug addiction or use some other extra-legal method to coerce her to provide sexual gratification. While you ponder that imponderable, I can think of a better Chiraqi disarmament strategy . . .

put convicted gang members in a same sex prison (without their guns) and let them have sex with each other if they so choose. You know; if they have a choice. Then again, where there’s drug, prostitution, gambling and extortion money on the table, there will always be people willing to do whatever it takes to get a slice. Guns – or some other weapon – are integral to that pursuit. Your take?

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    • Spike may have facile politics (who in Hollywood doesn’t?), but I think he’s a great filmmaker. Malcolm X was an American David Lean epic, and Do The Right Thing is almost a Greek drama itself. I’ll give it a shot.

      • You may never have seen the original version of “Malcolm X,” which featured an obsequious toad and villain named “Louis X” — Louis Farrakhan. After Lee received death threats from the Nation of Islam, he re-edited the entire movie and cut out all references to Farrakhan. Which was a whole lot of editing, because Louis X was a central figure in the original cut and clearly blamed for Malcolm’s death.

  1. You are aware that is an updated version. Of Aristophanes’ play Lysistrata, right?

    No it wouldn’t have any effect the bangers would just rape them. It would probably make it a more fun experience for them.

    • It is exceptionally foolish to think that the majority of those women would give up the Bling and other cash awards they receive for consorting with these gangsters. You really think they’re going to tell Tyrone Gangbanger “No” and go marry the guy who works at Quickie Mart?

      • The guy at Quikemart won’t touch Tyrone’s ho. He doesn’t want to end up dead.

  2. What a load of garbage. These same idiots caused the problem in the first place by sleeping around with idiots unwilling to support their families.

  3. Well, if you trained all the women in Chicago to black belt level in two kinds of martial arts each, supplied them with smart guns would-be rapists couldn’t turn on them and gave them sixty or more hours of training with said weapons, along with giving them Tasers and Mace, and paid them $100/day they went with no sex…..

    Gary, Indiana would be in trouble.

  4. Just put up Sex Free Zone signs. That will end the violence. For the children. Look at the baby…..

  5. Homie would just rape some ho…Spike “let’s murder George Zimmerman” Lee must have thunk long & hard(yeah- what you think) about this plot…

    • Maybe years ago–but they’ve created so many different kinds of felonies now I don’t think that would necessarily be appropriate ( In Federal practice any crime punishable by more than one year in confinement is a felony).

  6. No. Weak sex laws in neighboring cities and states, would allow the free flow of illegal sex into Chiraq.

  7. Actually, this has already worked in other places. Just google ‘Lysistrata real life’, there are instances of it happening in Columbia, Europe, Africa, etc.

  8. I’m sure this whole “no nookie” thing would work just great if the Chiraqi women were Amazons or ninjas or something — or if they had any self-control whatsoever. Alas, they aren’t Amazons or ninjas and in many cases they seem to breed somewhat haphazardly.

  9. Yes sex would continue because of easy access to sex in neighboring communities. There would be a call for sex control at a national level, laws would be passed and the BATFE & S would immediately start raiding homes in rural Texas.

  10. We need to ban “assault” sex, ban people with high capacity sex partners, sex with any “pornographic-style” manner with a 1 feature test, list banned sexual acts by name, require all people wanting to have sex get a license from the state, and training and the a local sexologist, pay an application fee, license fee, get fingerprinted, have their names on a public registry, require all people engaging in a sex act to have a background check before coitus and a law requiring all lost or stolen sexual “items” to be reported in 24 hours.

    After all…. It’s for the children! Think of the children!

  11. Put them all in prison together, give them guns, tell them there is enough food for 1 person, lock the doors and turn on the cctv.

  12. Well let’s look at it from the gangbanger point of view…give up money, power, and respect for the easily replaceable generic ho down the street (their views not mine)

    Yeah that’s gonna work I’m sure they’ll jump all over that (no pun intended)

  13. … is that a serious question? Do you rreeaaallllyy think that street thugs that have so little care for their fellow man that they would commit all levels of street violence, but balk at the idea of committing a sexual assault? Pfht… please. That’s not only naive but completely statistic garbage.

  14. Because there’s no better way to curb the violent urges of a criminal shithead than by keeping him from getting laid. Everybody knows that sexually frustrated thugs are the calmest, most peaceful creatures on Earth.

  15. Spike Lee needs to go away. He hasn’t been relevant for a long time. One more attempt by a bleeding heart to try to get back in the spotlight. The premise of this movie is not only laughable, but I would have to think it would be insulting to black people. The only way they can solve the problem is withholding sex? Really? It sounds like he saying they are to stupid to logically come up with a solution.

    • Baby mamas don’t have to demand action…Come to think of it, wasn’t one of Lee’s first movies something called “She’s Gotta Have It”? And yes, it was the same subject matter…

  16. I grew up on the south side of Pilsen Chicago.

    The women are just as trashy and stupid as the men of not more so.

  17. A silly as it seems, I think there is an underlying premise that I actually like. That is to say, that the problem can be addressed by the community itself, that cultural and social pressures can affect behavior with more success than all the ill-fated legislation you could ever hope to get passed, and most importantly, that people are themselves moral agents that can behave otherwise, rather than helpless people with no control or responsibility over their choices and actions.

    I think that is a message that is currently sorely lacking with this issue.

  18. Couple of thoughts:
    1. According to the anti-gunners, anyone who owns a gun is compensating for a small dick, so since the gangbangers are egregious gun owners and users, they most likely aren’t interested in sex anyway.

    2. Regarding the same-sex prison solution, I immediately thought of this:

  19. I know this may seem hard to believe, but not everyone is victim of circumstance, most people are who they are, as person, because they choose to be…

    Women who sleep with bangers probably like sleeping with bangers.

  20. Government funded single mothers, and a corrupt family court system, are what caused this mess in the first place. I can not wait for Tommy Sotomayor to review this movie.

  21. I doubt if you could get the gang banger women to give their guns. There is a false assumption here that it’s all guys doing the shooting.

  22. The Anti sex thing wouldn’t work for me if I was living there.
    Didn’t see anything in the video that I’d stick my……………………..Forget it!

  23. A few decades ago, before the sexual revolution, young people’s access to sex was not a given. Now, from a “progressive” perspective, the idea of a sex strike among youth is a shocking and dramatic idea. Like a hunger strike, something to force change. A few weeks without sex on demand! The horror! Well, guess what? I’m gang member age, and I’m not a slut or a “player”. Deny me casual sex? Despite my libido, it won’t change my behavior one bit. I don’t need it, and I have discipline.

    Here’s my pitch for an update of Lysistrata: set it at Brigham Young University. Wait, they already have a premarital sex strike going on for their entire existence and their communities are a hundred times superior and more civilized than those of “Chiraq”.

    As for the film, it clearly depicts guns as solely tools of murder. And the Confederate flag as solely a demonstration of sympathy for slavery. Don’t ever expect an honest, balanced perspective from that hypocritical asshole Spike Lee. Who rails against gentrification, even though he left Brooklyn for a white community in Manhattan and rents his old Brooklyn house to white yuppies. Who condemns alcoholism and drunken misbehavior even as he sells hard liquor to kids. I grew up walking by his production office every day across the street from my high school in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Local hero and role model to the kids, with ABSOLUT BROOKLYN vodka advertisements plastered all over the neighborhood. Spike Lee would probably criticize Billy Dee Williams and Ice Cube for shilling malt liquor, but they never claimed to be working for the good of the community like Spike Lee.

  24. Funny, I lived in Chicago for 12 years and A) was never shot… B) was never shot at… and C) never mugged.

    How did I do this at a time when it was MUCH more violent than it is today? Well, I lived in neighborhoods that weren’t gang infested, I avoided being in stupid places, at stupid times when stupid things happen… and oh by the way… if someone did want to “stumble” upon my apartment… there may or MAY NOT have been a 12 gauge Browning under my bed to greet the unwanted guest.

    Point being, everyone knows where the violence in Chicago takes place (they don’t call it the “wow 100’s” for nothing”), and there is no secret what drives the violence (gangs and drugs).

    • You have a valid point that is only ocassionally referenced. As long as the killings of playets and innocent residents take place in poor, predominantly non white neighborhoods it is accepted. Move the violence to Good Chirag and you will here about it on national news and action will be taken. Ya gots da keep dem peeps in their place.

  25. Spike Lee seems to have missed the fact that a depressingly large percentage of the women who these guys shack up with (there’s a dated term for you), put out in the first place because they “feel safer with a man in the house.” In other words, they want a guy who’ll resort to violence to protect his own. The fact that this can mean he’s a generally violent guy is just an unfortunate reality in their world, and they are not in the habit of trying to fight reality.

    And, as has been observed above, plenty of females who buy into the gang banger mentality.

    Not that Spike Lee films have ever had much to do with reality….

  26. 1) somehow I don’t think that blue balls is conducive to passivity. Maybe get the women to screw them all the time instead?

    2) Is this the same sort of people that saw the gangs getting interviewed in Baltimore post-Ferguson and were like… “here’s a good road to peace!”

  27. I completely understand that this is a …. regurgitation (at best) of Lysistrata. But Spike missed the bullseye on this one. Unfortunately, this film makes the grandiose mistake of makeing our women look superdupermegaultrahypersexualized and our men look like cro magnon caveman gangbanger pimps. I understand that is part of the culture in Chicago, but it is not the entire culture. I’m probably in the wrong forum to post this, but I won’t pay to go see this. I know Spike has a reputation for providing provocative and controversial “entertainment”, but I can’t/won’t go see it since this (and a handful of his other recent presentations) appear to be at the expense of his/my own people. Too many people not associated with “us” are going to see this movie and and lump “us” all into the same category as the characters in this film portray because…. ignorance. In short, Spike needs to stop, like. yesterday.

  28. Let’s stay on topic, team.
    Farago asked a question.
    The answer is: No.
    Noble Chiraquis will git they freak on with one another.
    Dey be not fussy dey be keepinz it reel.
    And so will the females who started the strike.
    I’d give it 18 hours then everything returns to regularly scheduled programming.

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