Chris Kyle Sniper Author Shooting Memorial (courtesy

“The first lady, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett attended the funeral,” reports. That would be the funeral for Hadiya Pendleton, the 15-year-old girl gunned down by gang bangers in The Windy City. Today, “Nearly 7,000 people, including former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, attended the service [for ex-Navy SEAL Chris Kyle]. Dozens of military personnel and others were seated in front of the podium near the Dallas Cowboys’ star at midfield, where Kyle’s coffin was placed at the beginning . . . Kyle completed four tours of duty in Iraq and wrote the best-selling book ‘American Sniper.'” It may seem indelicate to ask, but shouldn’t the First Lady, the VP or some top Obama aide have attended Kyle’s funeral?


  1. It may seem indelicate to ask, but shouldn’t the First Lady, the VP or some top Obama aide have attended Kyle’s funeral?

    Why would you want to insult Chris Kyle at his funeral by having such utter scum present to defile his memory?

    • Exactly right. Those disgraceful people don’t care about Kyle and would never attend the service of a man who loved this country, believed in our 2nd Amendment rights, was good family man, and gave the best years of his life seeing that he helped to protect this country and the men he served with. All things the Obama Administration has no interest in.

      • Kyle was a bigger man than the sordid state of affairs we have gotten to in this country that we have to ask.

        But the answer is in the eyes of the servicemen and women in the backgtounds of events with unstaged candid photos of the Obamas. Compare and contrast with those of President GW and First Lady Laura Bush… there is your answer.

      • Kyle was a bigger man than the sordid state of affairs we have gotten to in this country that we have to ask.

        But the answer is in the eyes of the servicemen and women in the backgtounds of events with unstaged candid photos of the Obamas. Compare and contrast with those of President GW and First Lady Laura Bush…

    • You mean this memory?

      I urge everyone here to read that article before jumping to conclusions about Chris Kyle. Just because someone kills a lot of foreigners and then brags about it with much bravado when they get back home doesn’t automatically make that person a “hero”. At least not in my eyes it doesn’t.

      Here’s an excerpt from the article:

      “She was … blinded by evil,” Kyle writes of the woman he murdered from a safe distance. “She just wanted Americans dead, no matter what. My shots saved several Americans, whose lives were clearly worth more than that woman’s twisted soul.”

      Were Kyle just a touch more literate, he might recognize the term untermenschen, a German expression that encapsulates his view of the Iraqis who took up arms to repel foreign invaders. From his perspective, they were incurably inferior to their “liberators” and possessed of an inexplicable hatred toward their natural betters.

      For some reason many Iraqis resented the armed emissaries of the distant government that had installed Saddam in power, built up his arsenal and apparatus of domestic repression, and then conferred upon the inhabitants of that nation the unmatched blessing of several decades of wars, embargoes, airstrikes, disease, and the early, avoidable deaths of hundreds of thousands of children.

      “The people we were fighting in Iraq, after Saddam’s army fled or was defeated, were fanatics,” Kyle insists. “They hated us because we weren’t Muslim. They wanted to kill us, even though we’d just booted out their dictator, because we practiced a different religion than they did.”

      Actually, most of them probably wanted to kill Kyle and his comrades because they had invaded and occupied their country. They were prepared to use lethal force to protect their homes against armed intruders who had no right to be there. Ironically, Kyle’s book offers evidence that he understands that principle; he simply doesn’t believe that it applies to Iraqis.

      • Bingo.

        How does killing enemy combatants who are fighting you because you invaded their country make someone a hero again?

        I guess it makes that person a hero if you think a nation should roll over and accept whatever the invading nation dictates, and that anyone who resists should be shot.

        We wouldn’t accept that in America — we’d be out in the streets fighting. Why should we expect anything else from foreign countries that pose no threat to us?

        It also makes anyone who supports these agressive wars and simultaneously supports the 2nd amendment as a defense against tyranny a hypocrite.

        You can’t have it both ways

        • -1

          It must be nice to live your simple world, where the wars are always just, and sailors, soldiers, airmen, and marines are all free to quit on moral grounds should they be sent to the unjust war.

          What would you have these warriors do? Not shoot the woman holding the bomb about to blow up your brothers in arms? You, sir, are undeserving of the sacrifices of these men and women because you can’t see past your lofty ideals to the heroics of these men placed in shitstorms not of their own making.

        • Keith, you claim these men are “warriors”. If they are true “warriors”, why then do they have such a difficult time quitting on moral grounds and either fleeing to Canada or facing a few months of jail time (so much for the US being a free country)?

          I would think a real man and warrior would take that small punishment any day over willingly participating in the murder of foreign civilians and soldiers in an (arguably) illegal war and unnecessarily risking his life while doing so when he could be doing much more productive things at home here in the US.

          Quite frankly I think that a man who doesn’t “defect” while knowing what he is doing is morally wrong, is a coward, not a warrior. Again, I believe that the mentality that “he’s a member of the US military and he killed foreign people, he’s a warrior and a hero no matter what!” is disturbingly warped.

          As is claiming that all of us who disagree with unjust wars and imperialism are somehow “undeserving” of being protected. All I can say is wow. That, and we actually never asked for those soldiers to fight in the unjust wars; you’ll notice that most people want the troops to come home. And it could be argued that the “sacrifices” made by our troops over in Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries actually serve to put us in more danger (read: blowback), not less.

        • @ Keith

          What would you have these warriors do? Not shoot the woman holding the bomb about to blow up your brothers in arms?

          How about not invade a country that wasn’t a threat to us and start murdering their citizens? Also, personally I view a warrior as someone who fights for something they believe in. Soldiers blindly follow orders and merely kill who they’re told to, not because they have a reason to believe that what they are fighting for is just. I consider it an insult to warriors to call a soldier a warrior.

        • No you wouldn’t be fighting in the streets. You’d be hiding behind someone just like Chris Kyle. Wonder why you America hater just don’t move to another country. Kyle was 10 times the man you’ll ever be and you should thank God for him and all who wear the armed forces uniforms.

    • That administration had no respect for the military or law enforcement. It was better they didn’t show up!

  2. Don’t see why not. After all, her husband has innocent children killed by drones, nearly daily, and Kyle did much the same, except he used a sniper rifle to kill women and children.

    Birds of a feather, together, flock, etc.

    • Not sure what horseshit you are reading, but I seriously doubt that Chris Kyle killed any innocent women and/or children. The beauty of the sniper versus less discriminating weapons such as bombs is that the sniper can hit the designated target and only the designated target with no collateral damage.

      Furthermore, given the amount of lawyer bullshit our troops had to deal with every time they made a kill to ensure it was a “legal” one makes it highly doubtful that Kyle would have killed anyone not designated as a legal target. Did he kill women? Yes, but if that woman had a rifle, grenade, or IED detonator, she becomes a legitimate target.

      Quite frankly, if your comment was intended to disparage Chris then I for one would kindly ask you to take your opinions over to someplace more appropriate like the Huff Po. Chris Kyle is an American hero and he did things that most men could only dream of. Anyone with honorable service in the military deserves our respect. If you don’t agree with that, then please just get lost.

      • Anyone with honorable service in the military deserves our respect.

        The problem being that you and I would define honorable service very differently, with you praising many who killed people that posed no threat to us.

      • Did Kyle check their drivers licenses to make sure they were of age before he shot them? Also did you know that there are female combatants in Afghanistan? Khatol Mohammadzai is a female general in the ANA who also has experience from the Soviet conflict.

        A IED detonator makes them a legitimate target? So it is ok for the army to kill anyone with a cellphone?

        Kyle isnt a hero, he is a coward who couldnt even get close enough to look his enemy in the eye, unlike people such as Chris Dorner.

        • Kyle isnt a hero, he is a coward who couldnt even get close enough to look his enemy in the eye, unlike people such as Chris Dorner.

          So a sniper is a coward but a deranged idiot who kills a defenseless woman because she is related to someone he doesn’t like isn’t a coward?

          Let me guess internet tough guy. You wouldn’t shoot members of Al Qaeda. You wouldn’t even use a gun because those are also for cowards right? No, I bet a manly man such as yourself would kill them with your bare hands, that way you can look them in the eye.

          It’s a shame the military hasn’t recognized your talent. With your training the war would have been over 9 years ago.

        • I know I should ignore this guy, but beside that he’s a nasty creep, he can’t even get his facts right. Kyle spent lots of time in ground combat, doing things like shooting Chechen AQ inside of houses. He even went out and brought back a group of Marines and reporters who were pinned down by the terrorists. SEALs who are snipers don’t just snipe. They do the other SEAL stuff too.

      • “Anyone with honorable service in the military deserves our respect.”

        You just mean the US military, right? Because America’s military is sacred and it’s members are holy and all other people in the world are savages and commit evil when they resist our invasions. Right?

    • Kyle was a murdering braggart? But he wore a uniform, so that means he was just following or– doing his duty and was a hero!

  3. Does the Military require the thanks of the civilian government, No.
    Would there be sincerity if they had attended? probably not.

    The honors paid the motorcade expressed the heart of America.
    That is the deserved thanks for a job well done.

  4. Attendance at Hadiya’s funeral was a political statement against guns–all three of these women are ardent gun banners. No such political benefit, or for that matter detriment, attached to the funeral of Chris Kyle, and as a general proposition, political officials will attend funerals of only high ranking officers, otherwise every service person would be entitled to the same honor. And then the business of government would not be done–maybe a good thing, maybe not. However, in the case of some military tragedies, the President or the VP has attended the arrival of bodies back in the U.S.

    P.S.:Technically, Mrs. Obama is not a political official, just a political figure.

    • Ironic that the deceased died partially because of the policies advocated by the very politicoes who attended her funeral. May she rest in peace.

  5. It is not indelicate to ask. In theory (only theory) those from Washington DC should have been at KC funeral. In reality, it would have been an insult and maybe or not to KC yet to the values of freedom and liberty. The attendance of the Washington DC vultures to the Chicago funeral was nothing more than political propaganda and using a sheep to benefit the wolf pack.

    • John, my respect for you just dropped several notches after reading this comment. If you were just being snarky and don’t actually believe that Obama is a Muslim, please clarify.

  6. If Michelle Obama was a decent person, she should have been at Chris Kyle’s funeral. But knowing what we know, it was better she stayed away.

  7. well if michell kept her mouth shut and didn’t give a speech about the horrors of guns than yes it’s ok for her to be there

  8. It’s not often that I leap to the defense of anyone remotely connected with the current POTUS or his administration, but….

    It’s not like Kyle was killed in action, or even died on active duty. He wasn’t a Medal of Honor recipient. Why does he rate someone like FLOTUS, POTUS, VP or SECDEF at his funeral? He served four tours in Iraq (as has damn near everyone in my office). I’ve done funeral details for WWII and Korean War vets who had far more time in combat (btw, a SEAL tour is 6 months, not 12-15) who had a lot more medals, and served longer. At most of them this lowly Lieutenant Colonel was the highest ranking military official there.

    I honor Kyle for his service (not so much his self serving book…there’s a reason why Special Operations troops are called “Quiet Warriors”), and I’m glad that there was a huge turn out, but really, what makes him more special than any other vet?

    • After having worked under the radar for so many years, he became a celebrity with the 2012 release of his book, which became a New York Times best-seller.

      Defending his decision to divulge so much detail despite the secretive nature of the SEAL world, Kyle told Time that he was “not trying to glory myself.”

      “I didn’t want to put the number of kills I had in there,” he said. “I wanted to get it out about the sacrifices military families have to make.”

      What’s your take on that?

      • I’ve read his book. “Gosh it really makes me uncomfortable when people call me a hero…even though I am one.” I don’t have a dog in the fight, I’m just “General Purpose” forces, not Special Forces. I do have a lot of friends in the community and they all get pissed whenever one of their own writes a book and gives away TTP (Tactics Techniques and Procedures). Bad guys read books and watch movies too.

        Don’t get me wrong. The man was a great Soldier (actually I guess Sailor), he served his country in combat which only 1.5% of Americans have ever done, and he served honorably, actually heroicly, judginb by his two Silver Stars. He continued to serve Vets when he got out.

        My only point is what about him makes his funeral more special than say MAJ Dick Winters (E Co, 2/506 PIR WII and Distinguished Service Cross winner), or Frank Buckles, the last US WW I veteran, or MSG Roy Benavidez, a Medal of Honor reciepient, or any of the other veterans who die every day?

        • Right there with you, LTC. Kyle’s celebrity, which he achieved by breaking the customary bubble of quiet around the special-ops community, is not and should never be reason to honor his life to a greater degree than any other fallen warrior.

  9. In a perfect world, the President himself would have attended, and when asked by the press for a comment or statement, told them that he would not dishonor the memory of an American serviceman by using the occasion for politics.

    Of course, if we lived in a perfect world, Chris Kyle would still be with us.

  10. Glad she didn’t attend, she would have just used it as an excuse to push her husbands bullshit gun legislation and spreading the liberal plague. Im sure shed fit childhood obesity in there somewhere too as she always seems to when she’s allowed to speak.

  11. So I guess the Wounded Warrior project was right, and veterans with PTSD shouldnt be allowed access to firearms, otherwise Chris Kyle would still be with us.

    Hey jwm, you’d get on board with this too right? You’ve been a strong supporter here of denying 2A rights to mentally ill people. Just wondering but did you get PTSD from your tour in Vietnam?

    • I’ve only been a strong supporter of denying you the right to own a gun because of the obvious level of mental illness you suffer from matt. you cheer a man who murdered a woman simply because she was related to a man he has a grudge against. You are a proud racist by your own accounts but this same man, Dorner is welcome to room at your place because he murdered people to settle a labor dispute.

      And you condemn people for serving their country. What have you done matt? Where have you been? What do you know of life that wasn’t learned on wiki?

      This is a progun blog. Do you belong to or contribute to SAF or NRA or any other cause? You don’t vote, by your own admission. What have you done? You are, as near as I can tell, a complete loss for the pro 2a movement.

      As I’ve said before, of all the people that I know of commenting on TTAG you are the 1 I would vote for as being the next potential Lanza or Holmes.You are a sad and pathetic little man matt. But you already knew that.

      • I have done what I can to accelerate the inevitable.

        I’ve only been a strong supporter of denying… the right to own a gun because of… mental illness…
        So you do believe that veterans who suffer from PTSD shouldnt be allowed to own guns.

        you cheer a man who murdered a woman simply because she was related to a man he has a grudge against.
        So that is wrong, but it is ok for millions of Americans to worship a god who sent his son to earth for no other reason than to be tortured to death? It is ok for millions of Americans to cheer when Osama Bin Laden and his wife (or some random woman in his compound) was murdered by people like Kyle?

    • And since you’re such a fan of Dorner the news is reporting that he’s exchanged fire with the cops in the San bernadino mountains today. If you hurry you may be able to join up with him and the 2 of you help start the rebellion that takes down the system you despise so much matt.

      But that would require that you actually step up and put your own life on the line for somwething you believe in. Ain’t gonna happen. Like a lot of gasbags on the net you are all blow and no show.

      matt, that’s the difference between people like Kyle and you. They actually believe in something bigger than themselves. All you will ever have is your sad little existence.

      • As I’ve said before, of all the people that I know of commenting on TTAG you are the 1 I would vote for as being the next potential Lanza or Holmes… But that would require that you actually step up and put your own life on the line for somwething you believe in. Ain’t gonna happen. Like a lot of gasbags on the net you are all blow and no show.

        You say I am going to be the next spree killer, yet you also say I’m just a gas bag who is all blow and no show? So how does that work?

      • And since you’re such a fan of Dorner the news is reporting that he’s exchanged fire with the cops in the San bernadino mountains today. If you hurry you may be able to join up with him and the 2 of you help start the rebellion that takes down the system you despise so much matt.

        Matt was planning on doing just that but then his plans were squashed when his mom wouldn’t lend him the keys to the van. She’s mad because the last time he borrowed it he left some of his Polaroid’s of little boys behind. So it’s back to the basement so he can act tough on TTAG and FB.

  12. Chris’ funeral was attended by friends, family and supporters of his service, Michelle is none of those.

    Both Chris and Hadiya were murdered in cold blood by someone misusing a gun but only one of those deaths supported the Obamas’ narrative.

    • Wait a minute I’m calling bullshit on some of theses anti Kyle comments here. It does not matter what he did in theater and I don’t mean wether you believe what he did was honerable, legal or moral I mean he was trying to help a fellow soldier who had PTSD issues and obviously was not getting the help he needed from our government. It was the good he was attempting to do when he died that that should have garnered more respect from the white house as he was doing what should have already been done for our returning troops. What the hell did Hadiya do to deserve the presence of M. Obama or any other government representative at her funeral, get shot, be black, be from chicago, have done something at the inauguration OOOH that had a positive impact on the security and well being of our nation. We all should see by now how the effects of mental illness can cause people to snap and contribute to the deaths of inocent people. Maybe if he had not been at the range and shot kyle and the other individual he could have been at the mall or your kids school or if we were all lucky your house. You do not even give Kyle the credit he deserves for potentialy preventing another sandy hook you just hide behind your keyboards and spew crap about people you don’t know. I actually would have loved to see an obama try to show up and have been turned away but there should at least been some show of respect for what he was trying to do AT the time he was killed and shine some light on the mental health issues that need to be addressed in our country. I also want to state he doesn’t deserve any greater respect for serving than any other vet just as a comparison to Hadiya’s funeral and why should someone have been at his Vs. hers he was doing something honerable at the time of his death.

      • Maybe if he had not been at the range and shot kyle and the other individual he could have been at the mall or your kids school or if we were all lucky your house. You do not even give Kyle the credit he deserves for potentialy preventing another sandy hook you just hide behind your keyboards and spew crap about people you don’t know.

        Because this guy killed Chris and was caught for doing that, Chris is a hero for potentially preventing another Sandy Hook? Are you being serious? Who thinks like this?

      • So when remembering Chris for the last time, it should be omitted that he was a jackass who spent his life ruining those of other people for no other reason than a politician told him to? Right…

        • So soldiers are supposed to be nice to people who want them dead? They recieve bullets and the proper response is to send back flowers? You criticize our troops, ok. its your right to do so. Someone shoots at you though, what are ypu gonna do bro? Real talk, what would you do differently if you saw a child with a bomb heading to your family picnic?

        • Someone shoots at you though, what are ypu gonna do bro?

          I’m not a douche who runs around invading foreign nations.

  13. That’s the first picture of the funeral that I have seen. Makes me so sad to see the family he left behind.

    • I agree. I also think it’s sad that there are no pictures of his victims’ families. He killed alot of people who were just defending their homes from a foreign invasion. He’s honored while they’re forgotten. Sad, indeed.

      • I’m sure they would welcome you with welcome arms, infidel!

        Especially if you’re a woman, Jew or atheist. They would NEVER dare behead or stone you the death. Nope never.

      • He killed alot of people who were just defending their homes from a foreign invasion. He’s honored while they’re forgotten. Sad, indeed.

        Sh*t happens LOL. Someone else will step up and take his place. There are still more “defenders” out there that need to be put down like a rabid mutt. And yes, they too will be forgotten. :0)

        • Wow. Viewing people as less than human… where have I seen that before?

          Are you saying that if China invaded the US, you wouldn’t be justified in fighting back?

      • If you consider AQ headchoppers from Chechnya, Syria, Egypt etc to be defending their homes in Ramadi. The types who attacked voting booths and funerals. That’s who were being shot.

        • Am I supposed to believe that everyone Chris Kyle killed was an Al-Qaeda head-chopper that didn’t belong there, just like we didn’t belong there?

  14. They wont the Obamas they hate men like him who defend freedom, Defend 2A rights (He owned a AR-10). Who are not goose stepping fascist like himself.

    The Obamas are fascist pigs that’s it.

  15. Lots of hate for a hero. Have any of the haters served, or put their lives and limb on the line for their nation? Probably not. If you don’t wish to respect a fallen Vet, please go-F-yourself and don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.

    • Our nation was threatened by goat herders in Afghanistan? That is a new development, please explain. Also most Americans arent welfare queens who depended entirely on the government to provide for them like Chris.

      • What makes you think we are fighting goat herders?! We are hunting foreign terrorists who fled to Afghanistan when the going got tough. Very few of the people we fight over there are even afghanis!
        How dare you call Chris a welfare queen. He shed his blood for this country, you and me. Whatever the government gave him, he earned hundreds of times over. Besides, after retirement he started a successful business ran it until he died. I fail to see how that makes him at all dependent on the government.

        Boy, I sure would like to take you on a nice long hiking trip with some of my friends in the special forces community. I bet they would just love to have a *ahem* polite discourse with you.

        • Sure, we invaded and over threw the Afghani government yet arent fighting Afghanis/Pashtun. So who are we fighting, the Nazis? Koreans? Or Vietnamese in Afghanistan?

          He never shed a drop for his country, he shed his blood to take a mentally ill man out shooting. He joined the military because he couldnt get a better job in the private sector, the very definition of a welfare queen. Say what you will about people on food stamps/Section 8, they take far less from the system than people like Kyle.

          The business he started was funded with a small business loan provided by the federal government as part of the GI Bill. Once again proving he is a welfare queen.

          Of course you would, as much as you welfare queens like to say you are fighting for our rights, you would violently oppress your fellow countrymen at the first opportunity for no other reason than i’m exercising my 1A rights.

        • Walk a mile in boots, matt. You’re starting to sound like an ivory tower resident criticizing the masses.

        • matt, you keep using that term welfare queens. but the comments you’ve made in the past indicate you have trouble holding a steady job. You’ve also made comment at least once to section 8 housing.

          How do you support yourself? Fair enough question as you are constantly commenting on others jobs.

          Correct me if I’m wrong here. But are you on SSI permanent disability related to your mental illness?

    • +1. I was starting to worry. But then remembered that anyone with a brain, who might also have some compassion, is probably at work. ( I just got off and started reading all this crap).

  16. Ms “All this for a damned flag” Obama should not have attended Kyle’s funeral. That would have just dumped a burning load of hypocrisy on a ceremony intended to ease the grieving of Kyle’s family and friends.

  17. Damn, the crazies really came out on this post. Kyle was what many wish they could be: a man of action. It is easy to drive your prius to work drinking starbucks while listening to NPR, but you can get f*cked and die as soon as you insult the memory of a man who lived and breathed American exceptionalism. I would have found it disgraceful for barry, big butt, or any enemies of freedom to attend the funeral of a true American.

    • I agree. I’d bet Chris is having a roaring good time with Teddy R., Hemingway, and Patton at ole fiddlers’ green.

      As far as I’m concerned, Matt and the rest like him have no right to even criticize, much less downright slander Chris Kyle’s service.

  18. Funerals are supposed to be a quiet event in which everyone checks their self-centered bullsh!t at the door and pays their respects to the deceased in a humble fashion. The mere presence of someone who gets as much celebrity attention as the president’s wife would completely destroy this atmosphere and create a media circus. I’m glad she didn’t attend and allowed the funeral to go on in peace.

  19. It would seem the liberal scum are not satisfied with slandering Chris Kyles memory on their own websites and blogs.

    As to the subject at hand ill just say this: in 2011 Obama played brinkmanship with our service members paychecks to make a cheap political point. CNN and MSNBC may have forgotten about that, but not this veteran. I watched my supervising NCO wonder aloud how he was going to feed his 3 kids. That is a line of thinking which should NEVER cross any servicemans mind. A “President” which would allow that to happen isn’t fit for the job of Commander in Cheif, to say nothing about being fit to attend Chris Kyles funeral.

    Vaya Con Dios, Sailor.

    • Welcome to the real world, where no one is guaranteed a pay check. Few people have greater senses of entitlements, especially to subsidies from the government, than the service member.

      • Have you no patriotism at all? I’m not at all happy at the way this country is being run either, but I respect our boys overseas at the very least because they do what they do for such little pay or recognition.

        Your hate is being directed at the wrong people.
        Don’t blame our brave sons for the cowardice and stupidity of their handlers.

        • Little Pay?
          What private sector job will take someone with 0 prior experience outside of McDonalds? What private sector job will do the same, and give them a 5 figure sign on bonus, 5 figure retention bonus, college education, small business loans, free health care, provide you with a bed to sleep in, and feed you 3 meals a day? They get paid far more than they deserve.

          Little Recognition?
          What other profession has a national holiday dedicated to them?

          Your sons are directly responsible.They damned well knew, or were willfully ignorant of what their handlers would do.

  20. From a tax payer perspective bringing anyone into Texas stadium in the cabinet would have been expensive. George W lives in the same city and did not attend. Should W have gone?

  21. Ya know.
    Most of the time I talk to pro-gun rights people, I don’t get this anti-service member vibe. Today, it seems like everyone on TTAG is hating on vets.
    I know- service members sign up of their own free will. I know many times in history people have viewed service members as drains- “soldiers and dogs stay off the grass” signs and all.
    But really-
    I didn’t join for the benefits- I joined because I thought I could serve my country. Sure, you can call it hogwash or naivety- but at 17 that’s what I thought. So I enlisted, and served my obligation.
    Now, that contract any service member signs goes both ways. I agree to potentially get killed, the govt agrees to pay, house, feed, train and provide medical care.

    I’m not saying all pro 2A people need to respect military service members, but normally I don’t hear as much hate sent towards vets as I am reading here today.
    Maybe it is observer bias- the guys and gals I know who are most pro-2A, and willing to work to defend the constitution are either still serving or are vets.

    The comments here today just make me sad.

    • I agree with you 100%. I almost joined, but a scholarship to college talked me out of it. Many of my friends joined and a few of them have seen combat and I pray for them. I won’t claim to know what its like to know you represent andfht for an entire nation, but its something you don’t tale for granted. All this hate is closed minded. I pity some of the folks who so needlessly hate our troops. Indeed, i too am sad.

    • No other organization has deliberately killed more American civilians than the US Military. They started with the Whiskey Rebellion under Pres. Washington and continue to do so today with Abdulrahman al-Aulaqi and Anwar al-Aulaqi

  22. no. N0. NO! I (hell, I think most of us) have had enough of the politicization of the dead. Let the man go to rest in peace as his family, team and friends say good bye. Leave the talking heads to pontificate and posture the fvck out of that.

  23. No one from the WH should have attended but if Obummer can comment on the passing of drug addict and crazy Whitney Houston…he should have made some comment on Chris Kyle’s death. He “should have” but I am not surprised he didn’t. There was no way to turn Kyle’s death into something that Obummer could use for political gain or as an excuse to talk about himself, so he remained silent.

  24. Libs show up at military funerals because they feel they have to (politically speaking). In their mind, no contest between the war hero and the little girl (hope they kill the pigs who murdered her).

  25. What is wrong with all you people? Why debate whether the police are good guys or bad. When the S. H. T. F. the police will be your nightmare. Donor is scum and the police are scum. Let them kill each other. At the end of the day its the Patriot that matters. America needs more Patriots

  26. He did his duty. He earned his honor. No need for a visit from POTUS or the First Lady. If anything, he inspired and helped others and no amount of scoff and mockery can ever take that away from him.

  27. “It may seem indelicate to ask, but shouldn’t the First Lady, the VP or some top Obama aide have attended Kyle’s funeral?”
    1. Kyle had assassinated women and children during his tour.
    2. He was a profiteer and a narcissist.
    3. He broke the Navy Seals code of silence by penning a tell-all book.
    4. His actions as a sniper did nothing to defend the freedom of Americans.

  28. The fools of today cause the demise of tomorrow. America is on the brink of history repeating itself in parallel to Rome, Greece, Assyria, Egypt, etc. Wake up AMERICA!

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