The Intercept’s Glenn Greewald is tweeting reports that Seddique Matteen has been revealed to be an FBI informant. Who is Seddique Matteen? He’s the father of Omar Matteen who murdered 49 people at the Pulse Nightclub in June of 2016.

If you’ll remember, in the aftermath of the Orland massacre, it was revealed that Omar Matteen was yet another “known wolf,” someone who had previously been investigated by law enforcement. In this case, it was the FBI who had looked into Matteen as a possible terror suspect. For ten months.

From the LA Times report:

Without a warrant, they couldn’t read his emails or listen to his calls. But they watched him from unmarked vehicles to track his daily routine and to see whom he met.

They deployed two confidential informants more than a dozen times to secretly record his conversations. They interviewed him twice and convinced him to provide a written statement — in which he admitted he previously had lied to agents.

In the end, after a counter-terrorism investigation that stretched from May 2013 to March 2014, the agent and his supervisor concluded that Omar Mateen was not a threat and closed the case.

That’s was the story back in 2016.

Now Omar’s wife, Noor Salman, is being tried on charges of aiding and abetting Mateen, providing material support for terrorism and obstruction of justice. But Salman’s attorney has asked the judge to declare a mistrial after it was discovered that federal prosecutors had concealed the fact that Omar’s father had been working with the FBI.

If true, it’s yet another instance of malpractice by a law enforcement agency that led directly to a mass murder. Just off the top of our heads…

– Charleston church shooter Dylan Roof was able to buy his gun due to the ATF mistakenly giving him a pass. He killed nine people.

– The Air Force failed to report Devin Patrick Kelley’s criminal record to the NICS system, allowing him to buy firearms and murder 26 in a Sutherland Springs, Texas church.

– Nikolas Cruz had been known for years to school administrators, the Broward County Sheriff’s department and the FBI. Yet despite responding to almost 40 police calls involving Cruz, including weapons brought to the school, Mr. Cruz was never charged with a crime that would have removed him from society and/or prevented him from buying a firearm. He murdered 17.

And now Omar Matteen, if the reports prove accurate, wasn’t arrested by the FBI because they’d had a longstanding informant relationship with his father. And they’d concealed that fact ever since because of the negative light it would shed on the bureau.

Please, tell us once again how no one needs to carry a firearm. How it’s the job of local, state and federal law enforcement to keep everyone safe. That we should just let them do their jobs. How is that argument playing now?



  1. We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.

    No, not you, just us.

    To the FBI, Justice Means – Just Us.

  2. As poorly as law enforcement is working in this country tell me how going back to the colonial and early U.S. system of having an unarmed sheriff and every citizen a member of the militia required to respond to the sheriff’s call for arms would be a bad thing?

    • It wouldn’t be. The large professional police force is a very recent thing historically speaking. It’s benefits have not been adequately demonstrated. Quite frankly, any issue severe enough to require dozens of police officers is a reason to call out the National Guard and have them earn their paychecks.

      • *The National Guard don’t get paychecks, unless they are working.

        But I get your point.

      • In Iraq, the National Guard was humping it just as hard as the ARMY, with half the bitching. Most were just as happy to do their jobs (the ‘job’ was no less scary or dangerous) and they acted professionally while only having a fraction of the training or active duty time.

        • I dealt with quite a few guard units in my time. The point is that in peace time, they should be the force used to deal with mass public disturbances not a standing army disguised as a “police force”.

        • I concur, however they should (then) be used as a “blocking / bolstering” force AHEAD OF TIME (so as to not have to be used as a striking force after SHTF), and as a show / sign of stability in times of great crisis and natural disaster (which they do with aplomb).

  3. The FBI is proven to be an election meddling appendage of the DNC. Kommie Klown Kid David Hoggs father was FBI. The FBI ignored the calls about the Parkland shooter Cruz. The FBI can find “no motive” for the Las Vegas concert shooting. Nor any wrongdoing with Hillarys emails. Seems to be a pattern.

    G men are now officially Low T men. Just one more institution subverted by the rabid leftists.

  4. “Charleston church shooter Dylan Roof was able to buy his gun due to the ATF mistakenly giving him a pass. He killed nine people.”

    Not true. The ATF didn’t give Dylan Roof a pass. They failed to give a response after 72 hours. So he was defaulted into being allowed. That’s not the same thing.

    Now, the ATF failed horribly in his case, especially since he’d already pleaded guilty to drug possession, which should have resulted in an automatic denial. But they didn’t deny. Nor did they approve. That’s why the antis call the 72-hour limit “the Charleston loophole.”

    Your larger point, that the feds failed to do their job, remains valid.

    • He bought the pistol 2 months before the shooting.

      That’s 2 months that the ATF could have said, “Hey, this guy isn’t supposed to have a gun, let’s send an agent.” but they did not.

  5. Not surprised. It appears the FBI hasn’t changed “much” from J. Edgar’s daze. Except(mebbe)the LasVegas old dude. THAT I would place blame on the hotel…we will NEVER know what really went down.

    • Look at the video’s the hotel released. There is no way short of checking everyone’s bags. If you want another part of the real story, you will get it once the Full30 ever decides to post the video’s YouTube pulled. And they have it. If they don’t, one of the invited channels DOES have it.

  6. The system is misguided. I repeat this story often: My cousin on mental disability, had previously threatend idividuals with knives and guns. He was locked up for awhile and could not own firearms. Years later his hate for society festered, his mother died and his hate got worse. His sister, who works as a nurse in the mental health profession, informed mental health that he needed help. They did not follow up on her concerns and he killed his roommate with a machete. Now he is locked up for good and it’s cheaper that way.What’s the relevance to this article? The system fails or succeeds on however you look at it. I believe it’s all a plan for disarming rightfull gun owners, I think the Vegas shootem up was planned, it didn’t work out as well as “they’d” hoped but a piece of plastic is now a machine gun. The gay bar shootem up was an attempt to get the LGTB to scream for gun restrictions, and the church shootings were supposed to get the churches to demand more gun control. “They’re” greatest success so far has been the school shootings, what better way , most everyone wants saftey for their children. When George B the second stated on media outlets not to retaliate against the Muslims after 911, I really caught on to what was going down . I believe there are factions in our government whom want New World Order and that is only fueled by the need for power over the world’s populace.

    • Things are starting to look just a bit to ‘coordinated ‘ to be happenstance events.
      When has any string of news story stayed so visible days , weeks now 5 weeks + on fla. at a time after the event ..
      Somethings up.

      “If you cant dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bullshit . ”
      an old saying said from even my youth era.

  7. This makes no sense. So what if Mateen’s father worked for the FBI? That doesn’t have anything to do with Omar Mateen. It’s not evidence of impropriety. This is a desperate tactic by Mateen’s wife to make a big deal out of a non-issue.

    • “And now Omar Matteen, if the reports prove accurate, wasn’t arrested by the FBI because they’d had a longstanding informant relationship with his father. And they’d concealed that fact ever since because of the negative light it would shed on the bureau.”

      *** “wasn’t arrested by the FBI because they’d had a longstanding informant relationship with his father.” ***

      • The only “evidence” we have that Mateen’s father was the reason Mateen wasn’t arrested is a claim from his wife’s lawyer. His wife is facing criminal charges and obviously she would do anything to portray the FBI in a negative light.

        It really seems Mateen wasn’t arrested before 2017 because he didn’t commit any crimes before 2017.

        • Please re-read your original comment. You are disagreeing with a couple of quotes from the TTAG article that you presumably read and then you left commentary about. I have no dog in this hunt.

          The new information came to light via the prosecutor.

          ‘The email also revealed other details the prosecution didn’t tell jurors before resting its case against Salman, including the discovery in the hours after the shooting that “receipts for money transfers to Turkey and Afghanistan” made in the days and weeks before the shooting were found at Seddique Mateen’s home, and that in 2012, an anonymous tipster had accused Seddique Mateen of “seeking to raise $50,000 – $100,000 via a donation drive to contribute towards an attack against the government of Pakistan.”’

        • It seems you are forgetting who we are talking about here. What you cite is describing Seddique, not Omar. The accusations against Seddique don’t prove he prevented the arrest of Omar before the shooting spree.

          Furthermore, if you read the article, it says this is all just a claim by Salam’s defense team. They say the prosecutor’s email reveals this. There has been no subsequent confirmation as of yet.

        • I am not forgetting anything. I never wrote that they ignored him because of his father’s alleged status with the FBI. I merely posted quotes. You, on the other hand, obviously have an axe to grind.

          In case you missed it, here is what I wrote:
          “Please re-read your original comment. You are disagreeing with a couple of quotes from the TTAG article that you presumably read and then you left commentary about. I have no dog in this hunt.”

          But, if you really want to chew on something… You wrote: “It’s not evidence of impropriety.” If the prosecutor intentionally withheld that information until after trial, it could very well be evidence of impropriety. I suggest you re-read this exchange and think about it.

  8. “Please, tell us once again how no one needs to carry a firearm. How it’s the job of local, state and federal law enforcement to keep everyone safe. That we should just let them do their jobs. How is that argument playing now?”

    Well, we knew their agenda wasn’t keeping people alive.

    So, “We don’t give a rodent’s orifice how many of y’all get killed; we’re working on this other agenda here. But, no, you can’t have guns. If taking care of you, like keeping you alive, was important, we’d be doing it ourselves. (BTW, anybody doesn’t want to bring their stuff in, it’s a license to go kill them.)

    You can’t make this stuff up.

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