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Obama’s crocodile tears sold many Americans on his anti-gun rhetoric. He sealed the deal because he “showed emotion.” I read a comment on Facebook that claimed “pro gun people never cry over loss of life!” But we do. I cry when people I love are injured or die. I know there’s a fine line between life and death. That all life is precious. As the Bard wrote, if you prick us do we not bleed? Because of that . . .

I exercise my gun rights. I want the odds in my favor should someone try to take my life, the lives of my loved ones or other innocent life. Gun owners like me keep and bear arms because we value our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Gun control advocates will never get that – no matter how many times we explain it.

Many anti-gunners are stumped as to why the gun sales are spiking. They say things like “follow the money trail” and “it’s the NRA’s fault.” The real answer is in the mirror. They are the reason gun sales are so high. They are the ones threatening Americans’ right to keep and bear arms.

What would they do if the government threatened to ban or severely restrict the sales of cars made by foreign owned car companies? They’d be chomping at the bit to buy Hondas, Toyotas and Hyundais before they became restricted. The “gun sales surge” is actually the free market responding to tyrannical policy.

No amount of arguing makes an anti-gun person admit that they were wrong. No amount of history lessons on democide make them realize that the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting. No amount of saying “no, listen, I am one of the millions of Americans buying up these guns and I’m getting them now while I can before I face new laws dictating how I buy them.”

The truth is, the harder gun control advocates fight to restrict our gun rights, the harder we push back. At the gun store and at the polls. We are not moved by displays of emotion from those who want to restrict our rights. Their tears don’t trump our quiet resolve.

President Obama didn’t cry for the 200 Mexicans killed by firearms channeled by the ATF’s Fast and Furious program. He didn’t cry when ATF-enabled drug thugs murdered U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. He didn’t cry for the tens of thousands of Mexican children sold into slavery, stolen from a disarmed populace. Or all the Americans terrorized, injured of killed by gangs and home invaders. The President only musters up a tear when he can us it as an excuse to disarm us.

As they say, cry me a river. My natural right to self-defense is right where it belongs: in my hands. Where it will remain.

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  1. “They are the reason gun sales are so high”

    Heh. That is the exact answer I gave a confused liberal just last week. “YOU are the reason.”

  2. Did Obama cry for the Border Patrol Agent killed by guns from the Fast & Furious debacle? No.
    I think he went golfing instead.

  3. >pro gun people never cry over loss of life!” But we do.

    Right, because Obama cries himself to sleep at night over the children he vaporized that day with drone strikes.

    • Does that mean that pro-abortion people have cried over the 55+ million dead children who’ve been aborted? I mean, this is the same sorry ass clan that stand on the victims of Sandyhook and demand justice.

      • They cry over that about as often as they cry for the generations of black kids lost in the gang wars, ones that seem to mostly happen in blue states.

        I think the fact that he can’t sort out his emotions, prior to giving a speech he planned for weeks, might be why he’s been so distracted by gun control.

      • No children have ever been aborted — by definition.

        Using the wrong word in order to evoke an emotional response rather than a rational one is a fail — and dishonest.

        • “No children have ever been aborted, by definition.”

          That’s the entire crux, right there. What’s a person? Or a proto-person? What obligation do we owe to semi / kinda / less than some proto-persons? What’s the definition, and what’s the call?

          So, it’s viable autonomy, or something? So, say humanity, arrives at age 26 when one becomes responsible for one’s own health care, vs. living parasitically off one’s parents in that regard? Or the health care aspect of surviving autonomously doesn’t count? Which it certainly does for ever more “people” with modern medicine: of child age, who won’t survive now, or into “majority” without ongoing interventions.

          That’s the discussion to have, rather than dismiss. I could riff on the “cluster of cells” and “like a fingernail clipping” analogies used to deride the notion that abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, might not be right. But, polemic, dishonestly disguised, dishonestly deriding real concerns doesn’t help much. Even if one sincerely believes the polemic – they’re not children – it makes one a useful idiot, coopted into poo-flinging to shut down a useful conversation.

          “Fingernail clipping” vs. “child” exactly illustrates half the issue: What gets aborted? The other half of the issue, just as fraught, is: What are the rights of the unwilling host?

          • Yes. Whether there’s a person being aborted is a fair question; clouding it by misusing words actually hinders the discussion.

            Personally it makes sense to me, since the essence of being human is our mind, to peg it to brain waves — in many places, the definition of death. Brain wave complexity indicative of a human mind shows up somewhere around a hundred days, so after that point while it certainly doesn’t fall into the category of “children”, it’s certainly a person.

  4. ” ‘pro gun people never cry over loss of life!’ But we do. I cry when people I love are injured or die.”

    I don’t weep over dead goblins, which is what they mean and what they’re bent out of shape over. And I look at gang shootings as what a deputy friend of mine used to refer to as “SKS, NHI”: “Scumbag kills scumbag, no humans involved.”

  5. If I was one short year away from going down in history as the most ineffective failure to occupy the White House in my lifetime, I would be crying, too.

      • Since he hates guns so much I guess he’ll be cancelling his Secret Service detail. You know, cuz guns are icky.

    • Depends on the perspective.

      In the sense that he has undermined the Constitution, created societal unrest, pitted races against each other, overstepped his authority, and placed the US in danger, he is a failure.

      In the sense that these were his goals as a Marxist anarchist infiltrator, he is a complete success.

      • “In the sense that these were his goals as a Marxist anarchist infiltrator, he is a complete success.”

        This does merit consideration.

        We call him a failure from our own cultural-centric view of what Teh Prez is supposed to be/do. It may be disturbing, but we have to step outside our own mental box once in a while and ponder other alternatives.

        Either way, he’s done what he’s done. The big question is what do we do/where do we go from here? I like to believe “Out of the Ashes…” type thoughts, but hey…he sure has destabilized a LOT of interconnected systems…

        • Except it is quite hard to be both an anarchist and a Marxist at the same time, diametrically opposed philosophies.

          • Not entirely. Marxists see anarchy as the first-order means to their own ends. They openly advocate, underwrite, and facilitate violent revolution (general anarchy) to upset the existing order, which they manipulate to their own advantage. Once firmly in control, however, they brook no dissent or insurrection.

      • I have friends who actually are Marxists. They all unanimously despise Obama as a corporate capitalist tool.

  6. Am I the only one a little disgusted seeing the leader of the free world crying? You think someone like Putin is going to feel intimidated?

    • I just wanna know how he faked the tears! Did his handlers tape a cut, raw onion under his podium? All he would have to do would be to reach down and rub his hand against the onion and then put it up to his face.

  7. Very well written and quite moving, actually.

    You nailed it. Agent Terry’s demise still bothers me, as well many others that know the truth, thanks for using it as powerful context.

  8. ‘The “gun sales surge” is actually the free market responding to tyrannical policy.’

    In economics this is called ‘regime uncertainty’ and the gun sales boom is a perfect example. No law was passed. No new enforcement policy enacted. There was nothing different pertaining to gun sales in 2009 than in 2008 except the regime, and O’Bama’s well known disaffection for guns and gun owners was all it took to send not only avid gun owners to their LGS, but virtually every fence sitter who merely considered buying a gun someday.

    Now imagine how the business world reacted to his economic policies.

  9. Where were obama’s tears after Fort Hood? He was doing an obamacare pep rally and barely mentioned it. And the oscar goes to B Hussain O.

  10. Why doesn’t Obama cry over the 23 vets committing suicide every single day? Why isn’t he mad that we’ve let them down? Why isn’t he holding press conferences and demanding we all step up to help and stop this madness. I’ll bet other ‘advanced countries’ don’t suffer like we do from this…

    • >volunteer

      Nice try.

      Don’t want PTSD? Don’t volunteer to murder people for politicians.

      • That’s kind of shallow. Combat stress is just one way to get hit by PTSD. Out of a dozen fellow sufferers I know, only one is a vet.

  11. He takes just like a woman, yes, he does.
    He fakes just like a woman, yes, he does.
    And he aches just like a woman,
    But he breaks just like a little girl.
    (Apologies to R. Zimmerman)

  12. I spoke with someone who made the ridiculous claim “no one is going to confiscate your guns”. I showed him California’s Gun Violence Restaining Order law that went into effect on Jan 1. He shut up.

    • I know- recently, I got the same thing. “Nobody is coming for your guns.” Listen- It’s not for lack of trying. They don’t seem to understand that by posting, “We’re coming for your guns,” people may think, “They’re coming for my guns.”

  13. Cry for what A thousand deaths a year? What about the half a million, and growing deaths per year due to His Obamacare And the mess up he has created with our medical system Who’s going to address that? Guy is a real jackass!

  14. “pro gun people never cry over loss of life!”

    Well, “we” cry over people killed when they maybe could have defended themselves.

    “We” cry over the victims of idiot gang-bangers, and other bun-as-penis-substitute blockheads, even the blockheads, when they are victims of the relentless programming that violence is real, and unpredictable, and forever.

    “We” cry when someone has to take a life, or even threaten to, to say alive.

    The difference is, I think, that while hoping we will never have to, we hope that we will be able to choose between evils if that is the only choice left to us.

    This is different from, for example, weeping over words on paper which will do nothing to protect a life that needs protecting. We cry in part because we won’t let ourselves off the hook that easy.

    Any questions?

    • “pro gun people never cry over loss of life!”

      Well, “we” cry over people killed when they maybe could have defended themselves.

      “We” cry over the victims of idiot gang-bangers, and other gun-as-penis-substitute blockheads, even the blockheads, when they are victims of the relentless programming that violence is not real, and unpredictable, and forever.

      “We” cry when someone has to take a life, or even threaten to, to say alive.

      The difference is, I think, that while hoping we will never have to, we hope that we will be able to choose between evils if that is the only choice left to us. And we weep for people who have had that choice taken from them.

      This is different from, for example, weeping over words on paper which will do nothing to protect a life that needs protecting. We cry in part because we won’t let ourselves off the hook that easy.

      Any questions?

  15. He kept dippng his finger into Vicks Vapor Rub on the podium. Stole that trick from Glenn Beck.

  16. When it comes to emotion, we have a proverbial “ace in the hole” as well that we never seem to play. Make sure that uncommitted people around you KNOW … really KNOW how much your armed status comforts your family.

    Share with these uncommitted people that you have the ability to really, truly, actually protect your family if a violent attacker comes calling … that your family will not be waiting in horror for the 5 to 45 minutes it takes police to respond to most calls.

    Tell them how your children and/or spouse hug you with a quality that expresses (non-verbally), “Wow, I am truly protected. My spouse/parent cherishes me so much that they actually took on the capability to protect me from harm. I know — truly KNOW — that I am safe with my parent/spouse.”

    Not only is this entirely 100% true, it hits them in the heartstrings as well.

  17. I heard he had pepper spray on his finger. I guess I’ll have to re-watch the damm thing and see if tears fall before or after he sticks his finger in his eye….. dammit.

  18. Well, a couple days later and it looks like Zero overreached again: More articles about whether or not he was faking than about his “executive actions”.

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