Image via YouTube.

A lawsuit filed in Louisville alleges that three plainclothes cops in unmarked cars raided the wrong address looking for a suspect who was already in custody. When the officers forced the door, allegedly without announcing themselves or knocking, they woke EMT Breonna Taylor and her CCW-licensed boyfriend.

One or both of the residents, jarred awake by the commotion, fired on what they believed to be home invaders. Their rounds hit one of the officers in the leg. The suit alleges the officers responded with a fusillade of indiscriminate shots. They hit Taylor a total of eight times, killing her. Then they arrested her boyfriend for attempted murder of a police officers.

The story has made the national news now that Taylor’s family has hired Benjamin Crump to represent them. Attorney Crump, who rose to fame in the Trayvon Martin case, specializes in spinning the atrocity narrative on behalf of his clients, which includes the family of Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor was black and the officers are white.

NBC News has the story.

Taylor’s death gained national attention this week after the family hired attorney Ben Crump…

The lawsuit states that Taylor and her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, were asleep in the bedroom when police in plain clothes and unmarked vehicles arrived at the house around 12:30 a.m.

The officers were looking for a suspect who lived in a different part of the city and was already in police custody after he was arrested earlier.

The three officers entered Taylor’s home “without knocking and without announcing themselves as police officers,” the suit states.

The lawsuit says Taylor and Walker woke up and thought criminals were breaking in. Walker called 911 and, according to The Courier-Journal, police said he opened fire and shot an officer…

Break down the door of most law-abiding gun owners, especially in the middle of the night, and hot lead will likely greet the intruders. And for good reason, frankly.  Anyone who kicks down your door isn’t delivering Girl Scout cookies.

The suit states that Walker had a license to carry and kept firearms in the home for protection.

In other words, he’s a good guy. With a gun.

Taylor, 26, was shot eight times and died. Walker, 27, was arrested. According to jail records he’s been charged with assault and attempted murder on a police officer. An attorney for Walker could not immediately be reached.

Cough. Thin blue line?

“Breonna had posed no threat to the officers and did nothing to deserve to die at their hands,” the suit says, adding that she was unarmed.

“Neither of the two had any criminal history for drugs or violence,” it states. No drugs were found in the home.

Could this case look any worse for the three plainclothes cops?

Why yes, it could.

The gunfire from the officers struck objects in the living room, dining room, kitchen, hallway, bathroom and both bedrooms, according to the lawsuit.

Fortunately there were no children in the home during the raid.

“The officers failed to use any sound reasonable judgment whatsoever when firing more than 25 blind shots into multiple homes and causing the wrongful death of Breonna,” according to the suit.

Taylor’s mother, Tamika Palmer, filed the lawsuit in April in Jefferson Circuit Court alleging wrongful death, excessive force and gross negligence.

There are plenty of stories and videos of no-knock raids and raids during which the cops yell, “police” as they batter down the door to make entry. One would think these forced-entry raids would only be used in extreme cases. But apparently obviously not in Louisville drug investigations.

Here’s another of Crump’s cases – this one from Little Rock, Arkansas.


Mr. Crump looks like he’s riding a wave of big cases of late.




  1. Even a blind squirrel gets the nut once in a while; and based on what’s reported here, it looks like Crump actually has a legitimate wrongful death suit.

    Did the officers have a warrant?

    If the facts as presented here hold true, the officers should be facing felony murder charges for their actions; oh, wait… they are protected by “qualified immunity”.

    Maybe if officers faced appropriate repercussions for their actions, they would double-check before unlawfully breaking and entering homes of law-abiding citizens, and killing them when said law-abiding citizens morally and lawfully defend themselves against said home invasion.

      • qualified immunity is an atrocity, it’s literally a crime against humanity.

        i’m not a cop hater at all, we need a police function in society, but bad or stupid cops ruin lives with near impunity because they aren’t held accountable for their actions.

        • “Another petition the justices are mulling this week involves a Georgia sheriff’s deputy who received qualified immunity after he shot a 10-year-old boy while trying to kill his dog. Neither the boy nor the dog had done anything to justify the use of lethal force, except that they happened to be in their own yard when the cops chased an unarmed suspect into it.”

          I dunno, maybe we’d be better off with no police.

        • There were no regular police when the US was founded. It took almost 100 years to establish police forces in cities. Today cops are an integral part of The State.

        • EVERY person in the chain of command of these clowns, including the mayor, should be personally liable in such cases.

        • Absolutely. Government officials should be MORE liable, not less. Shooting an innocent person should bean automatic death penalty.

      • “Interesting topic, though, which appears to be gaining traction as a possible SCOTUS review. Here’s an update from today:”


        It would be nice to know where the political Left stands on that issue.

        Because shit like that, and civil forfeiture by police on motorists is shit that needs to fucking stop, and sooner, not later…

    • “ Did the officers have a warrant?”
      Based on the story here, they would have needed one.
      The warrant would also be for a nighttime raid. Usually harder to get.

      If the story holds true, I’ll gladly make the nooses to hang these incompetent imbeciles.

      • My conscience would be clear and I wouldn’t loose a bit of sleep over volunteering for execution duty when it comes to ridding the earth of evil people. Absolutely NOTHING good comes from cops.

      • I don’t give a shit if they had a warrant or not.

        “Some local sheriff’s office got a Swatting call reporting dead bodies on the floor of a residence. The department surrounded the house, and waited for sun up. Then they called. On the phone. And explained the situation. The folks got up, got dressed, and went outside to meet the deputies. They waited while the deputies searched the house. No bodies, no blood, no evidence of trouble. The deputies apologized. The wife made them coffee. No damage, no injuries, no deaths, no lawsuits. THAT is how a raid should be run! Unless there’s a hostage, no-knocks should be off the table. I don’t give a crap about the “destroyed evidence”. The government has endless time, money and manpower to make a case. If they can’t do it without a no-knock, they need to find another line of work.”

        TweetyRex nailed it. This shit has to stop.

        • you can’t shoot someone over property. but the gov’t can use deadly force (the threat of) to get their evidence?

        • That is the professional way to handle the incident. That agency did a great job. It sounds like a lot of other agencies should be contacting these guys for training assistance in proper SOPs.

        • So they had a “no knock warrant” which behooves them to get the CORRECT ADDRESS! Those “cops” and supervisors, and the “judge” that approved the order etc. should end up convicted of murder and end up on DEATH ROW. The STUPIDITY never ends with them. Something about being a “cop” inflates their EGO to the extent that “COMMON SENSE” is overridden by STUPIDITY. Seems as though anyone can become a cop…even the “criminal” element which appears to be rampant in just about every police organization throughout America from Washington DC (FBI?) to California’s west coast. It’s past time to restructure our Law Enforcement and “clean house.”

    • I read that it was a “no knock” warrant. But, one of the officers said “we announced ourselves before entering”. Hah, so now they’re announcing themselves before a no-knock raid…before dawn? That’s news to me.

      • If it takes three kicks, or two hits from the battering ram, and an officer whispers “police” in the middle of the door being battered, then they have “announced” themselves.

        Police have been to my house. They don’t act like that here. Why? They know there are weapons in my home. They know I’m a veteran. They strongly suspect I’ll shoot anyone coming into my home unannounced and/or uninvited. When they come to my home, they turn on their lights, respectfully (of the dogs?) approach my door, and knock. They politely ASK if whoever they are looking for is in my home. They politely ASK if they can talk to whoever they are looking for.

        Liberals call that “white privilege”. I call it being prepared, with a reputation. Being white won’t prevent a cop’s bullet killing me.

    • Officer safety and all that. After all, you never can tell just who’s behind that door. Or . . . on the other side of it either. Witness the Tuttle case in Houston.

      • Alternatively you could use a little common sense and stake the place out, then arrest the suspect when they go out for milk instead of raiding the joint like it’s Osama’s compound.

        • But then how will useless, overweight cowards live out their fantasies of being special ops?

        • Sadly, I think Red is right. Many of these guys are beating off to Call of Duty just waiting for their chance.
          I’m not quite as anti-Police as some here sound, but they are civilian law-enforcement, not Spec Ops. They absolutely SHOULD be personally accountable for breaking the law, just like anyone else.

      • LMAO, seriously? Boy, hope the cops no-knock you when the person they’re looking for is in custody with that attitude. Are you allergic to facts, or just willfully ignorant?

    • Qualified immunity only applies if an officer reasonably believes (as determined by a court, just like reasonable belief for self defense is determined) they are operating within the policies of their department and the law. Flagrant disregard for those policies (no warrant, no declaration of police, blind discharge of weapons) nullifies that immunity. Its meant to shield cops who act reasonably when something goes horribly wrong due to onforseen circumstances. Please understand the law and its purpose before complaining.

      • Please look at what use of qualified immunity actually succeeds in court before hiding behind what the law is SUPPOSED to do. Qualified immunity needs to go away or needs a proper legal test to be handed down.

        It should not accept failure to determine the actual address you are raiding matches the warrant. You should not be able to do that and claim.. oh qualified immunity.. I thought I was in the right place.

        It also shouldn’t cover you when you use techniques and tactics explicitly forbidden by your department’s policy. I thought I was complaint with department policy because I’m poorly trained and bad at my job should not be an excuse for murdering someone.

        But currently it is.

        • Again, if the cases you’re citing are the ones I’m thinking of, a court determined that “reasonable” care was taken, or that the blame fell on the department not on the individual officer. Disagree with the verdict all you want but there will always be examples of otherwise functioning laws where a jury or judge gets the decision wrong (see the 9th Circus for a nice sampling of those wrong decisions). We shouldn’t penalized the vast majority of the law abiding by changing or removing a law that protects them just because of a small sampling of dirt bags who abuse it. That would go against our stand against gun control which seeks to punish us by enacting laws against a small minority of criminals who don’t care anyway.

      • “Qualified immunity only applies if an officer reasonably believes (as determined by a court, just like reasonable belief for self defense is determined) they are operating within the policies of their department and the law. ”

        There is one other, minor, element to “qualified immunity”….cops, according the the US Supreme Court, are not required to know the law.

      • Heien vs NC has made it to where cops do not need to know the law, and their illegal actions afterwards are no longer considered fruit of the poisonous tree.

    • Crump is a race hustling POS.
      But, unlike the REAL racists among us, we wait for a full investigation of all the facts. and hold our own accountable for their crimes.
      Can’t wait for the McMichales to be fully exonerated in Georgia, and another race hustling hoax gets exposed for what it is.

      • if you’re “waiting for a full investigation of all the facts” … how do you know they’ll be exonerated?
        oh, right, the hypocrisy.

      • Couple crackers go coon hunting, and you expect exoneration?

        Put the shoe on the other foot – two black guys come after YOU while you are passing through the neighborhood. Exactly how do you handle the situation? They both have guns, you may or may not have a gun – being a gun owner you probably do. They accost you, while brandishing their weapons. Do you respond with violence, or meekly submit to whatever they demand? Be honest, with yourself, at the least.

        • “Exactly how do you handle the situation?”

          For one thing, I don’t go out of my way – literally running at them across a street – to attack them.

        • I would do the exact same thing as I would do if they were wite, their race has nothing to do with anything, I would avoid them.

    • I wonder what was the “source” that said a wanted (and already in-custody) perp was at that address, which was not the address on the warrant. Probably an “informant” , or another crook, who made something up to avoid arrest or a beating.

      Someone is going to have a lot of explaining to do.

    • Any no-knock raid in a private home, especially in the middle of the night, resulting in a death, is a wrongful death. How can anyone forget a concussion grenade exploding in a baby’s crib? They are all wrongful deaths, each and every one of them. Any law that makes a no-knock raid lawful is an unjust law.

    • Cops like this deserve to work on a two way range, at the very least they belong in jail for felony murder, and everyone in their report to chain needs to be fired and blacklisted from ever working in law enforcement.

    • Qualified Immunity has an exception: ”’unless their actions violated “clearly established” federal law or constitutional rights.””” Not announcing they are police is a violation of clearly established television and movie cop show protocol. So they should be held personally accountable,

  2. Much like Red Flags, when you can use informers or anonymous complaints, you are going to get innocent people killed. Wrong address? Person already in custody? Sounds like somebody needs to step their game up.

    • Certainly a breakdown in communication and a failure to check details, such as the address.

  3. Honestly, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often. If these yahoos pulled the same stunt at one of our (America’s heavily armed) houses there would be serious injuries and deaths. Very poor police work.

    • They only target ones who won’t put up a fight. My suspicion is they had some insider tip on these two and wanted to straight up rob them.

        • That’s okay. I have been blown up in those things, and I also spent some time getting up close and personal with IED/EFP/boomy things. It’s amazing what a thin, small amount of copper can do.

    • It’s happened before. Ex military with an AR took a bunch to the woodshed . They charged him but he beat it.

  4. Wrong address for a guy already in custody. Nice huh?

    Three guys in plainclothes? At oh-dark-hundred? Yeah.

    We’ve all seen those cop TV shows where cops may knock, then shout “police” about a nanosecond before the ram hits the front door.

    And then they storm in.

    Chip’s right: Crump may have found a second solid case (after the Arbery case). He’s going to be a very, very wealthy man after these two cases. Then there are the Little Rock cases… dozens of people victimized by groundless no-knock “dynamic entry” warrants.

    Next thing you know, he’s going to be a TV reality show billionaire running for president.

    • Keep in mind, these are the “highly trained professionals” that should get to use weapons that are simply too dangerous in the hands of the people.

      • Military: Small Arms
        Cops: Self defense
        Civilian: Assault Weapons

        And people believe it too. Sad.

    • I think what we have here is “a failure to communicate”. (quote courtesy of Cool Hand Luke) They’re probably use that as their defense.
      Also, how did he get charged with assault when he was in bed?

    • And yet the facts of the Aubrey case are no where near as clean cut as you believe.
      Crump is a bottom feeder.

    • While I also have an issue with no knock warrants, you said:

      “We’ve all seen those cop TV shows where cops may knock, then shout “police” about a nanosecond before the ram hits the front door.“

      I don’t think you should be basing your opinions off TV shows, “reality” or not. Most of them are fiction and even reality TV isnt “reality”.

      • Do you honestly believe that was used as a literal term? Replace TV with “every video source ever” and you will find the exact example that was given. Welcome to reality.

      • Yeah…. LIVE P.D….. and COPS…..
        Those are fiction if I ever saw it!

  5. It’s just tough s – – – living in America. Death as the result of “good faith efforts” is just the price of living in a free country. Requiring police, at any level, to know what they are doing, take special care to not attack the wrong people, avoid putting down suppressive fire in a high-risk situation, is too restrictive if you want peace and safety for the majority. You pays your money (taxes), and takes your chances.

    • At the rate things are going, first, I’m going to make my money in America, then decide where I want to retire to. I’m thinking either stay in Texas if its improved any, or flee to Idaho and build a new homestead there.

      Alternatively, remote areas of Norway, only 4M people and the country is huge. Plenty of gun ownership there too.

      • “Alternatively, remote areas of Norway, only 4M people and the country is huge. Plenty of gun ownership there too.”

        Texas – devilishly hot
        Norway – heart stopping cold

        Is there something attractive about extremes we could benefit from?
        (I have lived in Texas and North Dakota. Recommend you have nothing to do with extremes.)

        • When I went from MCBH (hawaii) to MWTC in Bridgeport California, I could finally sleep without sweating. Hiking around in the mountains, waking up with my water bottles frozen, smacking peoples tents and making it snow. Me and my team mate, the 1st LT that was training to become the OIC of several courses there, were in agreement that it was entirely unnecessary to unpack the tents unless we expected bad weather. Sleeping bags were more than adequate.

          I would much prefer the cold air and a warm hearth than dripping sweat non-stop and growing weird fungus and ****.

          • “I would much prefer the cold air and a warm hearth than dripping sweat non-stop and growing weird fungus and ****.”

            During my four winters in ND, I always enjoyed talking to people in southern climes. Just waiting for the laughing question, “What is the high temp supposed to be today? Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.”

            When I responded (several times over the years), “Minus twenty nine.”, there was a pleasing pause on the other end of the line, or radio. People would realize that real cold was no laughing matter. Huge difference between the paper-flat plains of ND, and the mountain-infested fjords of Norway; worse in Norway. Calif mountains are more like a mid-winter spa compared to the cold of ND.

        • Personally I’ve done both extreme and I prefer the cold.

          The heat itself doesn’t bother me. It’s the bugs, snakes and jungle flu that bother me.

          • “Personally I’ve done both extreme and I prefer the cold.
            The heat itself doesn’t bother me. It’s the bugs, snakes and jungle flu that bother me.”

            In ND, you can get both in the same calendar year. 100 degree temperature swings, from summer to winter, are normal. In August in ND, 105 is not unknown. And the wind disappears, followed by very low thin dark clouds almost on the ground….mosquitoes.

            Glad I had the experience, but once in a lifetime is sufficient for all purposes.

    • Yep. But if her family wants justice, they’ll have to get it themselves. There is no Punisher vigilante roaming the streets, and the system protects its own.

  6. This was murder and no matter who, but all involved should be prosecuted. Also WTF charging the boyfriend.

    • When they commit a crime they arrest the victim so they can pressure them to not pursue a complaint or lawsuit. It’s a typical tactic. It works on poor people and people who are terrified of a corrupt department targeting them.

      • Yes. It even works on not so poor people. Most people can’t afford to go up against the government with their comparatively near endless resources.

      • Poor people with guns have no reason to fear the police. But the police are indeed afraid of going into certain neighborhoods of the United States. Because those “poor people” have more firepower than the police.

        The 2A is for everyone. I say machine guns and flame weapons for the poor!

      • Poor people with guns have no reason to fear the police. But the police are indeed afraid of going into certain neighborhoods of the United States. Because those “poor people” have more firepower than the police.

        The 2A is for everyone. I say machine guns and flame weapons for the poor! Democrat Party controlled cities keep poor people disarmed.

    • Alot harder for him to build a case against them and get the facts out when he’s sitting in jail on murder charges.

      • All while the blue bloods gang is conspiring on how to shut him up and that it would have been better off for the cops if the victim was carried out in a bag.

        • Oh, no… You are starting to figure out why cops shoot to kill and non cops are not allowed to do that. Close your eyes, stop thinking!

          They shot the innocent woman 8 times and totally missed the man that shot the cop. They fired over 25 rounds.

  7. Are no knock raids a must? Is the point to grab evidence before it could be destroyed? Wouldn’t that mean that the case is flimsy to begin with?

    • Sometimes, yes. But pretty rare. And yes, it’s usually to keep evidence from being destroyed.
      In this case? Not reasonable.

      If they had a warrant, they would NOT be allowed to look in say, a shoe box, or in the microwave oven.
      They could only look in places an adult human could hide in.

    • Destroyed evidence (usually drugs) versus kicking in doors (too often wrong doors) and killing innocent people sounds like a reasonable tradeoff to me. No-knock raids turn cops into hammers. And everyone else becomes a nail.

      • Drugs shouldn’t even be illegal, this is supposed to be the land of the free but it looks more like the land of the slaves, their bodies being property of the federal government.

        Everyone needs to fortify their homes, not because “they have something to hide” but because the BEAST is out of control and this could happen to anyone. Remember, even the 5th amendment rights are there to protect the innocent from bureaucracy.

    • Or wait until he goes to get the paper or put the trash out.
      But then you don’t get to boot doors, zip tie people in their underwear on the floor, and shoot the dogs.

    • Lucky for the cops who generate the bad intel, they don’t have to pay the cost. That’s for us suckers to deal with.

    • “Bad intel has a cost.”

      If the event unfolded as reported, there was no “intel” anywhere to be found.

    • No, apparently it doesn’t. The unholy combination of qualified immunity, and cops and DAs protecting their own mean that the evil and the incompetent almost always walk away with no repercussions at all.

  8. No knock raids at 0dark30 should be off the table for all but confirmed hostage situations. No knock raids are an abomination on a free society.

    • One has to make his castle impossible to perform a no-knock / hard knock raid on. If costumed criminals can’t get the door down without running an armored vehicle through it, there will be enough time spent knocking to get into a spider hole / panic room.

      • +1
        Outward opening doors, perimeter sensors that sound a subtle alarm when someone approaches, reinforced door jams. They won’t get in easy or fast, giving the residents time to tool up and assess the situation. Maybe even. Open an upstairs window and ask wtf they want and can I see the warrant please through the mail slot.

        If they are worried about evidence destruction well that’s a price to pay for saving lives. The regular cops don’t do this work, it’s the operators who think they are in Faluja and are raiding an al Qaida safe house.

  9. It sounds like the victims did exactly what any normal person would do, including calling 911. WTF ever happened to the policy of having the first cop through the door in any raid being in uniform? Though even that can be faked. And a no-knock warrant at night? If that was indeed justified based on the perceived threat it should have called for more than 3 cops and plenty of uniforms and marked squad cars. We’re talking setting up a perimeter and evacuating neighbors if such as raid is legitimately authorized. Yeah, we will wait for the rest of the story to come out – along with any videos – but based on what we know now these boys will be wearing orange, the surviving victim will have charges dropped and along with the deceased’s family will be financially secure for the rest of their lives.

    • If you think the cops involved will be wearing orange, I have a bridge to sell you

  10. This shit makes me so mad. Getting to where I just hate cops in general anymore, can’t tell the good from the bad. They are rarely held fully responsible for their actions, totally bogus. I wish the homeowner would have been able to place better shots. Maybe would have saved other lives in the future.

    • Keep in mind your only being presented with the negative here, especially here, and social media.

      I personally also have a problem with no knock warrants, but before you decide to just hate all police remember TTAG, Boch, Facebook, CNN, ect… don’t give a damn about positive stories because it doesn’t make them a dime. I like TTAG more then let’s say CNN, but they operate on the same exact principle to stay profitable. I was once asked by a man much smarter then me:

      “What is the purpose of the news?”

      I said: “Well, to report the news, keep people informed.”

      He said: “Nope. They’re purpose is to make money.”

      No media stream sole purpose has a responsibility to you to report anything to you accurately. They only want you to keep reading and watching, to keep that money flowing in. Why do you think most of the articles here have to do with cops or the Georgia shooting? Revenue.

      Which is fine. This is capitalism. But remind yourself of that before you whole heartedly let any media outlet sway your opinion.

      • I’ve experienced police brutality, trespassing, and warrantless searching first hand. When the alleged good ones turn in all of the bad ones, I’ll entertain the notion that there are good people in an inherently corrupt organization.

        I have yet to have a good encounter with a costume thug, they are all the enemy of John Q public and the US constitution. There is no saving the institutions, its only a matter of waiting them out until the rest of the country gets fed up with their east block practices and runs them out of town.

        I’m in the countryside, its far far worse in Houston, which is filled with corruption and bad cops.

      • “This is capitalism. But remind yourself of that before you whole heartedly let any media outlet sway your opinion.”

        To quote whomever, and remind all the others, “Freedom of the Press belongs to he who owns one.”

    • The issue is the unions, politically appointed management, and other officers who willingly close ranks to protect those who screw up and cause disasters like this.

      The brotherhood will protect it’s own.

  11. Anyone still want to give cops pistols with 30 rounds?? I don’t. Let’ em get by with 5 shot revolvers. Then they might learn a little trigger discipline. How many times have we seen this sort of thing?? Cops empty their magazines at the slightest provocation, and innocents are killed.

    Never trust cops. Never associate with cops. Stay away from cops. They’re just another gang. I learned that at a young age, and every incident like this confirms it.

    • I am starting to see the younger cops with extended mags and red dots. I’m sure Texas cops would love to have a used M249 to go along with their MRAPs.

      • Only non-law enforcement should be able to own pistols with the 30 round magazines. It would give both criminals AND cops pause before they break down a door and start spraying.

      • I stay out of Houston / Harris county for a reason. I doubt there is a single cop there that isn’t dirty or a power tripper.

        Cops literally are a gang and a hair away from being as bad as narcos.

        • The drug and gang units are starting to look and act like Mexican cartels. They need a tan, get in shape and put on a mask to finish the look.

    • I’m gonna say this again, even though it may upset someone. But at the range I frequent, whenever the cops arrive, I leave. The ONLY THING these thugs practice is putting as much lead down range in as little time as possible. That’s it. Trigger time like this speaks volumes as to their frame of mind.

    • Yeah just like since most mass shootings are done by civilians so we should ban civilians from having 30 round mags.

      • Doesn’t American cops kill over a thousand people a year by shooting them?

        Cops in other countries look down on American cops.

        • Don’t American civilians kill 30,000 people a year with guns?

          The rest of the worlds civilians look down on them.

          • Don’t American civilians kill 30,000 people a year with guns?

            No, they don’t. Even on its face, that number is false, because 2/3 of those deaths are suicides.

            I could break down the rest, but that effort would be seemingly futile, since you are so intellectually lazy that you would even throw around such a number to begin with.

            The rest of the worlds civilians look down on them.

            We couldn’t care less what you think of us.

  12. Should be no plea of “mistaking the address” or “she fired first”! It was breaking and entering without properly verifying the address, failure to identify themselves properly, and firing weapons indiscriminately! Sounds like “Murder in the 1st” to me! Demand the “death penalty” for the offending detective or detectives! Make this a horrible example!

    • Depends on the agency policy. Normally it would paid administrative leave till conclusion of a investigation of the shooting if was good or not ( I am not commenting on this particular one).

    • “The article left out what the officers’ bail has ben set at.”

      Well, like there is, you know, like totally only so much information that can be included in a report. Some of the minor stuff gets left out. It’s just the news business, nothing important going on.

  13. Prohibition needs to go away and no-knock raids too.

    The worse types of cops are involved with drug and gang units. So much corruption. Murderers love to pretend to be military and shoot citizens.

  14. Come on John, try to get your facts right, at least in your clickbait headline!

    There is no question of the police having raided the wrong house. They raided exactly the house that they had a warrant for, and it was exactly the house that their investigation had indicated was being used as part of the drug operation.

    There were undoubtedly some errors made in when and how the raid was conducted, but which house was not one of the errors.

    • Let’s explore this a little bit, shall we?

      Why was this house included on the warrant? FTA:

      Her address was listed in the search warrant, signed by a judge a day before Taylor’s death, based on police’s belief that one of the narcotics investigation suspects, Jamarcus Glover, used her home to receive mail, keep drugs or stash money earned from the sale of drugs, records show.

      Got that? It’s kind of important. The subject of the search warrant wasn’t even believed to be there; rather, he was believed to keep mail, drugs, and money there.

      So why was no-knock granted?

      In this case, officers contended it was necessary because “these drug traffickers have a history of attempting to destroy evidence, have cameras on the location that compromise detectives once an approach to the dwelling is made, and have a history of fleeing from law enforcement.”

      So the contention here is that police needed to effect a no-knock warrant service in order to prevent mail, drugs, and money from… destroying itself?

      Or is the contention that they were actually searching for the subject of the search warrant? Oh, well in that case:

      Attorneys representing Taylor’s family say that Glover — who they say was the police’s intended target of the night’s warrants — was “located and identified by LMPD prior to the warrant being executed at Breonna’s home.”

      It looks like warrant service was carried out simultaneously (approximately 12:45am):

      According to Glover’s arrest citation on March 13, the “violation time” was listed as 12:40 a.m. with the arrest following at 2:43 a.m. That would put Glover in police’s sight at the same time officers entered Taylor’s home.

      So, the police went into multiple locations, carrying out simultaneous warrant service, and were allowed to conduct no-knock raids at multiple locations for the same suspect. Are no-knock raid authorizations so commonplace now that they can so egregiously circumvent constitutional protections? Shouldn’t there be more than mere “suspicion” that a suspect is at a given location, in order for a no-knock raid to be authorized? Especially when that location is known to be occupied by persons not subject to the warrant?

      Yeah, these appear to be people right in the thick of the narcotics trade. But they, too, enjoy constitutionally protected rights.

      • “So, the police went into multiple locations, carrying out simultaneous warrant service, and were allowed to conduct no-knock raids at multiple locations for the same suspect.”

        Good to see you, Chip. Nice job, as usual.

    • It was the “wrong” house because the target no longer lived at the address, and was already in custody. Maybe it was even the “wrong” house because, although the house was the one identified in the warrant, the police did not control the flow of information to shut down a raid, once the target had been arrested. Maybe it was the “wrong” house because the target had never actually lived there, drug activity had never been conducted, but the information held by the police was entirely “wrong”.

  15. An innocent woman was killed with 8 bullets from law enforcement. This so wrong on so many levels I can’t wrap my head around it. I’m pro LEO, but the incredible stupidity of this demands murder charges. This wasn’t a mistake, it was extreme incompetence. May the victims and families find some comfort, but how I can’t imagine.

  16. Come on guys, if you’re gonna serve a no knock warrant you’re gonna hafta do your homework!

  17. I normally support the guys in blue but this time, as it happening with greater regularity, they put on their “god-complex” attitude and f#cked up royally. At a minimum they should all be fired. Just because you have a gun and badge don’t make you able to operate with impunity. I am sorry to find myself wishing the boyfriend was a better shot. Instead of hitting the one cop in the leg, too bad he didn’t shoot all three in the nuts. And to arrest him is total bullsh#t and just trying to cover up their mistakes.

  18. It doesn’t matter how many innocent blacks are killed by the police department. White liberals will never support law abiding black people having guns. And as much as they complain about so called “racist police” they will never want a person to shoot a bad cop in self defense.

    And 6 years ago a gun owner in Florida did shot at four bad cops who came to his home. Unannounced, in plain clothes and Without a warrant.

    • Chris T in KY:
      “White liberals will never support law abiding black people having guns.”

      I’m an OFWG (but maybe not so liberal), AND I DEFINATELY support law abiding black people having guns. The more the merrier.

      • Fact. Conservative OFWGs historically have been more reliable in defending the civil rights of black people.
        Unfortunately many history books are written by racist white liberals. But the truth is out there.
        You just have to look for it.

  19. I’ve knocked down a couple of doors. Never without “knock and announce” and continuing to announce as we cleared the house. Also, usually had a uniform on scene. Wore raid vests with SHERIFF written so large Stevie Wonder could read it. Looks bad for LEO. Now. Benjamin Crump. That guy is local. He is a bottom feeding scumbag sucking Jesse Jackson wannabe that never saw a camera he didn’t like. The victim had my sympathy until I read that piece of shit is the attorney of record. It’s also ironic. Crump’s brother was employed by the Tallahassee Police Department. He was fired after being arrested for sexual battery, and other felonies, that he allegedly committed on a traffic stop one night shortly after completing his F.T.O. program. Benjamin was nowhere to be seen. Didn’t see that story in the national media; did you?

  20. “But they were doing their jobs! I’ll always back the blue!” – Some bootlicker probably

  21. I’m reminded why I have a camera system…not for burglars/home invaders. 8~(

  22. What if this had turned out the other way around. 3 cops shot dead by innocent law abiding citizens. Never turns out that way does it.

  23. This needs to stop. Even if they had a warrant, it was incorrect and invalid as these were not the people sought.

    Unfortunately, they can only make Louisville bleed money. I hope it gets their attention.

    And the attention of the nation.

  24. The absolute hilarious and ironic thing about this? Those on the left only want the cops to have guns. They suffer from what I believe is called “cognitive dissonance.”

  25. Home invaders could also yell the word “police” to buy a moment of hesitation from the victims. Yelling “police” should not qualify as announcing themselves.

    I say no no-knock raids without more obvious SOP like phone contact, bull horns, police sirens and lights, etc. After all of these have been exhausted over the course of several daylight hours then proceed to request a no-knock warrant.

    And what happened to ID’ing the target through surveillance then waiting for the easiest time to arrest them? Everybody leaves the house eventually.

    This type of event will only help the police and home invaders, at the expense of the innocent home defenders.

    • But if they just wait for the suspect to leave the house, how are cowardly scumbags supposed to feel like badasses if they can’t kick down a door and shoot a dog?

  26. I’ll have some respect for cops when they stop killing us for no damn good reason. And yeah, Walker was one of us. He had a CCW and guns to protect himself. His color is irrelevant to all of us except for the klansmen who show up here to kiss cop @$$ and hate on black people.

  27. Well that’s effed up! Hey where’s serge defending his beloved white po-leece?!?😏

  28. They had the right address, they or someone who lived there were trafficking drugs out of the apartment.
    I never met a “libertarian” who didn’t believe in enforcing their ideology at the end of a barrel. They love big government just don’t dare call it government. Just another Greek chorus from a bunch of effete wannabes who don’t understand the real world and jerk off to fantasies of civil war. Most of you probably wouldn’t be trusted with safeguarding a block of cheese much less enforcing laws and engaging dangerous individuals on a daily basis.
    When you entrust people with the responsibility of the rule of law mistakes are going to happen, doesn’t mean they didn’t act in good faith. You want them executed without trial, because you think you know all the facts from behind your keyboards.
    The officers fired the shots aren’t the ones who obtained the warrant much less wrote law. They were told to go in looking for felonious activity and got shot at, they returned fire, wtf do you expect them to do? In Houston Goines is going to prison because they claim he illegally obtained a warrant and it resulted what were likely innocent people getting killed. The officers under him didn’t know what he had done. If the supervisor of this raid knowingly acted on illegal intel or warrants go after him instead of wishing ill-will on an entire profession because you’re still mad you got traffic ticket 20 years ago.

    • What ever happened to surveillance? Everyone has to leave the house sometime. If you’ve got a warrant to search the house, arrest the occupants on their way to work, and then search the house.

      And we all know who said “I was just following orders.” It’s no excuse for murder.

      • It’s not “I was just following orders” if you legitimately believe you’re acting in good faith. You’re implying that the operation was in fact illegal AND that each individual officer was privy to that info.

        • You didn’t address my surveillance question.

          An innocent is dead. “Oh, mistakes are made.” Good grief. We have too many stupid laws already. Just because something is law doesn’t mean it’s just. Anyone wanting to be in “law enforcement” just hasn’t thought it through. Or maybe they have, and they like it.

        • The next thing you know you’ll be justifying beating an innocent woman with a truncheon because she opened her nail salon in the middle of this fake pandemic.

        • Negative, I think every business should be open. I refuse to where a mask or engage in social distancing. I think everyone should refuse to comply. Apples to oranges?

      • If you’re asking me my personal opinion it sounds like a great plan but I wasn’t involved in the operation nor do I have any more direct knowledge of it than you so I can’t comment on why they did or did not do X,Y,Z.
        I agree we have too many laws but you can’t blame the cops for that. Do you not want laws or law enforcement at all because I can’t think of a scenario where bad things aren’t going to happen. Sometimes patients die on the operating table doesn’t always mean its malpractice.

    • “…I never met a “libertarian” who didn’t believe in enforcing their ideology at the end of a barrel…”

      Interesting..please expand on this ideology you are speaking of. Are you referring to Classical Liberalism or something else?

      • I mean read the comments here by the so called libertarians. They all think they’re the smartest people in the room and if only THEY were in charge everything would be great, until someone steps out of line then they start screaming for extrajudicial executions, lynchings, and gun barrel justice in the name of freedom. Point is, they’re human like everyone else and believe in using force to achieve their goals.

    • I hope no one is painting all cops with the same brush. They recruit from the human race so there will always be errors and some downright bad apples. Most are honest and want to do a good job. Unfortunately the bad ones get to carry guns too. While I haven’t seen anything to indicate these 3 did not apply for the warrant as you suggest, they were certainly read in on the situation. And once the bullets start flying it’s a matter of survival not who’s right and who’s wrong. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. On its face it does not look good for the cops. And a jury in TX just sent a cop to prison for walking into the wrong apartment when she came off shift and shooting a guy she thought was an intruder in her apartment. It appears the cops may have violated a number of procedures (assuming LPD has them) which could get them fired. Prison may be a stretch, warranted or not (puns intended).

      • The point I was making was that it’s unlikely, but I suppose it’s possible, they were all involved in obtaining the warrant. Either way, if the warrant was obtained illegally they go after who ever knew about it on those grounds. Calling for them to all be executed simply because an operation went south is not rational.

      • They recruit from the human race — and many departments have an intelligence cutoff. If you’re smart, you can’t be a cop. Because smart people might do crazy things like checking the address and going to the correct house. And we can’t have that.

        • I wasn’t there, but it appears they had the right address and legally obtained a warrant to search it. If you don’t like spending resources fighting drugs that’s cool but cops don’t write the laws, society at large evidently still wants the drug war so that’s what they are going to get.

        • Hey Greg, how about we think of it this way. The 3 officers are wearing plain clothes, in unmarked cars, none of them are marked in any way to identify they are cops, they are going knock down a door in the middle of the night unannounced, no cop lights, no loudspeaker, nothing. Why then did none of the 3 officers question that they could easily be mistaken as armed robbers instead of police and more likely face or cause danger?Heck, many plain clothes cops have been killed by friendly fire from their fellow officers who mistook them as bad guys.

          IMO, plain clothes should not be allowed to engage in no knock raids, they can too easily be mistaken as bad guys, and the officers themselves should realize these issues too. Frankly the 3 officers involved should have known better and should have better equipped themselves with marked uniforms and annouced themselves. Even then there are still major problems with no knock raids but having unmarked cops lead them is begging for tragedy.

          Both LE as a whole as well as each individual officer should be able to rub two cents together and know this is a really bad idea and not blindly perform raids in such a manner. They may have acted on what they thought was good info, but their execution was negligent and displayed that at least the 3 officers are incompetent and deserve punishment. At least being fired and black balled from ever serving in LE again in the country, but they also deserve jail time.

    • 1. “They had the right address, they or someone who lived there were trafficking drugs out of the apartment.”
      That is not an excuse for a no knock raid in the middle of the night. That is what one would expect from a bunch of jackbooted Nazis. In fact, the so-called “war on drugs” is just an excuse for tyranny on a number of other fronts, including, but not limited to, the seizure of property without due process.

      2. “Just another Greek chorus from a bunch of effete wannabes who don’t understand the real world and jerk off to fantasies of civil war.”

      There may be some of that on this forum, but it’s not everybody. And, while you’re at it, you can exclude me from that group.

      3. “Most of you probably wouldn’t be trusted with safeguarding a block of cheese much less enforcing laws and engaging dangerous individuals on a daily basis.”

      You are really good at making a lot of general statements about people you know nothing about. I am sure that there is a good number of trustworthy people on this forum including current and former peace officers. As for “…safeguarding a block of cheese,” I’ll leave that up to you.

      4. “You want them executed without trial, because you think you know all the facts from behind your keyboards.”

      Nope. I want the cops to be held to the same standards of responsibility for their actions as a civilian, especially if and when they shoot somebody. I also want the cops to stop busting down peoples’ doors in the middle of the night, correct address or not.

      5. “The officers (who) fired the shots aren’t the ones who obtained the warrant much less wrote law. They were told to go in looking for felonious activity and got shot at, they returned fire, wtf do you expect them to do?”

      How about UNIFORMED police in a daylight raid?

      6. “If the supervisor of this raid knowingly acted on illegal intel or warrants go after him instead of wishing ill-will on an entire profession because you’re still mad you got traffic ticket 20 years ago.”

      Maybe there should be a requirement that the supervisor of the raid is the first one through the door and IN UNIFORM. Perhaps he or she would then be more careful about who, what, why, where, and when to raid.
      As for traffic tickets: That is pure bullshit, and I think that, upon reflection, even you will realize that.

      • If you’re not the person I’m referring to then don’t bother defending the ones who are. Read the comments here and just about every article on the website nowadays. I know the points I made and I don’t need them quoted back to me. They stand and are valid.

      • Disagreeing with the practice of no-knock warrants is different than accusing them of murder. I have no issue with holding them accountable if that is warranted, but A) you can’t hold them accountable IF they acted within the current law B) they operate with different set of rules than civilians, maybe you disagree with that but I don’t see how you can have a functional law enforcement capability without it, I’m not saying they can commit crimes with repercussions but police have a lot of authority that non LEO’s don’t. How else could they do their job? If your advocating for the abolition of law enforcement then just say that.

    • “In Houston Goines is going to prison because they claim he illegally obtained a warrant and it resulted what were likely innocent people getting killed. The officers under him didn’t know what he had done.”

      how many officers weren’t jumping to defend Goines by claiming he was a hero and no errors were made in the immediate aftermath of that shooting?

  29. Three nitwits who did not bother to cross the T’s and dot the I’s are now in deep dodo. If you are going to bust down doors you better be damned sure you are not violating any Constitutional Rights. That is if you give a damn about rights.
    This is by no means the first time this kind of incompetence has occurred with loss of innocent life. It is time to make it the last. Frankly…the 3 should be charged with negligent homicide and denied bail until a jury trial determines guilt or innocence. That would send a message to whom it may concern.

  30. Hell, in my small Maine town the cops\bad guys are one in the same. Since the pandemic the cops rarely leave the station. Drug dealers operate in broad daylight with impunity. Cops are so firmly in their back-pocket it’s sickening.

    • Drug dealers usually mind their own business and just want customers. Pot heads and ravers trying to make a living like everyone else that has to work. However, the blue gang will stick its nose into everyone’s business and providing little, if any benefit for all the tax dollars they soak up. I’ll take drug dealers on the streets over cops any day of the year.

      • Drug dealers should be shot on site.The president in the P.I. has the right idea, having civilians shoot this scum.

  31. I might reinforce my doors this weekend to keep both criminals AND police out.

    I have some rowdy folks in my area, I’d rather my family not be gunned down by either party if I can help it.

    • You nailed it, this is what everyone can do while this fake pandemic is running amok. Make that door a fortress gate! It won’t do much about the walls but by the time anyone uses a wall or a window, there will have been plenty of time to slip away out a secret exit or into a panic room.

      • And if the cops are the ones breaking down your door of what use is the panic room? Are they just going to leave because you built a hidey hole? If it has gotten to the point that cops are stacking up outside your door how do you think running and hiding is going to work out for you?

        • You are assuming they can find the panic room and doesn’t have a backdoor out. Likewise its a good place to call a lawyer and at least get a witness on your side. Cops won’t break into a legit panic room without quite a bit of time and it would be enough for legal counsel.

  32. Who the fuck conducts a “raid” on someone’s dwelling in plainclothes? Do they watch “The Shield” in preparation for their ops? This shit went out of style after the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. Hell, even those guys had uniforms because they knew that it would help. And of course it was a drug case. Because lives (that of police, suspects and bystanders) aren’t as important as making sure someone doesn’t flush a bag of dope.

    There is a place for non-uniformed police. That place is: observation. NOT conducting a search warrant. Whoever planned this clusterfuck shouldn’t be covered by qualified immunity.

    …assuming, of course, that the facts are what we are led to believe, which they might not be. But if they are not, perhaps some of the guys knocking down doors should have body cameras. I would think a judge would find it useful in proving a possession case, as well.

    • They may been “plainclothes” officers but it would extremely unlikely that they didn’t wear raid jackets/body armor with the word POLICE all over them. No one raids a house without some kind of identifying clothing.

      • I would like to believe that but I can’t take it as a given. Especially if there were only three officers as described in the story. Makes me wonder.

        In any case, even if we assume that they were wearing vests with “police” etc on it… that’s just not best practice either. And if you’re busting in someone’s home you should give them every opportunity to know that the guys coming in are police and no opportunity to claim otherwise in court.

        Reminds me of this scene:

  33. I live in Louisville…. it’s my hometown….. it’s always been known Louisville police DO NOT PLAY…. THEY WILL KILL YOU…. WITHOUT HESITATION….
    They were greeted by gunfire….. so they returned gunfire….. simple….
    You don’t wanna get shot, don’t hang around with wanted criminals….

    • “You don’t wanna get shot, don’t hang around with wanted criminals….”

      And don’t hang out at home alone either, because the cops will kill you there, too. Even if it is the wrong address. Because after all, what’s the point in rolling on someone if you have to actually know where you’re going and you don’t get to shoot everyone when you get there.

      That would take all the fun out of being a cop.

    • How about if you do not want to get shot, do not be an innocent person, do not be home when cops raid the wrong address, fail to identify themselves and bust thru a door like home invading gang members in the middle of the night?

    • There is some irony to someone who adopts the posting name of George Washington being so casual about someone being killed by the government because they were in the company of someone who may or may not have been wanted.

  34. That little dog looks quite similar to mine. Pretty lucky the door didn’t hit him when it was breached.
    At 1:14 in the video as the stack of guys is moving in, you can see an officer in the background looking down to wear the dog had run to. Was the dog killed or injured?

    I checked a few articles but can’t find any mention of it one way or the other.

    • I think they shot the dog because he made a furtive movement and they were in fear of their lives. Or some other cop bvllsh!t.

  35. Just another reason why all drugs should be legal..This will happen
    again, somewhere with obsolete certainty..

    • Making drugs legal will never solve the crime problem. That is a Libertarian Utopian fantasy. What solves a crime problem is shooting criminals. Or having a neighborhood where every household has guns. Lots of guns.

      • Having a neighborhood with guns will never ‘solve’ the crime problem either. There is nothing that will solve crime, just steps. Armed self-defense is one. It’s also worth questioning whether one should conduct a no-knock raid on a house to try and get drug evidence.

        Many departments are moving away from that sort of thing for good reason.

      • Chris, very true, however, I never suggested it would.

        It would bankrupt the drug cartels and wasteful spending
        on crime fighting.

  36. This is the kind of thing that kills, just murders, public trust.

    “BuT nO OnE nEeDs aN mIliTaRy StYlE aSSaUlT riFle”.

    Fuck that. Cops or not, pull that shit in my house and you’re gonna get a fucking downpour of rifle fire that doesn’t stop until I’m incapacitated or ALL of you are.

    “BuT ThEy jUsT gOt dA wRoNG aDdrEsS! An hOnEsT mIstAke!”

    Yeah, well I just honestly mistook them for criminal scum and mistakenly punched a fuckton of extra holes in them and then mistakenly waited for them to bleed out before calling their buddies while my dogs mistakenly chewed on their throats.

    If they’re dumb/criminal enough to do something like this the only real question in my mind is if we’re justified in offing their kids. Ya know, to “stop the spread” of fucking retardation.

  37. Some local sheriff’s office got a Swatting call reporting dead bodies on the floor of a residence. The department surrounded the house, and waited for sun up. Then they called. On the phone. And explained the situation. The folks got up, got dressed, and went outside to meet the deputies. They waited while the deputies searched the house. No bodies, no blood, no evidence of trouble. The deputies apologized. The wife made them coffee. No damage, no injuries, no deaths, no lawsuits. THAT is how a raid should be run! Unless there’s a hostage, no-knocks should be off the table. I don’t give a crap about the “destroyed evidence”. The government has endless time, money and manpower to make a case. If they can’t do it without a no-knock, they need to find another line of work.

  38. For all the attention given the warrant(s), do the cops get a pass for killing a woman who posed no imminent threat of death or grievous bodily injury? Does a bulletproof, honest, valid raid warrant authorize shooting an unarmed, non-threatening person? Was the shooting of the woman justified under “might”, “maybe”, “coulda”, “possibly”, “potentially” be a threat at some point?

    • Go watch the music video for Lindy No Knock Raid.

      I’m not a big fan of the song, or overly political music in general, but the video is all body cam footage from no-knocks gone wrong.

      Guy making a sandwich *splat*. Cops, “highly trained” SWAT literally jumping sideways over other cops to blindly fire down a hallway because the cop at the back of the stack had to get some. Dogs blasted for no reason. Mostly wrong addresses the rest are “CI” raids. Kids, little kids, not just muzzle swept (that too) but aggressively treated like terrorists in their own home because they “might be a threat”. A mayor and his wife, hit because “the CI gave us the wrong address”. Every person shot did nothing wrong. Zero, zip, nada. With the kids Pa had a gram or two of wacky tobaccy.

      So, no.

    • Because the guy fired 1st they will absolutely get a pass even if the address error was their own. Once fired upon lethal force was permitted and, in the dark, they had no way to know it was not her that fired the original shot(s). Bottom line is yes, rightly or wrongly, they’ll walk with a possible reprimand for going to the wrong address. Homeowners need to train to ensure they are capable of taking out all of the intruders in just seconds. If there’s no one left alive to shoot back, problem solved.

      Truly sad that law abiding homeowners must train to protect themselves from police but that’s where we are folks.

  39. Can somebody publish the names and addresses of the perpetrators ( the fake cops ). I believe it would be ok to just bust down their doors at 12 :30 a.m. all on the same day. Not enter but just leave the door busted so they can enjoy the same experience the rest of us get to enjoy. LOL

  40. Harden your home, create more delay, add protection to give you an area of cover, use cameras, alarms, a dog you wont mind sacrificing as it alerts you and adds delay, give yourself an advantage to possibly survive these incursions that are based on shit intel and poor oversight, and defend your house from illegal entry. until they figure out these are bad TTPs, and the price aint right anymore. How many veterans need to die this way, because they react to this as intruders, or kids with flashbangs thrown in their rooms, and everyone looks the other way? No knock warrants, and over militarized raids without a matching threat get people killed plain and simple.

    I say this as someone who has kicked a few doors in, in quite inhospitable environments, and has worked various areas of intel.

    Some of America’s top criminals have been arrested in broad daylight, politely and professional in public scenes. Unlike Roger Stone that had a 29 agent team sent to his house at o’dark thirty for lying to congress. Where is the judicial oversight? Where is the proportionality?

    Or, better yet Sibel Edmonds, FBI linguist that uncovered massive corruption in FBI terrorism cases, and in congress, please read how they raided her. Or other whistleblowers like William Binney, or Thomas Drake of the NSA. These raids are a cancer on the local, state and federal level law enforcement. But dont worry the tax payers will pay dearly for their screwups and over zealousness.

    Unless it is exigent circumstances this crap needs to be halted by federal law. Along with “meal team six” getting equipment such as MRAPs to use on bar patrons.

    I hope former Seattle Officer and Ranger Anderson gets a job offer from one of the many constitutional Sheriff’s department in a red state where he can live, work and raise his family.

  41. this raids for drugs nonsense needs to stop.

    ring the bell. if they flush all the drugs, good. the drugs are gone.

  42. I live just outside of Louisville and this was/is a tragedy. Not sure if anyone else mentioned this in the comments but there is no police video as the SWAT or whoever they are do not require them to use video as all other officers in Louisville are “somewhat” required to do so. They found nothing. No drugs, no guns.

  43. They need to tried and if found guilty, hanged within 30 days. Good cops are going to suffer for cops that want to be Storm Troopers!

  44. Now that I know a little more about this case, I realize how horribly these pigs fkd up….
    This has to stop…… unless it’s a violent felon, THIS HAS TO STOP!!!
    When pigs have this much power, they forget who pays their GD salary….
    I live in Louisville and I’ll tell you right now, when it comes to officer involved shootings, these pigs have itchy trigger fingers..

  45. Couple thoughts. Most folks who can, will defend their ‘castle’ against unknown intruders breaking down the door. So the po po got what they deserved when they took fire. Until such time as “public servants” and I use the term here loosely, until those folks begin suffering personal consequences in the form of lawsuits against them individually, loss of jobs/pay/retirement and the like this will continue. Who ordered this cluster f*ck in the first place. That is who is responsible ultimately. That person and the tactical team leader who failed to do proper intel and at least make sure they were at the correct house. This is an ambulance-chasers dream. Sadly the folks in Louisville will pay bigtime for the mistakes of their ‘public servants’.

  46. Alcohol is a legal drug. But police raids on the production of alcohol continue to this day. And people are shot and killed. Because it’s not about the alcohol. It’s about the taxes. The government wants its cut.

    Legalizing marijuana has not stopped anyone from being arrested for marijuana, in states where it’s been legalized. It is a big lie that’s been perpetrated by the legalization crowd.

    The guy who was choked out by the NYC cops was not paying the cigarette tax. That is why the mayor ordered his arrest. And anyone else who was not paying the city tobacco tax.

  47. “three plainclothes cops in unmarked cars raided the wrong address looking for a suspect who was already in custody. ” If this is the case then these men need a speedy trial and a long sentences being the whole cell block’s bitches, imo.

  48. These pigs are gonna get off. The man who tried to defend himself will serve 25 to life for attempted homicide, and Louisville is going to BURN.

  49. I never heard of a no knock warrant! Too bad the guy only winged the dumbass in the leg. I’m all about law and order, just not Gestapo tactics! Everyone of the bastards in the group should be fired and jailed for murder! True justice works both ways!

  50. I wonder as to the following. EXACTLY what are the QUALIFICATIONS for this thing called QUALIFIED IMMUNITY?

    • “I wonder as to the following. EXACTLY what are the QUALIFICATIONS for this thing called QUALIFIED IMMUNITY?”

      Be a cop. Do stuff in good faith. Have good intentions. Do harm to someone in good faith, and with good intentions.

  51. First I love the men and women in Blue, but they aren’t nothing like the Cops when I was growing up and I can’t blame them for that because this World isn’t nothing like it was when I was growing up. The cops these days seem really Wimpy and I can’t say all of them because I have several Cop Buddies, but it’s true, they are Skid-ash they start Shaking as soon as they pull their weapon and are ready to shoot before thinking because they are Scared and think they need to shoot before they are Shot. They need to have better Training for them and have better Screening when they apply for a Cop Job and weed out the ones that have that Wimpy temperament.

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