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Marine roughed-up and robbed by five assailants (courtesy

“He is a disabled veteran from the Marines,” Philadelphia PoliceĀ Chief Inspector Scott SmallĀ told “He’s bed-ridden. He stated just before midnight there was a knock on his door. He believed it was his neighbor when he buzzed the person in. It was five to six males who rushed him, punched him, struck him in the face several times, made him lay on his stomach and put a gun to his head . . . The entire apartment was ransacked. They searched everywhere in order to steal his jewelry, his money and even his medication.” This sad tale reminds us to maintain situational awareness and home carry. It also makes us wonder when a New York resident—abiding by the seven-round limit imposed by the SAFE Act—will lose his or her life when they run out of bullets during a defensive gun use. Elections have consequences? And how.

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  1. Every time I read news about the despicable things that humans are capable of doing to one another it reminds me why it’s important to carry.

    And home carry.

  2. Its a self fulfilling prophecy for the antis.

    The antis claim that guns are ineffective tools for self defense due to the threat of a scumbag disarming the citizen.So the antis pass laws mandating sub 10 round capacity.Bad guys then attack a citizen,who is overcome because he ran out of bullets.The antis then use the case to argue firearms are useless for personal defense,so why “allow” their legal use?

  3. Just a little confused on the relevance to NY’s 7 round limit. This took place in PA and he didn’t seem to use his PDW.

    • Cuz if he did shoot at 6 guys it would have been hard to kill them all before running out of 7 bullets. And I bet if the bad guy had a pistol it wouldn’t have only 7! And this is a comparison if that stupid law spreads as most stupid laws do…

  4. If it was just before midnight, he should have asked who was there before he opened the door. He learned a lesson and is lucky to be alive after this. He must have forgotten he was back in Philly and he’s not as safe as he was in the middle east war zone.

  5. This is clearly a bad scenario. I think RF’s take home point is that a pistol holding 7 rounds would be insufficient in a situation such as this. A two-round double barrel twelve gauge would still leave multiple opponents, and a 7 round shotgun would not leave room for a single miss. Against 7 attackers, I’d choose an AR with 30 round mags and as many spare mags as I could carry, with a 15 round .40 cal on my hip. Or, the 15 round .40 to fight my way to the AR. At any rate, 7 handgun rounds would likely be thoroughly inadequate, and in a surprise situation you may not have time to reach for extra mags. Hence the NY SAFE Act sucks.

    This is an answer to the question “Why would anyone need more than 7 rounds to defend themselves?”. Because you might have 7 attackers, that’s why.

    • I am willing to guess that, in the case or the multiple home invaders, and said seven-round shotgun was fired, invaders two through six are not going to wait around for rounds two through seven.

  6. This story is a sad reminder of why I decided to get my CCL. Having lived in a city that at least one home invasion a day, it’s only a matter of time the same thing could happen to my family. It will not happen now and I’m lucky to live in a state that hasn’t passed limiting gun regulations. Next election, I will be asking alot more questions of the policies of the persons running.
    My prayers go out to this victim and his family. It is my hope that we are more selective on the next election dates. I will stand up and be counted.

      • This may be true, nothing is totally guaranteed. But we have access to their past voting records in the senate, the house and the local issues. The internet affords us this privilege. Do your research and hopefully it will pay off in the long run. As part of the silent, silent no longer.

  7. I would say if you live in a 7 round limit area , get extra guns/pistols/shotgun (pump), and i am not saying to break the law, but i would get a large cap. mag. and have a way ahead of time to hide it if you had to use it. The number one rule i learned in combat there is no such thing as rules but stay alive! rule 1 and only!!!!!!!!

    • What do you mean not break the law? As soon as you put round 8 in that high cap mag you just broke the law. I guarantee if you checked the drug dealers/gangs/mafia people in NY all of them have more than 7 in unless they have a 1911(even then they probably have 8 round mags)

  8. Dear Gods, please tell me why you limited the intelligence of the smartest legislators, while placing no limits on stupidity of the dumbest?

  9. most human beings will risk jail to defend themselves or their family. Id like to meet the 12 people who will convict.

  10. Seven shots? A cop faced with one hobo on bath salts knows that ain’t enough.

    Our township just west of Philadelphia has very low crime, but a pattern of change is apparent, guys coming out from the city committing robberies of occupied dwellings or stores. This is high risk to the perps, because we have a ton of cops per capita, 139 for a township of 27,000. One HI happened last week. I was proud of the homeowners: They both fired shots at the intruders, who fled to the city in an SUV chased by our local PD. If it adds interest, it occurred one block from Kobe’s suburban Philadelphia house: The city has too many ‘dead-enders,’ to borrow a phrase from W, used in regard to Iraq. The poor Marine in the story shows the result.

  11. Like another posters said…don’t just think it’s your neighbor and buzz them in. The invaders could have had thousands of guns but if they can’t get inside, then……….
    So, no gun was used against him. He could have shot at them and took out 2-3 of them and the others would likely have fled. But let’s suppose they DO have guns. I have a 19 round clip. I fire off 3 quick shots, instantly killing 3 of them but BANG, BANG!!…thugs 4-7 all shoot at once killing me. If you have the time to shoot 10-19 times at 7 armed thugs all grouped together against you , then you should have time to reload. It only takes 1/100th of a second to get shot and killed. Absurd! Yes, rather…but it is also absurd to believe you can sit there calmly shooting 19 times. Now, 21 thugs invade your home…now a 19 round magazine isn’t enough!

  12. But the antis have been telling me for months that a.) home invasions never(some will admit rarely) occur in an occupied residence b.) If a pig flies over a blue moon, it will only be one home invader c.) If the impossible happens and a home invader enters your home while you are there, they most assuredly wont be armed d.) Home invasions never occur with more than one perpetrator. Four strikes. They’re out.

  13. A person would have to either be insane or the biggest cowardly loser to only have seven rounds in their firearms that are in their own home.

  14. If he fired one shot, maybe 2 they would of back tracked. However, perfect reason for a shotgun for home defense and buck shot. I like that Mossberg Persuader that holds 8+1.

    • Have one. Added +5 receiver mounted shell holder and +4 stock mounted shell holder. Shells varying from buck shot to 3″ slugs. Stops anything from intruders to the vehicle they may be riding in. When the vagrant started banging on the picture window demanding money. Mamma pulled it out and made sure he could see what she had. There were no more banging on the window. No more demands. He left with his life, never to return. Crisis over. All the walls and windows still intact.

  15. That is why you have more that one gun , and a way to trash the high cap. mag…and if in 7 round mag area , move soon, and till than drive to a free state a get a high cap. mag…if you had two to four seven round mags,to show police how they going to prove anything……..

  16. I also want to add GET A GOOD KATANA sword ,, many a good Marines died due to this sword in WW2, it’s razor sharp and heads will roll ,,, No kidding a very fearsome weapon ! this is a Japan reload.. DEADLY.

  17. Just look at the video in England AFTER the stabbing assault. People COWERDING as opposed to assisting. Even if ONE person was carrying, this scene can be different. England laid down, nothing more, nothing less. Sad,Sad,Sad.

  18. We are creatures of habit and experience; as well, we are too often able to fall into patterns of behavior that make us targets. Not just “sheep”– all of us. I have no idea how the title came to be about the 7-round issue when tied to a situational awareness topic; mixing the two does not clarify. And when it gets right down to it, sometimes despite all “our” preparedness, practice, color codes and equipment, stuff happens. That happens everywhere, everyday.

  19. Inside job. His neighbor just happened to call to say he’s coming over and before he could get there, 5 thugs knocked on the guys door? Self defense tip: Don’t make friends with bad neighbors.

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