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According to the editorial poo-bahs at, Oklahomans frustrated by the state’s failure to meet its legal obligation to issue or deny a concealed carry permit within 60 days should STFU. They “should be the first to realize that with gun privileges, getting it right is more important than getting it quickly.” Really? Let’s say you’re not a “gun person.” Your soon-to-be ex-husband goes off the rails. You’ve taken out a restraining order but you want to exercise your right to keep and bear arms with a concealed firearm RIGHT NOW . . .

In Oklahoma, you have to take an eight-hour class, fill out the paperwork (including a passport photo taken within thirty days and a fingerprint card from your local sheriff) and pony-up $100. Oh, and if you’re getting therapy to deal with the sitch, you have to get your doc to submit a OSBI Mental Health Form. And then . . .

You have to wait for Sooner State bureaucrats to perform their statutory obligation. At the moment, that requires an average of 94 days. The legal requirement is 60.

Thanks to the surge in concealed carry permit applications, the situation is well out of control throughout the United States. One of our Rhode Island readers waited eight months for his Providence Concealed Carry Permit.

The Massachusetts Firearms Records Bureau is taking so long to process out-of-state renewals for a License to Carry (LTC) they’re telling applicants to reapply after six months; six months into a one-year license.

Under Maine law, the Maine Department of Public Safety must give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to Pine State residents applying for a concealed weapons permit within 30 days. Current wait time? Three months.

A Nevada concealed carry permit holder had to wait 72 days for his renewal. Americans who want an NFA (National Firearms Act) tax stamp that allows them to own and use a suppressor (in those states where it’s legal) are looking at a seven-month delay.

And so on. I could rant about the inefficiency of our government. Or the hypocrisy of requiring citizens to dot every I and cross every T in their concealed carry permits when the people processing the forms are violating their legal obligation to process those forms within a specified time frame.

I could also point out the deterrent effect that all this snail-like paper-shuffling has on the most disadvantaged members of our society who seek to exercise their Second Amendment protected right, for whom the application process represents a significant financial and, let’s face it, intellectual burden.

Instead, I want to highlight a simple fact: people are being beat-up, raped and killed because of gun control measures which do nothing—NOTHING—to prevent criminals from acquiring firearms. In fact, the security theater that are our gun control laws leave law-abiding citizens who have the most pressing need to arm themselves for self-defense defenseless.

Do I really need to do the gun control anecdotal/emotional thing to “prove” the danger? Isn’t it just common sense? When someone needs a gun to protect themselves, time is of the essence. How many times do you think cops have advised victims of crime who (rightly) fear another attack to get a gun? Did they say “you know, three months from now” (and, in some states, wait seven days after purchase)?

Oh what the hell. Check these from

New York. In 1983, Igor Hutorsky was murdered by two burglars who broke into his Brooklyn furniture store. The tragedy is that some time before the murder his business partner had applied for permission to keep a handgun at the store. Even four months after the murder, the former partner had still not heard from the police about the status of his gun permit.

Colorado. Talk show host (Alan Berg) was gunned down in 1984 after being denied a concealed carry permit.

Wisconsin. In 1991, Bonnie Elmasri inquired about getting a gun to protect herself from a husband who had repeatedly threatened to kill her. She was told there was a 48 hour waiting period to buy a handgun. But unfortunately, Bonnie was never able to pick up a gun. She and her two sons were killed the next day by an abusive husband of whom the police were well aware.

Los Angeles. USA Today reported that many of the people rushing to gun stores during the 1992 riots were “lifelong gun-control advocates, running to buy an item they thought they’d never need.” Ironically, they were outraged to discover they had to wait 15 days to buy a gun for self-defense.

Gun control laws are nothing short of a farce. The government’s growing delay in granting concealed carry permits is nothing short of a scandal.

It’s bad enough that a law-abiding citizen can’t walk into a gun store, show his or her license, go through an instant background check and walk out the door with a firearm. But to make U.S. citizens jump through hoops to exercise their Constitutional right to armed self-defense is criminal.

Well it should be.

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  1. This is why I like Minnesota’s permitting process. If the sherriff has not issued a permit or a denial within 30 days, the permit is deemed issued. While I don’t necessarily agree that the permit process is necessary (CDNOL), it is nice that my state legislators saw fit to prevent backdoor denials.

    • I like this idea. All the person would need to do if government was backed up, is to simply keep a copy of his or her application with them dated of course.
      This keeps the government and citizen honest. No harm no foul with that.

  2. On the flip side of the coin we should also give credit to those agencies who are doing it right. In Lancaster County, Pa. you walk into the sheriff’s office and 15 – 20 minutes later you walk out with your License to Carry Firearms.

    When I bought my Glock 26 here in Lancaster County it was the same, 15 minutes after I walked into Enck’s Gun Barn, I walked out with my handgun.

    • Exactly how it works in neighboring Berks County too. Twenty minutes? Must’ve been around lunch time. Tell ’em to speed it up a little. 😉

      Considering how corrupt Pennsylvania is politically, I am at a loss to explain why they have such reasonable laws for carrying firearms.

    • usually when you already have a ccw service is alot quicker when buying a gun I guess they figure we already paid our dues so why prolong the pain any longer

    • The “requirement” to ask for permission, regardless of how quickly permission is granted, is contrary to liberty.

    • It ain’t 20 minutes, but I hear turnaround times here have been in the 1-2 week range. Mine took about a month, issued in April of last year.

  3. “But to make U.S. citizens jump through hoops to exercise their Constitutional right to armed self-defense is criminal.”

    True, but it the predictable result when public authorities are forced to recognize rights the citizen has . I’ll never forget the look of pure contempt I got from the clerk at my local sherrif’s office in South Dakota when I filled out my LTC permit. The law here is that if the applicant passes an instant background check and hands over $10, they get a Permit to Carry on the spot. Your receipt acts as the temporary LTC until the nice laminated one from the Secretary of State gets in your mailbox 14 days later.

    I wondered why that civilian Sheriff’s clerk was so visibly pissed at having to process an LTC for me, and then I joined this site.

  4. I live in Illinois, where carrying is illegal, and even carrying in your own home or business is a gray area. The only people I’ve ever seen carrying openly in a place of business are gun store workers.

  5. If they do not give you a yea or nay in the time allotted. Ask for their name and badge number and pass it to your lawyer. Let the lawyer fight the battle.

  6. The fact that his reprehensible serf believes gun rights are “privileges” tells us all we need to know about him. Maybe newsok should be more choosy about who they let practice their 1st Amendment “privileges” in their name.

  7. I recently obtained nonresident permits in New Hampshire and Nevada. It took about 17 days mailbox-to-mailbox to get my New Hampshire permit. In Nevada, the circular warned me to allow up to 120 days for the permit to be issued, but I was told that I could call the LVMPD for status after ten weeks. However, the permit arrived 7 1/2 weeks after I submitted my application. Several years ago when I obtained my Florida license, I mailed in my paperwork on a Monday and received my license the following Monday.

    I was told by people who should know that the biggest delay in some states is with the feds. I’m the only person in the country with my name, so processing me isn’t terribly difficult. If your name is John Smith, you might have to wait a bit for your FBI clearance.

    • As someone about to get their first CCW permit and having a weird last name, I’m kind of glad to read that.

  8. “It’s bad enough that a law-abiding citizen can’t walk into a gun store, show his or her license, go through an instant background check and walk out the door with a firearm.”

    It’s bad enough that a law-abiding citizen can’t walk into a gun store, plop down his money, and walk out the door with a firearm.


  9. In 2010, AZ passed a law that stated that, in essence, concealed carry is legal without a permit. Without hard research, my understanding is that the crime rate has dropped since then (due to many factors). Maybe one of the respected authors of TTAG (far more articulate than I)could look into it. There’s all this reporting about the horrors of gun control legislation, how about an honest assessment of a government body that truly upholds it’s constitutional obligation:

    The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the state shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain, or employ an armed body of men. AZ Constitution, Article 2 Section 26

  10. How about we toss that speedy trial requirement out too, after we have plenty of time. And while we are at it let’s have a nice long waiting period for releasing news stories so we don’t accidentally accuse James Holmes of CO, Tea Party member, of being a mass murderer.

    If taken to conclusion you could be waiting years for a permit.

  11. The standard for getting a CCW in LA (City or County) is an imminent risk of physical harm (that cannot be dealt with by the police). For most a hard standard to meet, since the LAPD and LASO interpret it to mean that you are being actively stalked and the BG can’t be thrown in the slammer. Fortunately, the law allows people to carry firearms when faced with an “imminent threat of physical harm.” Having a TRO against an ex who is threatening to kill you would probably suffice to defend against a claim of unlawful carrying of a concealed weapon, especially if you end up using the firearm in self defense from said ex. This works fine unless you don’t own a gun. 15 day wait in LA? Hmm, the state law is only 10. Still, an unsurmountable hurdle if you don’t own already. Never have figured out why they apply it to subsequent purchases-if I already own a firearm, what good will a cooling off period do?

  12. a better way to resolve this and deal with the antis is to borrow their tactics. Namely, send letters to legislators with names and stories about consitutents hurt, murdered, raped, assaulted b/c they couldn’t get their permit in time. Indicate that this info is being shared with their potential challengers and the media to demonstrate that apparently, they are callous and indifferent to the plight of the disadvantaged. Just like the NRA and SAF us using women, older citizens and people of color as plaintiffs to discredit traditional control advocates, we should do the same.

    I used this once to regarding a guy in a military prison who was convicted of raping and murdering a friend who would not date him. I sent a letter to every member of congress who had anything to do with the military and included an inch thick stack of articles and pictures of the victim. I made it known I was going to let anyone challenging them for office know that if they didn’t do something to make sure the bastard stayed in prison (there is a quirk in military law such that he was “eligible” for parole after only a few years), that they apparently were supportive of rapists and murdered. I probably mailed the info to 1/3 of congress (house and senate). Surprisingly, I got a lot of responses, and the victim’s family let me know that they put my materials in the dickhead’s file for use during his yearly parole hearing. They indicated the army said he was going to stay in for life.

  13. Seems like we’re walking on the knife’s edge on this. On one hand, the right to keep and bear arms and our right to self defense are absolute in my mind. On the other hand, there are US citizens that we all agree shouldn’t be allowed to have a butter knife, much less a gun.

    If we swing the doors of the gun shop open to anyone with a US birth certificate without any regulation, we’re arming drug dealers, violent people, and prisoners making a beeline from prison to buy a gun to kill the cop that sent him there.

    What is clear to me is that law abiding people have a right to protect themselves, with deadly force if necessary. But I also don’t want criminals and violent people having any access to a gun they could use on me while I’m in line at Dunkin Doughnuts. Keeping guns out of the hands criminals won’t succeed at the gun store counter alone, but it does catch some of them. I seem to remember reading somewhere that the numbers are actually in the thousands every year. Either way, my point is, when I walk into a gun store to buy a gun, I think it’s reasonable that some kind of check is performed. I just view it as one of the things that I have to suffer if I want to be a part of a safer society.

    • What you’re advocating is using the guns of government to enforce what you consider to be reasonable restrictions of your rights onto everyone.

      • No, not at all. What I’m saying is it’s not as simple as “We should let anyone buy a gun anytime, anywhere”.

        Gangsta gets busted, gets his gun taken away, bails out, and can go straight to any gun store to buy a gun he intends to use to kill the girlfriend of one of his homies he thinks snitched him out. He should be forced to buy on the black market. (You didn’t think he wasn’t going to get a gun somehow did you?)

        I’ll be the first to admit, I would have sold James Holmes the guns he used to massacre all those people in CO. No check would have uncovered his nefarious intent. I don’t want any new laws that would be nothing more than a fallacy anyway. But I also don’t want criminals having easy access to guns as close as the nearest gun shop. I can’t support the precept that a gangbanger can get busted, have the gun he used confiscated, bail out and head right to a gun store to pick up another weapon. Yes, I know he’s going to get a gun anyway, but don’t you think it’s somewhat insane to place no impediments in front of him? Why make it completely effortless?

        • Let me add this as well, there are some people, law abiding, honest people to be more specific, that I don’t think should have a gun. George Zimmerman comes to mind. A wannabe crime fighter who couldn’t get a badge but could get a gun. While I do believe Zimmerman legitimately used his gun in self defense, I have expressed my reservations about yahoos with guns, ready to run into the 7/11 to stop a robbery they happened to spot while parking. Those guys are out there and they scare the Hell out of me.

          The other group that I have concerns about are stupid people. I’ll be the first to support the fact that even stupid people have a right to protect themselves, but I also know stupid people invariably make stupid decisions. Stupidity + gun doesn’t make me feel safer in public. I’m not calling for any IQ tests before you can own a gun, but I would rather stupid people didn’t have access to guns. I’m just sayin.

        • buddhakat. my idea of reasonable gun control is age limits on purchase. instant background check for criminal record or history of mental illness. if you jump through those hoops you should be able to buy and carry your firearm without further hindrance. no gun zones should be limited to government buildings.

        • “Impediments” against criminals are also impediments against law-abiders. I think it’s insane to place impediments in front of law-abiders out of fear that a small portion of the population will act criminally.

        • BuddhaKat, there are hundreds of millions of guns in this country. Most of them are unregistered. Many of them have moved around through private sales, so the ATF form at the gun shop isn’t even much any more. Why would a criminal go to an FFL dealer?

          And if you try to ban private sales, what makes you think that such a law would work? We can’t stop people from buying all manner of contraband right now.

          The only reason that I don’t get too worked up about requiring a license to carry is that my having that license lets the police know that I’m O.K. It serves no other purpose, especially since criminals carry without asking permission. That license ought to be free or come at a nominal fee, and it should be issued on the day of my application–just like a driver’s license.

          • Greg,

            I’m not advocating banning gun sales in any way. My only desire is to ban criminals from buying guns. That requires a check.

            I also don’t support registering guns. None of mine are. I think the government’s only involvement should be to validate that a person is allowed to be in possession of a gun. Once cleared, that person should be able to buy as many guns as they want. Beyond that, there’s already enough laws on the books to deal with criminal conduct with a gun. I support enforcing them, with extreme prejudice if necessary.

        • @jwm – I’d limit that that government buildings with legitimate security concerns, and which have active security measures (metal detectors and armed guards), like courthouses. Why shouldn’t a law abiding citizen be able to carry while dropping off a zoning application at the town planning office?

        • The George Zimmerman case was yet another example of the media creating hysteria with no facts to back it up. Have you notice as more and more info gets released we hear less and less about it from the media (like pictures supporting his story about getting beat up when the media tried to make us believe that he shot an innocent little kid who was going to the store to buy candy for his siblings)? That’s because it went from a guy picking on a poor defenseless black kid to someone defending themselves with a handgun against a hoodlum . The media doesn’t cover those stories so it got dropped, can’t rile the public up with that.

  14. Wow, when I got mine in PA 6 months or so ago it took one day… from sheriff’s office to my mailbox 🙂 of course it goes by county though.. mine being Schuylkill which is pretty laid back

    • anon, you make a valid point. hadn’t thought about that. need a way to sort out the high from low security areas.

  15. Hello,

    I haven’t gotten my ccw yet because I haven’t been able to pay for all of the fee’s for classes and such. It has me very annoyed, so what do we do about this garbage?????

    WELL!!! WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO??? DON’T VOTE FOR THE GUN GRABBERS OR ANTI-GUNS PEOPLE!!! Petition to have the current politicization’s who are not doing their jobs to leave office and get people that will do the jobs… I think we should STOP voting in lawyers and medium to large business owners… I thought this was a country for the people by the people, yet we allow those who are so far removed from the people that we have allowed ourselves to become peasants, surfs, and SLAVES!!!! The founding fathers knew that this might happen that is why they wrote the constitution the way they did. To help the people of the lands armed to have a good chance to over through a corrupt oppressive government. Yet here we are, sitting on our fat lazy asses bitching and not doing anything about it… I for one am sick of having my rights trampled by loud mouth like Frances Willard was about alcohol in the 1920’s, we see that prohibition worked so well… How many normal people became criminals and/or where killed or imprisoned because of someones bright idea. I’m sorry churches should keep the hell out of this also, only preach within there own halls and not try cramming down my through there views of the evil guns and the evil people who own guns. I’m completely fed up with this BS…. Let stop wining, sniveling, crying, and peeing ourselves and do something about it: We Have to GET RID of the POLITICIANS that are just pumping us dry of out lives, money, rights, and our guns… The constitution says we have rights yet the government lets us only have privileges… Can’t take a right away but a privileged can be taken away very easily… But that’s only my heated opinion and I will vote for myself instead of the idiots that are our sheriff’s, mayors, governor’s, senators, representatives, Judges, and president… It’s the only safe, legal way to get rid of them… Or we can follow the outline that the founding fathers left us on how to get rid of oppressors…

    • Those who make the laws are exempt from their effects. See “Congress exempts self from Obamacare provisions”.

    • “When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” Edmund Burke It’s time to stick our middle fingers up and say “FUCK OFF” and on a massive scale stop following their bullshit legislation.

  16. On an unrelated note, the federal government will be highly efficient with healthcare. (note massive sarcasm)

  17. When I applied for my permit here in GA they gave me an APOLOGY when it took 3 weeks for my application to be approved. You mean it isnt this way everywhere?

    • I had my GA permit in 21 days that spanned Christmas and New Year’s. But that was back during the rush after Obama was elected.

    • Well, it took a bit longer than than in CT, but the civilian woman at the local P.D. was really nice and apologetic. It’s a small department, and apparently they’ve been swamped with applications for the last couple of years. Everyone involved was quite nice, no dirty looks or stupid questions. In theory CT is “may issue” but in practice, at least in the nice areas, it is presumptively “shall issue”. Of course, in CT you can’t even buy a pistol without having a carry permit, but once you have it there’s no waiting period for pistols or longuns.

  18. NC used to have a 90 day threshold for concealed handgun permits (CHP), but that changed last December 1st. The limit is now 45 days, but it is possible for the process to take much more than the old 90 day limit due to poorly crafted (or maliciously crafted) statutory language. The new 45 day clock does not start until all paperwork has been received by the Sheriff’s office and some of that paperwork is NOT under the control of the applicant. Mental health records checks now required and are requested by the Sheriff, processed by the regional hospitals and sent back, delaying the start of the permitting process. Personally, my CHP was issued after 67 days under the 45 day statute.

  19. {Quote}wm says:
    August 1, 2012 at 14:29

    buddhakat. my idea of reasonable gun control is age limits on purchase. instant background check for criminal record or history of mental illness. if you jump through those hoops you should be able to buy and carry your firearm without further hindrance. no gun zones should be limited to government buildings.{Quote}

    I pretty much agree with everything you said, except about carrying in government buildings. Post offices are a notoriously dangerous places.

    {Quote}Henry Bowman says:
    August 1, 2012 at 14:37

    “Impediments” against criminals are also impediments against law-abiders. I think it’s insane to place impediments in front of law-abiders out of fear that a small portion of the population will act criminally.{Unquote}

    I don’t like impediments anymore than you do, but I also don’t like criminals with easy, unencumbered access to any kind of weapon. That small portion of society is violent, murderous, and sometimes insane. There are only a limited amount of options to handle criminals; Keep em in prison, rehab (ROTFLMAO), constant monitoring, or a well armed public. I’m doing my part for the well armed public, but the rest is quite frankly impractical for numerous reasons.

    I’m not giving up a liberty if I have no restrictions on me to own and carry a gun. I do consider it a bit of an inconvenience to go through the course for the CCW, the background check, and the fees, but none of these are going to prevent me from getting my permit. Fortunately, we’re a “Shall Issue” state, with the rider that if the Sheriff doesn’t issue within the allotted time, the permit must be issued.

    We used to be able to carry loaded guns on planes. I don’t think it’s such a good idea any more. We used to live in a society that didn’t have a lot of violence. We don’t any more. Good guys (like us) should carry in public. Bad guys shouldn’t. Since I can’t do anything to change the violence in society as a whole, I am on board with doing something. Since there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, I don’t think it’s unreasonable that I endure a little bit of an inconvenience if it helps keep a gun out of the hands of someone who wants to use it for a criminal purpose. Remember, it’s the criminals that are willing to murder people. There’s not much we can do to stop someone that’s hell-bent on murder, but something is better than nothing. At minimum, I’m a member of my community. I might be more of a solution than my un-armed next door neighbor, but I think it’s reasonable to do at least the minimum that everyone else must do.

    • Your arguement is illogical. You admit that a well armed public is the most practical method of handling criminals but then advocate impediments to arming law-abiding folks. Additionally, while you personally may not value the liberty lost due to such restrictions, not everyone agrees with that. Personally, I’d rather suffer the inconveniences afforded too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it (to paraphrase TJ).

      • No, I’m advocating a check to keep people who aren’t supposed to have a gun from getting one. Here in Reno, if I want to buy a gun all I have to do is go into the gun store and get it. The check takes a couple of minutes. In and out in a jiffy. I think that’s the way it ought to be everywhere.

        There is no liberty lost if you end up with the gun. If it takes a few extra minutes to make sure I’m legal I’m fine with it. Ten or fifteen day waiting periods are an impediment without a valid reason. They were intentionally enacted to delay gun ownership for as long as possible. If the time was needed for checks and to do whatever processing was necessary I could understand it, but that wasn’t the case then and it certainly isn’t the case now. It was BS and nothing short of government interference in our rights.

        A few minutes is all it SHOULD take. A few minutes isn’t too much to ask IMO.

        What I will say though is, I don’t think the government has any business knowing that I bought a gun. The only information I think they deserve is my name and enough relevant info to verify that I’m not prohibited from owning a gun. The gun shop should get a simple yes or no pertaining to whether the person can possess a gun. After that I should be able to buy the store out if I want.

        Oh, and while I’m certainly a member of the well armed public, I really, really prefer to not have to use my gun. A well armed public isn’t my first option to fight crime.

  20. Of course, you know what those bent on harming others have to do to carry a gun? NOTHING.

    Land of the Free, Home of the Brave! Hoo-rah!!

  21. NYS gives itself ample time to process handgun permits–a liesurely 6 months. The penal code states that if a yay or nay hasn’t been offered in that time that a written explanation for the delay shall be issued. Never happens. Mine took 7+ months. A visit to the issuing office after 6 months is rewarded with a shrug and finger pointing to a stack of apps. I’d like to know if anyone, anywhere in NYS has ever recieved the required notification of delay.

  22. Actually in Oklahoma you have 104 days. The sheriff has 14 days then they semd it to the state. State has 90 days. I got mine a couple of months ago and it took 97 days all together. Well worth it. As of November 1st ccw holders will be able open carry as well.

  23. There’s a week coming up where Pennsylvania’s PICS will be down for a week estimated time. During that time nobody in PA will be able to purchase a gun in a store or a handgun from anybody. That is, no law abiding citizens.

  24. In Washington, the issuing authority has 30 days to do their checks and if nothing comes up during that time, they must issue the CPL.

    Even with the increase in applications, I haven’t heard of any delays, and with the Second Amendment Foundation based out here I think there would have been some noise if Washington issuers started slipping on their legally mandated turn around times.

  25. I’m conflicted about this issue. I want the wacko’s to not be able to easily purchase a weapon, but I don’t want good citizens to have any impediment to purchasing a weapon. We all seem to be bouncing back and forth trying to create a legal environment that would accommodate both sides. I don’t think it can be done.

    The stumbling block seems to be the ability of government or even us to quickly sort out the No’s from the Yes’s. I have 67 years of very lawful life, 1 traffic ticket in my lifetime, 22 years military service, terrific credit, etc. Why should I ask anybody about my decision to purchase and carry a weapon? However, just down the hypothetical block is a guy who has been repeatedly arrested for violent crimes and his son who is 16 and a gang banger. His wife is an obvious mental case and prone to violence. Now, that family I want restricted from buying a gun. Doesn’t mean they won’t get one from theft or through a black market source but that happens with any restricted product. Any gun purchase or carry restrictions intended for that hypothetical family will cause me to jump through the same hoops. Is there an answer for this? I don’t think so.

    The drivers license comparison is invalid. Even the worst kind of felon can BUY a car, and most times get a license to drive it. Only vehicle related lawbreaking will keep him from getting a license. But he can still buy the car. He can have a rap sheet a mile long and as long as he has no dui’s or speeding violations and such he can buy and operate a vehicle legally.

    How about this one: You must file an income tax return and have voted at least once in the last 4 years. That would eliminate a ton of chaff. Along with a background check? See, how any restriction starts to leave a bad taste? I just don’t know the answer.

  26. The old Bluegrass State does not require a firearms permit to openly carry anything. I did get my CCDW license within 3 weeks of applying. Cost me 80 dollars for the class, 20 bucks to the sheriff, and 40 to the state police. It’s good for 5 years in which you just fill out some paperwork and give them another 60. The best part is that when you purchase a gun in KY you can just show your CCDW and skip the background check.

    • We have that here in NV now, but I didn’t make the cutoff date. I renewed my CCW a couple of months before the new process went into effect. Because of that I’d still have to do the normal background check until I renew my CCW again.

  27. I currently possess MA resident, UT, FL and NH permits. UT, FL, and NH took but a few weeks. My MA LTC-A, Unrestricted, took 177 days from the time that I made the appointment for the “interview”, 101 days from the day of my appointment and I actually filed the paperwork to when I had my permit in my possession. My Maine LTC is in process; I expect it before the end of September.

    MA statute requires that the applicant either be granted or denied a permit within 40 days of application. From all that I’ve read in various fora, hardly anyone in the Commonwealth is receiving their permit with statutory limitations. What to do, what to do?

    Currently, I’m in the process of pulling together the paperwork for LTC’s in AZ, RI and CT. When the stay is lifted in MD I’ll be applying there. I’m also looking into NJ and NY /NYC/Nassau/Westchester permits for no other reason than to prove a point and make a case. Hey kids, collect them all.

    Why am going through the bother and expense? Because I can, because it’s my right, because it kicks up the statistics and because it make hippies cry. And is there nectar so sweet as the tears of a hippy?

    Here’s a suggestion to all of the Armed Intelligentsia out across this great land of ours. Apply for as many permits in your region (AO) as you can and as your budget allows. Freak the hippies , the administration and the MSM out, overload the system, go on the offensive.

    Nothing ventured, nothing won. Go on the offensive, NOW.

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