The New York police have released excerpts from the two identical ricin-tinged letters sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns. “You’re not going to take my guns. You’ll have to kill me before you take my guns. If you take my guns, you should see what I’m going to do to you,” quoth “[I have a] constitutional and God given right and I will exercise that right til I die.” As Hizzoner has never met a bloody shirt he didn’t want to wave, it’s no surprise that he—and his media lackeys—exploited this attack to further his civilian disarmament agenda. “The letter obviously referred to our anti-gun efforts, but there’s 12,000 people who are going to get killed this year with guns, and 19,000 are going to commit suicide with guns, and we’re not going to walk away from those efforts.” I wonder if gun control supporters without a private army protecting them would be so bold.


  1. Wouldn’t a deranged gun nut, oh, I don’t know, taken a shot at Bloomberg? Just sayin.

    • I bet the Brady Campaign wrote it. It’s just too ridiculous. Too much of a cliche caricature of what the Bloomberg ilk pictures as the redneck gun owner clinging to his guns and religion.

      • I’m thinking they don’t know any actual gun owners to find a patsy, so they had to resort to anonymous poisoning.

      • I was thinking it resembled Joe Biden’s style. Joe Biden is ALL about style, too.

    • Thats what a gun nut would think before altering his/her plan to attack the perceived root of their problem.

      Kinda like the White EDL activist who coal Blacked his face to disguise himself while vandalizing a heavily monitored set of monuments in London last week.

    • Very possible. Advoates for other movements have created false ‘Hate’ actions to gain attention and sympathy in support of their group.

      A few months ago, a university woman was busted at a multi-school three day event having to do with stopping violence against women. She got a man, a stranger, to beat her up (in exchange for sex and her promise not to reveal his name) so she could make a political statement during the event. The police became suspicious and after a little online research they found she had advertised on the Internet and after reading her email exchange with the man she got busted. That busting occurred of course after the media published her false story.

      Black students have also been known to write anti-black graffiti and leave nooses to make political statements.

    • Very possible. Advoates for other movements have created false ‘Hate’ actions to gain attention and sympathy in support of their group.

      A few months ago, a university woman was busted at a multi-school three day event having to do with stopping violence against women. She got a man, a stranger, to beat her up (in exchange for sex and her promise not to reveal his name) so she could make a political statement during the event. The police became suspicious and after a little online research they found she had advertised on the Internet and after reading her email exchange with the man she got busted. That busting occurred of course after the media published her false story.

      Black students have been busted after writing anti-black graffiti and leave nooses to make political statements.

    • My thoughts also. To many cliche “this is how gun-nuts think” sentences from a gun-control advocates point of view.

    • I’d bet $100 a Bloomberg employee sent it and I’d bet $50 it was never sent at all.

    • My thoughts exactly. This appears to be more of a “split-personality” lefty-leaning gun grabber wanting to indict his/her 2A loving neighbors by sending a letter from a “gun-nut” to a “respected” liberal politician, who just happens to support gun-control. Given that Nanny Bloomers and Obumnuts both have their hands dirty with tactics that “fly under the radar” of legitimacy, I am very suspicious of the actual source of these letters.

  2. Note how the lefties’ response will differ here from their response to foreign Islamo-collectivist terrorists.

    When foreign Islamic collectivist nutjobs attack: “Well, let’s examine their grievances. Maybe the US should stop pushing others around. Any attempt to go after them will backfire; for every one we kill, we will create two more.”

    When (putative) American Libertarian individualist nutjobs attack: “See, these people are crazy and dangerous, we must crush them and destroy their ideology. Even those who share their beliefs but have not yet acted must be attacked. We can and will wipe them out.”

  3. Is it just me or do those sentences sound less like a gun-nut, and more like a left-wing caricature of a gun-nut?

  4. Smells pretty false-flaggy to me.

    And about all those suicides – I thought that lefties believed in an individual’s right to die? Didn’t they support Jack Kevorkian?

    • Anon in CT:

      That is a great point, and one I have neither heard or considered. I guess the Kevorkians “feel” suicide by firearms is too violent for their Polly-Anna sensibilities. lol

      • Well, cleaning up the spatter is tough on the maid.

        If you’re going to end yourself, don’e be a douche and use a drop-cloth.

        • I just read a book about Jesse Livermore, the greatest stock trader of all time. When he shot himself he was polite enough to go to a hotel, get into a closet, and put a pillow case over his head… that’s something you don’t hear every day!

  5. Feds probably already have a local Shreveport guys all lined up for the fall. A single guy with no family who lives in a little shack in the swamp. No knock raid in the middle of the night with news cameras and then he will never be seen outside again.

  6. The ricin guy was certainly not a New Yorker. A New Yorker would have written: “You towed my car! I’m not paying $580 to get my car back, you little pr1ck!”

  7. Ah come on, when’s the last time the ol’ poison letter routine actually worked anyways? Combine that with the lame, obligatory “right wing extremist” language in the letter and we see right away that this is part of some anti-gun PR campaign.

  8. “19,000 are going to commit suicide with guns” So what? Why does it matter what method people off themselves? What significance does “gun” have when paired with suicide? It just sounds good, I guess. By getting rid of guns we’ll have 19,000 less suicides, right?

  9. “You’ll never take my guns”
    “It’s a Constitutional and God-given right”

    See, that’s what stokes the fires of speculation over this being a false-flag. Saying things that many gun owners actually do say. Now if anyone does say these things, the gun grabbers will just shriek “OMG, that’s exactly what that ricin-mailer guy said in that letter to poor Bloomberg! You’re just like him!”

  10. “exploited this attack to further his civilian disarmament agenda.”

    Isn’t that the whole point? Who’s to say this is just some crack pot scheme to keep the gun agenda in the news, and further their agenda by means of implicating “home grown terrorists.”

  11. I’m not one to call “false flag’ normally but that text sure does seem like how the anti-gun lobby seems to characterize the “gun nutters” (their words).

    It would not surprise me if that was what this is. But I am sure we will never here about it if that turns out to be true.

  12. This individual knows how to extract and refine deadly toxins from the castor bean but supposedly can’t spell?……… This doesn’t pass the smell test. It may be true or It may be Saul Alinsky tactics 101.

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