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Since TTAG highlighted gung-ho gun guy Pat MacNamara’s Comedy Central declaration that he supports Universal Background Checks and mandatory waiting periods for firearms purchases (click on image to see segment), the gunblogosphere has been up in arms. Over at . . .

Panteao Productions President/CEO Fernando Coelho felt obliged come to Mr. MacNamara’s defense. Which makes perfect sense, given that Panteo sells MacNamara’s Make Ready videos. Here’s Mr. Coelho post:

With the recent fallout over the video of Pat McNamara from an upcoming television episode on Comedy Central, folks have begun to ask us what our position is on this. Some have even asked us to remove Pat McNamara as one of our instructors in the Panteao Make Ready Series.

First, let me be extremely clear that everyone at Panteao Productions supports the Second Amendment. We are all NRA members and our company view (as well as mine personally) is that the Second Amendment is not up for debate. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That is very clear in my book.

Getting back to Pat McNamara, I watched the video trailer in question and will be watching the full episode when it airs later. The first thought that came to mind was the folks at Comedy Central edited the footage to push their agenda.

I have a feeling the majority of comments made by Pat that support the Second Amendment and gun ownership in general may have been “left on the cutting room floor” or turned into shorter snippets. With the folks at Comedy Central, I would expect no less. In all fairness, it would help to watch the whole video which hasn’t even aired yet.

Do I believe in waiting periods? No. Do I believe in universal background checks? No. That said, there are Second Amendment supporters out there that do believe there should be some form of background check. Others believe in some form of waiting period. That does not make them anti-gun or the enemy of the Second Amendment.

I do not believe that distancing ourselves from Pat over a single video piece is the answer. While we do not agree with his stance on certain topics, we do feel that he supports the Second Amendment. Pat served our country honorably and continues to teach both civilians and law enforcement on proper gun handling. That should count for something.

If anything, maybe his video segment on Comedy Central will cause some mainstream anti-gunners out there or folks sitting on the fence to stop and rethink their stance. Maybe some will go to the range or take a pistol or carbine class and see the light.


Well, that’s one theory — one that suits Panteao’s business interests.

As our man Valdez pointed out in a text, MacNamara supporters seem to building a defensive ring around Second Amendment compromisers, while plenty of pro-2A commentators are singing Don’t Fence Me In.

Unforgivable fifth column or united we stand, divided we fall? If it’s the former, does this statement put you off Panteao products?

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  1. Follow the money.

    Yeah, I might be the one to ” go to the range or take a pistol or carbine class and see the light”. It won’t be with Pat MacNamara though. Oh, hell no. He and Dick Metcalf can go teach a class together. And they can use Springfield and Rock River products.


    • One man’s opinion, essentially saying he doesn’t have a problem with background checks and a 3 day waiting period.
      Don’t know what you’ve done for this Country but Pat sure has done enough and is entitled to his opinion. I disagree with him but he’s far from a sell out. Get over it.

      • John didn’t deny him his right to his opinion, didn’t suggest he hadn’t done anything for the country, nor called him a sellout. Are you going to build an entire army of straw men, or just a few close companions?

        As for getting over it, the guy made a single succinct and on point post here and so far hasn’t looked back. Sounds like he’s made up his mind and isn’t dwelling on it any further. What would getting over it look like, if not that?

        • Are you going to build an entire army of straw men, or just a few close companions?

          I’m using that one of these days. +1 to you, good sir.

      • Mr. McNamarra is certainly entitled to his opinions. He fought for that right. That’s a two-way street though. I’m within my rights to express distaste for his opinions and to not spend a farthing in support of the man who espouses them.

        • This comment should be pinned to the top and the thread closed. Nothing more needs to be said. There’s no debate. Freedom of speech doesn’t imply freedom of consequences outside of govt purview. He can say/feel what he wants. If the public finds those views repugnant, we have the same rights to express ourselves through either similar speech or refusal to support it economically. I appreciate Pat’s heralded and unique service in one of the most elite military units in the world (Delta), but that doesn’t mean he is above critical assessment. He’s not free to debate or bargain away our God given, constitutional, inalienable rights. It’s really that simple.

      • Or – Perhaps he doesn’t really believe in the Constitution that he swore to uphold and defend.
        Shall not be infringed means “shall not be infringed”.
        He apparently is cool with infringement. That is not acceptable.

        UBC – Registration – Confiscation – Slavery

        • I’m pretty sure you left out a step in the “chain” of events. Somewhere towards the beginning will be the most violent, kinetic civil war ever waged that will result in devastating genocide of these Liberal Terrorists™ and the complete restoration of our Constitutional Republic that our Founders intended. I’m ready now.

      • One man’s opinion, essentially saying he doesn’t have a problem with background checks and a 3 day waiting period.
        Don’t know what you’ve done for this Country but Pat sure has done enough and is entitled to his opinion. I disagree with him but he’s far from a sell out. Get over it.

        I don’t care how many metals he won, he can go FO using his popularity and media presence to promote UBCs and 3 day waits. And you’re naive to it. If it was his opinion he would have STFU about it and not promoted it on his show! Why do you think they asked him if he supported these gun controls?? Then he uses his position to promote it. You are a fool.

      • Maybe Pat should’ve had to pass a background check and waiting period before voicing his opinions. What’s good for the second amendment must be good for the first amendment and all the others, amirite?

        The fact is, there’s no other ‘right’ that comes with restrictions like the second amendment. When did that right become a mere privilege subject to government approval? What part of “shall not be infringed” don’t people get?

      • Otto Skorzeny ( SS ) and Vladimir Putin ( KGB ) did a lot for their countries, too. So what ?

      • And?
        Why should I care that he served his country? Can we not talk bad about the opinions of those who served? Jimmy Carter was a Sub commander. Does that make his opinion more valid than mine who served as enlisted on a sub? I’m trying to understand if there’s some scale on who’s opinion counts more when it comes to our rights.

      • He’s entitled to his opinion, and I’m entitled to not give him my money because his opinion disgusts me.

        God Bless America.

    • Hey, Springfield and rock river are absolutely thrilled someone came along and took the heat off them. Maybe it’s an inside job.

    • Yeah, they should “Make Ready” to be broke. They are now on my “make sure every single person I know and perfect strangers I don’t” list of never buy/push into bankruptcy fools. I guess SA and RRA needed some company. Somebody needs to put a muzzle on these fools.

      And yes Fernando that does make him ANTI 2ND along with those that think like him. What the hell is so hard to understand about “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!”? Honestly, I don’t expect much from a ABBA song namesake.

  2. “We are all NRA members”

    Is being part of the organization that endorsed the NFA, GCA, LEOPA, and UFA supposed to make us feel better?

  3. Going for a “FLAME DELETED” record today?

    Here’s a freebie: my FLAME DELETED is implied, and directed at all of them.

  4. “Do I believe in waiting periods? No. Do I believe in universal background checks? No. That said, there are Second Amendment supporters out there that do believe there should be some form of background check. Others believe in some form of waiting period. That does not make them anti-gun or the enemy of the Second Amendment.”

    “That said” = BUT

    “That does not make them anti-gun or the enemy of the Second Amendment” – Yes it does stupid.

    Life and Society in America (and elsewhere) is a filled helium balloon. You say “hey, no problem, no biggie, I just want to chuck this tiny little piece called “The 2nd Amendment” and I wanna chuck the rest as it does me no good.

  5. “Cut Pat MacNamara Slack on UBCs, Waiting Periods”

    Why should we cut a sellout any slack at all? The dude went all Zumbo on us, so screw him.

  6. I’m way past cutting these assholes any slack; we’ve reached the “whomever isn’t for us is against us” phase.

    • If true, this is the same thing that happened to the Virginia Citizens’ Defense League in the Katie Couric interview. She asked a question (forget what it was), and replaced their answers with several seconds of what looks like embarrassed silence. In fact, they had a rapid-fire, well-thought out response, and the “embarrassed silence” was footage of them waiting for a sound check BEFORE the interview started.

      Comedy Central is justifiably famous for their creative editing.

      • Except Panteo did NOT deny the allegations. They said a lot, but none it unequivocally denied his support for UBC and WP.

    • Except prior to that he was asked directly on social media if he supported Waiting Periods.

      His response was “Yup deters crimes of passion or acts of spontaneity”.

      Here’s the actually screen grab of the social media exchange.

      That was on June 6, 2017.

      His statements on Primary & Secondary Modcast was on June 8, 2017.

      So he tried to back track after he got caught and is now claiming the “editing my statements” defense.

      Luis Valdes

      • I WATChed the whole primary and secondary podcast at lunch today. It really seems like pat got edited into screwedsville. He did address the social media thing to, which honestly, was less clear. At least watch it and then make up your mind.

        • Then he should make a public protest about it. Make his case to his producers and advise he will not be working with them if they are going to “edit” his views on his show! Where is MacNamara’s rage on this?? I’ll tell you where. It’s nowhere to be found.

  7. Not interested on what was left on the cutting room floor. All that matters was what was in the aired segment, both from the anti’s point of view (as a real coup to have such a “gun guy” support gun control) from our point of view, to have had “one of our own” damage us so badly.

    And those viewers who might decide to try shooting or take a class would do so *regardless* of whether he supported UBC or not. But he will have left the impression that the gun community at large supports it. We most certainly DO NOT. His behavior is unacceptable.

    • Only a 100% nitwit would participate in a Leftist show without having one of your own good guys recording every second of action.

      He took the chance for publicity and financial gain and now he’s going to get burned.

      There are plenty of other vets that offer classes and who don’t provide ammo to the enemy.

  8. “That Said” = BUT

    “That does not make them anti-gun or the enemy of the Second Amendment.” Yes it does.

  9. If his bosse’s remarks are true, all it proves is that Mr. McNamara is either too stupid to teach about dangerous items OR that Mr. McNamera will spread his legs for TV money. In either case. I will not be buying ANY products from Panteao Productions.

  10. I sometimes wonder if these so called gun guys like Metcalf and MacNamara even know why we have a 2nd Amendment. The whole point is to keep the government in line. Give the government a veto of any kind over this right and you sacrifice what the Founders intended. That’s why the infringement language is in the Amendment.

    • This is America, Government is We the People, where did we get the people in government? They’re just your a-hole neighbors who needed a job, but they got the job and decided to lord it over you. They don’t like you, they think you are stupid, and the don’t trust you. Especially with guns.

      We don’t have governors to be governed, we have governors to govern government, and other governors and our relationship to other governments.

      • Joe, you occasionally have pertinent things to say, but your “a-hole neighbors who needed a job” business is getting old. Give it a rest, okay?

  11. He defends himself on the P&S podcast. He stands firmly on the side of no government infringement and took the risk trying to get a message out on Comedy Central. Drop the pitchforks guys

    • That’s the issue: you can’t trust any liberal media or entertainment outlets to be, in any reasonable way, fair and unbiased. AKA, the Katie Couric Effect. I love that 2A supporters want to engage in the public and try to get their messages across, but know who you’re dealing with, and that there is a high risk they will twist/edit your words. If you do go down that road, always keep a recording. You will likely need it (after the fact, when it’s basically too late…)

    • If they really edited his response to falsely reflect his support for UBC, then they have clearly damaged his reputation and his business and he will sue them. If he doesn’t sue them it means he said what they say he said, and in that case he can EXPLETIVE DELETED

    • He took the risk for financial gain and now WE get burned. F that, he needs to feel the pain because he brought it on.

      I agree somewhat…let’s drop the pitchforks….. and pick up the flamethrowers.

      • Fwiw, he stated on the podcast he did it because the other options that Comedy Central was going to go with were more likely to be genuinely on the anti gun side. The truth? Maybe maybe not

  12. Why, for the love of Mike, would ANYONE on this side of the debate agree to go on Comedy Central to express their views. Anyone with half a brain and has watched how CC operates (some would say that only those with half a brain watch it) would have to know that no matter what the person being interviewed says, it’s going to be cut up and edited in such a way that that they either look like a complete moron or distorts or leaves out relevant things they said that support their side. For krineoutloud, if they come knocking, release the dogs.

      • He got notoriety alright, but it is spelled notorious-iety, which he may not have expected, but should have expected.

        I do not envy him whatever effort it may take to regain his reputation.

        “A reputation is like a china plate – once cracked it is never successfully mended.” -Benjamin Franklin

        There’s a Benji for ya, sir.

    • “krineoutloud”
      THAT was my old man’s favorite word!
      (Next to “sonofabitch”)

      I often wondered how you spelled it…

  13. It’s kinda like a black hole. He’s Kathy Griffithing here, everybody get back, the mass will increase the gravity slightly which will likely expand the perimeter of the event horizon as he slips in.

    An example can be seen back in the late Sh__t-a_ _ period with Springfield and Rock River. Except the distance to the next massive body was sufficient that they just slipped in together.


  14. Why would he even cooperate or allow himself to be interviewed for anything ComedyCentral related? What did he think would happen, that he wouldn’t be misrepresented or made to look like a fool? This is all PatMac’s fault for putting shameless self promotion before principles.

    • It used to be said that “Any publicity is good publicity.”

      I think this may disprove that theory.

    • Of course you are correct. He also could have answered the question “Do you support UBC & waiting periods?” with “NO!” ……hard to edit that. Of course if he doesn’t believe that.

  15. As to having comments taken out of context, it happens. It’s happened to me on more than one occasion. Many so-called journalists are dumber than stumps and have their own agendas. Talking to CC was a mistake of the first order. They’re a joke outfit. See what I did there?

  16. Ah no. No slack. Thanks for your volunteer service. John Glenn was a “hero” and he got NONE from me. Sorry I didn’t volunteer for Vietnam. Dude is on my shite list…beware Comedy Central left-wing BS.

  17. If it was edited shame on him for not having an original copy of his own to prove as such. After Under The Gun he should have known better.

    I would say it would surprise me that he took such a piss on the third rail if he actually did it then again I don’t get surprised by much these days in terms of statements; It’s a shame when your heroes die. Maybe he can work for Troy or something.

    • That’s basically my view. If you go on a show like this- especially after the Katie Couric crap- don’t complain if they edited your content.

      It’s what they do.

  18. Seems to me that being on Comedy Central would be a bit like being on The View… assuming that after the interview, Whoopi Goldberg got to edit all of your responses and some of her questions before the show aired. If you’re not some unfunny fat woman making jokes about her vagina before “getting serious” about gun violence, then Comedy Central is not the place for you.

  19. I don’t believe in UBC at all! Primarily out of a heritage stand point. If I want to leave my collection which I believe is part of my culture and my families heritage I should be able to without the state getting involved. Forcing my family to pay money to keep their families heritage and culture alive is unconstitutional. Not too mention this leads to registration after that Hillary said it best Australian style gun confiscation.

    A 3 day waiting periods for a person buying a new gun from a gun store who doesn’t currently own a gun, sure I don’t care. In Florida handguns have a three day wait if you don’t have a CCW. Its last on the list of gun rights infringements I worry about.

    • Five day wait in Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.

      Also ‘No one helped her’: NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit

      Carol Bowne knew her best shot at defending herself from a violent ex was a gun, and not a piece of paper. And it was paperwork that left her unprotected when Michael Eitel showed up at her New Jersey home last week and stabbed her to death, say Second Amendment advocates, who charge local police routinely sit on firearms applications they are supposed to rule on within 30 days.

      Bowne, 39, had a restraining order against Eitel when he killed her in her driveway last Wednesday, but she was still waiting for Berlin Township Police Chief Leonard Check to approve the gun permit she had applied for on April 21. Tragically, she had gone to the township police department just two days before her death to check on the status of her languishing application. In another indication of her fear of Eitel, Bowne had recently installed surveillance cameras around her home, and the equipment recorded the 45-year-old ex-con attacking her as she arrived home and got out of her car.

      A right delayed is a right denied.

      • Bastards.
        Never said or thought that about an LEO before.
        I’m getting sick and tired of pencil neck, big ego, SOB’s deciding how we should live our lives when the freedom to choose how we want to live is already enumerated in the highest law of the land.
        This political BS already has us at internal conflict; It is going to lead us to a civil war.

    • It’s the details that matter. Like you said, a waiting period is a small infringement for a big PR benefit.

      UBC polls very well, so UBC on all guns makes sense but you make it less intrusive by making exceptions for inheritance, inter family transfers, curios, etc. This way, we can still say we have UBCs, the anti’s lose a talking point and we get more of the public on our side.

      • NO!! The next step is that “UBC can’t be effective if we don’t now who has what gun” to begin with. The background checks are designed specifically to control private transfers. Dealer transfers already require checks. UNC without registration relies on the honor system. How long will that satisfy the Liberal Terrorists™? UBC/registration is THE line in the sand for beginning the kinetic, Restorative War.

      • No, that forfeits the vast majority of private transactions to background checks, which can only be conducted by federal licensees, whose very existence continues at the whim of the government. What’s left over is a collection of disparate or uncommon types of transfers, the kinds whose transactors would not naturally unite to resist further infringements.

        You give the antis universal background checks, in exchange for a few minor and soon-to-be eliminated exceptions, and you’ll find that FFLs get shut down right and left, effectively shutting down virtually all sales.

        The proof? Universal background checks could easily be accomplished just by mandating them and providing the public with access to the NICS database. That idea has been proposed repeatedly, from the Brady Bill through the post Sandy Hook period, and had repeatedly been rejected by the Democrats.

        They don’t want UBCs for safety and security purposes. They want them so that they can ban private sales, then regulate the FFLs out of existence. Trade UBCs for a few supposed exceptions, and it’ll go down im history as the worst deal since those Indians sold Manhatten for 26 bucks in beads.

      • Regulars here have already seen this and either gotten tired of it or memorized it, but you seem to need it:

        “If you concede that the same government the Second Amendment was intended to allow you to protect yourself from has the authority to create, maintain and enforce lists (NICS) of persons who, in the opinion of that same government, may not exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, how will you prevent them from adding your name to one of their lists of prohibited persons?” – Cliff H

    • If UBC offend you, because they lead to gun registration, then how can you be in favor of purchase waiting periods? There would have to be a record of the purchase documenting the date of the purchase and subsequent date of the transfer. That’s a de facto gun registry.

      Moreover, waiting periods are useless for someone who already owns firearms. If they want to act spontaneously, they already have the means. So you would apply waiting periods only to buyers who aren’t current gunowners? OK, how would you know who such people are?

      You could take someone’s word that they’re a current gunowner, but that does nothing to prevent a non-gunowner from lying to circumvent the waiting period. Even if you made lying a crime, we’re already dealing with someone supposedly acting precipitously in committing a homicide or suicide. So what difference would a little felony lying make?

      The only way to verify that someone is not a current gunowner, and thus subject to the purchase waiting period, would be to know already who all the current gunowners are! How do you accomplish that, if not via gun registration, which you supposedly oppose?

  20. Again, I’m not really the torches and pitchforks type. I said yesterday that I didn’t know who Pat was/is (props to another poster on the info btw) and as such I don’t much care what he said or what happens.

    However, this post brings up a valid point. The media is basically a group of liars at this point so “selective editing” is a real possibility. Look at Under the Gun or the editing of the Zimmerman phone call.

    I wouldn’t put it past these people to ask a question and then cut and paste the answer to a different question. Besides it’s not like Comedy Central has journalistic ethics to follow, they do comedy not hard news and we already know such editing isn’t beyond the pail for the “hard news” folks.

    • Except prior to him claiming it was selective editing he was asked directly on social media if he supported Waiting Periods.

      His response was “Yup deters crimes of passion or acts of spontaneity”.

      Here’s the actually screen grab of the social media exchange.

      That was on June 6, 2017.

      His statements on Primary & Secondary Modcast was on June 8, 2017.

      So he tried to back track after he got caught and is now claiming the “editing my statements” defense.

      Luis Valdes

      • That reply is bit of a stretch for sarcasm. Seems like he said some shit, pissed off a bunch of people on the internet, and is now back peddling. I could be wrong, however, the evidence is pretty solid that he said that shit.

        If he did, so what. The world ends because one SOF guy said he supports things that others don’t? Seems everyone on both sides, the “he didn’t do it” and the “he did it so hang ’em”, should chill.

        • Read the statement again. The easiest way to correct the record was to issue an unequivocal statement that Pat utterly refutes the Comedy Central portrayal. That he does not support UBC or WP. There’s lots of words in that Panteo statement. None of them say that. That’s all you need to know.

      • Bosco. Given his Twitter statement, the statements on his show, and the letter from panteao above, it’s really obvious his position.

        Regarding panteao’s comment:

        Do I believe in waiting periods? No. Do I believe in universal background checks? No. That said, there are Second Amendment supporters out there that do believe there should be some form of background check. Others believe in some form of waiting period. That does not make them anti-gun or the enemy of the Second Amendment.

        No, it makes them naive fools who will once again end up with liberals taking advantage of their ignorance and stupidity to move us ever closer to their end goals and it does make them the enemy of the 2A as it is currently written. UBCs and waiting periods are gun controls. Hello???

  21. If our laws don’t enforce responsibility and non-threatening gun ownership, we will have no gun owners on the future. Some things like Registration and UBS build the public confidence and opposition to them makes gunowners seem like zealots. The war for your righrs is all about PR

    • Say that Carol Bowne

      ‘No one helped her’: NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit

      Carol Bowne knew her best shot at defending herself from a violent ex was a gun, and not a piece of paper. And it was paperwork that left her unprotected when Michael Eitel showed up at her New Jersey home last week and stabbed her to death, say Second Amendment advocates, who charge local police routinely sit on firearms applications they are supposed to rule on within 30 days.

      Bowne, 39, had a restraining order against Eitel when he killed her in her driveway last Wednesday, but she was still waiting for Berlin Township Police Chief Leonard Check to approve the gun permit she had applied for on April 21. Tragically, she had gone to the township police department just two days before her death to check on the status of her languishing application. In another indication of her fear of Eitel, Bowne had recently installed surveillance cameras around her home, and the equipment recorded the 45-year-old ex-con attacking her as she arrived home and got out of her car.

      A right delayed is a right denied.

    • Or we could do like the leftist and respond that anyone who wants registration is a racist Jew hating Nazi homophobe because that’s what the Nazi’s did. Attacking Republican’s morals is how the Democrats operate. It’s not by making rational arguments. There is no point to appeasement.

    • “The war for your rights is all about PR”

      If you accept things like UBC’s and registration, you’ve already surrendered the war. If you have to ask permission from the government before you can exercise it, it’s not a right, it’s a privilege.

      Not to mention, we’ve tried appeasement many times before. We have given up a huge amount of ground on the Second Amendment over the past century, and it has never – NOT ONCE – caused the anti-liberty people to stop pushing for more infringements. Only an incredibly naive person would believe that UBCs and registration would be the end of it, and we’d be left alone after that. Scratch that – only a fucking idiot would believe that.

    • “…makes gun owners seem like zealots.”

      Did you miss all of the comments before you posted yours?


      “…shall not be infringed.”

  22. its so funny that alot of 2A supporters turn into exactly what they preach against, extremist. this guys makes 2 dull statements about 2A and now everyone wants him exiled?????
    you are doing EXACTLY what you fault the left for: railroading anyone that doesnt think exactly like you do.
    but when you guys do it, somehow its ok.
    im not saying i support what he does but just step back, if you can, and take a good hard look at how we react to scenarios like this. most likely, hurling insults and calling for his exile IS NOT going to garner any more supporters. it will just make all gun owners look like egotistical, loud mouthed, maniacs.
    are these people really so weak minded that anyone who thinks different than them, they perceive that as a threat???? exactly like the liberals do.

    • Anyone who supports UBCs and mandatory waiting periods is a real – not perceived – threat. FULLSTOP.

    • So I can assume you are also in agreement with idiots that want to infringe on 1stA issues also.
      You’re the treat.

    • you are doing EXACTLY what you fault the left for: railroading anyone that doesnt think exactly like you do.
      but when you guys do it…

      I don’t fault the left for railroading people. I fault them for promoting government as the solution for any perceived problem, believing the people of the US are a problem that needs to be managed, and encroaching on our rights. MacNamara is using his venue to promote gun controls. Yes. Gun controls. Don’t be a fool.

  23. I recommend everyone checking out Primary & Secondary podcast episode 102 on YT. Pat goes into detail what happened. I will say this… Editing is one lethal weapon. They heavily edited his answers to sound like what everyone in this comment section is assuming what he’s not.

    • Let me also add that when you guys go to the podcast of Primary & Secondary, at 22:44 of the video Pat is asked the same question and says he does not support UBC and tells again that the question was changed with the host asking if he was fine with people who support UBC.

      • Read the statement again. The easiest way to correct the record was to issue an unequivocal statement that Pat utterly refutes the Comedy Central portrayal. That he does not support UBC or WP. There’s lots of words in that Panteo statement. None of them say that. That’s all you need to know.

    • Well that doesn’t excuse his stupidity for not having a mate recording EVERYTHING. Why get lessons from an idiot when there are plenty of vets offering classes who aren’t stupid?

  24. It is no longer enough to be willing to fight and die to protect these rights, one must be willing to kill for them, too. NOT ONE MORE INCH. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. 3%er.

  25. Being on Comedy Central implies a gross lack of sense -if not gray matter. Thanks for your VOLUNTEER service. Flame self deleted?

  26. Why do attention whores with guns go on anti-liberty TV shows???
    With all your “education” about guns you are stupid about history and those who mean us harm.

  27. “I have a feeling the majority of comments made by Pat that support the Second Amendment and gun ownership in general may have been “left on the cutting room floor” or turned into shorter snippets. With the folks at Comedy Central, I would expect no less.”

    The problem is, gun control hacks will Couric any “common sense” regulation exactly this way: leave the stuff they don’t like on the cutting room floor.

    It’s about keeping guns out of the wrong hands, but, in the end, the anti’s think any hands that want a gun are wrong hands. Always remember (and never forget) no matter what they say, they’ll cheat around the edges where they can … even with black letter law.

    (It’s flat out illegal to make a federal ownership database from mandated eligibility checks, but, somehow the ATF(E & RBF) is fine with vacuuming up copies of *all* the forms at this LGS or that, and *somehow*, just *somehow* this bothers the anti’s not at all. And *somehow* at a traffic stop, more often than not the cop knows if you have a CCL. But CCLs are not about making an enemies owners list. Just ask them.)

    So, no. You can’t have universal background checks, because you *will* use that to build a comprehensive ownership database, and you *will* use that for confiscation, universal or just local emergency-driven sweeps. (I’m looking at you, flooded New Orleans.)

    You can’t have “common sense” regulation, because you cheat.

    Most of the people who voted for Trump didn’t. They didn’t even vote *against* Hillary. They voted against you.

    The answer to any other proposal or inch of “compromise” remains “no.” Why? Because we know it’s bad for us. How? Because you wish it.

  28. It appears that he indeed supports laws that erode the right to keep and bear arms. I posit that this in this case makes him guilty of a strategic and logical error rather than of being an enemy of those rights.

  29. One of the thoughts that recurs with me on these sort of issues is “Who gives a shit?”.

    I didn’t know who this guy was until yesterday and I didn’t give a rat’s ass about his opinion then. Guess what? I still don’t! I was never going to give him a penny and I’m still not.

    How many people who see this garbage show are fence sitters about the 2A? Virtually none. They pretty much all already support this bullshit. The fact that this guy said (or didn’t say) this stuff is basically meaningless unless you’re a fanboy of his or already on our side and seeing red.

    What this guy said or didn’t say doesn’t move the dial at all in terms of the “national conversation” (God I hate that term). It only gratifies those already against us and enrages those with us. The people who actually matter won’t see it and if they do see it will not be swayed by the “creds” of a guy they don’t know a damn thing about and who’s name they will forget in five minutes anyway. Most people just don’t care about this topic.

    This is red meat for various factions but, like almost all red meat, it’s ignored by 80%, or more, of the population.

    This guy isn’t going to single handedly bring about a national UBC or waiting period. In fact, he won’t even register as a drop in the pond on this topic. So, don’t give him your money but also don’t raise your blood pressure.

    • Not sure of that just yet. Quisling new what he was up to and did it purposefully.

      Since this is Comedy Central were talking about the better term might be Bozo. Clarabell seems a little harsh, and he didn’t speak, which may have been better in this case.

  30. I’m inclined to believe he means it. When I consider the crap he was spouting about how everybody who gets a beatdown by law enforcement deserves it.

  31. He was edited to sound in a false manner. FLAME DELETED He shouldn’t have even done the show, BUT those aren’y his views – ask him!

    • Then why didn’t Panteo confirm this in their statement. They did NOT deny that these were his positions. They bothered to release a statement. Ostensibly, they’ve spoken to him. The first order of business would be to refute the allegations. They did not. That’s enough for me, although Pat already revealed his true self on social media. Not a good look.

  32. They are idiots. They are “we support the 2nd amendment, but” people. It’s says “shall not be infringed.” So simple. They obviously DON’T support it as written. The waiting period would be abused. Most certainly. You’ve got animals destroying your crops or livestock – need a shotgun? Time for you to wait a few days. UBCs are not the end game. Not all. If you think so you are naive and ignorant of your history. It is in our best interest not to compromise (again) and capitulate to these demands.

  33. Why I have no problem with say a 3-day waiting period on purchases. The problem is people who push these laws in Congress want unilateral disarmament, and see universe background checks as a small stepping stone toward that.

  34. People need to get a grip and chill out. Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you agree or not. If you don’t like that concept you should think about what our Constitution and freedoms really mean.

    • MacNamara should have thought about what are constitution really means and maybe he should read the 2A again while he’s at it. UBCs and mandatory waiting periods are the opposite of freedom and personal responsibility. His idea is shitty. It’s a crap sandwich that I don’t want to eat. Therefore, we have a duty and a responsibility to show everyone in a public forum that he is offering a sandwich with crap in it. Look everyone! What MacNamara is offering here has crap in it. Crap people. Don’t buy it!

    • You know, even this far down the comment string this needs to be pointed out – this isn’t really about MacNamara so much as it is a cautionary tale to anyone else in his professional position NOT TO TRUST THE MEDIA!

      It shouldn’t have to be said, but there it is.

  35. Maybe we should require background checks and waiting periods for anyone wishing to purchase McNamara’s videos. It wouldn’t deprive anyone of their rights now, would it?

  36. RF, Interesting blog entry, weren’t you a self-professed 2A fence sitter until market forces propelled TTAG into mainstream commercial success? Wisely you surrounded yourself with JWT and other “medaled American heroes” to gain continual legitimacy in your reader’s minds. As a wordsmith and media entrepreneur, I don’t fault you for the late arrival but do we hold that against a legitimate Army hero with other opinions? Trigger pullers may disagree but isn’t this a bit of the pot calling the kettle?

    • RF, Interesting blog entry, weren’t you a self-professed 2A fence sitter until market forces propelled TTAG into mainstream commercial success.

      I don’t think that is the story. I think he changed his mind when he got mugged on the street back when he lives in RI. Realizing the cops can’t protect him. Realizing that only he can take any real preparation for his own self defense.

      I don’t fault you for the late arrival but do we hold that against a legitimate Army hero with other opinions?

      Please explain what the pronoun “that” is pointing to. Clarification required.

      I will say this. MacNamara is an influential person. Therefore when he provides us with a shitty opionion that is unwise, naive, and certainly not pro-2a considering what the Dems would do with it, I don’t give a F how many medals he has, we have a responsibility to publicly and logically squash his argument into nothingness and strip him of any influence he has if for one second we think he is going to spread his shitty opinions around in the hearts and minds of others. And we do this in a public forum openly and without mercy. And the reason? To preserve the 2A. The 2A is worth more than MacNamara’s shitty opinion.

      • While I understand what you’re saying I think you overestimate the guy’s gravitas outside the gun community.

        I didn’t know who he was so 99.99% of FUDDs and non-gun people won’t know who he is or care about his opinion.

        I get that people are mad that such a guy might say something like this but really, in the larger scheme of things with people outside this specific community here, what he says won’t even be noticed, never mind paid any attention. His comments will go about as far with the public as if I had made them in a similar situation. 99.9999% of people give no fucks what “strych9 from the TTAG message boards and TTAG video games correspondent” thinks. This guy’s tactical training creds go about the same distance with John Q “I know more about the Kardashians than I do politics or even my own car” Public.

  37. “That said, there are Second Amendment supporters out there that do believe there should be some form of background check. Others believe in some form of waiting period.”

    Incorrect. If they are “Second Amendment supporters”, they would by definition support all the words of the 2A, including the very crucial “shall not be infringed” part. I suppose it’s possible to support gun control laws and be “pro-gun”, but it’s not possible to support such laws and truly believe in the 2A and its reasons for existing.

  38. I don’t happen to agree with McNamara, however I just can’t summon up the outrage on this one like I did with Metcalf.

    I have spent money years ago on a copy of TAPS, I got some decent info from it. I have never taken a class from him, probably wouldn’t seek one out anyway due to the cost plus travel, if one happens to land in my town and I had the time and money this probably wouldn’t scare me away.

  39. I just can’t summon up the outrage with MacNamara the way I could with Metcalf. I disagree with him sure, given the opportunity I would tell him why. But I didn’t spend money on the guy before, I was not in imminent danger of doing so in the future and if the opportunity to train with him was offered up on a silver platter I probably wouldn’t say no.

    Make of it what you will.

    • I just can’t summon up the outrage with MacNamara the way I could with Metcalf.

      Agreed. Metcalf didn’t seem to know the stakes here. They will not stop. Leftists would love to implement Metcalfs ideas. And Metcalfs ideas are not their end goal. We can’t even reverse the tide of regulations for the last 100 years, we certainly didn’t need Metcalf on the other side of the rope pulling against us.

  40. Never, EVER, cut an opponent any slack(which as of now obviously includes one Fernando Coelho). All they will do is use it to try that much harder to jerk the rope out of your hands.
    “Never give a sucker an even break” -P.T. Barnum.
    The antis know it just as well as the Carnys do. Why wouldn’t they, they’re kindred spirits.
    Don’t be a sucker….

  41. Yall really don’t think Comedy Central would ever edit something to fit their narrative? If so you’re just as blind and foolish as the people who believe what read from the Washington post or what they see on CNN. Pat Macnamara is one of the few people out there who should actually be teaching a class on firearms, sure he probably should have been more aware of their ability to edit what he said, but that’s beside the point. These people who are trashing him and sending threats sure are big from behind their keyboards. As for TTAG y’all should do a little more research before trying to ruin someone’s career over a liberal tv stations edited sound bite. And maybe since ttag is so set on burning people down they should look at some of their own “journalist” who post quickly and emotionally before learning facts.

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