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It doesn’t matter where you are. It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy intent on bloody murder. In this case, the bad guy’s weapons of choice were a car and a machete. On a declared Palestinian “Day of Rage” in Jerusalem today, three were murdered by terrorists. In this case, after ramming pedestrians at a bus stop, the psychopath proceeded to hack away at his wounded victims until an armed passerby shot him to death. (unedited version after the jump) . . .

Anti-gun advocates here and even in places like Israel continue to argue that it’s more dangerous for a citizen to own a gun than not. Civilian disarmers say that it’s the job of authorities to respond when the worst happens. That the average Joe has no hope of countering an attacker and will probably only make a situation worse if it’s done with a firearm.

Tell that to the other people on that street in Jerusalem. Or that restaurant in Connecticut. Or that Waffle House in Charleston. All of which happened only this week. Make no mistake, this is why we carry.


        • No crazier than a US soldier dying in Irag or Pakistan or whatever because the president or some general or the UN told you to. It’s brave and it’s honorable and maybe it does some good, I don’t know, but it takes a particular type of insanity to face death daily for your country, or your God. My opinion. Not saying I wouldn’t be right there if the need arose.

        • Mr. Fleas,

          You say potato, I say potato … same difference when the competing definitions are psycho versus crazy and evil.

          Full disclosure: I readily accept the idea of many kinds of mental illness — a psycho killer is not one of them. I categorize psycho killer as crazy evil.

  1. This arguement will never register with wacko lefties, they’ll make every excuse under the sun that the man who drove into a bus stop was provoked by White Privilege or Isreali Privilege or that he was a victim of inequality or he was a victim of being an oppressed minority.

    The left sees everything backwards; deep down they believe it’s okay to kill in civilized society members of the majority because they’re presence oppress minorities. Even if it’s not in self defense, murder is okay. This is what happens when God is replaced with materialism and logic and reason is replaced in schools with group think that meets government standards.

    Good job to the armed civilian, he did what he was supposed to do and that was intervene to help his fellow man.

  2. The only way to stop a bad guy with a deadly weapon, like a gun or a car . . . is a good guy with a gun.

  3. What was he shooting…..that guy took a ton of rounds and kept getting up over and over again! In the real world I guess size does matter.

    • Here’s a portion of the 1989 FBI report (following Miami). 10-15 seconds is a very long time in a situation like this. A lifetime.

      “With the exceptions of hits to the brain or upper spinal cord, the concept of reliable and reproducible immediate incapacitation of the human target by gunshot wounds to the torso is a myth.27 The human target is a complex and durable one. A wide variety of psychological, physical, and physiological factors exist, all of them pertinent to the probability of incapacitation. However, except for the location of the wound and the amount of tissue destroyed, none of the factors are within the control of the law enforcement officer.

      Physiologically, a determined adversary can be stopped reliably and immediately only by a shot that disrupts the brain or upper spinal cord. Failing a hit to the central nervous system, massive bleeding from holes in the heart or major blood vessels of the torso causing circulatory collapse is the only other way to force incapacitation upon an adversary, and this takes time. For example, there is sufficient oxygen within the brain to support full, voluntary action for 10-15 seconds after the heart has been destroyed.28”

    • You clearly have never hunted. I don’t mean it as a knock on you. Rather, those of us who have hunted big game with guns understand very well than guns are not the magical talismans that Hollywood make them out to be. The deer that I’ve shot with my rifle over the years can run anywhere from 20 to 100 yards after a direct hit to their vitals (heart/lungs). ALL pistol calibers are anemic in comparison.

      • The .454 Casull and .460 Smith have lots of stopping power on deer-sized and smaller game. And there’s the snowmobile guy who dropped a moose pretty fast with a Glock.

        Still, I’m curious if this was a 9mm or .380 loaded with FMJs. Or perhaps the hits weren’t close enough to center mass to cause faster incapacitation.

        • I was also thinking .380 or 9mm with full metal jacketed bullets. Those would eventually cause exsanguination … but it would take a long time.

      • Jim no knock taken…I’ve had many a deer put incredible distance between me and the shot….. Just watching the video it’s more the timing….gets hit goes down and then comes alive again like a horror movie monster again and again.

    • One head shot probably would have taken care of that. I get center mass but once he was down and kept on keeping on….. Time to end the threat.

  4. This is another reason why arbitrary magazine size limits are hot garbage! That guy took a bunch of hits and kept moving around around pretty good.

  5. At least he fell down for a moment after each string. Psychological “stops”? Palestinian Jason Voorhees?

  6. Gotta retrain that shooter. He had multiple opportunities to walk up to the guy and put a round or two into his head. I did not see any reloads. So at max maybe 14 or 16 rounds. Suspect half were misses or gut shots. Piss poor performance.

    • If we judge the performance by the result (how many people did the guy kill between the first shot and the last?) I’d say it wasn’t that bad, keyboard commandoism aside.

    • Right you are Kommander Keystroke! Downright shameful the way he stopped a blade-wielding psychotic from hacking up any more pedestrians!

      Why, I’m sure you stopped more murderous rampages than that guy before you even put on your NcStar tac vest this morning! Sir yes sir!

  7. I don’t remember the exact case, but there was a situation where a police officer was on his third magazine trying to stop a big man that was trying to attack him. I remember he said he was thinking he was going to run out of bullets when the guy finally went down on the ground… and then asked to be taken to a hospital. Unbelievable.

  8. The person that is shooting, on initial inspection, appears to have done a few correct and incorrect things.
    1. Continued to fire until he thought the threat was eliminated.
    2. Commenced firing when he realized that the threat was not eliminated.
    3. Moved the opponents weapon away from his opponent when he had the opportunity.

    1. Assumed the threat was eliminated the first time he went down.
    2. Got way to close to the threat while he was still armed even though he was lying on the ground.

  9. A preview of things to come in the U.S. when ISL finally goads its adherents already here into openly attacking American Citizens.

    • AND when the 100,000 – 200,000 “carefully vetted and background checked” Syrian “refugees” arrive here. The UN will apparently call Assad and ISIS’s leaders to conduct background checks on these “refugees” – 80% of them young males.

  10. That was a zombie bad guy. The good guy should have put him down for good with a head shot while the zombie was counting his 72 goats.

  11. How many times must this be repeated?

    When seconds count, the authorities are minutes away. There are times YOU will have to be your own first responder. And the minutes is assuming the incident has been reported.

  12. Damn that evil meat bag took quite a few rounds, wonder what it was and how many misses there were.
    There is only one thing that stops a determined human being and it sure aint foul language.

  13. He did good. What was the caliber? If there had been two hackers, it might have ended different. After center of mass, he should have shot the guy in the head, as mentioned before.
    Some one call Cuomo, this gu needed more than 7 rounds, Must be Cuomo watches Toooooooooooooo much TV.

  14. Perhaps a lawyer could address the use of a security round in this situation. BG on the ground writhing, but still armed. Can you pop him again? Where, legally, is the line between self defence and an execution?

    • “Where, legally, is the line between self defence and an execution?”

      I believe a large part of that depends on your local prosecutor’s bias towards claimed self-defense.

      I’ll give jihadi-boy some respect for his sheer determination in that attack.

      It’s not unknown for them to dose up on some type of opiate so they can keep going…

  15. Oh, right. Because the “settlers” and the IDF burn down their homes while they watch and if they don’t kill them, they sure are pushing them further and further toward the shoreline… Maybe Palestinians will evolve to have gills.


    Horrible tradgedy and not the right way to handle the issue, but don’t pretend the Israeli government is not complicit.

  16. Wow, a citizen with a gun, stops a maniac. Thank god that the israelies dont do ‘gun free zones’ like we moron’s do.

  17. I’m so confused. He shot the guy once. How is he not instantly killed? The left keeps telling me that my 380 auto is a insto-death weapon that stops a maniac in one shot.

    He must have been using a rubber band gun.

  18. I guess it doesn’t count cuz it’s not in America. Of course they’ll say that and compare us to France in the same breath.

  19. Wow. That’s impressive. And scary.

    He should have put a round in the guy’s brainpan when he tried getting up. You’re risking your life otherwise.

    And yes, I know states don’t allow finishing shots, but when it happens here and enough Democrats start dying, they’ll change their tune.

  20. Looked to me like he was aiming at the beast’s head when he kicked the blade away. I know I would have been!

  21. Makes one wonder what a “Day of Rage” in America would be like. Perhaps in New York or Connecticut vs Texas or North Carolina?

  22. The most protected people in the most protected city on the planet, with a 40 foot wall guarding the border… and the police/idf were still minutes away.

  23. No mention of this on Google News main page, of course. Had it not been for the concealed carry guy I bet it would be there.

  24. We all know when in a fight, equalizing or exceeding force is (or flight) is pretty much required to pull off a win or survive. But somehow a progressive will argue if I am confronted by an armed threat, I can run away, physically subdue them or call the cops and all can be right in the world. If they were playing cards they would say a deuce beats an ace.

  25. While I don’t condone the actions of the Palestinians, the Israelis have definitely learned from their experiences with the Nazis that it is fun to be a fascist.

    Collective punishments, reprisal actions, mass arrests, indefinite detention, disproportionate response, and even disappearances by the Israelis against the Palestinians has only stiffened the Palestinians resolve.

    And when it comes to “hearts and minds”, the Israelis are their own worst enemy.

  26. I hope that scumbag didn’t die so that when he recovers they can “interrogate” him and makes sure he suffers too my regret not dying.

  27. Thomas Jefferson’s letter to James Madison on January 30, 1787 have the last word: “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” I have the right to feel safe and that includes carrying a loaded firearm. I have the right to protect myself and if you don’t like it tough $hit.
    The 2nd Amendment was put into the Constitution so the people could protect themselves from a corrupt government. No double standards put DC politicians on Obamacare and SS and take away their guns.Thanks for your support and vote.Pass the word.

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