“The Grand Cafe nightclub in Southeast Portland has cancelled a scheduled show Sunday night after a promotional flier drew concerns from police and city officials. The funky collage-type poster shows a scantily clad woman posing with a rifle that resembles an AR-15 or M-16.” So says oregonlive.com, anyway. There was a shooting outside the Grand on January 29 and, Portlandia being the bastion of tolerance that it is, the club clearly hadn’t waited the non-specified politically decent amount of time necessary before callously displaying an edgy photo of an evil black rifle. “‘When you have a flier that’s advertising with a gun, what are we inviting? What are we asking for?’ questioned Antoinette Edwards, the director of the city’s Office of Youth Violence Prevention.” Music, perhaps?  [h/t thegunwire.com]


  1. Smith has accepted the Party’s depiction of life, and sincerely celebrates a news bulletin reporting Oceania’s decisive victory over Eurasia for control of Africa. He then realises that “he had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother”.

    And in other news, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

  2. “Concerns from police”??? What were the police concerned about? Isn’t there some kind of rule or something about abridging freedom of speech?

  3. Youth violence? Doesn’t the poster clearly state 21+? It’s right there on the stock of the weapon they’re soiling themselves over.

    Though, more importantly, whoever put a rail on the bottom of an A1 hand guard? First time I’ve seen that happen.

  4. As cars blaring misogynistic and violent rap music drive by the theater.
    Let’s not offend the little kiddies aged 21 and over with a picture of a firearm shall we?

  5. A doorman was murdered in front of the same club last week. This hysteria about a concert poster is nothing but a chance for the Brady Bunch to dance in the blood of the victim, but it would still be decent to cut his friends who stil work there just a little slack.

  6. ‘When you have a flier that’s advertising with a gun, what are we inviting? What are we asking for?’ questioned Antoinette Edwards, the director of the city’s Office of Youth Violence Prevention.”

    — Another idiot employed with my Portland tax money. She rationalizes like a communist when it comes to the power of propaganda. One could just as easily argue that it is a poster for female empowerment.

  7. I’m as concerned with the First Amendment as with the Second. It’s a great poster, and if people don’t like it, I can live with that.

    If the police don’t like it, then they can advise which law the poster is breaking. If none, than let it stand. I find Rosie O. and Bill Maher offensive, but I don’t take their posters down.

  8. When you have a flier that’s advertising with a gun, what are we inviting? What are we asking for?’ questioned Antoinette Edwards, the director of the city’s Office of Youth Violence Prevention.”

    So we should ban military recruitment posters?

  9. If the model was black, the poster would not have come down – that would’ve been racist… right?

  10. Portland is such a great place to live, right? Great gun laws(statewide), very wide selection in strip clubs, awesome food choices……..

    And then the nutjobs come out of the woodwork and remind you why you hate the big city.

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