“Workers at some Chicago office towers are being encouraged to dress down to avoid being targeted by protesters during the meeting of world leaders May 20 and 21,” Crain’s reports. “Safety procedures in some high-rises include the recommendation that employees set aside suits, ties and anything with corporate logos. CBRE Inc., which manages the office building at 1 E. Wacker Drive, has told tenants their employees should stay away from wearing suits, urging workers to ‘look like a protester,’ according to an email sent by one tenant to its employees.” So Chicago’s one percenters face a Hobson’s Choice: dress in a suit and tie and risk tar and feathers or dress down and risk a beat down by the Chicago police. See what happens when gun control emasculates a citizens’ right to keep and bear arms? [h/t Eric]—


    • It was primarily a protest for G8 which was supposed to happen at the same time as NATO. But Obama moved G8 to Camp David, and everyone all ready committed to coming, so why not protest NATO. Go watch the movie Battle In Seattle if you want to see what happened last time G8 was in the US. http://www.hulu.com/watch/209543/battle-in-seattle

      • Will you be among the protesters? I hope for a repeat of the Battle of Seattle. It will accomplish three things: (1) Embarrass the Obama Administration (2) Humiliate the Mayor Emanuel and as a native the City (Rogers Park when it was a nice neighborhood) and a lifelong Sox fan (3) Allow the Chicago Cops do what they do best — beat the crap out low life OWS types.

        • I would love to go but I’m unemployed and dont have the funds to defend myself from a aggravated battery to a police officer charge. I dont want to lose my guns because I shielded myself when getting my ass beat by a cop. Yet another reason why violent felons should be allowed to own guns.

        • Well Matt, if you are unemployed then you have to lose right? Get your Marx on! To the barracades!

      • @matt: So, the attitude is, “We’re already here; we might as well protest something”? Classy.

    • because frankly, NATO is a excuse for the consolidation of power and to allow puppet regimes….i mean NATO members, to ally with the United States in its hegemonic wars. The Soviet Union ended two decades ago, so why in the f–k is NATO expanding to include former Soviet satellite states? NATO has no external threats…other than itself.

    • I work in the Sears Tower. My company is casual dress. I’m wearing a suit on the 21st.

  1. Yeah, dress down and hide amongst the folk since you are precluded from defending yourself

  2. In America, the advice should be, “Dress well to show what Americans can accomplish, carry a gun to show what rights Americans have, and shoot anyone who approaches you with the intent to do deadly harm to show how Americans feel about scumbags.” Buuut, this isn’t really “America” any more, is it. Chicago sure as hell isn’t.

  3. Why is NATO having a summit in Chicago? Don’t they have a perfectly nice HQ in Brussels where they meet all the damn time?

  4. The Navy’s training station at North Chicago has issued “no uniform” orders for specific areas and times due to this. Happy shooting, dv

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