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The creme de la creme of NYC's bought back firearms (courtesy

“New Yorkers with guns will soon have more ways to make a quick buck.” Now that’s funny. Even the anti-gunners at have come to the realization that gun buybacks are nothing more than security theater. Despite the media’s increasing ennui with the “if we take one gun off the street it’s worth it” routine, the Big Apple’s going all-in. “The NYPD is expected to roll out 10 gun buyback events across the city later this year — part of a new $300,000 plan aimed at reducing the amount of shootings throughout the five boroughs.” Yes, well, early adopter Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes admits that young criminals aren’t the program’s target audience. He told the News that the latest “cash for broken ass guns” initiative is aimed at enticing older residents to hand in firearms hidden in their homes or in cars. “It’s about getting guns out of locations where bad people can steal them.” Either that or . . .

generating sound bites for perfidious politicians while adding to police pension fund totals. And if you want still more evidence that gun buybacks have jumped the shark, check this from re: Racine Wisconsin’s efforts in that regard.

About as many people turned up to buy firearms as turned up to turn them in.

A total of 77 guns were turned in, with many of them being BB guns.

About 50 people turned up to buy any guns that were worth more than the gift cards offered by the turn in organizers. It is very common for people turning in guns to bring two or more guns to be turned in.

The turn in organizers had $2,500 left over to purchase more firearms.  It will be used at some future event.

I’m thinking the funds would be best spent creating an “adopt a gun” event. No?

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  1. Does the NY SAFE act have a carve-out for gun buybacks? It would be just dessert if NYC buybacks had to be processed through an FFL just like in Boulder, CO.

    • I don’t believe it does, however I would not be surprised if prince andy simply makes an arbitrary statement that since they exempted LEO’s that it’s all above board. Kind of like the LEO’s and magazine restrictions… prince andy gave LEO’s state wide a verbal pass on down loading their mags before they passed the exemption amendment. Last I knew the law was the law and a statement by the gov does not absolve a class of citizenry from following it. The words arbitrary and capricious come to mind…

      Deep behind anti-gun enemy lines in NY… 🙁

  2. Anyone got an ID on the bottom row, second from the left? Or the Bottom row, far right?

    Bottom row far right seems to be maybe a Taurus PT-92?

    • second from the left is a Taurus Millienium Pro i think, far left looks like a smith and wesson 3913 or similar.

      • I think the one on the lower far left is a jimenz .380, part of the “ring of fire” guns from mexico. the one on the lower middle looks like an S&W 3913 . . , but the hammer looks different so maybe it is a Walther PPK. . . .

      • Bottom row starting on the right. Ruger P series, Smith & Wesson Sigma, Walther PPK, and I believe a 2 tone Glock. I won’t swear to that. The last one is I believe a .25 auto of decent quality. The upper right looks like a ww2 era mauser or CZ as used by the germans as a substitute standard for pilots and aircrew. The 2 autos left on the top row look like Ravens, .25 caliber one plain the other nicel with pimp grips. The revolver in the center is defiantely a python and the one next to it is a Ruger. The shotgun looks to be some variant on the mossberg 500/ maverick 88.

        PS, above the shotgun appears to be 2 more .25 autos.

  3. Simple zip guns are fast and easy to make. Anyone can purchase the parts at any hardware store and the parts cost next to nothing. One popular zip gun design is a single-shot 12 gauge shotgun made from a 3/4 inch water pipe and a 2×4 scrap — with a nail acting as the firing pin.

    If someone made such a zip gun and then became concerned about criminals stealing it for nefarious purposes, a gun buy-back event would be a safe way to ensure that no criminal would ever use that zip gun to harm anyone.

    I would love to see the look on the faces of the police and media if 100 people showed up to turn in home-made hardware store shotguns made from 2×4 scraps and water pipes. That alone would be worth way more than whatever the gift cards they were giving away.

  4. I’m all for buybacks if they remove guns from the paws of inner city urban “yute” thugs.

  5. Apparently, some buyback programs have wizened up a little,
    as they require a function check and that a pistol be deemed
    operable before you get the gift card.

    Also, does anybody know if there are any restrictions on the cards?
    I think it’d be hilarious to find out people were using the cards to
    buy new firearms, ammo etc…

  6. Ya gotta be kidding; that looks like a relatively clean Colt Python top front and center.

    That’s gotta be some sort of file photo.

      • That’s just plain WRONG!

        It HAS to be a mistake by a non gun owner who came into possession by inheritance with no idea what s/he had.

  7. I wish we ha one near us. My family owns a old 25 acp that will never be shot. Could use the money to go toward the beretta my dad is looking at.

    • I feel like i should go around buying broken lorcins and other junk just for these events, then spend the money buying good guns from the people outside.

  8. Sounds as if the gun ‘buybacks’ are becoming swap meets for the POTG. I wish they would have one near me, but on the other hand at least I live somewhere that doesn’t indulge in such ignorance.

  9. Wouldn’t it be nice if some concerned organization sued to make the buyers pay fair retail value for guns that are worth more than the gift card.
    Why should people be paid less then full value?

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