“New Yorkers for Clean and Livable Streets, or NYCLASS, is best known for seeking to ban horse carriages on city streets,” nydailynews.com reports, “but now the group is calling on [Lara] Trump, who has advocated on behalf of shelter dogs, to also push for an end to trophy hunting and poaching.” What’s trophy hunting got to do with clean and liveable streets, poaching or New York CIty dog shelters? Good question! . . .

It’s “not just cute, furry companions that need your help. It’s also leopards like the one your husband Eric killed and countless other wild species,” the group wrote to her in a letter signed by executive director Edita Birnkran.

The missive also praises [Ms. Trump] for her dreams of a rescue dog in the White House and her advocacy for shelter dogs and research beagles. The group said legal trophy hunting can help enable illegal poaching by creating a market for trophies — and as such all trophy hunting should be banned.

Pssst! Buddy! Want to buy an African hunting trophy cheap?

Maybe Ms. Birnkran should focus her attention on NYC’s Chinese community, rather than the President’s son.

As The New York Times revealed “After China, the United States is the big market for ivory and rhino horn. And in the U.S. the epicenter of that trade is New York City.”


  1. What they say, “not just cute, furry companions that need your help. It’s also leopards like the one your husband Eric killed and countless other wild species,” the group wrote to her in a letter signed by executive director Edita Birnkran.”
    What I hear, “wah, wah, wah, wah”.

  2. With any hunting there’s going to be poaching of some sort. If memory serves me correctly, the English had air guns years ago just for poaching. China, what a good country huh.

  3. “The group said legal trophy hunting can help enable illegal poaching by creating a market for trophies”
    This is the exact opposite of what happens. Legal markets shrink illegal markets. Economics is certainly not their strong suit.

    And your link that says NYPost actually goes to the Daily News.

    • It’s asinine either way.

      “Yes, what you’re doing is completely legal, and possibly even good for environment (population control) and local African economies. But because someone bad may do something illegal then you shouldn’t do it yourself.”

      Why don’t you go after the people doing the illegal acts instead of the ones not and blaming them?

  4. Catch the CNN film “Trophy”(I can’t believe I recommended the clintonnewsnetwork!). Relatively evenhanded overview of trophy hunting. A little preachy but very well made…

  5. Yep, people pay for a commercial flight to Africa with a big bore rifle and spend tens of thousands of dollars just to poach some thing. [Rolls eyes]

    Aren’t the animals worth more with legal selective hunting, then on the black market?

  6. ““New Yorkers for Clean and Livable Streets, or NYCLASS, is best known for seeking to ban horse carriages on city streets,”

    Gotta wonder just how many cute, fluffy horses, with their commercial value obliterated through legislation, will be slaughtered if this group gets their wish.

    The stupid is really strong with that bunch.

    • Progressives go into a blind rage that effectively takes away 40 IQ points every time they hear the word Trump

    • Those poor ponies will be turned loose on the streets, to become homeless or poached by trophy hunters.

  7. The white animal activists have always found it easier to complain about the wealthy white hunter who supports the economy of poor areas of the world, instead of going after wealthy Chinese buyers of ivory.

    But these white (socialist) animal activists would never support the capitalist system making trade in ivory legal. This would put the power in the hands of Africans. And white liberals would not that.

  8. Meanwhile, today’s NY Times had an article about “coywolves” being spotted just north of NYC, and some even making it as far south as (seriously) Rikers Island. The naturalist types wanted them left alone, as they helped deplete the otherwise excessive deer population. The statist-types wanted them killed because they “might” upset the developmentally disabled or eat their foofie dogs. Hilarious. Then I saw an on-line ad for the new Ruger 9mm carbine. (may or may not be legal in NY)

  9. OK, I don’t care about the article, but what’s with the face parts. Dude hit every branch.

  10. Hunting, ethics, guns, pets, etc. all aside, here’s what I don’t get:

    “legal trophy hunting can help enable illegal poaching by creating a market for trophies”

    No, a trophy is an object that symbolizes an accomplishment. You pay the price for the experience and successfully complete a difficult hunt. Therefore, you potentially take an animal part as a “trophy”. You can buy one and lie about a hunt, but the significance is gone. You can buy gold and make a gold medal and pretend you won it, but what’s the point?

    I realize there’s probably a black market for tusks, hides, and other common trophy items, but their value on such a market is due to the price and difficulty of getting them. To buyers, they’d be collectibles that show the owner has connections or is daring and willing to risk legal problems.

    Spending a few thousand on a hunt resulting in a legal trophy seems completely different from buying banned animal parts.

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