The NHL reckons it’s OK for players to drop their sticks and punch each other in the face for a few minutes. But play-acting a pump shotgun after a goal? Not so much. Then again, unlike the NFL, the hockey jefes are willing to have a quiet word with New York Rangers’ forward Artem Anisimov and let this one slide. So to speak. Coach John Tortorella: “You guys all know him, he’s a great kid. I don’t think he realized what would happen in that type of situation and I don’t think that’s planned by him to go that far.” Rangers center Brad Richards: “Artie won’t do that again. He wasn’t trying to embarrass anybody. He was celebrating a nice goal but that’s what happens in hockey. We’ll all move on from that.” To what, mock grenade throwing celebrations? Meanwhile, I’m waiting for Stalingrad on Ice.


  1. You have to love hockey. Unlike the No Fun League, when some a-hole pulls some stupid BS like that, showing up the other team, they pay an immediate price for it.

  2. In hockey (the greatest team sport ever), these celebrations are what we pay to see. The goals, the fights, the checks: that’s what we want. Celebrations like this make the game even better. All this political correctness in pro sports destroys the game. The beauty of this game is clearly shown in the video: They don’t slap fines on these guys because the other team is allowed to take matters into their own hands. The other team was clearly offended. As a result, there wasn’t a heartbeat’s delay before his opponent attempted to show him what he thought of his “disrespectful” display. He spoke with his fists. They settled the score (or not) right there and the game went on.

    Hockey is a metaphor for life.

    Any words or jestures made by anyone, including pro athletes, is protected by the first ammendment. There are no league rules that can deny your 1A rights. Anyone who attempts to prevent others from their constitutional rights (with fines or whatever) should be exiled or shot. If you don’t like the rules, change them (good luck) or go live in another country.


    • There are no league rules that can deny your 1A rights.

      I hope you’re kidding. The First Amendment binds government conduct, not private conduct. The league certainly can regulate it’s players’ speech all it wants. There’s nothing un-American about that.

      • Nope, not kidding. If we don’t let our government do it, why would we let the private sector do it. This is what we call “freedom”. I guess some people just aren’t into that.

        You’re right, it’s not un-american. It’s anti-american.

        • Uh, you might actually want to read that Constitution thing. It’s very informative.

          Besides, there’s nothing more pro-American than telling some a$$hole to shut the f^ck up.

  3. Actually, what triggered the fight was not the shotgun mime, but rather the arrogance it showed. Like the commentator said, it’s a pretty classic celebration, but the way Anisimov did it – pointing at the goalie – was interpreted as offending.

    Hockey rule #1 : what happens on the ice stays on the ice!

  4. I live in Canada, a place where hockey is a religion even though I am definitely a non-practicing hockey fan. I got bored and tired of hockey during the dark days of disco and the opponent’s thuggish reaction to a simple celebration in the video was one of the reasons. It will never be recognized as a legitimate sport until they throw these clowns out of games for fighting like every other team sport.

    • Go play hockey then, and you’ll understand why fighting is the most important part of the game. There is more strategy involved in the fight than you’re aware of. It’s not just about getting pissed off and kicking someones ass.

      Those athletes can skate on a frozen pond better than you can walk. The reason it’s not as mainstream as other sports is because it’s HARD. Not everyone can strap on skates and be a Gretzky. Anyone can kick a soccer ball, throw a football, swing a bat, etc. It takes more skill and determination to play ice hockey than any other sport. The fighting just makes it even harder. Just because they’re allowed to doesn’t mean they have to. They do it because it’s a strategic part of their game. If there was a sport called “full-contact politics”, you’d watch it too. Fighting is a part of the struggle of life, whether physical or verbal. Hockey embraces it instead of hiding from it. It’s okay to crawl out from under your rock. It’s just a game.

      • I completely disagree with your post. I assume by your philosophy that you are likely a Canadian, because I have had this circuitous argument for many decades north of the border. The strategy behind hockey fights is pretty simple: it is designed to settle scores and motivate a team. Not exactly rocket science. I would suggest that you have a look at even a high school football playbook and tell me about strategy and complexity. I was in many on-ice scraps and fighting was hardly an admirable strategy, it was just a way to send a basic primal message to the opponents. I accept that NHL hockey players are superb athletes but they should emphasize their skills-not their ability to break their hand on a guy. You are sadly mistaken if you put these guys ahead of every other team sport in terms of athleticism.

  5. The first recorded use of the word “hockey” is found in the text of a royal proclamation issued by Edward III of England in 1363 banning certain types of sports and games.Most evidence of hockey-like games during the Middle Ages is found in legislation concerning sports and games. Similar to Edward’s proclamation was the Galway Statute enacted in Ireland in 1527, which banned certain types of ball games, including hockey…;^’


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