The next FPSRussia and his all-too-willing accomplice demonstrate the disadvantages of getting shot by anything, “even” a pellet gun. So now you know. Oh, and you might want to refrain from pointing one of those things at a busload of school kids. Not only could you put their eye out, you could be looking at a felony beef. Or an active shooter response. Trust me; you do not want to go there.


  1. That is the craziest thing I have ever witnessed. It is like a train wreck. You know what is going to happen but you just can not avert you eyes. I watched it like 3 or 4 times.

    If we need a second test, I know some rednecks that would be more than willing to try anything once, twice sometimes if they don’t like it. Just saying…

  2. Do you think if someone repeated this on him, but used real bullets, we could call it a justifiable homicide? Defense of a third person. If this guy continues posting these dangerous videos, someone else is going to get hurt or killed.

  3. At least he used highly sophisticated safety equipment to protect his nads. Silly me, I thought it was a platter for serving fruit, not nuts.

  4. Not sure I get the hub bub, how is a little plastic ball different then a paintball. Paintball in slow mo has been done forever.

    • Exactly. Why is everyone so shocked?

      It blows my mind sometimes that this site wastes space on posts like this. I found the video awfully stupid, However; It is an airsoft gun (as the kid stated in his ridiculous fake russian accent). They are meant to be used in the same vein as paintball. He had a mask on in the video. Basically, you have some jackass kid being wantonly shot with an airsoft gun presumably for entertainment purposes. He’s clearly in a rural setting and wearing face protection. He’d be in much more danger on a dirt bike. Stupid, but I really don’t see how it warrants any attention. At least with FPS Russia, there were real weapons involved. Seriously Robert, there’s a sea of jackass kids on youtube. You’re going to wear yourself out getting all indignant over stuff like this.

  5. wow somebody slap some sense into this guy. i think his compatriot was aiming too high, this guy need not to reproduce.

  6. Uh… This is AIRSOFT, not a pellet gun. If those were pellets then he might actually have some holes in him. Instead, those scary little plastic balls just bounce off.

    He appears to be using a mask to protect his eyes, so I don’t understand what thy this was posted.

  7. That’s not bad at all. I used to go all mil-simy when I was in high school and saw a guy get lit up with a souped up AEG at spitting distance. That encounter left a trail of blood blisters all across the guys stomach. And don’t knock airsoft unless you’ve tried it with a good group of honenst and organized players. I may not play anymore but it sure as hell beat playing a video game any day.

  8. As “Obvious” states, this was an airsoft gun, not a pellet gun. A pellet gun would cause some serious pain.

    I think FPSRussia has far more interesting firearms, especially this 40mm machine gun. I would not characterize it as a “firearm”, however, as no one could actually carry it.

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