New York Attorney General Letitia James
New York Attorney General Letitia James (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

The Buffalo grocery store killer who murdered 10 people a year ago bought his New York-compliant AR pattern rifle legally in New York. That was after he’d been taken into custody and ordered to undergo a psych evaluation because of threats he’d made about carrying out a shooting.

The AR he purchased was apparently equipped with an MA Lock from Mean Arms when he bought it. The MA Lock makes the AR a fixed magazine rifle, but the killer then drilled out the MA Lock, modifying the AR to take standard 30-round magazines.

As a result, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed suit today against Mean Arms in the Supreme Court of New York. James is suing Mean Arms for . . .

…aiding the illegal possession of assault weapons in New York, including the weapon used in the mass shooting in Buffalo in May 2022. New York law bans the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Mean Arms manufactures, sells, and distributes a magazine lock, known as the MA Lock, that is marketed as a device to lock a magazine onto a semiautomatic rifle. However, the lock can easily be removed so that detachable magazines, including high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, can be inserted into a rifle. …

The lawsuit alleges that the company deceptively and falsely advertises that installing an MA Lock on a weapon makes it legal in New York, thereby aiding and abetting the illegal possession of assault weapons in New York. Through her lawsuit, Attorney General James seeks to stop Mean Arms from doing business in New York and to require the company to pay restitution, damages, and civil penalties for its illegal practices that violated state laws and caused irreparable harm.

So just to sum up, Mean Arms makes a device — the MA Lock — that converts a standard AR pattern rifle into a fixed magazine rifle for use in ban states. The Buffalo killer legally purchased a rifle that was equipped with an MA Lock, but then drilled it out. And because the MA Lock can, with the right tools, be removed . . .

…the MA lock does not remove a semiautomatic rifle’s capacity to accept a detachable magazine or convert illegal assault weapons into legal weapons in New York.

In other words, because the MA Lock can be extracted using power tools, it isn’t sufficiently New York compliant. That, the AG alleges, constitutes “deceptive and false advertising.” The AG also points to the fact that the MA Lock package includes removal instructions.

You can read the AG’s complaint here.



  1. And the lock of a bank vault or a gun safe can be removed with the same drill. Or a cut-off wheel or an acetylene torch, or a small explosive device…

    • Many firearm receivers are made by removing small pieces of metal from a larger piece of metal using a simple, widely available cutting tool.

      • Hi, I’m from “Moms Demand Action” and we want to take you power tools.

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          just using this site………

  2. So the shooter (dead or alive) is not culpable for modifying a legal product,,, it’s par for the course with these people.

  3. If you’re wondering who really runs the New York AG office:

    “Attorney General James would like to thank Everytown for Gun Safety for their partnership in this effort.”

  4. 50% price markup at Optics Planet. Interesting, although little apparent relevance to tu hd complaint.

    • I have made $18625 final month by w0rking 0nline from domestic in my portion time as it were. Everyone can presently get this j0b and begin making dollars 0nline fair by take after points of interest here..
      ) AND Great Good fortune.:

  5. What’s next, suing Glock because its pistols can be illegally modified to turn them into machine pistols? I mean really, with enough time and the right tools, anything can be modified from its original intent and purpose. And that includes turning AR15s into fully automatic firearms also with a modification to the firing mechanism and drilling a couple of small holes in the receiver.

      • … why not? Mn. atty gen’l is refusing to charge yoots with stealing Hundais and Kias, because they are “too tempting” and most of the boosters are – wait for it – a certain minority. If these automobiles weren’t guilty of singing a silent siren song, these little bangers would be in school and utilizing their cerebral sponges. C’mon man!

        • I’m not sure if that means I am going to jail or not going to jail for my Schwinn stool. Maybe Schwinn is going to jail because a bicycle they manufactured 40 some odd years ago can be turned into a stool. Confusing times we live in.

        • “What is a ‘yoot'”?

          (Great question from Fred Gwynn from “My Cousin Vinny”)

      • @MyName, well yes it does because the stool allows you to sit and drink longer which could lead you to other forms of mischief. The entire story is bull stool.

        • You know, I don’t think I have a pic of mine handy but, go to pintrest, there are thousands of em.

      • If that bicycle that you turned into a barstool was then used by someone to drink himself into oblivion, and then that somebody got in his car and illegally drove drunk and killed someone, then yes, New York Attorney General Letitia James will sue the makers of the bicycle because the makers of the bicycle obviously are RESPONSIBLE for someone turning it into a barstool that someone else could sit on while drinking and then get into his car and illegally drive drunk. And then he’ll sue the car-maker, too.
        Because in the eyes of NY Attorney General Letitia James, crimes are never the criminal’s fault — they’re always someone else’s fault.

        Oh who am I kidding — they NEVER sue car-makers for deaths caused by drunk drivers; they only sue makers of guns and gun accessories for deaths caused by murderous criminals!
        “Because cars = good, guns = bad, m’kay?”

      • “Your comment is awaiting moderation,” grrr, for no apparent reason!
        OK, let’s see if I can post at least part of it without censorship.
        Ever notice they NEVER sue car-makers for deaths caused by drunk drivers; they only sue makers of guns and gun accessories for deaths caused by murderous criminals. “Because cars = good, guns = bad, m’kay?”

    • “What’s next, suing Glock because its pistols can be illegally modified to turn them into machine pistols?”

      Ding! Ding! Ding!

      Their ultimate goal is to ban handguns, because more handguns are used in crimes than rifles — and citizens own more handguns than rifles.

      Attacking manufacturers (of firearms and/or parts) is the way to get the handgun-control camel’s nose under the tent.

      • Who owns more handguns than rifles? I’d say I have about 1/2 rifles, 3/8 handguns and 1/8 shotguns. All the shotguns are “bird guns”. I did break down and order a new Wilson Combat 870. That could change the ratio. I live in town now. Even though all my neighbors live in brick houses I rethought running outside with an H&K 91.

        • Gadsden, I’m talking about people who know how many guns they have — not someone who “finds” a gun in his massive collection that he forgot that he owned. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Ha ha!

          Edit: the smileys disappeared when I edited; will they return?

        • Gadsden, while I think this would be a Really Great Opportunity for an official poll , I think that most respondents would be in the same boat as me… and that boat would have been the canoe that I was transporting my fully loaded gun safe in across Lake Superior for some odd reason when it was capsized in the geographical center of Gitgigumme, lost in the depths next to ole’ Edmund Fitzgerald . (Apologies to the recently departed Gordon Lightfoot ).
          Anyhoo, from what I recall, the score MAY have been 25/43rds handguns, 14/43rds rifles, and 4/43rds shotguns…. I should have bought more shotguns along the way – but it’s too late now, I’m no longer interested in guns since they’ve become unpopular. I’m thinking of starting a Pogs collection as they are much easier to store.

        • 1 Transferable RR AR-15
          1 Transferable M3A1 Grease Gun
          3 Mosins (collecting different types)
          1 Siam Mauser (no ammo available but beautiful gun)
          1 Gen 5 Glock 17
          1 CMP 1911
          2 32 Auto pistols
          1 22 semiautomatic .22 rifle
          1 22 semiautomatic pistol.

          so more pistols for me

    • why bother with paying all that dough ray me for a completed rifle that is not usable the way it is sold Just make yer own from scratch. That is legal, it has been done since the first firearms were made.

      • MADDMAXX May 12, 2023 At 03:15
        Your comment is awaiting moderation
        POSSESSION of such a rifle in New York will get you significant jail time… But it’s not just about the gun, the NEW and IMPROVED Safe Act calls out magazines that can hold more than ten rounds… Makes possession of ANY magazine that holds more than 10 rounds illegal and includes previously “granfathered” magazines… It also makes it illegal to load your 10 round MAX magazine with more than 7 rounds… Class D felony with up to 7 years confinement and up to $5,000 fine…

        “The Jose Webster Untraceable Firearms Act” sponsored by Senator Brad Hoylman and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, prohibits the sale and possession of unregistered ghost guns and ensures law enforcement will be able to track the manufacture and sale of all guns in New York. The legislation:

        Defines a “ghost gun” as any firearm, rifle, or shotgun that isn’t serialized and registered in accordance with either state or federal law
        Prohibits the possession of ghost guns by anyone but a licensed gunsmith
        Prohibits the sale of ghost guns entirely
        Prohibits the manufacture or assembly of a firearm, rifle, or shotgun by anyone other than a licensed gunsmith
        Requires New York gunsmiths to serialize all firearms, rifles, shotguns, or unfinished frames or receivers they manufacture or assemble, and to register any such gun, or unfinished frame or receiver that isn’t otherwise covered by federal serialization law with the Division of State Police…

        MODERATED??? Isn’t that speashullll…

        • Would have to double check that 7 round issue that got tossed pre Bruen and not sure how it would apply now.

        • The SAFE Act was recently amended. The amendments include the following changes to the law:
          Suspending the requirement that only magazines that can contain 7 rounds or less can be purchased. Going forward, magazines can be purchased that can contain up to 10 rounds.
          Clarifying that active law enforcement continues to be exempt from the prohibitions on the possession of high capacity magazines, assault weapons, and magazines containing more than 7 rounds, as well as the law prohibiting weapons on school grounds.
          Ensuring that local safe storage laws are not preempted by the SAFE Act.

          While New York’s magazine limit is 10 rounds loading a magazine with more than 7 is illegal even with CCW permit. More than 7 round maybe loaded when hunting, in one’s home, or when at a shooting range. The .22 tubular magazine is exempt from the 7 rounds law. Law enforcement both active and retired are exempt from the round and magazine limits.
          § 265.02

        • Neat not sure if it is actually part of enforcement yet but potentially another challenge and will be utterly ignored by everyone.

  6. Hate to ruin your day NY but, with the right compliment of tools and some hunks of steel (and maybe some other metals and maybe some wood and/or plastic), any gun can be made. Want proof? Pick up a gun, any gun, hand it to a machinist and ask, “How would you make this?”

    There was this one New Yorker, named Eliphalet Remington, who figured that out a while back.

    • that’s why the new Safe Act makes it illegal for anyone other than a licensed gunsmith to build and possess an un-serialized firearm and makes it illegal for ANYONE to sell an un-serialized firearm in NY…

  7. Or suing lock companies because their locks can be picked or drilled, therefore making them guilty of aiding and abetting a burglary…

    I guess Letitia doesn’t know that after removing this device, SOME OTHER locking device (even a standard release latch) must be installed or the mags will just fall out. And that in order to be installed, it is in some fashion removable. In any event, the purpose of these locking devices is solely to make it as difficult if not impossible to do a quick magazine change, and the mere fact that it CAN be removed doesn’t mean it is not effective and serving its intended purpose when properly installed. The only logical basis for liability would be if the lock did not prevent releasing mags when properly installed. And finally, there is nothing in the NY law that requires mags to be welded to the receiver.

    • Wisconsin (I think) is trying to sue Kia (I think) because their cars are too easy to steal.

        • I don’t have a Kia but, if someone steals my Jeep I think I should sue Kia for not showing Jeep how to prevent theft.

    • I hope they fight it, the safe act is rife with logic failures and obnoxious rules and exceptions. I think several compliance measures were supposed to be welded on and/or destroy the firearm if removed but would need to go over it again to separate the law from fuddlore.

  8. I think that MA may have their teats in the wringer over this one. The lock was state law compliant, but they explained in detail, right on the package, how to make the lock non-compliant.

    That was a stupid move.


    • That could end up being interesting from a legal standpoint. If I produce a product and, then, inform the public – This is how you misuse the product I have produced – am I liable for that misuse or not? My, off-the-cuff take is no, not if I said it was misuse. Hmm.

      Here is a bag of fertilizer. DO NOT! mix it with diesel fuel and ignite, that would make a bomb!

      My wife has a hair dryer that has a label that informs her that she should NOT use it in the shower. If she does, is the maker of the hair dryer liable? Has anyone ever tried to use a hair dryer while in the shower? How dumb do you have to be to do so? Is user stupidity a valid legal defense? These are good questions, or dumb ones.

      • Reminds me of what some California wineries were doing during Prohibition. SInce selling any alcoholic drink was illegal, and since the grapes kept growing cause some dweeb in Congress forgot to inform them making wine is now illegel, nd since leaving the grapes on the vnes to rot is not good for the vines, they’d pick the grapes, crush them, bottle the juice in gallinscrew-top jugs. The label would be from the winery, name the variety or blend of grapes, then a WARNING!!! DO NOT add two teaspoons yeast, one tablespoon of sugar, then leave the cap slightly loose and store it in a cool dark place for three to four weeks, as this might make wine which is ilegal!!

      • My wife has a hair dryer that has a label that informs her that she should NOT use it in the shower.

        Truly sad that a warning label informing an intelligent adult that using an electrical device in the presence of water could be hazardous to your health… Anyone who REALLY needs that warning most likely (A) cannot read and (2) does not own a hair dryer (or a shower)…

    • Except for the fact that when you are murdering people it’s hard to stop and drill out a locking device. They fulfilled the unconstitutional requirements for New York state law.

    • But it also contains installation instructions. A rifle that may be resold across state lines to a resident of NY or to resident of some other state that does NOT have moronic magazine laws would require both. Nothing in the NY law says the firearm has to be PERMANENTLY modified, does it? If so, how do they normalize for grinders, hacksaws, and the like?

  9. If it were not for another law that is not constitutional no one would be making such a silly device; ny set the pace and the manufacturer simply followed.

    Criminals by nature breach locks no matter how well they are made. Did the state of ny sue the manufacturer of steering wheel locks when equipped cars were stolen? Not a beep out of ny then.

    The insane Gun Control state of ny is liable for every defenseless Gun Control compiling citizen who was beaten, robbed, raped, murdered, etc. Sue ny Gun Control Rot for damages.

    • “Did the state of ny sue the manufacturer of steering wheel locks when equipped cars were stolen? Not a beep out of ny then.”

      Yes, they sued.

      As Kia and Hyundai thefts continue to spike across the nation, Baltimore is joining several other US cities in suing the two car manufacturers. …

      Other cities suing the automakers include Cleveland; San Diego; Milwaukee; New York; and Columbus, Ohio.

      • Well then, maybe some attentive AG will file against YewTube and Shwitter as accomplices for showing multiple videos on how to jack such vehicles… sounds like a cut and dried aiding and abetting charge to me.
        Talk about following the money…

      • Not so fast man…Suits against Hyundai involve vehicles built below anti theft industry standards. I am familiar with Hyundai theft because I have a friend who does security at a former GM plant where Hyundai vehicles are stored, transported, etc.

        There were no lawsuits filed against the steering wheel locks noted which were an aftermarket device like the AR lock is an aftermarket device. Add on aftermarket steering wheel locks were plentiful and failed to prevent car theft during the time when crime and car theft was very high prior to Gulliani being ny mayor…Compare apples to apples.

        • “Not so fast man…Suits against Hyundai involve vehicles built below anti theft industry standards.”

          Incorrect. The lower-trim Hyundais and Kias subject to this suit, met Federal safety standards when they were manufactured. The weak link is that the manufacturers failed to include immobilizer technology which was not required, but was nearly an industry standard at the time. 96% of all vehicles built in 2015 had this technology integrated into the ignition locks. Hyundai/Kia chose to save a few bucks by using the standard ignition key lock, which is easily defeated by opening the steering column and bypassing the linkage.

          From the link above: Baltimore officials accuse Hyundai and Kia of failing to include industry-standard immobilization technology in their vehicles, making it possible to start the vehicles without a key.

          Lawyers requested that the NHTSA force a recall of the cars to install upgraded lock systems in all of the affected cars, but —

          “NHTSA responded that this isn’t the sort of thing for which the agency could demand a recall.” —

          Full disclosure: I have 32 years of experience as an auto physical damage specialist with a major insurer,; for two of those years, I handled auto theft claims.

          We also discussed this topic at great length a couple of weeks ago.

        • Look man…You are nitpicking like a cornered democRat. Again try comparing apples to apples. That means cease with the lame attempts to elevate a silly device on a firearm to the level of federal safety standards on a Hyundai. The aftermarket steering wheel club device I cited was not federally regulated like Hyundai or was the aftermarket firearm locking device federally regulated like Hyundai. Both the firearm lock and steering wheel lock in question are on the same plane when failing the almost impossible task to prevent crime. Only difference is one product skated and one is being sued.

          Neither the firearm button lock or vehicle club device manufacturer made the firearms or the vehicles for which those add on products were intended.

          Hyundai decides what goes on their vehicles. Unlicensed non-affiliated accessories, add ons fitting Hyundai vehicles are an entirely different animal. That’s why suits against Hyundai for their safety device failures and not against the company making aftermarket accessories found at Auto Zone such as floor mats, anti theft wheel lug nuts, etc.

        • “Look man…You are nitpicking like a cornered democRat.”

          Look, Debbie — you don’t know what you’re talking about.

          “That means cease with the lame attempts to elevate a silly device on a firearm to the level of federal safety standards on a Hyundai.”

          Cease with your reading into my comments and focus instead on reading them.

          “The aftermarket steering wheel club device I cited …”

          …has nothing to do with the current lawsuits against Hyundai/Kia — the opinion of your friend, the parking-lot attendant, notwithstanding. And you posted no citation.

          You seem intent on making enemies here — don’t be surprised if we indulge you.

      • Kia and Hyundai should be sued for calling what they build an automobile… In fact, they should be doing life without the possibility of parole…

        • Nowadays most all vehicles are expensive complex electronic piles of poop destined for the scrapyard.

          A piston engine needs one distributor hot wire, one simple carb like a Holley double pumper and a fuel pump.

          Because of the energy and materials it requires to manufacture mountains of gizmos and gadgets on behalf of the environment the so called environmental friendly vehicle begins polluting long before the vehicle reaches the dealer…And the same nitwits who jump up and down over plastic soda straws are dead silent about the waste inherent with the mandated junk on vehicles dedicated to saving the environment.

  10. This isn’t about winning the case or even a settlement, it’s all about putting another firearm related business out of business.
    That is the endgame

    • Bingo! Which is why we absolutely need to be able to counter sue these bastards with full reimbursement of expenses.

    • Of course it is. That is why Bloomberg is financing this fiasco. That is the point of using consumer protection laws against manufacturers of parts, because there is no other way to reach them since they do not produce firearms. They are intended to bankrupt the parts manufacturers, most of which are small businesses. [That too is changing, with attempts to regulate parts of firearms as firearms, and therefore requiring background checks and the whole nine yards.]

  11. Just more “Lawfare” from the left. No shock. This is what we do now and will continue to do until it stops being so effective. We need to do the same. Pickup some of these governors violating federal gun law per Bruin, and prosecute them for civll rights violations…in Diego Garcia Military base in the Indian Ocean. File for ever continuance and drag it out so that the left wing gun grabbers are bankrupted by the costs of defending themselves. Fight fire with fire, or lose.

  12. So, a woman was driving down the road in her RV and put it in cruise control so she could make herself a sandwich. RV went off the road and was destroyed and she was seriously injured. She sued claiming the owners manual did not clearly explain how cruise control works. She was awarded millions.

  13. “As a result, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed suit today against Mean Arms in the Supreme Court of New York. ”

    Mean Arms needs to respond to that lawsuit with a copy of the 2022 ‘Bruen’ decision, with the pertinent parts highlighted.

    In addition, they need to counter-sue seeking all legal expenses be reimbursed, with a nice punitive damages sum on top for harassment… 🙂

    • No, Bruen does not apply. If Mean Arms wins, it will be entitled to attorney’s fees–and liable for them if it loses.

      • “No, Bruen does not apply.”


        ‘Bruen’ was decided months ago, and James filed her lawsuit today.

        Since there were no laws on magazine capacities in the late 1700s, how could he not have a case, under the new ‘Bruen’ standard ? ? ?

        • It is not a lawsuit about magazine capacity, it is a lawsuit about an aftermarket magazine lock that allegedly does not comply with NY law because it can be circumvented. Bruen was about the right to keep and bear, and established a test for evaluating various laws. Not one has challenged locking devices or similar laws, such as those that ban collapsible stocks, “flash hiders”, and the like.

      • Why does Bruen NOT apply here? Standard cap mages have been in common use for at least a couple centuries, are not unusually and inherently dangerous, and are thus covered as “in common use”. NYS are violating the laws and Constitution by prohibiting them or restricting mag capacity. If NYS had been compliant with the laws per Bruen the pin fix would never have been required and the makers of the block would have had no market for them. Thus no need to find a fix.

        • Bruen doesn’t apply because the case is about ‘facilitating’ a crime and not about denial of a right. If they had not included the removal instructions with the product there would be no case.

          but simply including removal instructions doesn’t mean they facilitated. its a stretch to think it does. there needs to be an ‘intent’ to facilitate and I doubt Mean Arms had that intent.

        • “Bruen doesn’t apply because the case is about ‘facilitating’ a crime and not about denial of a right.”

          Under the ‘Bruen’ standard now in effect, THERE WAS NO CRIME.

          Hence, nothing for James to sue for.

          Case dismissed…

        • You don’t get it, facilitating a crime has nothing to do with a right. Shes trying to claim ‘facilitation’, not ‘possession’ as in a right. That’s why Bruen doesn’t apply, its not about selling something that’s protected, its not about possessing something that’s protected, its not about ‘magazines’ that are protected – its not about a right. Its about facilitating a crime.

      • Mark is an idiot. Bruen covers EVERYTHING that should not demand any clarification of the 2nd.

        • Mark is about as far from an idiot as it gets. You, on the other hand…

          I would like to hear from him *why* ‘Bruen’ doesn’t apply…

    • It’s easier to prosecute persecute a law-abiding citizen or manufacturer, than it is to catch and prosecute a criminal. NY’s just going for the low-hanging fruit.

    • A Democrat decided to perpetrate a crime, and it’s a Republican’s responsibility.
      Fixed it for ya and now I bet it makes a whole lot more sense to you.

  14. mass holes are going to go after the makers of the pressure cookers used in Boston next.

  15. Why not sue the maker and seller of the drill?
    They shouldn’t be making tools designed to defeat NY laws.

  16. Next she will sue the Federal Reserve under the theory that money allows people to buy things she doesn’t want them to have.

  17. Only in the demtard party would such a butt ugly and stupid be advanced past “Sanitation Enginer” (or bartender).

    • I, for one, would definitely NOT drink anything IT served me, and if I saw it on the back of a garbage truck I’d be thinking ” some of it’s getting away !”

  18. The Second Amendment was written as such that We The People have access to Weapons of War so that Amwricas good citizens could protect the freedom and sovereignty of The United States of America.
    We had to cross rivers full of alligators and snakes, He said.
    Where do Brownies get cell phones?
    What carrier supplies Brownies with free service?
    Where do the Brownies charge their phones?
    ,,,,,Nice clothes for a poverty stricken country, how did you come about that?
    We had to cross rivers full of alligators and snakes, he said.
    1little 2little 3little 4little 700, 800, 900 thousand, 10 hundred thousand little Indian boys.
    Remember the Pie Alamoed

  19. Mean AG sues Mean Arms ’cause mean mental illness desire to persecute law abiding who were not mean.

    • “Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.” — me

  20. The company should sue them for intentionally altering their products… anybody can find their way around something if they try…

    • That, ultimately, is the defense. The product was altered. No product is tamper proof, and to suggest that this device violated consumer product law because it was not tamper proof–nor did it ever represent that it was–is the answer to such frivolity. What she did was to borrow–poorly–from lawsuits brought under such laws against manufacturers of magazine repair kits that allowed the purchaser to rebuild mags back to full capacity from a ten round limit. The difference is that those kits were designed to circumvent the law, not to comply with it as written. I wold like to know what other maglock devices were/are sold in NY, and whether or not any of them, including OEM
      locks, can be circumvented/removed, whatever.

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