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OK, I admit it: there’s nothing rad here. This is merely an excuse to publish some primo gun porn in between posts about attacks on your constitutionally protected right to keep and bear bad ass bullet throwers like this. FYI: Scally Hill Systems‘ enhanced Mk4 Mod7 “brings the same great custom features as before, but with improved ergonomics and more user adaptability. It features a widened trigger guard, an enhanced stock, greater contact area with the rear of the magazine, and an AR-15 like grip-to-trigger ratio.” Hide your credit card and click here for more pics, in that order.


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  1. Quote from the owner: “Nothing says America like our weapons, and nothing says weapon like the most modern, lethal system.”

    Brash. I like it.

    I have a Savage rifle just sitting around gathering dust. Have I finally found a use for it? I’ve never heard of a bolt action rifle with a folding stock. Unique.

    • Side folding stocks on bolt guns are quite useful. They let you keep your cheek-pad adjusted high, fold out of the way and allow a proper cleaning from the chamber with a rod.

      They also make the whole package a bit shorter for portability.

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