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John M. Browning designed the .380 cartridge. To quote Michael Caine, not a lot of people know that. Browning’s Scott Grange (above) touts this fact as he promotes his employer’s new JMB design-based .380-caliber 1911. Apparently, the company’s .22-caliber 1911 was a huge hit; fans clamored for a centerfire version. Et voila! The Right 380. The new gun’s an 85 percent version of a full-size 1911 sporting both an ambidextrous frame-mounted safety (the Left 380?) and a grip safety. The Right 380’s extra weight, low bore axis and “crisp light trigger” should continue the 1911’s rep as the best gun to shoot someone with – and one of the worst not shoot someone with. What with the safety, I reckon expert/committed-to-train shooters need apply. Just sayin’. X-ray video of the new gun after the jump . . .

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  1. Browning, Rock Island all coming out with a true 1911 in 380 acp. Whod a thunk it?? Both a day late and a few years off.
    Ill buy some ones just to have one in my 1911 collection. But none will replace my P938 or RIA Tactical compact in 9mm.

  2. This would be good for certain countries that limit citizens to 380 acp or less. Other than that, a 1911 in 9mm would be better for plinking and teaching new shooters.

  3. I have a 9×18 Makarov. I view it as a +p .380. And even a dated commie copy of a dated German design has a more modern fire system than the 1911.

    • While I feel that 380 is an under appreciated round, it excels in tiny gun or in somewhat larger guns as they tend to be lower recoil. To me, this gun is to large to fit that nitch. And to me 1911 type guns are range toys, not a gun I would carry or keep out for defense.

      As such, this would likely be a fun target gun. But I think I’ll be spending my money elsewhere.

  4. Hmmm. A proven design, classic style, that shoots a weak and over-priced cartridge. I’ll pass.

    If I want to be sacrilegious a 9mm double stack 1911 style gun will fit the bill just fine. Otherwise I think a 1911 should be a .45. Or a 10mm.

  5. What I like best about .380 guns is the small size. I can put my Sig P238 and holster in my back pocket and go about my day. This seems off to me.

  6. Actually…. kind of interested. Not normally into novelty guns but this one might actually be worth it.

  7. I had Llama Micromax 380 and .22 guns 15 years ago that looked like a small 1911s. Sold them when I was broke have always regretted it. Looks like I will replace the two of them with Brownings.

    • I thought about that Llama and did a complete brain fart on make and model. Several people I knew in the day had those and the bigger 9mm version. Everybody I knew that actually used one, liked them.

      Until your comment I was at a loss to call them up by name.

    • My family gun is a factory engraved Llama III in 380 with imitation ivory grips made in 1950. I’ve never shot it, and I don’t think it’s been shot in over 50 years now. Maybe I’ll get a chance to take it, or at least clean and fix it up, out when I visit my dad next month.

  8. I thought the general purpose of .380 was for pocket carry.
    Why carry something bigger, with all the sharp corners that catch on a pocket?

  9. You guys do realize this is the same size as Brownings .22 model, right? That’s supposed to be the selling point.

  10. There are a lot of 1911s in .22, none in .380. I can totally see this. The .380 is a great “gateway” centerfire cartridge.

    • I was thinking the same thing. All of the 9mm 1911s I know of are pretty much the same size as a .45–so why not get the .45? Same here. If they can make an 85% scale .380, why not make it a 9? I’ve seen the .22s, and they are really “cute.” It’d be fun to carry one–in 9mm.

  11. Why do so many TTAG posts have 30-60 second videos instead of pictures?

    A picture is worth 1,000 words; a video just wastes my time.

    Specifically, these short marketing videos that convey nothing more than a picture could are a waste of my time. Zero useful information; just listened to some old marketing drone drone like a drone for 90 seconds, and watched a useless animation that also told me nothing.

    Also, didn’t see a round count mentioned anywhere. Browning’s page is just a bunch fluff and no specs.

    Anyone else notice that the “armorer” in the first video pulled the tigger during the function check while muzzling his/her other hand?

  12. I actually like it. I carry a Glock for work and pleasure, but my Sig 1911 has a special place in my heart. Why not have a smaller 1911 chambered in .380? Maybe it will lead to people who perceive the 9mm as too much buying a decent handgun chambered in something larger than a .25 ACP instead of a Jennings or Hi-Point.

    I might buy one just because I don’t have a .380 ACP and variety is the spice of life right?

  13. If I were looking for a .380 in a classic style, I’d much prefer the Colt Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless. If I wanted something bigger, the FN 1903 would fit the bill. This? Not so much.

  14. I may be crazy, but I bet the target demographic for this is female concealed carriers. For that demographic this may make sense as this .380 would accommodate a shooter with small hands who wants something small enough to conceal but large enough to mitigate against recoil sensitivity. Many female shooters seem to prefer a manual safety. It isn’t a terrible marketing concept.

    That said, I will not buy one because I will not carry anything dependent upon a manual safety, and I will not recommend it to my wife for the same reason. No offense intended, YMMV, personal preference and all that.

    • I think you’re spot-on

      my wifes first gun was a sig 232 alloy in 380, she LOVED shooting that thing

      i had the 232 in stainless for a while, probably the sweetest DA/SA i have ever shot and a SUPER fun gun to shoot…a pain in the A– though if you weren’t careful when cleaning, a tiny spring can be easily lost and will cost you $50 from Sig for a whole spring kit; because they don’t sell the 1 spring

      sadly, those had to go

  15. 85% = not full-size 1911 = 85% of possible customers immediately surrendered.
    Give me a good, full-size 1911 in another caliber, and we’ll talk.

    • :sigh:
      and like the lowly .22LR, i have yet to find anyone willing to stand downrange and catch 1

      a determined attacker will absorb every .45 you got; and still keep coming….unless 1 gets into his CNS

      the same with the .380

  16. After reading a number of reviews, I purchased one of these. I have no problem with the 380 cartridge or any other cartridge – I shoot them all. I would have to say it is one of the biggest pieces of junk I have ever had the displeasure of purchasing and Browning should be ashamed of putting their name on it. This is from someone who has the Browning Buckmark engraved on their tombstone. Where do I start ? First, 50 % of the time, the gun will not fire and takes multiple attempts at the grip safety to get it to fire. I have at least 10 1911s from various manufacturers and I think I know how to grip one. Second, the trigger is one of the worst I have every squeezed and has at least an eighth of an inch of play in it before it will actually fire. Next, it will consistently jam and fail to eject spent rounds. The trigger itself has a gap between the frame that I have just never seen on any 1911 style firearm. The sights, black as they are are pretty useless. I tried painting them and removed it as it is not “natural”. What is it about manufacturers and black sights ? For the love of God, at least give me some dots or lines like the High-Powers have !!! If I could send it back I would. It looks cool sitting there – I will give them that.

  17. I bought one of these browning 380’s. Was really excited about it. Have the .22 and it is a blast to shoot and is a great little gun, so was excited to get the 380. Cleaned it and took out to range for first time and very disappointed. Kept stovepiping the 2nd or 3d round. Called Browning and they said it was just the magazine, so I bought a new browning mag and no difference. Several types of ammo. Sent it back and haven’t heard anything from them yet. yes there are better carry guns and better guns for open carry. This could be a great little fun gun with a neat size, fair energy, and practically no recoil. Yeah, I’d like better sights, but I’m not shooting competition with it either. It’s a niche gun and if browning gets it fixed right i’m going to have a lot of fun shooting it. Just like I do with my glocks, kimbers, rugers, walthers, berettas, and brownings. It’s all fun. For plinking or competition.

  18. I like the concept, until I realized the grip frame is polymer(plastic) IMHO, plastic doesn’t belong on any 1911 type pistol, and the high price is a negative as well. I’ll wait for the Eagle Imports new Llama Micromax 380, due in stores, March 2016. I carried the original Llama 380 as back up during the SE Asia War games in 1968. All steel, with never a problem.

  19. I am a 1911 fan, saw the Browning 380, handled it and fell in love with it. Also say the compact version, even nicer. Have not read anything off putting in recent posts. Will try to cook a deal for the standard 85% Pro today. Out to shoot next week.

  20. Think that the Browning 1911 380 is a first rate weapon. Will try to cook a deal on the Black Lable Pro today.

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