Twitter carries videos of the Kyle Rittenhouse defensive shooting. If porn is your thing, Twitter will accomodate you (that link is definitely NSFW). And if you want to see five cops beat Tyre Nichols to death, Twitter has that video, too.

You know what’s apparently over the line as far as Elon Musk’s social media platform is concerned? Hunting photos. We’re not talking bloody images of field dressing or wound channel pics, either. We’re talking people posing after a kill with their harvest.

Pics very much like this one . . .

Deer hunt hunting trophy buck jon wayne taylor
Jon Wayne Taylor for TTAG

Montana Senator Steve Daines, who’s an avid hunter, found that out the hard way when he used a pic of himself and his wife posing with an antelope she had downed as his avatar. That caused the fragile flowers at Twitter who apparently have extraordinarily delicate sensibilities to shut down the Senator’s account until he replaces the image.

Here’s the full image . . .

daines hunting photo pic
Courtesy Steve Daines

That brought the ban hammer down on the Senator’s account.

Since Musk bought Twitter, he’s enabled the exposure of the extent to which the federal government agencies have coopted Big Tech™ to muzzle speech they find inconvenient and social media’s role in spreading outright lies through corporate news outlets. He’s also begun to take the algorithmic chains off of accounts (like ours) that the previous management found distasteful.

Clearly, the multi-billionaire still has work to do. The snowflake who judged a Senator’s trophy photo to be in violation of Twitter’s media policy — given the other content that’s readily available on the platform — needs…counseling. He or she is apparently unaware of thousands of similar pics already on the platform.

We’d guess this situation will soon be corrected and Senator Daines won’t be forced to replace the image. But let’s see.

UPDATE: The Senator’s account has been restored with the hunting pic avatar intact.

And perhaps related to this whole kerfuffle, Musk posted this . . .


  1. Musk being a far right radical will probably order the Senators account reinstated.

    It is not hard to understand that the Senators account was trashed as hunting has in recent years declined drastically due to the rising expense, and lack of free hunting places due to sprawling suburbia and the expansion of Megalopolis.

    The majority of the public does not hunt anymore and find such photo’s highly offensive. If the Senator wants to post pictures of dead game he would have stirred up way less controversy by posting such pictures on extreme Right Wing forums filled with his brain washed, uneducated, glazed eyed followers and true believers whose hobbies include blood lust sports.

    • “The majority of the public does not hunt anymore and find such photo’s highly offensive.”

      The photo’s… What?

      English. It’s a language, use it you insufferable wanker…

      • I’m glad I’m not the only one whose brain sees an ” ‘s ” and immediately looks for whatever it is it’s possessing! When I didn’t see anything I asked, “The photo’s WHAT is highly offensive?”

        I don’t know what they’ve been teaching in school the last few decades, but when I was in sixth grade and had turned in a piece of homework that improperly used that apostrophe-s it wouldn’t have even gotten graded until I wrote out a complete new copy with the proper word there.

        • I am really surprised with all darcydodo’s slander and libeling people who have to work hard to put food on the table darcydodo is not in an ER at least once a month. If that nitwit runs around saying such crap to people there shouldn’t be any sht left to beat out of such a colossal silly nitwit.

        • “I’m glad I’m not the only one whose brain sees an ” ‘s ” and immediately looks for whatever it is it’s possessing!”

          The weird thing is,when I was in public school, it totally frustrated me, so I got in the habit of simply ‘s-ing all of them.

          Now, it drives me apeshit to see it.

          dacian, see this –

    • Ohhhhh, you speak for the majority do you? How amazing is that? You are your kind are mentally ill, and the rest of the country are getting tired of your insanity and bullshit.

    • If you think Musk is a far right radical, you just might be an idiot.

      If you think that photo was offensive, your panties must be in a bunch.

      If you think you are so highly educated, you are wrong.

    • Just because “the majority” of Americans don’t engage in an activity anymore doesn’t mean it should be purged from the cultural conscience in cyberspace you degenerate marxist.

    • dacey-doodoo – STFU. Before you were brainwashed into a good progressive democrat, you were happy when Grandpa Dacy brought home roadkill for dinner. (It still puzzles me how they found enough brain to wash.) You’ve forgotten where you came from, boy. Just STFU.

      • After washing his brain, they must have put it through the mangler in an effort to squeeze out the excess.

        It worked too well.

    • You know, dacian, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to look at it.

      It’s still a free country. Until the boxcars arrive.

    • No, poaching is on the rise, cause you ECO TERRORIST MARXIST allies are pushing their anti-gun/hunting policies through state licensing/tagging purchase prices!!!!

      Forcing some hunters to “POACH”!!!!

    • Lets all call for banning Dacian and see how he feels about far left radicals getting their just deserts.

    • “Musk being a far right radical will probably order the Senators account reinstated.”

      At what point is someone far right and not a radical?
      At what point is someone right without being far right?
      At what point does one become a centrists?
      Where does the left begin?
      The far left?
      The radical far left?

      “It is not hard to understand that the Senators account was trashed as hunting has in recent years declined drastically due to the rising expense, and lack of free hunting places due to sprawling suburbia and the expansion of Megalopolis.”

      Then the State DNRs should open more of public property to hunting without fee’s. The fee’s to use public hunting areas are set to help conservation, keep those areas clean after hippies and leftists trash the area trying to damage hunting stands, trail cams and sabotaging the areas to deny hunters use. Free is never free.

      I don’t pay to hunt on private land, I don’t care if they charge either. Where I hunt it is an exchange of my labor and time helping the landowner throughout the year to improve the land and buildings. I trade that labor for the opportunity to hunt and share the harvest.

      “The majority of the public does not hunt anymore and find such photo’s highly offensive. If the Senator wants to post pictures of dead game he would have stirred up way less controversy by posting such pictures on extreme Right Wing forums filled with his brain washed, uneducated, glazed eyed followers and true believers whose hobbies include blood lust sports.”

      The majority of the public eats meat. They allow others to kill on their behalf. They are hypocrites, and you are among them.

      You sound like the typical uneducated city dweller that does not have a clue about the real world beyond the polluted urban cesspools.

      If his post was controversial, that is not a issue with him, but of you who are willfully ignorant of reality and are completely triggered by nothing.

    • Ah so you think that the traditional hunting and fishing rights that are integral part of indigenous communities worldwide are “offensive”. We are glad you can admit you are a blatant racist who wants to discriminate against the rights of Native Americans and others who participate in culturally significant traditions such as hunting.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, So what is the “majority of the people” don’t hunt? Is that one of your heralded stats? As to Mr Musk, to you, anyone to the right of Mao, Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalin are ‘radical right” . Everyone doesn’t’ worship your Golden Cow of Socialism like you do either. How is this photo “offensive”? Could it be you are a vegan? LOL
      For your edification, the First Amendment is alive and well. In spite of you Lefties.

  2. Politically Motivated? No it is motivated by blatent Gun Control. It’s nothing more than the stench from the same Gun Control that history confirms is rooted in racism and genocide…That fact is something a well paid attorney like gottleib should have included with every one of his tit for tat court cases which have been many…and tit for tat adds up to mucho dinero. Like I said…well paid.zdc

  3. “Twitter’s guidelines also state that exceptions to the policy may include “religious sacrifice, food preparation or processing, and hunting.””

    I guess not…

    Twitter is a biased cesspool. Don’t give them your money, don’t use it.

  4. This dude is SUS AF anyways. I don’t support twitter or people that worked for companies like P&G in China then come back and run for office in America either. He’s like every other politician – only in politics because it benefits his investments.

    Honestly, who tf cares about his twitter account. I don’t care who Twitter censors… it’s nothing new. Who tf uses that shit anyways? Clout chasers and shady ass people. At this point, these social media platforms are just campaign investments.

    Fuck em. Fuck em all.

  5. I suspect that as soon as he can document who made the decision to bring down the ban hammer in this case, Elon will be firing someone at Twitter very shortly . . . .

    • We can only hope.

      I suspect we will eventually get an acknowledgment and comment by Musk of the situation…

        • they used to put your name in the paper when you bagged a buck…probably best they don’r do that anymore…saves you having to explain yourself when you called off sick….

        • Lol, so Musk is now *officially* a “far right radical”…

          … who makes an amazing amount of different stuff happen.

          Plus his name is almost, but not quite, Nole Skum spelt backwards.

          Hard to beat!

  6. Maybe things are improving with Musk in charge, but Twitter is still gayer than an $18 bill. I created an account after Musky did his thing, and bought that sad heap of dung. It’s already been suspended twice. Twitter hosts all sorts of things, including child groomers – but if you badmouth one of their star queer mayors, you’re suspended.

    I hope Elon makes something worthwhile of Twitter. Grow some tomatoes or something, to mask the stench coming from the dunghill.

  7. Me being from Montana, it’s a damn good thing they didn’t show him with a sheep because I would have been aroused which would have been a TOS violation and I’d hate to have my non-existent Twitter account suspended!

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