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MikeB302000 and I agree about one thing: a lot of police officers are not up to the task of safely handling firearms. How many police officers behave like Travis Unholz, as chronicled by Deputy convicted of abuse, gun charge? No clue. I have only anecdotal evidence. So I’m not going to put percentages on the problem of abusive or rogue cops. Nor am I going to condemn all police based on obvious transgressions, or lobby for changes in the law based on the behavior of some seriously bad badged apples. But MikeB302000 is happy to condemn “a large percentage” of gun owners based on anecdotal evidence of irresponsible behavior, and work to abridge gun rights to address these shortcomings. Like this . . .

This guy is a perfect example of the kinds of people you find among lawful gun owners. The overall percentage is low, but not nearly as low as they claim. Unfortunately, brutal, wife-beating, low-lifes are to be found in all groups. Perhaps among gun owners the percentage is actually higher than in the population at large. The testosterone-driven aggression, the adolescent belligerence, the terrible difficulty with authority, all lend themselves to anti-social behaviour.

I wish I had a nickel for every time one of the gun defenders said they don’t know a single gun owner like that, that being anything negative like the description I offered above or anything else. They swear they don’t know one who drinks too much or has a problem with anger.

MikeB302000 seems to have a problem analyzing firearms safety in any statistically credible fashion. I could unleash linkamania to try to set him straight on the odds of a gun owner committing any kind of felony, but I grow tired of such sport. Talking numbers with MikeB302000 is like the old gag about trying to hammer a mouse under a carpet. You hit here, it pops up there. You hit there, it pops up here.

Why can’t gun control advocates understand that there was, is and always will be collateral damage whenever free men exercise their rights? Don’t they see the greater, often cataclysmic damage that occurs when freedoms are lost? What do we have to do to convince these people that sometimes you have to be grateful for what you have, instead of constantly wishing for what will never be?

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  1. We all know that Mikeb is the KING OF SPIN, so it’s a waste of time trying to rationalize what he thinks an ordinary person might do.

    • That’s bullshit, Joe. I’m not spinning anything. I’m disagreeing with you, that’s all.

      Robert, You must have forgotten to put a link back to my site. You’re slipping a bit ever since you got that permit. Had you put a link, your “intelligentia” would have read this:

      “This guy is a perfect example of the kinds of people you find among lawful gun owners. The overall percentage is low, but not nearly as low as they claim. “

      Now that’s not exactly the “large percentage” that you not only put in the title of this post but also in the text, in quotation marks, making it seem like I had really said it.

      • Umm, he cited exactly that line in the actual quote from you.

        We didn’t have to go to your site to read it, he brought the words to us.

        You like to mention the “educated and worldly,” tell me, do you consider yourself a card carrying member of that group?

        • Mikey Numbers is A COMMON TROLL. He is NOT interested in any kind of useful dialogue. He’s just an ugly-ass CHAIN-YANKER.

  2. Why can’t gun control advocates understand that there was, is and always will be collateral damage whenever free men exercise their rights? Don’t they see the greater, often cataclysmic damage that occurs when freedoms are lost? What do we have to do to convince these people that sometimes you have to be grateful for what you have, instead of constantly wishing for what will never be?

    Understanding this requires logic. Gun control advoctaes are incapable of logical thought. Wait, let me rephrase that.

    Unfortunately, irrational, logic impared, low-lifes are to be found in all groups. Perhaps among gun control advocates the percentage is actually higher than in the population at large. The irrational arguements, the adolescent use of logical fallacies, the terrible difficulty with facts, all lend themselves to anti-logical behaviour.

  3. The guy lost all credibility with me when he compared those teaching children gun safety to child abusers. Outright slander like that and the sweeping generalizations like you mention above are a good reason to avoid him altogether. He may make a valid point now and then, but wading through all of the crap just to find it isn’t worth it.

      • Mikey,
        My wife works in an area where I see the real victims of child abuse all of the time. The stories she comes home with are very sad and gut wrenching. To compare this with teaching a child a life long skill that may someday save his life is beyond foolish.

  4. Talking numbers with MikeB302000 is like the old gag about trying to hammer a mouse under a carpet. You hit here, it pops up there. You hit there, it pops up here.

    A better analogy would be to say it’s like wrestling with a pig: You both get dirty, only the pig likes it.

  5. When someone would rather lay down and die than defend themselves and their family there is no reasoning with them. Their own priorities defy logic so asking reasonable questions leads nowhere reasonable.

    Just the way he virtually spits the word testosterone onto the page makes one imagine he’s embarrassed to be male. And the gun owners are the ones who need help??

    • “he’s embarrassed to be male.”

      Since he blogs anonymously, how can you be sure he is a male? There are other blogs where he’s called the “woman with the earrings.”

  6. “This guy is a perfect example of the kinds of people you find among lawful gun owners.”

    You can’t be both lawful AND beat your wife and/or kids. This is what’s known as a contradiction.

    “The overall percentage is low, but not nearly as low as they claim.”

    On the basis of what evidence? Where’s the peer-reviewed study conducted by sociologists or criminologists and published in a journal of repute? Oh, wait, there isn’t one. It’s just one man’s opinion, so he uses the word “percentage” to lend an air of scientific credibility to what he says. Hurray for sophistry!

    “Unfortunately, brutal, wife-beating, low-lifes are to be found in all groups. Perhaps among gun owners the percentage is actually higher than in the population at large.”

    Perhaps if my aunt had testicles, she’d be my uncle. Perhaps if King George III hadn’t lost the war, I’d sip tea instead of coffee when I read the morning paper. Perhaps the moon really is made out of cheese and NASA faked the landing. Anybody can make any sort of hare-brained, bullshit assertion they want, and they’re not lying if they use the qualifier “perhaps”, because then they haven’t actually made a statement. However, it does allow you to make underhanded insinuations about the moral character of millions of people you’ve never met before in your life. That must be a convenient tool to have at your disposal when you don’t have sociology, criminology, behavioral economics, or any legitimate psychology (attempting to psychoanalyze your opponent without actually being a psychologist does not count).

  7. In all seriousness, it’s time we simply started ignoring Mike and his rants. He is the classic definition of a “troll”: Someone who posts inflammatory statements for the purpose of inciting others to vigorously respond to them.

    His technique is to manufacture “controversy” and then engage his opponents by baiting them into arguments that he has no intention of conducting with any degree of intellectual honesty.

    Like the Westboro Baptist creeps he thrives on negative attention which is precisely why we should stop giving it to him.

    • Martin, ignoring mikey45789 is like ignoring a mosquito buzzing around my ear — it’s easier in theory than in practice.

    • Like the Westboro Baptist creeps he thrives on negative attention which is precisely why we should stop giving it to him.

      There’s a difference though – the Cult of Phelps benefits from the attention, but MikeB’s cause is hurt by the attention he brings to it. He personally might gain from it too, but it’s at the expense of the gun control movement losing credibility, and even if he likes the attention, he demonstrates time and time again that he’s an ignorant illogical twerp whose chief thrill in life is trying to ride the power trip of the dying gun control movement. It’s like watching a crackhead lick the discarded dirty socks of Charlie Sheen.

      • I second the need for a like button. Or a thumbs up, maybe? That would help shorten the comments section.

    • Martin, You have me all wrong, and I suspect you know that. You and some of the others just can’t stand someone disagreeing with you. Why are you so threatened by that? I think what a lot of people think, some of whom are educated and worldly, that legally owned guns do more harm than good. You feel differently.

  8. See what happens when you feed the trolls? Its worse than feeding gremlins after midnight….

  9. “A Large Percentage of Gun Owners Are “Brutal, Wife-beating, Low-lifes”

    So who do the women gun owners beat up?

  10. The only way to stop that annoying lil mouse is not to not hammer him under the carpet, but to slam the hammer down on the lil bastards head and get the job done the right way. If a foolish statement like “A Large Percentage of Gun Owners Are “Brutal, Wife-beating, Low-lifes” isn’t considered FLAMING, then I’m a clueless dumb F***. (I’m so tempted to let go with the mother of all flamethrowers, but I like it here and RF has enough s**t to worry about)

  11. I guess he’s reached the stage where his “opinions” had to get so controversial and bombastic that he’s become irrellevant. Too bad Mike, you used to be an interesting counter point to this largly echoing chamber…

  12. I don’t care if every other gun owner waives his guns around in public, beats his wife or sleeps with farm animals. What they do or don’t do has nothing whatsoever to do with me. Because my right to own and carry a gun is an INDIVIDUAL right. It’s an enumerated right. Nothing (short of amending the Constitution) will change that.

    This seems to be very difficult for a lot of banners to understand. They love to extrapolate the bad conduct of a few and claim it applies to the group as a whole. I’ve heard it before, and I’ll hear it again. They have very little left in their arsenal (so to speak) any more. They’ve lost the argument (both in the supreme court and the court of public opinion). Look at the map.

    • Amending the Constitution can’t remove unalienable rights bestowed by our Creator. Those rights existed before the Constitution and will exist after an Amendment or even after the Constitution is no longer upheld, which is not far off. Believing that an Amendment can remove a right shows a lack of understanding of freedom, liberty and rights. We never loose rights. We are sometimes to cowardly to exercise them.

  13. No one here could have said it better than yellowdog just did. You’re one smart cookie doggie and you got right to the point.

  14. “Brutal, wife-beating, low-lifes…”

    My wife is a psychologist. For years, she pro-bono’d at a domestic violence shelter. Here’s a sad, chilling fact…

    Brutal, wife-beating low-lifes can be found in every race, creed, color, gender and socio-economic class. Gun owners, check (makes the care-givers and victim doubly paranoid, though). Hoplophobic gun-grabbers, check (apparently, it’s okay when it’s just your fists or belt doing the talking). Famous, rich athletes; leading business and political figures; even members of the clergy: check, check and check.

    Fellow TTAGers, as the economy sinks and desperation grows, it’s only getting worse. So bad, that this manlyman couldn’t bear to hear the horror his petite, gentle wife listened to hour after hour after hour….Lalalalal! Stop! Don’t tell me any more!

    There is no “case” here to be made about gun ownership, or profession (law enforcement or otherwise), or….anything or anybody when it comes to domestic brutality. It’s too pervasive, widespread, and cross-cultural to draw any specific conclusions on any specific group.

  15. Wasting the amount of time I do in the nebulous “freedom movement”, I’m starting to get the sensation that the general public is really starting to turn on the evil “gun control” goblins. From random conversations with people who mostly care about football and providing for their families (the vast majority of the population), to state legislatures dismantling the edifice of victim disarmament, the arguments-such as they are-of the “gun control” goblins are increasingly seen as cartoonish.

  16. I think yellowdog’s point above is excellent. That said, +1 to those who said we need to stop feeding the troll.

  17. I suggested banning MikeB8675309 a while ago, and provided some reasons why.

    Let’s follow through on that now, shall we? Break the cycle of codependence and free ourselves from the time-sink that is MikeB’s scribblings.

    • I agree gunnut, let’s ask RF to have a ban the TROLL vote. I truely believe that everyone has a right to their opinion, but just as you can’t shout FIRE in a crowded theater, you shouldn’t be allowed to spew outright lies and misinformation.

        • Yeah, but what you don’t do is bring any meaningful empirical arguments to the table. I think most of us are familiar with your general feelings about guns–they’re feelings that we’ve all heard expressed many times before. I don’t think you’re worth our time because you’re just not that interesting — not because I can’t stand you or your opinions. I just think TTAG should have a higher standard for presenting the “other side”, that’s all.

  18. I just thought of a great new question for RF to post here. “TOP 1000 REASONS WHY WE SHOULD BAN THE TROLL”, feel free to use my headline if you wish.

    • I agree, keep him, that way the guys in white with their butterfly nets will know where to start looking for him!

  19. Facts and Statistics have no bearing on the liberal mind. Unless they can find some report from UC Berkley to backup their rediculous claims. When confronted with facts the Liberalus Ignoramus will react with an aggressive defensive arsenal of -isms to scare off the wouldbe attacker and to call additional liberals to the area in order to create such a racket that the facts are smothered in hysterical claims.
    So ends this edition of America’s dumbest critters.

  20. This guy sounds like the classic liberal. Yet he’s probably another one of these clowns that sniff “Yaaasss, gun-owners, the gun is an extensilon of their penises”, or some other such nonsensicle, psuedo psycho-babble bullsit.

    I have been around guns and gun owners all my life. I have owned guns since I was 7 years old, I’ve never battered a wife or girfriend, or anyone that wasn’t trying to batter me, or wasn’t looking for trouble. Nearly all my friends are gun owners, I don’t know any wife beaters amongst them.

    Typical leftist, trying to defame people whose choices he dis-agrees with.

  21. Red herring argument. Anyone convicted of domestic battery is barred from firearm ownership. Therefore, anyone that meets Mike’s description cannot own guns.

  22. Many law enforcement-types are using illegal steroid body enhancing drugs which may explain why they are being so aggressive and basically crazy. Imagine that, cops breaking the law. Go figure.

  23. Mikey is a lost cause, the last train to objective thinking had left & old mikey wasn;t on it, Randy

  24. Mike the troll just got trolled by TTAG! I can’t make this up. This blog needs to get back to news stories and not biased, political BS and feeding trolls like Mike and James Yeager.

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