New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg stepped up to the microphone. The men gave him the news. He said “You must be joking son. Where did you get those shoes?” In other words, Mayor Mike doesn’t want to discuss the real causes of this weekend’s outbreak of “gun violence” (25 shootings in 48 hours) any more than, say, Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to discuss Chicago’s gang-related ballistic blues (two dead, 24 wounded in the same time period). But an 11-year-old girl got caught in the gangland crossfire so the Big Apple PR department had to get out ye olde “11-year-old girl caught in gangland crossfire” playbook. To be fair, there is a correlation between hot weather and inner city shootings; just as there’s a link between cities with “strict gun laws” and “gun violence.” Once upon a time, New Yorkers could defend themselves through force of arms. They need to go back, Jack, and do it again.


  1. When are you people in the rotten apple going to get rid of that pudgy little dwarf and get a normal person in there or is he the new normal???

    • Next up is councilwoman Quim, better known as a snipped and cauterized Bloomberg. This city is never stopping.

        • I can’t even respond to that I find it so profoundly baffling. But this expletives removed state put Hillary on the hill when she stumbled across the border and smacked a “NY resident” sticker on her forehead. It would be better for all concerned if the whole puckered little mess at its ass end just slid quietly into the sea.

        • One reason for Weiners resiliency is likely the close association to Hillary Clinton. Weiner’s wife is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s “body woman”.
          The signs are pretty clear that Huma is being groomed for bigger things and Weiner is likely to benefit.

  2. He used to blame it on the guns, then on lax gun laws in other states. Now it’s the heat? Why, is it because ammo goes off all by itself when it gets hot?
    When is he going to blame it the gangbangers?

  3. They seem to like him, for unfathomable reasons. Or at least tolerate him. How else could we explain his reeelection(s)?

    Oh yeah. Turns out there IS a way….

    • That may be a ban I’d vote for… unfortunately I know it would be useless to have it, so it would be a waste of time and resources to get it in place.

  4. It was plenty hot in Colorado this past week. I didn’t notice any upsurge in gun violence. I wonder why?

    • 106 where i live and not a gunshot to be heard. oh wait there were a few for sighting in a scope. but no one got shot. and i live in a more slave area than co.

  5. Given their past behavior, the liberals that run New York City should now propose laws that will make it illegal to have high temperatures anywhere in New York!
    And then they can refuse to admit that just passing a law to forbid something doesn’t actually stop it.

  6. RF – Sweet Steely Dan allusion – brought a smile to my face. Slight correction though – ‘He stepped up on the platform…’

    • My dedication to this site just intensified by a power of 10.

      I’ve just fired up some smooth studio jazz on Pandora in honor.

      “When Black Friday comes, I’ll dig myself a hole . . . .”

  7. well, if New Yorkers defended themselves through force of arms, that would just be vigilante law enforcement. Take your bullets like a good little pacifist and STFU.

  8. Any demographics on the shooters/victims in New Yawk Chitty & Chicongo? I think I know, but I don’t want to be accused of being the “r word” (you know….. racist).

    • And about the bad weekends in NY and Chi Obama said: “Please pass some of that wonderful South African Rock Lobster”.

  9. In Spite of our laws…

    Because of the heat…

    The heat has taken the heat off of the guns but also the shooters.
    I actually think the problem is the shooters!

  10. That is some sound logic. When I’m hot, I murder people. When I’m cold, I profess my undying love to them. Seriously, how has this guy not been forcibly committed yet for his delusions?

  11. Its obviously a result of Climate Change!

    No more energy use for NYC!
    save all that A/C and heat in the winter!

    That will make it all better!

    See the Mayor can be fully supportive of the Prez!

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