washingtontimes.com‘s Emily Miller provides a list of the 81 guns banned by the Maryland legislature in the bill Governor O’Malley signed last Thursday. “The list makes it obvious that Mr. O’Malley does not understand how firearms function,” Ms. Miller opines. “This legislation was written on emotion, not fact. Unfortunately, the good citizens of Maryland will have their Second Amendment rights infringed upon by this ambitious, term-limited governor.” Ya think? List after the jump . . .

Manufacturers A: AA Arms AP–9 semiautomatic pistol;American Arms Spectre da Semiautomatic carbine; AK–47 in all forms; Algimec AGM–1 type semi–auto; AR 100 type semi–auto; AR 180 type semi–auto; Argentine L.S.R. semi–auto; Australian Automatic Arms SAR type semi–auto; Auto–Ordnance Thompson M1 and 1927 semi–automatics;

Manufacturers B-C: Barrett light .50 cal. semi–auto; Beretta AR70 type semi–auto; Bushmaster semiautomatic pistol; Bushmaster semi–auto rifle; Calico models M–100 and M–900; CIS SR 88 type semi–auto;Claridge HI TEC C–9 carbines; Claridge HI–TEC semiautomatic pistol; Colt AR–15, CAR–15, and all imitations except Colt AR–15 Sporter H–BAR rifle;

Manufacturers D-F: D Max Industries semiautomatic pistol; Daewoo MAX 1 and MAX 2, aka AR 100, 110C, K–1, and K–2; Dragunov Chinese made semi–auto; Encom MK–IV, MP–9, or MP–45 semiautomatic pistol; Famas semi–auto (.223 caliber); Feather AT–9 semi–auto;FN LAR and FN FAL assault rifle; FNC semi–auto type carbine; F.I.E./Franchi LAW 12 and SPAS 12 assault shotgun; Steyr–AUG–SA semi–auto;

Manufacturers G-I: Galil models AR and ARM semi–auto; Heckler and Koch HK–91 A3, HK–93 A2, HK–94 A2 and A3; Heckler and Koch semiautomatic SP–89 pistol; Holmes model 88 shotgun;Holmes MP–83 semiautomatic pistol; Ingram MAC 10/11 semiautomatic pistol and variations including Partisan Avenger and the SWD Cobray; Intratec TEC–9/DC–9 semiautomatic pistol in any centerfire variation;

Manufacturers K-R: Avtomat Kalashnikov semiautomatic rifle in any format; Manchester Arms “Commando” MK–45, MK–9; Mandell TAC–1 semi–auto carbine; Mossberg model 500 Bullpup assault shotgun; Sterling Mark 6; P.A.W.S. carbine; P.A.W.S. type semiautomatic pistol; Ruger mini–14 folding stock model (.223 caliber);

Manufacturers S: SIG 550/551 assault rifle (.223 caliber); SKS with detachable magazine; Skorpion semiautomatic pistol; Spectre double action semiautomatic pistol (Sile, F.I.E., Mitchell); AP–74 Commando type semi–auto; Springfield Armory BM–59, SAR–48, G3, SAR–3, M–21 sniper rifle, M1A, excluding the M1 Garand; Street sweeper assault type shotgun; Striker 12 assault shotgun in all formats;

Manufacturers U-W: Unique F11 semi–auto type; Daewoo USAS 12 semi–auto shotgun; UZI 9mm carbine or rifle; UZI semiautomatic pistol; Valmet M–76 and M–78 semi–auto; Weaver Arms “Nighthawk” semi–auto carbine; Weaver Arms semiautomatic Nighthawk pistol; Wilkinson Arms 9mm semi–auto “Terry”; and Wilkinson semiautomatic “Linda” pistol.



  1. Did they really ban the FAMAS? Is there even one in the state to ban? Banned the Mossberg 500 bullpup but not the KSG? Glad these guys dont know what theyre doing.

  2. Banned AR and AK. Perhaps the most commonly used rifles. That can’t square with Heller. Legal actions in progress, I assume. These things really do need to get to the SCOTUS as soon as possible.

      • Actually if you read closer they banned all AK’s but went out of their way to ban the AK47 twice.

    • They know they can pass an unconstitutional law in an instant but it takes years or decades to get it overturned. If it is overturned, they can ignore the ruling as long as possible (like they do in Chicago), then replace it with another unconstitutional law.

    • While I personally agree with your reasoning, if it were that simple we could have M16s and M4s. Aren’t they common here?

        • Every police agency, all branches of military, and one of the most common pre-86 MGs. That’s not “in common use”?

        • I’ve never met a police officer with a department issued M16 that hasn’t been converted to semi-auto. Military doesn’t really count as they are not for civilian use. And a $20K rifle that takes 6-12 months to acquire and where there are less than (guessing here) 50K registered as still out there? Does not seem to me to meet the definition of “common use”.

  3. Wonder what LWRCI is going to do. They have been somewhat silent lately. Nothing on their forums or their facebook page.

    Would love to see them move but doubt they will. I’m sure they’re very dedicated to their employee’s who most likely can’t move.

    • It is not easy to move even a small factory. Plus it takes money. Some companies have legal commitments to the places they are at.
      Even when a company does move it takes time to hire and train new employees. Easy to say XYZ Firearms ought to move. When it is your money on line you see things in a different light. I will not condemn some company when I don’t know all the facts.
      I am glad to see some companies are able to move.

    • Go ahead and sue. In the meantime the law will be enforced and thousands of citizens will have their rights stripped away.

  4. The really sad part, the part that makes one wonder why even fight this, is that the majority of voters in Maryland(and other true blue states) probably support this. Or, they won’t hate it enough to oust the democrats who enacted this nonsense.

    • You have hit the nail on the head right here. As a Marylander, it is very depressing to see how so few counties and Baltimore city really control the whole state. Before the SB281 bill was passed, at the General Assembly down in Annapolis, we had at least 3K if not 4K supporters there, and there were maybe about 100 anti-gun protesters. Who do you think was on TV, not the 3-4 thousand! The media is so damn biased, not just here, but very deeply here, that we could not even get fair coverage. The list of banned weapons is so disparetly convoluted, as it makes no sense at all. Most of those rifles I have NEVER even read about being used in a crime!! There are many ways to cause harm to a good amount of people without using these weapons, but common sense does not prevail here in MD when it comes to the government, fairness and honesty.

      It makes me sick to think that there are several that I have wanted for a long time, but now, I will NEVER be able to purchase unless I move.

  5. The M1A is banned. What kind of insanity….oh right. It’s a gun ban. They’re ALL insane.

    • Has anyone ever commited a crime with a M1A? Ever? Much less an (heavy as hell) M-21.

      • If you can afford one, you probably don’t need to knock over a liquor store. …Unless you spent all of your money on the gun.

  6. Did they just copy paste the list of guns banned by name in Canada?

    Nowhere else have I seen the Barrett M82 referenced as the “Barrett light .50 cal. semi–auto”.

    • AND, they only banned Ronnie Barrett’s gun. How many manufacturers make .50BMG rifles? I guess all those are OK, right Governor?

  7. “Dragunov Chinese made semi–auto”

    There are so few examples of these in the country that I can’t imagine this would have much impact in Maryland. The Russian versions are apparently perfectly legal, though, as I don’t see the SVD or Tigr on the list. At least Maryland’s anti’s have good taste. I guess. Or they’re idiots. Yeah, that sounds much more likely.

    • This was originally supposed to be an edit, but that has apparently disappeared into the ether…

      They also banned the FNFAL. Maryland, “The Free State,” banned the “right arm of the free world.” Brilliant.

      • “FN FAL assault rifle”

        There is no such thing. Assault rifles are select fire, semi-auto FALs are not. Assault rifles are chambered in intermediate cartridges, FALs are not. It also specifies the FN FAL and makes no mention of rifles made by other companies, such as the popular DSA SA-58.

        I would also like to throw in “SIG 550/551 assault rifle (.223 caliber)”

        550 isn’t sold to civilians and the 551 that is isn’t an “assault rifle” since it isn’t select fire. No mention of the 556 that is more practical anyway because it takes AR mags.

        Finally “Colt AR–15, CAR–15, and all imitations except Colt AR–15 Sporter H–BAR rifle”

        One could argue that the 7.62 AR-10 rifles are not imitations of the AR-15. Nor are the piston guns offered by SIG, H&K, Ruger, and many others.

        • Well, AR 10’s and all 7.62 AR’s are still legal here, for now. 🙂 Who knows next year, there is just no ryhme or reason to the choices on this list. They must have thrown darts at a board or something.

    • They are not as stupid as you think. Under grouping K:

      “Avtomat Kalashnikov semiautomatic rifle in any format”

      Certainly they can and will extend the argument the Dragunov is an AK “format.”

      • However, you could argue that the Russian Dragunov is not an AK but rather something else, given the caliber (7.62×54) and not the typical 7.62×39 of the AK.

        • It’s saving grace would be that it has a distinct operating system from AK style rifles, even 54R variants like the PSL.

      • As has been mentioned already, the SVD does not share the same internal operating design as the AK, nor was it designed by Kalashnikov (remember, Avtomat Kalashnikov means “Kalashnikov’s Self-loading Rifle).

        Say what you will about the Russians and their collectivist past, they made a point to name weapons after the individuals who designed them. The SVD was designed by Yevgeny Dragunov, and carries the (translated) designation “Dragunov’s Marksman Rifle.”

        They can, and will (if pushed), extend the argument to the SVD. Unfortunately, the specificity of the law as it is written makes that a losing argument. It would never see a day in court, however, as amending the “list” would likely be much easier.

        Ultimately, though, my intent wasn’t to find a way to off-load my (sadly nonexistent) private collection of SVDs to Marylanders, but to point out the futility of any lists associated with gun bans. There are alternatives to so many of the rifles listed above… I just found the Chinese version of the SVD to be such an oddball choice that I picked it for the example. The mini-14/mini-30 example provided in the comments above illustrates the point as well.

      • No, the Druganov and all variants fall under the AK subtitle heading as being banned. And to many there is an argument as the the LETTER of the LAW or the INTENT of the LAW if it is ONLY the Colt Hbar that is allowed or if other manufacturers of Hbar AR’s are even allowed. Lots of disinformation, with state officials unwilling to distinguish what they mean, or clarify any confusion.

  8. Not to be a vulture, but I am willing to help some Marylander by taking an AK ’74 (5.45×39) off their hands.

    • All of these guns are grandfathered in. You’d actually be screwing Marylanders by taking these out of state.

      • If they are grandfathered in without registration and confiscation upon death, then they are lucky.

        If there is confiscation upon death, then that sucks.

        • Your children will, in fact, be able to inherit your otherwise-banned guns.

          • Sorry. NO. “Registered Assault Weapons” are routinely turned into FFLs and contractors by the dearly bereaved in this state so they can be disposed of.

  9. HA HA HA….they forgot to ban all those AUTOMATIC NUCLEAR TIPPED ROCKET LAUNCHER THINGS THAT GO UNDER THE BARREL RIGHT BY THE McCarthy DEVICE !!! Feinstein, Boxer and Scumer are gonna be really mad now !

      • Oh crap.
        Ok, after spewing. I thought we were going to abide by the SALT II treaty
        Stop letting them know we have the shoulder thing that goes up. And that our magazines will be useless once we read, I mean fire all of the bullets in them..

  10. Holy crap, they banned the M1A.

    So is this the story? The end? Are there any groups fighting this legally?

  11. Such oddities. M1A is gone, but the Garand is OK. Mini-14 folding stock bad, all others GTG.

    • It’s a good thing my SKS is such a pain to load with stripper clips. If it had an evil detachable magazine it would be an assault weapon of death and destruction! /sarc

  12. I challenge them to find a single crime (outside of pure possession or hunting violations) that has been committed in MD with any of these guns. If they can’t find a substantial number of crimes, how can they say that they are improving public safety with these bans?

    • That’s easy – it was written by delusional crack addicts. Don’t believe it? Church Circle in Annapolis any morning at 2 am.

    • Ah, there is the answer in that question. It is not about reducing crime, it is about making the citizenry incapable of fighting tyranny. If they were truly interested in fighting crime, they would be looking at an entirely different classification of firearms.

    • No .50 cal rifle has been used in the commision of a crime. The closest it comes is it was once brought along for the ride while a criminal used another gun to a store, the funny thing is the .50 was so big and heavy it impeded his escape, he even had trouble navigating the doors with it. It actually played a huge role in the criminal getting caught.

      This is true to the best search I could do about a year ago, but I have not heard of any crimes involving a 50 since.

      So there is one gun at least.

    • A couple people were murdered with an AK back in 2011 or 2012. So you might think twice about this argument.

  13. How come all of these laws mention the sig 550/551, but never the 556?

    And in this stupid example, the 550/551, but not 556, 516, 716, M400, etc.

    I love how the colt match HBAR is specifically excepted…this is almost hilarious!

    • Because most of these laws are written using the same generic list of guns that was originally created some time in the late 80s or early 90s.

      Seriously. If you pay attention, the list of models almost never changes over the years.

      They just dig out the old floppy disk and load up BADGUNS.TXT in Notepad every time a new name-ban bill is written.

  14. Note: Mossberg 500 Bullpup, pump action shotgun. M-21 Sniper Rifle: Bolt action rifle (hunting rifle). Surprised the Mosin Nagant didn’t make the list. This list truly shows plain stupidity over factual evidence consider what they included and what they didn’t. Final agenda is obviously a complete ban on all civilian firearms. People are fortunately starting to take notice. I’m actually glad they’ve gone as far as they did. It’s no longer death by 1,000 cuts, they went for broke and woke up those that didn’t get it before.

    • Yes, or such is the current interpretation. But remember that all guns are grandfathered in.

  15. “Colt AR–15, CAR–15, and all imitations except Colt AR–15 Sporter H–BAR rifle;”

    What is the difference from a Bushmaster with a heavy barrel?

  16. Think it will stand up in court? CA courts struck down an attempt to ban AKs and ARs by types. Which is why certain Colt ARs are fine, but essentially identical ones, lacking the CA as part of the model number, are not (seriously, that is the only difference between banned by name and good to go). And why I can still find AK-47’s for sale in So. Cal.

    The Court ruled that such a restriction is unconstitutionally vague and that an average person, considering the variations on furniture and the like, would not be able to readily identify the differences.

    • Yeah, so what? The point is to use the courts as a hammer. Even what they did is illegal, is will take years,a millions of dollars in court fees. They know this so they do not care. The state has infinite time and tax dollars. That is their play.

      They do not give a hoot about safety or saving lives given the stupid weapons on the the list, this is all about control and a political agenda.

    • an average person, considering the variations on furniture and the like, would not be able to readily identify the differences.

      Experience has shown that the police can’t readily identify the differences either. Just confiscate the gun, jail the owner, and let the DA decide if any crime has actually been committed.

  17. “The list makes it obvious that Mr. O’Malley does not understand
    how firearms function,”

    This may be a great way to combat this PR-wise. Just start
    hammering him and the legislature for so blatantly showing
    their ignorance.

    • Personal attacks are something the right tends to avoid. And that’s why they keep losing. Mud slinging gets results! If you know that the other guy’s wife blew a circus midget in the bathroom at a Slayer concert, make a commercial about it!

  18. it should also be noted that some guns on this list might not even exist.

    yeah, it’s a stupid ban, but this is what happens when you make a stupid “regulated firearms” list into a stupid “banned firearms” list.

  19. They specifically banned the SPAS-12, a $2,000 conversation piece for movie buffs that’s been out of production for 13 years, but left out Benelli’s cheaper, lighter, more reliable, and far superior convertible shotguns. Not to mention TriStar’s TEC-12.

    I’d be angrier if I wasn’t laughing so hard.

    • That’s because the SPAS-12 is SCARY and it was used to kill dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, so there is no reason why anyone should ever own one. I mean really, what would you NEED that kind of firepower for, plan on hunting any extinct animals anytime soon? hahahahahaha…

      Yeah this is exactly how libtards fight.

  20. To anyone from Maryland, I’m offering my services of free storage for your toys. I will groom and feed them only the best ammo and offer only the best of care until you have an opportunity to move out of state and pick them up on your way to a constitutionally oriented new home. Best of luck on getting across the border to a free state.

  21. Note that they only banned these listed guns from future sale. You can keep them if you own them before 1 Oct. 2013. I like to refer to this bill as the “Maryland Firearms Modernization Act of 2013”. Only 20+ year old guns are on the list, modern firearms like the SCAR, ACR, ARX-100, PS-90, TAVOR, are all still legal and will be cash and carry. Stupid people make stupid laws. I’ll take a few SCAR’s since I can’t buy another AR-15 (I’ve got plenty of those already).

    • The ACR would likely fall under “Bushmaster Semi-Automatic Rifle”

      The Robinson XCR and Sig 556 series are not listed there, and as you noted neither is the SCAR, ARX-100, and TAVOR, among others.

      I wonder if the Sig HALO and MPX would hold up so long as they use the proprietary bufferless receivers.

        • Correct. The Bushmaster rifle referenced by this list is a very specific, very old, non-AR-15, non-ACR rifle.

    • Because the Garand is too iconic and too many people know what it is and how it operates (roughly). It’s been in too many video games and too many movies, so people actually know how it works and would find a ban on it ridiculous. Meanwhile, your average citizen doesn’t know what an SKS is, and so just thinks of it as a Generic Evil Black Rifle(TM).

    • “Historical value” (even though the Thompson has basically the same historical value, although when computed in the gun grabbers Historical Value vs Evil Assault Weapon algorithm the M1 has a much higher Historic:Evil ratio than the Thompson.

    • Maybe it’s the folding bayonet that comes with it. That makes an SKS far more lethal.

    • They are legal as long as you keep the standard 10 round fixed mag according to what is listed.

  22. The most ridiculous thing on this list is that they are banning all AR15 imitations…all imitations except Colt AR–15 Sporter H–BAR rifle. How can they even hold this up in a court of law. They all work off the same principle? Stupidity at its’ finest.

  23. To all my northern neighbors seeking (relative) freedom:

    You are welcome to move to Virginia provided:

    1. You vote pro-gun rights.

    2. You take a drivers ed. class, you guys are TERRIBLE!

    3. You stop rooting for the Twerps (Wa Hoo Wa).

    If you can abide by those rules the first beer is on me for the first 50 who show proof of residency.

      • You both are atrocious, at least North Virginia and Maryland…worst driving I ever experienced. And I thought the Bay Area in CA was bad…I was missing it after living in Northern Virginia for a while.

        Best drivers I have ever met were in Wyoming…so courteous…

  24. No kel-tec? Guess they’re so bloody rare they’re not worth banning. ..

    • They’re probably just not sufficiently up to date, seeing how KT guns (and, in particular, my beloved Sub-2000) were in Feinstein’s abortion of an AWB.

  25. At least they banned Wilkinson firearms. They only quit making what few they did make in what, the early to mid 80’s? Any Wilkinson you run into nowadys is an expensive collector’s piece. 1/3 of those guns haven’t been made in years and are collectibles.

    Proof positive that list of “bad” firearms has been sitting around for three decades and only gets dusted off in order to add more.

  26. Australian Automatic Arms SAR type semi–auto” got my attention. The factory was closed over 15 years ago. They were good, but not as good as an AR-15. I know Remington was importing them into the US because a friend of mine bought one that had been returned from the US when customs rejected them.

  27. Hahahaha
    Again, I’d call them douche bags, but douche bags have a legitimate purpose.
    I have a few out in the ol’ safe that aren’t on the list.
    I’d love to take a colt match hbar and reconfigure it to a nice m4 version. Cause it still says match hbar on the receiver.
    The stupidity of these people is really underwhelming…

  28. Did anyone see the MAIG/MD video where rick the hunter stated that 68% of gun owners supported this bill? Funny thing “rick” looked like that other hunter minus the beard from the other MAIG video.

  29. every gun banned is a tool of FREEDOM…….now how these tools will be used is a very grave question…the ‘people’ will choose to answer…..Semper Fi

  30. I’m pretty sure they can’t get away with this. California tried this exact same tactic and quickly got pee-pee schwacked by the courts. CA tried to ban similar patterns to a rifle (like “Colt AR-15 and similar”) and lost in court, that’s why CA residents can still buy a Colt M4 or other manufacturers that aren’t banned by name.

    That was the origin of the “features test” ban.

    • Minime. The features ban was before that, first in the Federal AWB (1993) and then SB-23 (in 1999). Harrot v. County of Kings was in 2001, and got rid of the vague anything similar too the listed ARs AKs ban.

      • We have the Roberti-Roos roster of AWs in California.
        Try getting a factory-original Type 56 from Norinco or Polytech……

  31. I seem to recall a video of the shenanigans our fine elected officials pulled when debating this insufferable bill. Seems there was an amendment to actually mandate jail time for commiting a crime using a gun. This was passed. Then our illustrius Speaker did some parlimentary magic, and suddenly it didn’t pass.

    Absolutely craven disregard for the welfare of the people of Maryland.

    • It happened in both the Senate and House Committees. In the Senate, Jim Brochin proposed an amendment that would have prevented dimunition credits/time off for good behavior for those convicted of gun crimes. The amendment passed; the committee chair (Brian Frosh) rubbed his moustache, saying there was a misvote or some such silliness, which forced a revote, where the amendment failed.

      In the House, Del. Mike Smiegel proposed a very similar, if not identical, amendment in committee. Same thing – first vote passed, chair (Vallario) called a revote, revote failed.

      Video of the House proceeding is at the link provided (not my video). Audio of the Senate Committee session should be archived online but would need some digging to find.

      Between these incidents and listening to some of the Baltimore City delegates, both directly and indirectly, play the race card*, there truly is no hope left for this state.

      (*At the time of the final Senate vote, once the bill made it through the House and was sent back, Senators were given the chance to explain their vote. One of the gals from Baltimore City stood up and explained how the 2nd Amendment really is a collective right, how the SCOTUS is wrong from time to time and how, she hopes, we’ll look back in 25 years at Heller like we now look back at Plessy v. Ferguson.)

    • I see a lot of Marylanders commenting on this forum. And here I thought Maryland was a gun free state.

  32. Time for gun manufacturers to stop all sales and service to Maryland government agencies. Lets see how O` Malley tries to explain away why police departments cant get replacement parts or new firearms. Or would the Maryland politicians just let the police have broken or beat up guns.

    • or, they could move a pin or two on a gun on the list, making it cash and carry. As long as parts are not “interchangeable” its unregulated.

  33. Because we all know that criminals are constantly using HK-91’s/93’s, and there are so many cheap SP89’s. *sarcasm*

  34. But, but… what would all the bad guys do now that they can’t own/buy all these guns on the list anymore? Wait… bad guys don’t obey the law so it doesn’t apply to them. I really hate these stupid and uneducated politicians.

    Thanks for making another hell-hole for pro-2A citizens and gun enthusiast in MD. Feel free to move anytime to a free state.

    • I heard all the gang-bangers are printing out that list to make sure they don’t break the law while shooting each other.

    • That’s because it’s not on the list, like many other interesting rifles.

    • “Hey, just what ya see, pal”
      You just hit on a really great idea. We need to publicize this as much as possible so we can actually read it in federal or lesser state regs.
      Lets keep this rolling!

  35. Don’t you people know an ‘Act of War’ when you see it?

    Why are you all just standing around?

    This is war.

  36. Haha, those idiots left in the Colt Sporter loophole! Idiots! Just for anyone who has never lived there, what this means is that you can buy an AR-15 over the counter with background check and cash just so long as it has a 20-inch HBAR. But this may now make it illegal to modify the upper.

  37. First of all, the morons in MD clearly DO NOT read TTAG or they would have compiled a better list. I say, go ahead and pick it apart. Since we’re on the symantics, I noticed that the Saiga was not mentioned. I bet it’s covered in the “Avtomat Kalashnikov semiautomatic rifle in any format” clause but “rifle” is not “shotgun”. Saiga 12’s make O’Mally’s Minions crap their pants, how could they leave this off the list? (My Saiga 12 and 20 round drum safely reside in VA!)

  38. at least they banned SPAS12s, Manchester Commandoes, USAS12 and Dragunovs.

    I know the gangs seem to just pick those off the black market like hotcakes /rolls eyes

    jesus christ. can these people be any more f^cking stupid???

    any any kalashnikov variant??? so that includes Veprs?

    i guess im burning a Maryland state flag tonight.

  39. I thought the list was not exhaustive, meaning that just because it doesn’t appear on the list doesn’t mean that it’s not banned. For example, the bill reads such that it bans any semi-auto rifle with a detachable magazine that has one of the enumerated features listed in the bill (SB 281), as well as fixed magazine rifles that can accept 10 rounds or more, etc. Ditto for handguns and shotguns – definitions associated with each that would preclude manufacturer, make or model. Am I wrong about that?

  40. All in all, the simple fact that gun owners rights were upheld with District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, as well as the mind numbing vagueness of the new Maryland gun laws means they can and will be defeated in a court of law. Don’t everyone despair. We can win this battle.

  41. Seriously people. I think it’s time to keep your mouths shut. You are giving them everything that they need to make this list much bigger! Sometimes I wonder about people.

    • No you shouldn’t shut up. You should man/ woman up and prepare to SUPPORT & DEFEND the US Constitution. Scream, yell, and if necessary FIGHT like you’re the third lion headed up the ARK gangway!

  42. Note:

    All the bull pups will probably be restricted because of the 29 inch overall gun limit. Or should we call them close quarters weapons. I know that the Tavor representative are trying to get the flash suppressor elongated to 3 inches and thus meet the 29 inch gun limit.

  43. Why in the hell do you ban a classic rifle like a M1a they use them in competitions all the time and it is a great rifle just as is the garand but it’s ok to buy them still. But worst of all is the stupid ass law that we can only buy 10 round mags or less in maryland now, but you allow us to go out of state and buy a 100 round mag and bring it home. Talk about a worthless law that just got passed so a worthless gov. o’malley can say he did something to stop the gun violence and school shooting in maryland. Last I was aware of we the legal gun owning people of maryland have not had any were near the problems that other states have had. WE THE LEGAL GUN OWNERS IN MARYLAND ARE NOT ONLY BEING PUNISHED BY OUR GOVERNMENT BUT BEING USED TO SET AN EXAMPLE OF, IF THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH DOING IT HERE IN THIS STATE IT WILL SOON START IN OTHERS UNTILL WE HAVE ALL OUR GUNS TAKEN AWAY. I USE MY AR-15 TO HUNT SMALL GAME AND I USE MY AR-10 TO HUNT LARGE GAME AND I BET THEY ARE JUST AS ACCURATE OR MORE THEN MANY BOLT GUNS AND I NEED ONLY 1 SHOT TO KILL MY GAME. Forst Gump said it best “stupid is as stupid does” We need laws to hurt the illegal gun owners and people using guns in a crime not the legal owner that has done his 7 day, wait. I will be there to voice my disapproval of o’malley and his laws at every meeting I can

  44. Keep naming gun models. They may be ignorant about gun models but I’m sure they can read. I know of two cases where guns were confiscated from past records of domestic violence.

  45. I know this is an old post. But remember guys that taxing, socialist, sissy, anti-gun, prick and traitor to the US Constitution democratic EX governor of Maryland Martin O’Malley is running for POTUS. Even though he can only muster up a lousy 2% of the presidential votes in the poll, as it seems people have gotten wise to that Muhammad Barrack Hussein lap dog.

  46. MARYLAND PATRIOTS. You better gear up, train up, MAN/WOMAN UP and standby to SUPPORT & DEFEND the US Constitution, or as Ronnie Raygun said. We’ll be spending our sunset years telling our children & our children’s children about a time way back in American history. When men and women were FREE!

    #’s 4, 11, 22, 32, 34 plus ???

    The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened”. – Norman Thomas Presidential candidate, Communist Party USA

    The following 45 goals for AMERICA are from “The Naked Communist:”
    1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament would be a demonstration of moral strength.
    2. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”
    3. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Socialist/Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
    4. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
    5. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
    6. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
    7. Provide US aid to all nations regardless of Socialist/Communist domination.
    8. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
    9. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
    10. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
    11. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
    12. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish RACIST aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
    13. Grant recognition of Red China and admission to the UN.
    14. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of promises in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under UN supervision.
    15. Prolong conferences to ban atomic tests because US has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
    16. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the UN
    17. Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. Note number of Communist/Socialist countries existing today
    18. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Socialist/Communist Party.
    19. Do away with all loyalty oaths. Note attempts to delete God in many.
    20. Continue giving Russia access to the US Patent Office.
    21. Infiltrate one or both political parties in the United States.
    22. Use courts to weaken basic American institutions claiming activities violate civil rights.
    23. Get control of the schools, teachers’ associations and textbooks. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum.
    24. Gain control of student newspapers.
    25. US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
    26. US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
    27. Use students to foment public protests against programs, individuals or organizations under Communist/Socialist attack. Chief of Police not being able to talk about “stop & frisk” Q&A.
    28. Infiltrate press, book-review assignments, editorial writing, and policymaking positions.
    29. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
    30. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. “Eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.” Note all the weird shapes all over nation.
    31. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.” Remember Christ in urine piece?
    32. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.”
    33. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, health care, etc.
    34. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Socialist/Communist apparatus.
    35. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
    36. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
    37. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. Check backgrounds of leaders.
    38. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. Check backgrounds of founders.
    39. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. Check out “civilian” police force. See DHS on this.
    40. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Socialist/Communist goals.
    41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. “Need a village to raise children.” Clinton
    42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.
    43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
    44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. Carter gave Canal away.
    45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the US cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

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