Marlin manufactures the 1894c lever gun that’s headed for TTAG’s Thursday Get-Together. The storied brand has now shifted production to the Remington/Freedom Group/Cerberus Mothership. We shall see if the Six Sigma guys are doing something about Marlin’s recent rep for less-than-ideal quality. Meanwhile, apparently, the Marlin X7 series of bolt-action rifles has “taken the hunting world by storm!”—complete with CUJO-friendly exclamation mark. And why wouldn’t it?

The company claims its built the X7 “for those who demand premium features at a fair price.” I guess those of us who like premium features at a premium price (i.e. insecure gun snobs like me) are SOL.

The X7 bolt-action rifle was designed with modern yet practical features including Marlin’s innovative, accuracy enhancing Pro–Fire Adjustable Trigger System; precision button rifled barrel with target-style recessed muzzle crown; a fluted bolt which provides one of the smoothest actions available; a pillar-bedded stock; and Soft–Tech Recoil Pad which dramatically lessens felt recoil for enhanced shooting comfort.

And the best bit? Branding! Or as we Jews like to say to justify burying a fork in a flower pot for four days after you drop it on the ground, TRADITION!

While a thoroughly modern rifle, the best feature of the X7 series is that it’s a Marlin. Built with over 140 years of riflemaking experience, the X7 continues Marlin’s tradition of producing great hunting rifles at a great price. Accurate and dependable, the X7 is Marlin’s next generation of hunting rifle for any generation of hunter.

And now the X7 has left the building. No more X7s for you Mr. Big Box, ’cause Marlin wants to “provide a solid product exclusively to our dealer base so that they would not have to compete with regional and national chain stores.”

And here’s the bottom line:


  1. Since its not a Savage or Remington, it would face brutal competition at the big-box retailers like Wal-Mart. Placing it in smaller shops (who don’t get the volume discounts Wal-Mart demands) might give it a better chance of success.

    Button rifling can be very precise when done right, but the ‘button’ cutting tools wear out quickly. Worn-out buttons make sloppy, inaccurate barrels.

  2. I do believe the headline should read “…Independence” rather than “Independents.” Just sayin’…

  3. AW! They never include the sights anymore-I am not big on optics and I love the challenge of naked eye-or anything else…

  4. When in the course of marketing events, it becomes necessary for one manufacturer to dissolve the sales bands which have connected them with large retail outlets and to assume among the powers of the already-saturated marketplace, the premium-featured yet fairly-priced status to which the Laws of Profitablity and Venture Capitalism entitle them, a decent respect for the chances that they make money requires that they should not blab too much about the reasons which compel them to the separation.

    • We hold these truths to be self evident, that all rifles are not equal. That they are endowed by their manufacturers with certain inherent defects. That among these are inaccuracy, clumsy bolt operation and misfires in the pursuit of game.

  5. With the Marlin X7 at such an affordable price point, I don’t understand why Cerberus doesn’t abort the disgusting Remington 770. Why compete with yourself for the same pool of price-conscious customers?

  6. I have everything in my gun cabinet from Ruger’s to Weatherby’s. I guess you can say I am old fashioned and a sucker for good deal! I just bought this gun simply after picking one up at my local shop, feeling the smooth bolt, taking note of the crowned barrel, adjustable trigger, and camo stock for under 500.00. I went home, read some very positive reviews. I returned to the local dealer and bought the gun.I put a Centerpoint scope on it. (7mm-08). Bought a box of Barnes 120 grain bullets claiming 3005 fps at the mussel. My first round was late in the evening, not much consistency mainly due to low light at my range and still trying to site the scope in. Took it home, used my personal floating technique. I floated the barrel very simply by filing down the two notches at the end of the stock forend, doubling a piece of stirafoam tape, attaching a piece of credit card on top of the sticky tape and bolted the action back on. It floated the barrel very nicely and off to the range today.Well, after getting it sighted in, my last thee bullets were sub MOA and two of the three were same hole at 100 yards. I quickly shot at the 200 yard gong plate, and 300 striking each with little to no recoil. I am in love with this gun. I also shot some 139 grain Hornady’s that did a nice job. Word of warning here, hold firm to that gun when shooting those jewels, it will bleed your eyebrow if you don’t:).I plan to get a 30-06 just because it is such a great deal! Kind of like Savage when they first offered the acutrigger. After they caught on, they quickly became a premium shooter!

    Nuff Said!Get One or Two, or Three!

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