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Wooo hoo! Aaron Spuler’s list of free stuff’s up again. Go forth and enter.








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  1. Thanks! Already entered a few. Makes me angry this world revolves around facebook, I absoloutley refuse to go back to it. Still that case of 5.56 is sooo tempting

  2. In the spirit of your gunbot responces, you should have only sent this list to me. Same for that Aaron Spuler guy. I don’t feel special anymore and it’s all your fault.

  3. Are CA residents eligible for the (CA-legal) gun contests? Or can you not ship these behind the iron curtain?

      • There are Cal legal ones on this list? I mean, other than the ammo? Not one of the handguns is on the roster, and I assume that most if not all of the AR are not Ca-legal.The PMags are a no go, leaving us with a few cleaning kits and a CVA muzzleloader…..

  4. I highly doubt that AK-47 is still up for grabs from sheepdogsnwolves. That contest has been in the list for several months and there has been little to no update about it on the site.

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