Alvin Bragg Manhattan DA prosecution guidelines
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

Since taking office in January, the former civil rights lawyer and a former federal prosecutor have overseen a 30.5% surge in major crimes in Manhattan compared to the same time in 2021, NYPD data through Oct. 30 show. Citywide, the spike is at 29.6%.

Crime is rampant in the Midtown South Precinct, whose confines are a hub for city workers, residents, and tourists and includes Times Square, Penn Station, and Macy’s flagship store in Herald Square. Murders this year are up 14% (24 from 21) from 2021, while burglaries have jumped 45% (2,476 from 1,710), grand larceny has increased a whopping 53% (9,648 from 6,295) and robbery has soared 32% (1,785 from 1,356).

[Manhattan DA Alvin] Bragg’s progressive policies include not seeking bail or prison time for most defendants and downgrading certain felonies to misdemeanors, as outlined in his now infamous “Day 1” memo.

Along the way, he’s attracted a growing army of detractors — everyone from everyday New Yorkers, victims’ families, and even a gubernatorial candidate who says he will remove Bragg from office if elected.


“Alvin Bragg created a criminal-friendly environment without repercussions that even Snake Plissken [protagonist of the 1981 film “Escape From New York”] would approve,” snarked Joseph Giacalone, a retired NYPD sergeant and adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “If Bragg keeps going unchecked, the next sign you’ll see hung in Manhattan won’t be ‘Gun Free Zone,’ but ‘We’re Closed for Business.’”

— Dean Balsamini in After 10 months in office, Manhattan DA has nothing to Bragg about


    • I’m not there any more, I’m glad of it too. Make the law abiding who want guns felons and make those who want to commit crimes able to do them repeatedly. Have fun chasing off your tax base.

  1. Although the jobless rate is the lowest in a long time the jobs available do not pay enough to feed a starving rat. Many people try to hold down 2 & even 3 part time jobs. When you couple this with the ability of anyone to buy guns without paperwork its no wonder we have a rising crime rate. Desperate people do desperate things to pay bills.

    So Blame the Republicans for preventing a “livable wage” bill from being past like all other civilized nations have and and blame the Republicans for refusing to pass Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage laws which again all civilized nations have had for decades.

    • hey dummy, how do you get the criminals to comply ??
      all legal transactions do a background check in NY state.
      NY has some of the toughest (worst and most restrictions) gun laws in the nation that are ignored by criminals every day.

    • I guess business is a little slow today in the Chinese troll farm. Gad. The only thing worse than a commie is an old commie.
      The up side to this schmo is that if he trolls enough, his owners might let him shop at the nice store, keep his apartment with plumbing and not kill his family.

    • Blame everyone and everything else for the decisions of individuals.

      The lockdowns, stimulus spending and the overall lack of enforcement of law created the situation we have now. People feel emboldened to commit crime because people like you will leave them blameless.

  2. If Zeldin wins will he have the statutory authority to remove Bragg? I sincerely hope that he does both.

    • Yes and depends on how well the court battle goes when it is contested as will everything he would do if he wins.

    • Desantis sure as hell fired a prosecutor in Tampa for not seeking the death penalty for a vicious cold hearted killer here. It has stuck so far through a couple of appeals. I would suspect any Governor has the same power.

  3. It’s one thing for a New Yorker to ‘say’ they care. It’s an entirely different matter in the voting booth.

    There is no one to hold anyone to account.

  4. Look sad, mop up the blood, spray some perfume, turn on the music…life goes on in the big democRat apple.

  5. I like how “progressive” has become so synonymous with the Mad Max universe.

    A wasteland where a hodgepodge of degenerates, non-binary costumes freaks and run of the mill criminals murder each other for the last tank of gas and the last loaf of bread.

    I could totally see Toe Cutter on the mic complete with mannequin head and feathered vest threatening the colony to vote for Fetterman or democracy dies.

    • And Tina Turner will provide for your every need as long as you work for her and do whatever else for her she asks of you.

      Incorrect pronouns will land you in the Thunderdome with Master Blaster.

  6. “Since taking office in January, the former civil rights lawyer and a former federal prosecutor have overseen a 30.5% surge in major crimes in Manhattan compared to the same time in 2021, NYPD data through Oct. 30 show. Citywide, the spike is at 29.6%.

    Crime is rampant in the Midtown South Precinct, whose confines are a hub for city workers, residents, and tourists and includes Times Square, Penn Station, and Macy’s flagship store in Herald Square. Murders this year are up 14% (24 from 21) from 2021, while burglaries have jumped 45% (2,476 from 1,710), grand larceny has increased a whopping 53% (9,648 from 6,295) and robbery has soared 32% (1,785 from 1,356).”

    ya know I see these figures from the progs. But every time I did deeper on them I find their figures only represent the ones they prosecuted. The actual figures are those PLUS the ones they do not prosecute which means its actually a lot higher because they only prosecute ~3%. So what their figures are actually representing is ~3% of the overall crime.

  7. Entertainment… that’s all it is. Yeah… but I also know that most Americans are soft and frightened and unimaginative and they don’t realize there’s such a thing as dangerous fun. And they certainly don’t recognize a good show when they see one!

    I have always been willing to put myself at great personal risk for the sake of entertainment and I’ve always been willing to put you at great personal risk for the same reason.

      • In this case it’s a comedy special. You Are All Diseased (1999) by George Carlin.

        Those lines are from the end of the “Airport Security” bit where he goes off about how society will decay into a dystopian hellscape and it will be hilarious to watch all the idiots who love do-nothing airport security lose their shit.

  8. The complete failure of New York City and its political caste is actually good news for the rest of America.

    I was born and raised in NYC. I got out of there in 1983, and I’ve never been sorry that I did. At that time, my best friend and law school classmate, also NYC born, said that he would rather die in NYC than live anywhere else. Go figure — he now lives in Florida. The man isn’t stupid.

    Let the whole Rotten Apple slide into the sea, and let the rest of the country see what happens when the inmates run the asylum.

  9. Bragg has in fact received some great reviews:

    one of the best~~~charlie manson

    he has my full respect~~~fjb

    dont know how i can get him to join us~~~~lori lighfoot

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