Bird of Prey, by Marilyn da Silva (courtesy

I don’t know why artists who make guns into art feel like they’re making a political statement about “gun violence.” As far as I can tell they’re celebrating the beauty and power of the firearm form. But what do I know? According to . . .

As a direct reaction to the violence overwhelming our communities, ArtSeed and The Kentucky Center for African American Heritage will host two art exhibitions, and a cultural series directly addressing the multifaceted and interconnected issues of violence in Louisville and Southern Indiana.

The project will feature the I.M.A.G.I.N.E. PEACE NOW (The Innovative Merger of Art and Guns to Inspire New Expressions of Peace Now) exhibition, an initiative organized by renowned metalsmith, artist Boris Bally. The show features dozens of works made from decommissioned firearms by artists from the United States and six other countries. The exhibitions will serve as an artistic catalyst for not only critical discussion, but ongoing action.

I.M.A.G.I.N.E. PEACE NOW constructs a theoretical portrait of violence — calling on themes of greed, systematic oppression, irony, and beauty. Each artist’s interpretation of the gun as an object is insightfully represented.

Here’s another insight: art guns are fun! Just sayin’ . . .


  1. If Dr. Suess was still alive, this would be the main character of his next book, “The Poop That Took a Pee.”

  2. The factories are making guns 24/7. A few art pieces ain’t making a dent in the number of guns in circulation.

    I like that feathered revolver there. It looks like some type of break action revolver. Maybe an Iver Johnson?

    Looks like something a comic book super hero would carry.

  3. Hahaha haha! The actual article is just there to pimp their GoFundMe page, where they are asking for 20k. In 6 months they’ve managed to get 8 people to donate a whopping $290. Obviously their “message” is failing to land.

  4. I would like to see if there are any receivers present. This would be in violation of the NFA or GCA. I would be more than happy to dampen his artistic license. By informing BATFE of importation, and possession of illegal firearms without a federal license. Just because its welded up doesn’t make a firearm demilled. We are a nation of laws….

    • “The show features dozens of works made from decommissioned firearms by artists from the United States and six other countries.”
      I was just wondering: The states and countries these self-described artists are from – would they likely arrest and prosecute them for possessing and displaying their “art” in those places? As I understand, many governments don’t give a rip if a gun is deactivated or not. Maybe that’s why they had to come here to have their exhibition?

  5. In Providence, RI on South Main Street in front of the courthouse we have the gun totem. It’s a 12 foot high statue of handguns encased in concrete and is about 15 years old. I remember when it was “dedicated”. The people that I knew who worked at the courthouse thought it was great except me. None of the handguns are of particular value. I did feel sad for the S&W model 66 with a 2″barrel and the Swedish 6.5 mm sawed off rifle. Horace Smith, Dan Wesson and Carl Gustav would be sad too!

    • Did a search of it, it’s actually cool because I’m trying to guess which guns are which. The only one I saw that made me feel like, “Dang, what a waste” is a pepperbox revolver.

  6. Well all I can say is ‘thank you for recycling’. But don’t worry, for every junk gun you reuse for this kind of virtue signaling tripe we’re already manufactured about a thousand more.

  7. Honestly, I really don’t overmuch care what someone chooses to do with his or her property, so long as it doesn’t have a negative impact on me or mine. In this case … if somebody thinks this stuff looks good enough to buy, then more power to them and to the artist.

    I’m also not one for telling other people how to spend their cash, especially on discretionary things like art. Or “art.” While I do like the odd bronze casting, this is not the type of artwork I prefer to spend my discretionary income on. But that’s just me.

  8. Pathetic ideological carpetbagging, that’s what this is. They have no original ideas and they have a morbid (but never to be admitted) suspicion that their “art” is repellent, so they puff themselves up and attach themselves like ticks and leeches to the leftist cause du jour.

    They get plenty of admiration, to be sure — from pretentious twits and would-be poseurs who haven’t yet figured out how to graft themselves onto some other pretentious twit’s pocketbook.

  9. The artists in this show give a damn about good gun LAWS. Many of them are also gun owners (me too). Work in this show is meant to raise specific awareness about 2nd amendment rights and citizen responsibilities. Since many of you have already commented, it looks like maybe at least it is raising an eyebrow, am I right? The show was supported by law enforcement, trauma surgeons who work on the results of accidental and criminal shootings, survivors of shootings and politicians on both sides of the aisle. Furthermore, these guns have been legally disabled under the watch of the City of Pittsburgh’s SWAT commander and chief armorer who asked me to organize this show. By law, they are no longer considered weapons. This show is not intended to be anti-gun and the point is not to get rid of guns, rather to come together to pass responsible laws that will protect all of us. (kind of like the laws that regulate automobiles, right?) Most gun owners I’ve spoken with agree that good gun laws, mandatory background checks and education lead to better safety. Also harsher punishments to criminals who possess or use weapons in crimes. Or that they stole or bought illegally. Also Felons or those convicted of Domestic Violence offenses should not have the privilege to have guns. That’s where I’m coming from!

    • Laws can’t protect us. They only make it possible to punish someone who breakes them. If that someone decides to smash your brain in with a paving block, how can any law stop him? Yelling “Hey, that’s illegal!” and waving pages of law book at your attacker will not protect you. We can protect ourselves and our loved ones. Best tools for that are firearms.

      There are thousands and thousands of gun laws on the books (read restrictions). None of them are good gun laws. Background checks included. Arms ownership and carry is not to be infringed. It’s not a privilege, it’s a human right.

  10. I am glad for the interest in this show. We would like for you to come to the opening on Jan 20 at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage. Those who appreciate craftsmanship, will be amazed at this beautiful venue in Louisville KY. The building was once used to repair trains, and is worth visiting in its own right.

    All the guns used for this art could not be legally used again by anyone, because they were all once used for violence against another person. None of them were used to protect a family. They were used as violence against a family, and I am sure all legal gun owners would appreciate that. That is the reason you have a gun.

    • “All the guns used for this art could not be legally used again by anyone, because they were all once used for violence against another person.”
      Huh? How does being used for violence against another person disable guns from being legally used again later? Stigma of crime clings to the metal?
      I’m reasonably sure that my 1941 vintage Mosin rifle has been used for violence against people. Still works well.

      You don’t know why I have gunS. My main reason is that shooting is fun.

  11. Advertising for the show is appreciated. As so many have commented here, the gun manufacturering lobby (NRA) has convinced so many people to buy guns that getting one to make art from is cheap and easy. So we appreciate the free art making materials, even though we’d prefer it wasn’t so easy to obtain them. Thanks for the publicity!

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