Rifle raffled by Lucama Elementary School (courtesy wral.com)

Regular readers will recall that TTAG named the Wilson County School Board our Gun Hero of the Day for sticking to their guns: continuing with a rifle raffle despite (because of?) objections from gun-averse parents and outside agitators. WL provides an update . . .

Lucama Elementary School has a yearly Fun Fest organized by the parent-teacher association. This year, the local chapter of Delta Waterfowl donated a CVA Optima .50 cal muzzleloader and sold raffle tickets for $5 a piece. This caused a nice gun debate locally that was picked up by several statewide news organizations and even some national ones. They ended up raising over $10k from tickets purchased throughout the country. Quite the nice take from a $500 rifle, and in the end a local man won.


  1. Perhaps we should start promoting the use of rifles ooohhh even black scary one’s for raffles. I mean really that is great for the school and our kids!
    Our schools are badly in need of funding and look how much attention this got. This is the power of the community to raise funds for our education. I find this much more effective then the government trying to do it!

    • Our schools are badly in need of quality.

      Although individual schools or teachers might be struggling for scraps, there is enough money being dumped into the system overall.

    • The Fayette County (TN) Friends of the NRA do just that.They raffle off several guns at various gun shows in the area (including AR), drawing for the prizes when they have sold 300 $20 tickets. The proceeds are used for a variety of charitable donations. For example, they established a trap league for about 8 area high schools, including one of the Memphis inner city schools.

  2. OMG! OMG! its a 50 caliber rifle!

    Yeah but its a muzzle loader. But that shouldn’t matter. You still have to qualify to own one to win it. Anti-gunners just don’t get it.

  3. Think of how fascinated the kids would be if someone showed them how a Brown Bess musket worked and fired ! AT SCHOOL! While they were studying the American Revolution! The enthusiasm would be unstoppable. The pleasant experience would stay with them for a long time. In states where this legal, pro-gun teachers could get a lot of good results with this. Maybe on a Saturday even, when parents could come too.

  4. Right now my kid’s school is starting up a magazine subscription drive — luring kids with promises of prizes and sending them out to sell overpriced subscriptions to lame dead-tree products. Not my kid. After a couple trips through the fundraising meat grinder in the early grades, we realized it was pure boondoggle.

    This is a much better way to raise funds.

    The winner gets something really cool and everyone else has the pleasure of knowing that their donation went straight to the school instead of some business built on exploiting the community’s goodwill and the labor of parents and children. Heck, the school could even use it as an object lesson on the Bill of Rights.

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