Blake Miguez
Louisiana House majority leader Blake Miguez (Travis Spradling/The Advocate via AP)

By Melinda Deslatte, AP

Louisiana would ban municipalities from enacting gun restrictions beyond those in state law and loosen restrictions on carrying guns in church, under two measures that moved closer to final legislative passage Thursday.

A Senate judiciary committee voted 4-1 to send those proposals by Republican Reps. Blake Miguez and Bryan Fontenot to the full Senate for debate. The House already has approved the measures.

Miguez’s legislation, pushed by the National Rifle Association, would prohibit local governments from banning guns in businesses and public buildings through ordinances that are tougher than the statewide restrictions enacted by Louisiana lawmakers.

Supporters said gun owners shouldn’t have to learn a patchwork of restrictions in a state with 367 different municipal entities.

“We shouldn’t make law-abiding citizens criminals because they travel to a different parish,” Miguez said.

Opponents, including the Louisiana Municipal Association, said bill proponents haven’t shown specific instances where Louisiana ordinances have proven to be a problem for gun owners. They objected to keeping local governments from enacting restrictions for places like gyms and children’s playgrounds.

“I believe that a one-size-fits-all is not the best answer in this situation,” said Sen. Regina Barrow, a Baton Rouge Democrat and only committee member to oppose the gun bills.

The legislation would nullify gun restrictions in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lake Charles, Thibodaux and other municipalities.

Fontenot’s bill would repeal a law allowing a concealed handgun permit holder to bring a gun in church only if church authorities inform their congregations. It also would do away with a provision allowing church authorities to require anyone wishing to carry into the facilities to take an extra eight hours of tactical training each year.

Supporters said churches still could prohibit guns if they post a sign notifying congregants and concealed handguns still wouldn’t be allowed in churches located on school property. Critics questioned those claims.


  1. Why would the government have any say in whether you can carry in church or not? I wouldn’t call that separation of church and state.

    Also the 2a should be enough to carry anywhere

    • Meh kinda purple. Louisiana state government does a lot of bad, but they tend to be pretty good on the 2A.

  2. Typical a demonrat in opposition. Waiting to see if the liberal governor bel edwards chimes in.

  3. State Preemption laws are a good idea.

    A church is a private property and the property owner should be the only entity allowed to set rules for persons who are visitors and guests on that property. There is a limit to this tho. As a place of public accomodation the owner’s rules must not exclude people in unreasonable ways, That is where it gets tricky.

    I’d say that excluding those carrying a concealed hand gun for self defense would be excessive. Also, kind of stupid.

    • Enuf,

      Once again, I find my self agreeing with you.
      Hmmm….this is happening too often.

      • Even a stopped clock…no CC rules at our large IN church. Why they tie-in these restrictions with playgrounds & schools is beyond my understanding. Dims gotta dim. And they hate your kid’s. Pray for my car…spent a boatload on it and it keeps stalling out. We had a biblical rain last week and mayhap in did more damage than I thought😟

  4. One of the many things I like about Texas is that I don’t have the burden of having to learn a bunch of different rules for carrying when I visit different cities and counties. Same laws apply to the entire state. Don’t mess with Texas, and don’t California my Texas.

  5. We’ve had state preemption reserving the regulation of firearms to the legislature for decades in Alabama. It is THE prerequisite for preserving gun rights uniformly and fairly throughout a state. Good on Louisiana for advancing it and may it pass by a landslide in both houses !

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