Liberty’s just announced their new $400 762HR (hunting rifle) suppressor intended as an effective, affordable can for hunters and recreational shooters. Here’s their press release:

Liberty Suppressors is proud to announce the release of our latest silencer design, the 762HR, a centerfire rifle silencer.

The 762HR was design specifically for the hunting and recreational shooting communities. It is 6” inches long by 2” in diameter with a mixture of metals that is greater than the sum of it’s parts.

The 762HR was designed from the ground up to solve the biggest problem of rifle silencers…cost. We evaluated the usage of a hunting rifle silencer and found that almost no one who uses their suppressor for hunting also use it for hard use 556 SBR applications, it is literally two different camps of shooters.

For those shooters that require a hard use 556 suppressor we have several options for them. NOW though, we also have something that is effective for hunting that doesn’t break the bank!

Liberty Suppressors Silencers

We found that a good stainless steel core will last many thousands of rounds just fine in normal use and there is no need to add costly super alloys if they are not needed. So by eliminating these, we have been able to get our costs much lower and therefore pass those savings on to you!

Finally, we wavelok engaged the tube to the core to do two jobs at once, prevent tube spin and to radially vent the high pressure gasses, thereby lowering the exit energy and reducing First Round Pop. All this is wrapped in a Type C Cerakote finish for good looks and durability.

Get yours today from a class 3 dealer near you! Immediately available for transfer, all NFA rules apply.

The 762HR has an MSRP of $400.

About Liberty Suppressors:

Liberty Suppressors is a family owned, Georgia based silencer company that has pioneered many concepts in the industry. Liberty Suppressors offers a full line of silencers for everything from 22LR up to 458 SOCOM.

Liberty Suppressors can be found on the web at and by phone at 706-661-6911.

General Specifications:

Length: 6″
Diameter: 2″
Weight: 21 oz.
Aprox. Reduction: 30dB
Finish: Type C Cerakote
Barrel length restriction: 16″ all calibers (except where noted)

This silencer covers all the usual rifle calibers, such as:
308WIN and all it’s derivatives
30-06 and all it’s derivatives
7.62x39mm (12″ and longer”
300BLK (no barrel restrictions on this caliber only)
223 REM and such


    • Yea, the O2 level is highest during the first shot. It’s a big deal to hunters. Too bad liberty didn’t mention it.

      But the real issue is the barrel-bending 21 ounce anchor screwed onto a hunting rifle. My can is only 14 ounces and is quite noticeable.

      • And that right there is the reason for using superalloys in suppressors. It’s not that more conventional, less expensive, easier-to-work-with materials can’t work. It just takes more of them.

      • They mentioned it: Finally, we wavelok engaged the tube to the core to do two jobs at once, prevent tube spin and to radially vent the high pressure gasses, thereby lowering the exit energy and reducing First Round Pop.

        I’m not an engineer, so I don’t fully understand that, but it sounds cool.

        • Baffle them with BS is a real long tern eng principal. (IF this co actually has real engineers). With 1/2 of America unable to change their own oil or a light bulb to baffle is not difficult.

        • “Baffle them with BS is a real long tern eng principal.”

          No, it’s an ancient *marketing* principal in action, used to cover up lackluster engineering talent.

          For us old farts, the most famous example is “Digital ready!” in the late 1970s. That damn sticker was on *everything* even slightly related to audio.

          As far as the extra mass in that can, console yourself with the reduction in punishing recoil that extra mass provides. Go for broke, even. Use that as an excuse to get a heavy barrel, to reduce the effects of ‘droop’…

        • I always meant to learn how to change the oil in my lightbulbs. I don’t even know where you would buy blinker fluid.
          (kidding. detroit is the motor city, after all)

  1. “solve the biggest problem of rifle silencers…cost.”

    If you really think cost is the reason more shooters and hunters don’t have suppressors, I suspect you’re mistaken. At least that isn’t the issue in my case, and that of literally every one of the ~dozen rifle and pistol owners I’ve spoken with over the past year when it’s come up in discussion.

    • Liberty can’t do much about dumb NFA laws which regulate their products. What they can do is make one for lower price.

      For me it’s a moot point because Illinois doesn’t trust its citizens with NFA items.

  2. Things I consider buying suppressors:


    2. WAIT TIME

    3. Size / weight

    4. Quality

    5. Price

    Well since I guess they can’t do anything about 1 & 2 they may as well shoot for number 5.

    • In fairness, 3 through 5 on your list pretty well define the high-level engineering tradeoffs involved in making most any product. In and of themselves, there’s not too much the folks at Liberty can do regarding 1 and 2; I understand why they’re concentrating on the things they can affect.

      That being said, I pretty much agree with your list, re my concerns, except that I would probably swap size/weight for quality.

      • So why is it that a suppressor’s street price is more than a quality ar15, quality wheelgun, or quality fly rod? I bet the silencer market in a decade will have $99 cans hanging like magazines in the big boxes. And a free can with x purchase.

        As long as the can companies think they are making artwork and not gun parts, they’ll command serious coin. Even four benjis is steep for a non-rifled metal tube with no moving parts.

        • Economy of scale. I sell 4 million of a thing that costs me a buck to make I can charge less. I sell only 4 thousand of that thing and well my prices gotta go up.

      • Yeah I probably should too….. Potatoes are light but they’re only good for one shot if you believe CSI. Price isn’t end cost in my calculations on things. Price for me is more a bang for the buck type equation. Quality well I’ll always pay more for better quality but in most cases quality is so close that you’re not really gonna notice much of a difference between makes. It’s not like back in the old days comparing a malaise era domestic car to the Japanese imports.

        • 2 liters!?!? 2 liters!?!?!? who da fook is this guy, Steven Seagal? 2 liters ain’t been big since Seagal was the ex cook on the Missouri or was it when he was EPA turned FBI guy in West Virginia wait no he was on the oil rig in Alaska…. Ah damn it he used that trick in a movie but God only knows which one hell they’re all pretty much the same.

        • The following story is a retelling of a dream I had and in no way happened in real life: I turned 18 and bought a Yugo SKS with the grenade launcher muzzle device thing. Turned out the mouth of a 2 liter bottle fit snugly over that. My buddy and I thought it might work as a silencer and quiet the gunshot. We worked the empty 2L onto the muzzle device and pulled the trigger. BOOOOOOOOM! ECHO Echo echo echo. It was like a freaking bomb going off. It was the normal gunshot sound plus a 2L popping due to pressure. LOL it was sooo loud haha. Anyway…funny dream.

        • Jeremy S’
          You almost gave me a heart attack! When I read your post I didn’t, immediately see the word after “Yugo” and I thought to my self, “why would any responsible gun owner stoop low enough to by a Yugo”?
          Consumers Report magazine did a review on a Yugo many years ago, when they came out. They said it was the worst car they ever tested!
          I think that might of been the time the phrase “P.O.S” got started?

  3. The wait is the only thing that has stopped me from getting a can.
    Plus here in my part of the world with no outdoor ranges. Im always going to be around nonsuppressed firearms. So in reality a can wont help my hearing safety much.
    If they do become a $100 item in my lifetime. Whats left anyway. With no NFA. Then Ill go get one

  4. I personally do not like silencers, suppressors or anything that prohibits my ability to distinguish from which direction I am being shot at. It’s those crucial seconds I need to scurry off into the weeds.

    • Maybe a suppressed .22 would be pretty silent.,..but anything much larger would be 130dB+…still very loud by most standards

    • Wait, you should be the hunter, not the hunted… Why are the bullets coming at you? Unless you are a deer with internet access. Ideally you would be doing the “silent shooting,” and with the reduced sound signature hopefully no one would be shooting in your direction.

  5. In the unlikely event the law changes and one day suppressors are no longer a NFA Tax Stamp registered item, I would like to have several, but until that day there is no way I would agree to grant a Federal Law Enforcement Agency, or any other LE Agency for that matter, the ability to enter and inspect the premises on record where the suppressor is kept, which is exactly what you must agree to do in order to get a Tax Stamp for a suppressor, SBR, SBS, AOW, or Machine Gun. If the progressive socialist movement ever gets control of the government, folks documented on firearms registries will be easy to target.

    • Clearly you don’t NFA bro. Inspections? Not on the consumer side, only your name in a registry.

      • It opens up the possibility of an inspection…if they ever want to verify current ownership.
        Of course, a warrant or red-flag law would allow the same.

        • True, but as it stands now there is no inspection as Mr. Unlis states. I hear this incorrect tidbit all the time. Maybe there’s some dumbass state reg. that requires local LEO to inspect that is fueling this misconception. It also doesn’t help that not all NFA items are created equal. Such as ok to transport suppressors interstate as long as all local laws allow it but having to ask the ATF for permission to do the same with an SBR.

        • The misconception comes from people confusing owning a suppressor (or any NFA item) with having an FFL. A licensed firearms dealer is subject to inspection. Though in 99.5% of those cases they schedule an appointment with the FFL. An NFA item owner is NOT subject to inspection whether surprise, scheduled, or otherwise. Zero of your rights change.

  6. You can buy a “hunting” can or you can buy a full auto rated can for the same price. The choice seems easy. Also do your own research in which one is easier to clean

  7. cost is a hindrance but ignorance is a big reason people don’t buy suppressors. they just don’t understand how the law behind it works. Since i purchased one a few months ago and have told people, who i know have heard me talk about it, their eyes get huge as if i just forfeited every right i have to get it, and that it cost $20,000. they are astounded to learn that its just a $200 fee and some forms then you wait. Especially when i tell them they can get a .22/17HMR suppressor for under $500, all in.

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